Spooky as fuck. The phone thing is the most damning evidence.
This is the kind of stuff that makes people look mental. It's BS and even if it wasn't, she still spoke to America. It wouldn't matter anyway.
Stay mad CTR. This kind of fuckery is unneeded and is proof of the kind of deception she is fond of.
The fuck? Get on Twitter boys, we gotta meme this.
I agree with this user, fellow white nationalists. This video is just tinfoil fedora retardation that makes us all look stupid. What difference would it even make if these speeches were greenscreened?
Everyone sage and report this slide thread! Anyone bumping this thread will be banned!
thank you for correcting the record
Does she do speeches in front of a green screen because she hates people that much?
Yeah and all the pictures posted during the event are faked too. Fuck off.
I posted a screenshot twice
Video related. Whoever shouted Pepe was at some shooting of the event. Why was he really there?
Couldn't imbed because link is active in some other thread
praise kek
Even in jest this is terrible.
This. Some people are already beginning to question the video. The latest comments for the speech's video are filled with people commenting on this. One can skip over the Baph stuff if they want but the phones are pretty solid.
Pictures can be faked. The only thing that helps the argument is the pepe shouter at this point. There is some definite shady shit going on.
Speech confirmed for pure hollywood magic.
could the event been filmed with 2 audiences to avoid clinton having seizures and hyperventilating on camera?
we need to enhance this photo and see if we can spot the woman who turned in the pepe video here
If she's present in the one but absent in the other, we have solid proof that something is fucky
This is my thought. The shitshow that happened in the dem primary debate shows how much power her campaign has over broadcasting
what shitshow? I didn't follow the demcuck debates
to be fair, the phones could just be reverted cameras looking at peoples faces and the angle gives them a grayish color.
Doesn't matter if it's faked or not, what matters is that if we meme it on twitter, people will pick it up and talk about it. Then, Hillary has to talk about if the conditions of her health force her to fake speeches and rallies.
Doesn't fucking matter which way is which. Meme it anyway.
clearly, why didn't he
that motherfucker false flagged our asses so we'd self-associate with the alt-kike on a subconscious level.
Hillary is either
those Bernie supporter v. Trump supporter pictures were great memetic ammunition, if we saw her 99% landwhale audience it would be a memetic ICBM
consider the record corrected.
Top kek. Trump cucks Hillary by visiting Mexico and now this? The keks keep coming.
I like your avatar thou my nigga
What the fuck? Of all the things she could do, she chose to fucking greenscreen that shit?
This is horrifying.
Not sure what to make of this. Couldn't find a good photo to work with.
Clinton disappeared for about 15 minutes during one of the commercial breaks.
here's how she'd do it too:
you would not even need greenscreen tech if you kept the angles such that she always appeared above the crowd.
whoa check it out. the proportions don't match up. in the screencapped photos the audience looks fairly close, but in the wider view you see that they are actually quite far away. it would seem then that the "audience" was photoshoopped in, perhaps to give the appearance that shes a woman "of the people," rather than a woman standing on a platform 15 yards away from the people
depends on the lenses used on the different cameras
this is the correct answer
15mm lens on fullframe will have way different look than a 120mm lens that was probably used for the close up
Nice pic yourself there m8y
few more for good measure to bring in the CTR clean-up crew
I got a couple more, a few anons helped me out with these, have some other good "green screens" to put that template in
That vietnam one is fucking epic
If any anons have photoshop skillz and wanna help a young rap artist get they start, then shoop away
Oh man sticky this shit.
If this was really done because she has seizures mid speeches, I can't wait for the debates.
keep em comin brah, I'm just the messenger of Kek, spreadin the fine work of anons just like you
kek clueing us in to the deception. this just shows you (((they))) are far more tuned to us than we thought. we are already getting false flagged.
Shes a vampire obviously
What cult is this bitch? Always with the pajamas this one. It really is the Branch-Hillarians, isn't it? See ya in Texas, gentlemen.
Numb-nut just wanted to reveal the power level, has become the stooge of kek.
are you even trying?
I expected some silly tinfoil "crisis actors" video, but nope.
This is 100% real, and perfect evidence of a strange coverup.
Like the guy in the vid said; One more "seizure" and it's pretty much over for her- most people have seen the videos of her seizures and even if they've dismissed them they're still aware of them- so to see one more would be enough to tip them over to our side.
let's make it happen fam
"Nowhere in this frame is Hillary Clinton"
Hmm… but you can kind of see the shape of a person (circled), and it's the right color. Watch the screen and this shape disappears as Hillary walks off the stage.
This isn't CSI where you can magnify a tiny image and actually see things clearly.
I was convinced for a minute but naw man
It looks like those people are really close to the stage because it was shot with a telephoto lens from far away. Those people were really far from the podium, hillary is in the cell phone camera images but shes really small, showing the authentic representation of what her speech looked like from their perspective.
Wait what the fuck
user, she's supposed to be standing against a backdrop of red and white stripes with flags to either side.
The phones are showing a black rectangle instead.
They're just as incompetent as you are.
Since dubs
Honestly I didn't think much of it till I saw that divider @8:36
CSI: Holla Forums user here
See the phone?
It's being held up 10 feet in front of the network camera.
See the stage?
It's 150 feet away from the camera and 140 away from the phone.
The phone is taking the video of the entire stage due to lack of professional zoom function from 140 feet.
The network camera is taking the video of only shillary thanks to the professional lens.
It looks like these two objects (the phone and shillary) are extremely close to each other but thanks to the power of perspective and zoom, they are not.
Put it to bed.
Slide thread if I've ever seen one
kek check my avatar
You don't need Photoshop to do that. The right lens/perspective will easily have that effect.
Read the thread
I highlighted the zones with the weird perspective/lighting. Almost looks like they were added in post.
I don't get it. What's wrong with this video?
Go home gamergirl.
Where's the backdrop, user? Where are the flags? Why do the phones show the entire stage being empty save for a black rectangle?
If they were going to bother faking so many pictures, why fake them with such tiny crowds? At that point it would actually be cheaper to fill the room with a bunch of schmucks off craigslist who probably don't even care to fucking record any of it right but just play along to the script.
Kinda like what happened?
I dunno, either way it's fucking bizarre the people filming wouldn't actually have Hillary in the shot despite tracking her.
Gee, I'm so sorry we don't have ESPER machines yet.
That "black rectangle" you see is the giant american flag backdrop. But you already knew that. Don't kid yourself.
Hahahahahahahaha, CTR is actually in this thread and they're flipping the fuck out.
Dunno what is going on with this but it is strange; it could be an optical illusion though but I doubt it there are too many consistent inconsistencies on all 3 phones- and no one knows how to zoom on their IPhone or Android to get a good shot of their cunt savior?
Wonder if cell phones are going to be banned at her next "rally".
You have autism!
This also explains why they cut the live stream feed right before and right after her speech.
videographer here, phone is not 10 feet in front of camera, but ten feet in front of stage.
you are CTR.
You all a bunch of fucking morons.
Look closely at the actual video of the speech. Go to 30 mins to get to the part with the phones.
Seriously, don't go out with this retarded ass bullshit and make all of us look like raging retards.
I want to you tell me what is wrong with my hypothesis other than your feelings.
You have two cameras with two different types of lens (one is telescopic, the other is much, much wider) with the wide one falling within the cone of perceptive of the directed one while recording a much wider shot than the telescopic lens does, but your feelings say this is all just a hoax and nobody was ever there when the image the phone is taking can easily be juxtapositioned to show a much larger view of the room?
This is the best you have? Feelings?
It's a depth perception thing. The people look much closer to her than they really are and the way those cameras work the objects just appear really zoomed out
Even if I wasn't convinced this is enough evidence to make people easily turn away from this.
Since there is no way to use this as a wepon, sage
muh PR
No no no, user; you're just a fucking paid shill who wants us to dismiss the actual real truth that this whole thing was staged and green screened!
Depth what? My feelings say this was a hoax to there.
You can even see her moving in the cell phone screens (blurry, but it's there)
ITT people who have no idea how cameras workjust like in moon landing threads
Checks out, 30mins in phones show the stage fine.
ITT shills expecting good goys not to believe their eyes or common sense
Fuck off Diamondberg
4:05 - 4:08 embed related: notice the supporters in the back magically appearing out of thin air
I'm probably goning to look over this stuff later because I'm curious but I don't think it matters all that much. She can't fake the debates and that's what really matters to voters, plus she'll be under pressure from the Donald
I don't know what the fuck you're smoking but that's clearly blue/teal in the video
It really does matter, because this is another shit on a mountain of shit that's on the verge of toppling over. The more people that hear about the small things, the better.
Seems more like a shitty jump cut. Not saying that there aren't some fishy things going on with the cell phones and that but this is pretty weak.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, low resolution footage of phone screens is far from sufficient in this case.
Was this the event where a 'Holla Forumsack' supposedly called out 'Pepe'? It occurs to me we don't actually have any proof that wasn't a red herring designed to convince us the speeches weren't staged.
Ah, quints already got to it.
Holly Christ.
Not many people there. As per usual. Trump has crowds in the thousands while hillary struggle to get triple digits.
Oy fucking vey you stupid goy; delete this.
Most videos and threads like this don't understand how camera censors work, or video compression. Most of those "shape shifter" videos and "reptilian eyes" make the same mistake and are cass sustein "spread fake conspiracies" to discredit legit info.
Mose camera sensors like the iphone, or most broadcast cameras will be a 422 color space. What that means is that for every one dot it records on the storage media, there is 4 black and white dots, 4 green, 2 red, 2 blue. They pack the sensors with green dots and black and white because the eyes are most sensitive to those colors, your eyes have half as many rods for red and blue as they do green and light or dark. Compression can also remove resolution.
So your viewing a video on an iphone, taken with 422 sensor and .mov compression, displayed on a screen, then recorded by another camera with a 422 sensor and probably AVCHD, or HDCAM compression.
So basically you would lose a whole lot of red and blue in the final image, but maintain lightness and green. So the red flags might disappear, and here suit might not show properly.
It's a tar baby, user. Unless you can absolutely prove it, you only come off sounding mental. Let it go. Sucks, yeah I know
Also, CMOS sensors scan top to bottom 60 times per second, and the iphone screen flickers 60 times per second so if the iphone screen and the camera censor are scanning out of sync you may lose anywhere from 0 - 30 frames on the final image.
look it up
Its like a magic trick, your filtering out red and blue twice on top of two sets of compression and a possible 50% reduction if resolution shit will look like it just disappeared.
Open up Photoshop with an image, run it through a 50% red reduction, 50% blue reduction, save as JPEG at 50% resolution, then do it again and post the result here.
This speech has a laugh track. Listen to the crowd when she talks about her health.
The truth does not fear investigation coward.
this is like Bizarro Bigfoot.
look, I WANT this to be green-screened as much as anything else, but the evidence here is weak as fuck.
Sry bros you need to learn about the science of light. He's right.
*as much as anyone else
Let me handle this. I'm an assistant professor of critical light theory at college state university. I know everything about light and colors. In my professional opinion, light is not actually a factor here at all. You see, if I may correct the record for a moment, light is truly just an illusion. In fact, what most people call light is really just vibrations in the retina. Cameras, which are exactly like eyes in every way are just filming the vibrations that i mentioned before. This is why the colors like red white and blue appear to be black to the uninformed. It's all just a coincidence.
The shit her people pulled at the DNC alone makes anything she does suspicious. 10:28 good example (sorry no webm) where they literally use shields to hide Bernie supporters. The iPhone is just part of it, quit trying to be HIDF.
Nice thread. Anti slide bump.
"I got locked out of twitter account for posting OP vid" bump
True story bump
clearly teal you giant faggot
OK, so I did what you said (I think)
I dunno, what do anons think? Does it bear resemblance to what's on those cameras?
Shills must be on break. Probably lunch time in tel aviv.
How fucking retarded are you faggot? You sound like , 'white male' beat cuck. If you have a small child's question like that, THINK, before you open your dick sucking mouth.
No it won't faggot, it will look grainy, blocky but shit wont just "disappear"
Smartphones have a high enough sensor resolution today that the red wouldn't just disappear. It might be blended with the blue in some 2x2 pixel blocks, but since there are so many of those blocks in the image, there will still be some that are more red than others.
Same goes for the TV camera, except it's probably even higher resolution, further decreasing the likelihood of the red disappearing.
Here's my try at it, thought not sure what this proves since it looks nothing like the cameras.
He was there because its hip to be a square
What about the pepe shout? Who shouted pepe?
I had been wondering about this. So Hillary is a huge CIA op. All those people are CIA actors/spooks/shills. The whole thing is a setup.
there are other clues as well
Faked!!!! :OOOOOOOO
That's a tiny hall, maybe 1/8 the size of Trump's smallest rally.
Guys, I know you're eager to call Hillary Clinton a vampire and all, but don't be retarded. The "black rectangle" is in fact the blue bit of the American flag.
However, this does not explain the absence of Clinton (when the podium is clearly visible) in some phones and the suspicious black barrier across the bottom of the video.
I'd also like to point out that the images on the phones do in fact show the stage on which Hillary Clinton is speaking, albeit from a much further distance away than you'd expect. It's arguable (but not probable) that these phones are not directly in front of Hillary Clinton but rather closer to the camera itself.
Maybe it's some sort of legal thing? What kind of contracts do you have to sign to get into a Hillary rally?
No look for you crooked hillary
That's not what is beign question and the second linkOP posted says just that if you watched youtube.com
Did anyone save that "Pepe!" webm?
The issue is with the audience and backdrops on the podium watch from 5:50 onwards
Sage for double posting
Bro we are already on every hate list possible, have presidential candidates saying we are a Russian espionage plot, and are responsible for the deaths of at least 30 people. Are you going to report ISIS too?
Also we are behind 7 proxies and dank meme shields.
This one is good too
I have checked your avatar user
Wait holy fuck is that a shoop? please tell me it's real I WANT TO BELIEVE
Interesting how the picture on the phone screen is showing a perspective that looks like it was taken from the back of the auditorium and also interesting how the phone camera managed to have a wider view of the auditorium than the camera sitting BEHIND it.
Its a shoop you dummy.
No shit.
I'm merely confirming Shillary's speech was shooped.
Maybe she truly is a vampire?
Notice that you can see the rafters, but not the FUCKHUEG Flag hanging in the back, seen here?
Neither of OP's videos are remotely conclusive. I want to believe Hillary's speech was staged. I really do. But listening to those "presentations" it's simply impossible to reach an informed conclusion. They're presenting us with questions, not answers. They want *us* to sift through their lengthy unstructured videos for them. Conspiracy YouTubers are just the worst fucking guys.
Please drown.
It's not this is from a live broadcast. They are truly fucking with a green/blue screen. It is pretty insane. And even the audio is still in sync.
Fuck off chaim.
is hillary is a blood sucking vampire i.e kike.?
You are trash. You contribute nothing to this board. You are incapable of anything but tribal thinking.
How cute. Do they pay you per post or per day?
Quads confirm.
Fuck off kike.
Quads speaks
Ban all ranchposters
There were literally no buzzwords in that post. Confirmed for simply being too stupid to understand the original point I made.
And I got double dubs. You're trash too. I can keep calling you trash because you're just upset that I called out OP's videos on being disinfo at best and in your simple mind this means I am not with you and I must be a shill. Amazing.
Keep going. Hillary will lose and there is nothing you can do about it.
Fucking kill yourself. Rach Posters should immediately be permabanned but not before getting a malicious JS file passed to their system and their accounts drained to fund h8chan.
As if posters like him have any money. I imagine that shilling doesn't pay a lot.
Anons who use the "i'm s-such a f-faggot user k-kunI" always turn out to be the most pathetic posters. No surprises here.
Do you even realize what you are attacking me for at this point? Can you scroll up and try to think what this discussion is even about?
ditto for this guy wanting to feel good by joining in on bullying an user for wrongthink
Keep going, I'm getting hard.
Watched this and looked at time 12:22 the numerology heavy
This has got to be a troll. You realize that when something is "greenscreened" they can use any color screen? It's just a term. Then again, liberals are the dumbest fucks alive, so it's possible that this is a real post from programmed leftist livestock.
NO LOO FOR YOU CROOKED HILLARY Make America Great Again Praise Kek in comic sans?!?
This user makes sense.
Would you fuck them? They have no higher brain functions, but they do have working vagina`s.
Nice try but there's no way both would be in focus with that depth of field. The zoom lens would either have to be focused for Hillary or for the phone, which you claim is 140 feet away.
Also the sizes are all out of proportion.
The audience is maybe 20 feet away from Hillary, not 140.
Late on the bills, Moshe?
Gotta break up your post so you get 10 cents instead?
Thank you for correcting the record.
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
Green screen is just a slang term. The chroma key screen can be any color.
Christ what's with all the shilling and shitposting? How about we exercise some rigor and get to the bottom of this?
Here is the Pepe shouter's footage. I don't have the software to download it right now.
periscope .tv/SeanLewandowski/1OyKAvaEgLnGb
twitter .com/SeanLewandowski/status/768897050394058752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
(smaller but without annotations)
Of note, around 4:08 Hillary appears IN FRAME of an iPhone, pic1 related
Also note the black metal window frames around and behind the backdrop, and compare to the phones in the head-on images.
The media may have censored the screens of citizens for privacy reasons with a stock image.
Section 9 operation confirmed.
saw a comment by a brownie nationalist and an user on there that I think explains the most plausible angle.
The events are 'modified' not due to amount of people but due to her health conditions.
People taking sudden pics with flashes or having a flash reflected off from outside the venues could potentially trigger. (notice there's never an open area behind her anymore. And the debates were in entirely closed spaces, so nothing had to be done there.)
The special effects aren't for crowd sizes but to keep her from wigging out (hurrhurr) like she did at the DNC when on-stage with Bill.
semi-false alarm, since her supporters and (((the meejewa))) will never acknowledge health issues until she drops dead the day after winning, doesn't really gain a lot of traction by itself. What's probably going on is they shoot part of the speech first then she either takes a break or is 'fashionably late' to the real location, delivering a much shorter speech in-person. (like our recent 2 hour delay for her "biggest speech eber")
This would also explain why cell phones are so prevalent at the rallies and not normal press cameras, even among people that should have them. They probably have them confiscated on the way in. No way even crowds out in boonie-ass Iowa would all pack as much tech as the commiefornia rallies, unless every time it's been "donors only allowed."
compare these two pics
where do those SS bodyguards keep disappearing? Nowhere, they're still there, they're just removing the columns in the actual broadcast video to make it look 100% circular. Notice where officer fathead is standing, and also the reporter with the normal camera in "so-close-I'm-inside-her-pores" range. You could get just about the same shot from any zoom at that angle so why's he in Clinton-nosehair distance? Something something simplest explanation…
tl;dr as Snopes would say I r8 it a half-truth. You may also notice a distinct lack of stool, meaning everyone knows this is a quick in&out job.
On a secondary note is nearly everyone in that crowd older than Bernie or what?
everything here is about portraying Clinton as healthy, the crowd thing is just an addition bonus result. Until normie media begins breaking kayfabe on the health issue it's not gonna get traction where it needs to go. There's still a little over 2 months to go, stick it in the back for later usage.
Come to think of it this may explain the massive amounts of old farts supporting shillary, they can excuse these failings because they also have them, they are either jealous of Trump being a damn ox or they're having similar sorts of discussions about his health fakery. (see: all of them dogpiling that doctor of his. Just because he's a kook doesn't mean he's lying, people!)
Seems too complicated.
Seems like they just copy/pasted over the front audience with a preset, for whatever reason - and CTR are really trying something in this thread.
That alone is enough to laugh at them, but since CTR is here in such force, what else have they been up to?
Someone needs to verify every rally, every time she's out and look out for these signs.
In other news, I can almost taste the pink slips given to the Editing department.
I bet it's to do with a severe lack of white people in the drop.
Lmao Clinton will pander and pander until it comes time to square dance, won't she
Paranoid tin foil nonsense. Those camera phones were at a distance and thus were blurry.
You fags will accept anything if it's negative towards Hillary, even if it makes zero sense.
What is wrong with you guys? SHE'S A FUCKING WOMAN DAMMIT! You're all manbaby virgins! Vote for progress or get left behind!
This is some dumb shit
at 2:20 you can clearly see her ugly pantsuit on the screen of the white phone in the centre of the picture
CTR wants this slid
You know how I know you're full of shit?
For someone that claims to know so much about video you sure have a lot of issues understanding the basics user.
Congratulations, nothing is going to happen you retard
I don't get it. You can clearly see the green/blueish pixelblob moving in the cellphone screens.
It was staged as fuck, but it wasn't green-screened.
Angle 1: youtube.com
Angle 2: youtube.com
Gas yourself moshie.