Goodoldays... American Nostalgia

Can We Ever Go Back, Holla Forums?

Donald Trump seeks a return to 1950s America, well before the age of neoliberalism.

Large sections of the population in both the US and the UK are now in revolt against their lot

The hyper-globalisation era has been systematically stacked in favour of capital against labour: international trading agreements, drawn up in great secrecy, with business on the inside and the unions and citizens excluded, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) being but the latest examples; the politico-legal attack on the unions; the encouragement of large-scale immigration in both the US and Europe that helped to undermine the bargaining power of the domestic workforce; and the failure to retrain displaced workers in any meaningful way.

As Thomas Piketty has shown, in the absence of countervailing pressures, capitalism naturally gravitates towards increasing inequality.

Large sections of the population in both the US and the UK are now in revolt against their lot, as graphically illustrated by the support for Trump and Sanders in the US and the Brexit vote in the UK. This popular revolt is often described, in a somewhat denigratory and dismissive fashion, as populism.

Populism is a movement against the status quo. It represents the beginnings of something new, though it is generally much clearer about what it is against than what it is for. It can be progressive or reactionary, but more usually both.

Brexit is a classic example of such populism. It has overturned a fundamental cornerstone of UK policy since the early 1970s. Though ostensibly about Europe, it was in fact about much more: a cri de coeur from those who feel they have lost out and been left behind, whose living standards have stagnated or worse since the 1980s, who feel dislocated by large-scale immigration over which they have no control and who face an increasingly insecure and casualised labour market. Their revolt has paralysed the governing elite, already claimed one prime minister, and left the latest one fumbling around in the dark looking for divine inspiration.

Dramatic as events have been in the UK, they cannot compare with those in the United States. Almost from nowhere, Donald Trump rose to capture the Republican nomination and confound virtually all the pundits and not least his own party. His message was straightforwardly anti-globalisation. He believes that the interests of the working class have been sacrificed in favour of the big corporations that have been encouraged to invest around the world and thereby deprive American workers of their jobs. Further, he argues that large-scale immigration has weakened the bargaining power of American workers and served to lower their wages.

He proposes that US corporations should be required to invest their cash reserves in the US. He believes that the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) has had the effect of exporting American jobs to Mexico. On similar grounds, he is opposed to the TPP and the TTIP. And he also accuses China of stealing American jobs, threatening to impose a 45% tariff on Chinese imports.

To globalisation Trump counterposes economic nationalism: “Put America first”. His appeal, above all, is to the white working class who, until Trump’s (and Bernie Sander’s) arrival on the political scene, had been ignored and largely unrepresented since the 1980s. Given that their wages have been falling for most of the last 40 years, it is extraordinary how their interests have been neglected by the political class. Increasingly, they have voted Republican, but the Republicans have long been captured by the super-rich and Wall Street, whose interests, as hyper-globalisers, have run directly counter to those of the white working class. With the arrival of Trump they finally found a representative: they won Trump the Republican nomination.

For Trump, it’s (white) America First

Trump’s repellent inner circle

The New Ideology of the New Cold War

Make America Hate Again

Donald Trump, a ‘Rigged’ Election and the Politics of Race

Other urls found in this thread:ás_Rodríguez_Carrasco expulsions/ problem/


This. Still the aesthetics of 1950s America were pretty nice.

there were no good ol' days after the civil war

The D&C is real

The 1950s were already fucked and pushing Suburbia was a huge step in the successful atomization of white American society

I'll take 50s America over the Globalist 2016 current year bullshit.


These "high times" (including the Roaring 20s) were all distractions. While victors of the war were living high their children were raised by Cultural Marxism which eventually lead to the creation of stupid fucks like you that can't seem to understand that YOU IN FACT CAN DO WRONG AND HAVE DONE WRONG.

Tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of Fire - Gustav Mahler



You've never lived in a suburb, have you.

fuck off boomer scum

I dont fucking give a shit. I want the current year to fuck off, and I'd cut off and nail your nuts to a wall to make it happen you piece of fucking trash.

Look at all the white faces. Look at how little diversity there is. How horrible. Diversity is our strength, user. What are you, a racist or something? xD

It's funny that they always say that to refer to blacks brown and asians cause whites are the only race with any actual diversity to speak of. Only whites have different colors of hair/eyes every other race they all look the same

American aesthetics best aesthetics

The forces of the regressive left are inherently unimaginative and unproductive, and thus can only see us as pining for something lost. In reality we are striving to build a new, even Greater future.


We will never go back…
I am glad for that at least!
You misunderstand user…
NEVER will we go back to a time unaware of the jew.
NEVER will there be a climate ripe for jews to flourish.
With all the trials and struggles we face now will forever be apart of us.
We will remove the false documents of "history", restoring it and encasing it with in the never ending vastness of the internet and are very souls.
After we take to the stars, we will erect monuments to history and are great victory over the falsehoods of (((Current year))).

The future looks very bright, indeed.


Never go back - it was all a shit sandwich to begin with … and now it smells like moth balls.

America will never be great again - the robots are coming and they don't give a fuck about your culture or society.

>someone call >>>/cyber/ and tell them to stop trying to look cool and get their shit together.

Can we just admit "D&C" is "I'm triggered" at this point?

Reminder that with niggers you get violent crime but with whites you get political professional crime.

I posted in the last thread like this. I pointed out a whole bunch of things that I remembered growing up in that period. Like what our telephone,tv and my bicycle looked like. How money actually had worth compared to today, but not compared to the start of the fed. What kind of frustrates me is you guys constantly hate on the boomers, but what you don't understand is most of us had no idea about jews or a myriad of other things at the time. You may ask but why mr oldfag user, and my simple answer is no internets like today. We got all our news from "trusted sources". You have no idea how lucky you have it for info and how fucked you are due to the currency manipulation. I will post a article from mike king on the most "trusted man in america" since it isn't a news source or any other kind of bad place to link to I am not going to archive it.
Last time I posted to mike king some little faggot told me it was a jew website and blocked me. Oh well

Also last thread some user was going to make a thread to ask the old guys what we thought.
I never saw any thread but my offer still stands that I will tell you everything i remember and how life was.

No, that's what degenerate means.

Do you honestly believe that (((advertisers))) painted an accurate picture of life in the 1950s?

You're in for some sad disappointments in life.

Bottom right hand corner, bunch of black people, admiring a float of a palm tree.

They're all clean and wearing suits.

They're degeneration is almost more sad than ours.

No. D&C is an actual tactic used by shills to derail a thread, demoralize the board or cause infighting so we aren't focused on the real (((enemy)).

It's a good tactic too… one I would employ if I had the desire to shill Holla Forums or plebbit.

If this is as bad as it gets then it wasn't that bad.

>Roof mentions “the Jewish problem” and “Jewish agitation of the Black race” but treats it as less important than what he seems to regard as an inherent tendency in Blacks to take offense when no offense is intended. Roof seems to have no inkling that Blacks were not always as unruly and dangerous as they have become, especially since the counter-cultural revolution of the 1960s which, for example, saw the beginning of the dramatic decline in all of the markers of family-functioning among Blacks. He is unaware of the origin of the current troubles between Blacks and Whites in the “Black-Jewish alliance” that E. Michael Jones discusses here:

Blacks on Jews:

Not a representative sample, that's like the kernel of bohemianism and leftism of that period

When I see niggers out in public from pre-1970, they always look clean-cut. Must be something about a white-centered society, the niggers knew they'd be targeted by LEO if they exhibited counterculture traits. At a minimum I'd be very happy if we returned to 1950s levels of chimp-out, but now that we've let the monkeys out of their cages I'm afraid there's no turning the pickle back into a cucumber without sterilization of black males and significant violence.

Fuck the Germans, all I care about is American whites. American Nationalism doesn't include them.

That's what's going to have to happen. We'll never get all these empathetic sub-human whites to agree with us. We'll have to do underhanded shit like that to drastically lower their birth rates so they die off in a few generations.

Welcome to the new America

is that a movie i wanna see it i wanna see it!

Yeah no

If you tell the truth about America, it's D&C!

"American whites" includes Jews

"American nationalism" is Jewish, since the USA is a Jewish nation.

Jews aren't white.

Man in the High Castle

What the US Government defines as white, is not what the American whites define as white.

Europeans are the only ones who are white, maybe including Persians and some members from the Caucus.

99% of Americans will say that Jews are white.

First pic of Greece and the latter picture is pretty fucking retarded since the original roman and Greek stock were germanic tribes 'that migrated south and subjugated or in some instances entirely wiped out the natives.

You aren't German, you autistic LARPing piece of shit.

Kill yourself

I don't get how the US backed the British when most American at the time had the most German ancestry?

it's easy. expel jews. seize their accounts and exterminate the usurers.

super easy.

Put fins on cars again.

The rest will follow.


any animal that builds can rebuild.

New Silver Legion when

ayy my negro

Shout out from the New gold shirts in mexico

Send them back and we will put them in their place.

Our founders did get along, hopefully we may cooperateás_Rodríguez_Carrasco


History does repeat itself expulsions/

>When you confiscate their wealth - source of their power. Look at >>3154806, he's fine with kikes having it, because of some "muh private ovnershit" moralfaging. Remove it from kikes/rich, keep it for common folk. When people hear "nationalisation" they think state will come and take their stuff, when in reality 99% will be untouched, and only gain through the bigger state (all of them) ownership.

Sure, a purge would be great.

Yea mate, when?

When you confiscate their wealth - source of their power. Look at >>3154806, he's fine with kikes having it, because of some "muh private ovnershit" moralfaging. Remove it from kikes/rich, keep it for common folk. When people hear "nationalisation" they think state will come and take their stuff, when in reality 99% will be untouched, and only gain through the bigger state (all of them) ownership. problem/

What is it about white people and outdoor fire grilling of meats for lunch and dinner?

Why does it sooth our souls so?

I don't want to go back to the past, but I think we chose the wrong future.

Wtf is this jew shit? Australia never had huts like that.


what's that flag and that star?

The flag in his hand is a japanese flag (rising sun)
The star on the wall I am not quite sure there were different stars for different things like gold star was KIA it might be his service star IE air force?

Hand flag


The rockies between Alberta and BC are still completely nigger free. Places like Banff will attract bus loads of Asian tourists, but otherwise it's completely white.

I find it ironic that the best time in America that existed for whites and blacks was during segregation. Back then, blacks weren't anywhere near as degenerate as they are today and had their shit somewhat in place. Whites had the best strongest and stable nuclear families and a man could support a family of four straight out of school without ever going to college. Men were still men and women were still women. Happiness for everyone was at an all time high, and strangely enough especially for women. In fact, ever since their whole "liberation", female happiness has been in a nosedive. I wonder why?

Actually looking at the soldiers uniform and his hat he is a marine, I can tell by his hat insignia but not really by the uniform.
So I think the star on the wall means he is a marine in the service at war.


Women were sold a lie by our mercantile friends with the 'feminist empowerment' movement.

It guaranteed only two things - a drop in birth rates, and the ability to effectively double the army of wage slaves toiling away in office cubicles to make a group of faceless shareholders and investors richer.

An ancillary benefit was the soaring divorce rates and nervous breakdowns, which have kept lawyers and psychiatrists wealthy for the last three decades.

Charles Bukowski once said 'slavery never ended, it was just extended to all the colours'.

This. This was the real America, one free of overt consumerism, free of mil-ind and free of global interventionism.
The Anglo-Saxon core of United States was corrupted and then lost through constant immigration, big government and industrialization - things that you think made America great in reality turned it into a golem for the Greater Zion.

In spite of Monroe Doctrine, US became chief meddler in affairs of every other nation on the globe and in the puruist of global power, it diluted itself - the price of empire is loss of your identity and the nascent ethnic idenity that was ever so fragile from the time of the Founding Fathers was thoroughly shattered once it was decided that Jews, niggers, Asians and spics make for a citizen material and that "free white person" was not a valid criterion for citizenship anymore.

America was so close to creation of a valid nationality that would see itself rooted in English Protestant tradition and an outgrowth of it - admittance of others into valid citizenship category was mistake.

1950s were merely a brief honeymoon period where fruits of global war were flowing to the victor and quickly dried up as rot was already setting it.

The germans were immigrants while the british were the true stock of the USA. The base is Anglo-Saxon.

and it should have stayed that way. "Melting pot" is a myth, that comes from a play written by a Jew in London, who never went to America.

You cannot take several different peoples and blend them together to make a nation, there is no "ethnos" there. You will never root out the base identity out of a man and when you have people brought up in a featureless multi-ethnic soup that is current US, don't be surprised when they have no love for their fellow man or the country - civic nationalism is a lie and an empty substitute. You cannot replace blood with Pledge of Allegiance and expect it to work.
There is no American "nationality" which is why so many cling to their ancestry and say they are Irish/Italian/German/whatever American, rather than those few who can trace their ancestry to first colonies in the East Coast and say that they are of local pure stock that has inhabited that land for several hundred years - that is how ethnicity is created.


To add to it as a comparison, Europeans migrated and settled in each other's countries for centuries, but no continent-wide "blending" occurred. Why? Because each immigrant was eventually assimilated and adopted into the local majority culture and their genes got dispersed and overtaken by local majority, that either expected you to speak the language and come to the same church or be kicked out. The only ones that resisted this were the Jews, and we know what is their story. To add to it, the migrations were small enough that each group was absorbed easily.

We cant go back. Once you look into the abyss…

It really hurts, it's not like us muricans can flee to our ancestry nations and fit in there. What are we to do? Rebuild it?


The only thing you can do at this point is to double down on purging your culture and then refocusing on true tradition of America, which was its founding ethnicity - in this case English Protestant.
I'm afraid it might be difficult if not impossible to do it however, unless the entire country starts aping New England and even then that will be artificial and unfair, as each state had its own unique idiosyncrasies even in the colonial times but with overarching Anglo-Saxon core.

What is the basis of civilization if not a strong, hierarchical religion? Tradition, religion, trade. These are what make one Nation great.

But first, religion has to come back so the masses can have their energies controlled and put to use by society and not squandered by individualism, materialism and hedonism.

Are you willing to embrace the Lord and leave your degenerate ways? You can't say you want the Golden Age to come back if you're still a fat person masturbating to porn or anime.

Are you willing to embrace Tradition in your daily life? To know that the Pillars of Civilization must be protected at ALL costs?

Civilization is a rare gem in the history of Man in this Earth. A rare, rare gem, indeed. Only with the right and timely factors it can arise.

Civilization (and anything that leads to it) is the greatest virtue of Mankind.

It's no coincidence our societies degenration perfectly coincides with the cucking of the church.

What all the fedoras here forget is that the jews became part of the church in order to rot and corrupt it from the inside, while vtheir friends outside the church viciously attacked it and condemned anything associated with it (that's us remember).

Only the jews could be so monstrously evil as to turn an institution of white civilization and excellence into a means of cucking us to death. Fuck them, we're making the church great again.

That show was an abomination. Disregarded much of what Dick wrote in the novel and replaced it with niggers and cheap, shallow action movie bullshit.

Yet something else Hollywood jews ruined and corrupted.

Kid is holding a captured Japanese flag. Flag on the wall was what families displayed to show they had sons serving. You put a blue star on it for every son. If the son died, you replaced the blue star with a gold one.

Why does Holla Forums suck nazi dick?

Brother, every time I question the existence of God I think this same thing and realize it doesn't even matter if He is real. The religion of Him and the goal matters. For God and Country.

Then some huge happening occurs in my life, and I feel ashamed for ever doubting. I know it is confirmation bias, but I truly think these principles work because he IS God.

yeah.. one of the best images I ever saw.. I can imagine the discussions happening there and everything that happened that day.


TRUTH! The new finless Ecto-1 is 50% of the problems with the new Ghostbusters.

leftists and jews will never allow it
they'll just steal the election
or if they can't do that hopefully they'll start a war
that's the preferred option
even if trump won what can he actually do? the courts will block all deportation plans and the jews will rally BLM…CNN will go mad…and nothing will change

am i wrong?

That new ECTO-1 looked like one of these amateur carshow jobs where the guy couldn't really afford to make it look like the original, so he took his $500 and just slapped something half-assed together.

I saw it in Branson. It is ungaurded.

I was thinking taking a midnight pic of the ghost hood ornament with my dick in it's mouth.

You know, for "art"

I want the boomerfags to leave, the 50s was the downfall of the US with the rampant consumerism and nigger music becoming popular

this, go back to the twenties or GTFO.
50s to 60s is the root of modernist cancer.

Hi, Britbong here. I know the tv ads etc were all bullshit, but they represented an ideal surely. People had better aspirations then, that seem impossibly out of reach now. t least you had Jimmy Stewart. We had Jimmy Saville.

Why not just smear your shit on the interior?

The jews also started the church.

Balkanize it, start from scratch in new countries that form after its complete collapse. It's impossible to rebuild such a critically failed state, just like the SPQR could not rebuild the Roman empire when it became heavily infiltrated.

It may be confirmation bias or your mind being open to what God does in the web of possibilities. We can't know if he's real or not through science. It's much more of a metaphysical question than anything else. God is the Logos. He is Order. He is Justice. And his and his son's religion has rewards and punishments, virtues and sins that leads one to live a fulfilled and clean life.

The only way to clean yourself of degeneracy is by being a God-fearing man, just like the old days.

Better don't…it will make u sad. What a nice future we could have had

The culture creators on the USA are Jewish, which means the USA is a Jewish nation. A nation is defined by its elite, it's culture class. In the USA, that means Jewry.



Good luck trying to achieve Civilization without the Catholic Church.

The sad part is cucks actually believe this.

What is Rome?
What is Persia?
What is Imperial China?
What is Japan?
What is Russia?
What are the Hellenic States?

The number of civilizations that have been Catholic are a tiny subset of all civilizations. The most powerful empire in history, Britannia (or Rome, if you are swinging that way), wasn't even Catholic.

Reported for intl.

Institutionalized religion
Institutionalized religion
Cult of the Emperor. Institutionalized religion.
Orthodox Church

You seem to be defending atheism and none of those civilizations you mentioned have the belief that God doesn't exist as their backbone.

In what way?

Rome's institutionalized religion was far more masculine and nationalistic than Catholicism, while Persia's was a pre-jewed version of monotheism. China's Confucianism is so socially restrictive it would make the KKK blush, and Japan has always been primarily pagan, with a heavily modified and far more militaristic version of Buddhism showing up relatively late in their history.

I was responding to what looked like a claim that Catholocism is the only way to achieve civilization - it may have helped western civilization develop (mostly by providing the collective identity of Christendom to defend against Islam), but in its current unbelievably subverted state, it will not form the backbone of any successful civilization.

As far as atheism goes - I am irreligious, but I understand that religion is one of the main pillars supporting civilization. I would personally like to see a revival of Hellenism, but I know that will never happen. If white civilization does survive, I see its religion being an as of yet unfounded sect of Christianity or an entirely new religion.

and this kike shows up like fucking clockwork


Fuck boomers and their 1950s nostalgia. Seriously, FUCK YOU YOU DEGENERATE OLD FUCKS!

Thought you were the other kid.

Things can't change: The Post


Anyone who worships the 50s isn't woke.

Things could change, but given the leftward trajectory the church has taken for the past century (at least), it's not likely without major unrest and possibly war that would very likely result in the dismantling of Catholicism into several different sects.

Cuck pls.

BTFO in 2 seconds kid


when will this meme die?

If Biden and Obonga get their way, 2017.



Although the 1950's were much better than the present in terms of culture, there were already signs that the corruption was setting in.

Starting with rampant consumerism (materialism), the rise of the (((media))) through the introduction of TVs, and Elvis's gyrations (which was a big deal back then).

But those issues were kept in check by our post-War prosperity. Women knew their place. Blacks knew their place. The Jews didn't yet have total control. And the economy was such that a man could raise a family on his income alone.

Fucking plebs

But then we're only limited to only a few guns.

If I'm being honest i like the wild west more.

No. History only moves in one direction. Time only moves in one direction. You can never live in 1950s America, as much as they could never live in 1850s America. These times are micro-cultures, part of the greater Western Culture, but remember that nations and cultures are made up of their people, and likewise are organic things. Meaning one day, they will die. Don't be depressed by this thought, but rather you must seek to carry the torch of western civilization into the future, out of this Kali Yuga, aspire not for the past, but hope to bring about Western Civilizations greatest moment yet to pass. Yearn not for the past, but strive for an even greater future.

You know privately owned cannon was a thing

But I would never be able to ride a tank like based Arnold. The main cannon needs to be cemented closed but the point still stands

Tbh we will only be 100% un-pozzed when we issue an apology for the Masonic founders' treason against the Crown and join the Commonwealth as Her Britannic Majesty's loyal subjects.

Let's play a game….

Let's say everyone of us that wanted to go back to the 50s was allowed too through instant time warp.

How in the hell would we even survive? The modern money in our pockets would be worthless expect for maybe some one dollar bills.


First post isn't actually a shillbot for once…

We shouldn't strive to be 1950 again, we must only look back at the past to see what made it better, or worse. This also applies to National Socialism and Hitler's Germany.

If Trump makes the US too powerful again too quickly we'll be in the same situation Germany was. Unless all of our allies elect nationalistic leaders as well, or if Putin allies with Trump.

Trump is only the first step towards greatness, after that and after the infrastructure and public support/organizaton is improved, only then can the final Shoah happen.

Trump is the easy part, the true battle will start only after his plans are in place.


If we go back to being a British colony how many Muslim grooming gangs do we have to tolerate?

Pretty sure this pile of technical documents would fetch a sizable sum in 1950…

We could just walk down to the nearest business and give the manager a firm handshake and ask for a job.

That actually worked back then if old people are to be believed

Yeah and they walked 5 miles to school in the snow uphill both ways as well if they are to be believed

At present we wouldn't be a colony, we would be a self-governing member of the Commonwealth, like Canada, and would be free to have superior immigration policies like Australia. Commonwealth members do not need to have the same domestic politices as the United Kingdom.

All the cool kids went to >>>/politics/ already user

Read my comment again…

It happens via instant time warp. You get to take nothing with you that isn't already in your pockets.

I doubt that really worked.

Let me tell you of this thing called the transistor…





How are you fitting documents in your pocket? i hope not via usb. lol

Peak American is 1890s-1920s everything after is pure Jew corruption of a nation.

One thing that sucks ass about being a member of the Commonwealth is having to pay millions every time the royal family comes to visit your country. You're asked to pay for all that requires money when they are in the country: security they require, commodities they and their assistants need, travel expenses of all of them, etc.

t. Commonwealth member who's tired of having tens of millions a year spent on those useless figureheads.

1913 was the year the US turned to shit.

Please move along to something real, OP

Are you denying that all wealth must not be confiscated from the jews/rich for redistribution among the common folk?

It should read:

Are you denying that all wealth must be confiscated from the jews/rich for redistribution among the common folk?

A single superpower presents an entity they cannot easily subvert and turn into shekel farms.