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things that make u go reeeeee





Fucking Sweden.

I hope this millennial plebbit cuck has $500,000 on hand to burn


They always have that deranged look in their eyes.

Call me triggered but they fucking need to die. They are insufferable even when they kvetch.

These people are delusional. If it rained on Hillary I'm sure they would accuse the weather of being biased against her.

But Peña clearly said that he extended the invitation to both candidates, and Trump was the only one who responded, and did so immediately.

Faggot can only blame Hillary for that. Or probably Peña, for not donating to the Clinton campaign before inviting her :^)

this is the most fun thread we've had in months. We should be bullying clinton like we did bush

Just wait until the debates. Clinton will make Jeb look strong by comparison.

What do you mean we aren't already doing it? How can we step it up a bit?

Good grief, why do intelligent people like us not point out this common feature in lefties to people? If we told them that the colleges are absolutely corrupted and spread disinfo so badly that their students come out looking like they just walked out of a scene from a stereotypical science fiction film they might reconsider things more…

28 days user.

bully her "supporters"

This is beyond butthurt. This is full on fracture.

anyone have that "notice vacant stare and parroting leftist phrases" pic?


what the fuck, man

My wife's boyfriend




he needs a sword up his ass


Seriously though, Leto's joker was good enough I thought, he can't be exactly the same in every fucking film series, that's just dull.
Seeing him a an actual gangster was breddy cool. Not to mention the bit where he acted like he was gonna cuck Harley to the Nig but then shot the nig in the head when he reacted to it.
I personally enjoyed seeing a white man attack a nigger over a white woman for once, instead of being a spineless little cunt.

because I pointed out the logical flaw of your cuck analogy?

it's just shitposting man,









Look at his nose.

We all know he isn't Swedish.

Top fucking kek

And this is nothing. Just imagine when Trump wins. Our lakes and rivers will be supporting marine life.

This is gold. Reminds me of the Bernouts.

where can I go to see some of this salt? I'm unfamiliar with reddit, like a man

Holy shit Im dying


Wigger Joker

>i'll be damned if Trump didn't look like he was already the fucking President!
Already beyond the sale.



What does this remind me of?

make hillary cry on national tv

Meh, just like Eminem shows it to Rap, Leto showed it to Blacks that Whites are even superior in being Gangsters.
Destroying their culture with our excellence is great tbh.

President Trump is the president afterall.

Wtf are these retards retarding about?

Are they literally retarded?

t. 2017


I made that email.

we are brothers forged by fire

They can't possibly believe this, this is too much


every mass shooter has had them tbh.

/r/ that picture with lanza and the 'shark eyes'

He talked about defunding Israel in the first debates. In the second debate he didn't get any chance to speak, after that he cucked out and was only given time again in a desperate attempt to stump trump. I sent that email at least ten months ago, it was a different time.


I just got back from the doctor's office. He told me I need less salt in my diet, he's restricting me to one liberal tears thread per month.

Fill my quota today please.

Delete that pic, that is haram.

I didn't think these levels of salty tears were possible outside of the dead sea

Fuck we dont need more of your draft-dogging nu-males shitting up the place more than it is

(((the draft)))

As long as you don't partake in commenting or registering an account and instead spy, its ok. Because that's how we win

CtR btfo.

We got all your faggot boomer hippies in the 60s during 'Nam. Don't fucking deny it.

Dark Knight was pre-obongo out of congo

My brother and his wife's boyfriend.


Hillary would actually have to be actively giving speeches in order for them to cover said speeches. First pic is of a retard.

Hillary doesn't have fans. She can't even fill a high school gym for her rallies. These are bots/shills.




I can't wait for them to try, Canada will reject them because they are not of the correct shade of shit and they will return, even poorer to be mocked and abused relentlessly.

I hope to christ my sister follows through with her threats so when she eventually ends up living with my parents again, I can pummel that cunt every time I see her for being such a stupid cunt.

I can't wait for the salt for these fuckers ==WHEN== the god emperor wins.

Scandinavia is so fucked….
Rädda oss Finland.

They literally can't even.


That's the funny thing about it.

CNN Looks biased to them because there's literally nothing good they can report on about Clinton.


They should be able to answer the direct request for all the good stuff about her that CNN isn't covering.

Stay the fuck in Sweden you sub-humans.

What the hell does a Swedish nose look like?

It's funny how all these white Leftist schmucks say "I'll be moving to Canada!" Apparently they don't realize, Canadian immigration is officially brown and black only from now on.

Not like that, that's for sure. I'm Swedish and I've never seen a swede with a hooked nose.. Must be an immigrant or from Stockholm with a mixed background.


Leftist have zero self-awareness.

I saw quite a few almost identical comments on various articles saying Trump looked bored, beaten, defeated, etc. at the news conference with Nieto. The shills are grasping for anything now.

toppestkek, like Hillary would even survive a trip to Mexico with her health.


the guy in the pic was about to commit suicide with that gun m8


careful with your memes there lad, plane needs to be a prison transport

All about making people question what it would be like if Hillary was president.

Underrated post

That's gold baby

Actually I think con air would be better.

I need to add Huma at the top of the stairs waiting with a wheelchair


dam son that's some spicy oc

bleh wheelchair doesn't look right because of the end of the stairs


Nah. They donated all their savings to Bernie sandberg


That is a picture of Bud Dwyer, who called a press conference and then ate a bullet on live TV before anyone could cut it off. There is only about one second between that picture and his death. He pulled it out and shot really quickly, because he wanted people to see it.



Not enough Somali dick in Sweden? They have to come here to get spit roasted by nigs?

He is the target m8.

I can't begin to fathom how bad Canada is right now.

They probably all have data that shows Hillary's odds of winning are like 20% post-rigging. I don't see Clinton getting the special briefings Trump is getting

god damn son

Well said my aryan friend.

She probably is getting them, but she is too sick to attend anything without looking like a dying person.

ahahahahahahaha Noice. Saved.

At least Denmark is somewhat managing to pull through. We just gotta blow the bridge to Sweden soon.
And don't worry Norway, we still like you down here.

Thank you Trump, you never let me down.

help, I have fallen to the ground and I can't get up

the audacity of these larping Bolshevists

choked on my coffee.

And a strap on.

I've been noticing a lot of tweets and reddit type posts that seem to mention "being scared".

It would appear that the libs are becoming disillusioned with this presidential race and don't believe they can win.

Just one question on my mind:
How the fuck is anyone actually enthusiastic for Hillary?

She has no charisma whatsoever, her platform given is plain jane and boring, just regular liberal shit. Even Holla Forums isn't enthusiastic about her after Comrade Sanders burned them. Is it really that she's a woman? Is that really how they're hyped for her?

And these people actually think the MSM is rigged against Hillary. What fucking universe do they live in and how do I get there? They're beyond normalfag and into the realm of total complete good goyim, not even humans at this point.

This man doesn't know what long winded means

They gave it to her as well. Media just didn't care.

the "hype" is just them trying to keep Trump out. it would be the same for any other Dem candidate.

She's a woman and trump is literally Hitler.

Who would Holla Forums vote for, Hitler or Literally Hitler?



pathetic people

Trump's name is a killing word!

I hope they start dropping soon so we don't have to remove the traitors personally

This shit is gold.

yeah I would have made a joke about them emulating Rodney King if I wasnt banned

Holy shit these people are retarded.



These people aren't even funny. All they do is circle jerk "LOL DUMP TRUMP LOL" we make memes and actually fire up the neurons

I've never heard anyone actually praise Hillary without comparing to Trump, it's either

All they want is a lifestyle that exceeds their wants/needs while flipping burgers and stacking shelves at the very most.

Their Marxist programming has erased all notion of working hard from the beginning.

They are literally children.
If they make it to their mid 40's then they might change their outlook, by then, it'll be too late.

No one I know is excited for her. They're either voting third party or not voting.
She built her whole campaign around getting elected as a woman and can't back down.
Remember that glass ceiling shit at the DNC? All of her campaigning is basically "Vote for me cause I'm a woman and that's progress". That's is.
The thinking was she would ride the progressive waves of 2012 through the current year and MAKE HERSTORY! No one expected Trump and the reaction that's fueled his rise.

Most Hillary forums are just anti-Trump forums. Like on reddit, almost every post on its subreddit is about Trump. Their candidate is so unlikable that they're pulling a John Kerry and running on not being the other guy.
They also cherry-pick polls hard to avoid acknowleding they're in trouble, but they do seem aware that they're only lying to themselves.

Most people I know that support Shillary do it purely because of anti-Trump reasons. She's the 'safe' candidate where they really don't even know what the fuck she wants, but at least she doesn't want to build a wall. Overal I can see a lot of people like that not voting at all though.


This is good, though. Pulling a John Kerry is failure. Ignoring the reality of polls they don't like is failure. I say we encourage it. We should get in there and post pure satire, they'll eat it up and it'll keep them too distracted to actually do anything that might harm the Trump campaign.

When ever someone says "they are moving to Canada" if trump wins you need to ask them

Then start asking them why they are so racist that they wouldn't even consider Mexico.

No. Make an account. Post there. Get banned. Repeat.



It's cause they don't speak English in Mexico rtard

Sorry bud. Rand wasn't Ron.

what in the fuck

They believe there is a media bias because Trump is getting so much attention from the media and Hillary is hardly getting any. Even if what the media is saying about Trump is bad, its the fact that they're showing him on television that annoys them.

she should be voting for Trump. Hillary is the one who is going to open the muzzie floodgates so she can die in an honor killing

Shit man if someone that browses Holla Forums can have polite company with their extreme leftist extended family members why can't these "sensible" lefties just fucking get along with their own family?

Do people really fucking do this? I could maybe understand if it was your cousin or something, but your grandparents/aunts and uncles? Do these people have no sense of humility?

This is why you don't send your kids to the marxist education system. Look at the disdain that brat treats her family members with.

That look on his face. The man doing paperwork in the background. The flag hanging on the wall.

What an image. Nice filename fam.

They have no experience holding any beliefs that go against what everyone around them is parroting. They have no idea what it's like to see people shitting on their perspective everywhere they go.

In terms of ideological warfare, we've been fighting for years, some of us decades. They've never even heard of any actual opposition.

Meant to quote

They were expecting Yeb! or Kasich tier opposition but got Hitler instead.

I really want Trump to clean house.

There are thousands of positions appointed by the POTUS. And even then, the raw influence he can wield. Maybe the CIA can btfo Commie shitskins like it used to.

*teleports to George Soros house*
Nothin personil, yid

My extended family, many of whom I see every few days because of how close they are, is full of leftist Hilary-supporting types. I even got a talk from my grandmother a few weeks back about how she loves datamining and having cookies on her web browser so that companies can give her ads. And the only one in that family who has views that differ from everyone else ended up becoming a Bernout.

Yet I still manage to get along with all of them just fine, despite my hidden desire to have all non-whites eradicated and Jews gassed.

No, no help for you. Just fucking die already.


You and me both. I'm pretty sure he's got plans to slash and burn his way through many thousands of unneeded Federal jobs.

What I wouldn't give to have that be the case instead of them fucking US in the ass

Same, seriously you don't have to talk politics with people if you don't want to, you can have perfectly fine relationships with these people who are totally ideologically different from you, especially if they're your fucking family, unconditional love and all that shit, my guess is half the time its not even the "crazy racist uncle" that brings up the politics but these psycho marxist influenced college kids with some made up word for their sexuality and an equally as pozzed significant other

Don't worry, they don't even know why themselves

Don't use reddit slang user, you're better than that.

To be honest, those crazy college Marxist type kids aren't the real problem. Every society has its undesirables, and these types have been around for quite a while. The real problem is the cuck indoctrination in today's schools (especially bad in college) that teach all the normal kids to accept and condone this kind of degenerate behavior.

Not surprised in the least

Got cancer just from reading that. I recently had to temporarily disable my adblocker to get some information from a website. Instant pop-ups, listicles, clickbait scams. Fucking horrific shit.

I mean how can you not when when they absolutely nothing about Hillary other than she's the democrat nominee.

It seems like it'd be way too easy to go over there and play the demoralization shill. We get shilled so much we've practically have their playbook memorized. And they'll be none the wiser. We can understand our enemy, but they cannot understand us. And if they understand us then they are no longer our enemy


Hi Rachposter

For future use.


i dont get it…

Notice all the Fag Flags.

Majority of Faggots love Hillary. That's probably her only support among "White men"

Have this

I think, he kill the nig because he don't wanted to bull Harley.

Underrated post

Leto's joker is a literal fucking cuck dude. He told the nigger to cuck him, he refused to be the bull, so Leto shot him.


The entire point was trying to goad the nigger out of his behavior
It's uneasy at first because of that

It wasn't because he refused, it was because he was going to fuck him up for being a nigger

The scene was shitty though, and Margot's Harley was a trainwreck anyways

They're so cucks sh they may need a getaway car to escape having their feefees hurt

The 3rd one gets me the most. I've been told I go dead in the eyes when I drift off (usually remembering shit I don't particularly want to) but that fucker smiling with that soulless look puts me off big time.
That is the face of someone who should be very high up on a watch list and should be under serious surveillance, I would not be surprised if there had been more than one hitchhiker go missing in the places he has lived.
