Sargon vs Jimmy Dore

Sargon goes after leftypol darling, Jimmy Dore.

Fuck off sargon

I would request a Webm but know Sargon, he makes near half hour videos tbh

Jimmy "Islamic terrorism is caused by the US and climate change alone" Dore is wrong sometimes, you know.

k sargie



>>>Holla Forums

T. Sargon

Jimmy Dore is an overrated, idpol loving, gun grabbing faggot and anyone here who likes him is also a faggot.

life's too short to listen to that liberal fedoralord ramble on about other liberals

Intellectually dishonest, nasally, fat fucks are not the first thing I want to listen to for 30 minutes.
I'll pass.

Sargon is right on this one. Jimmy is wrong on this one.
It happens.

We shouldn't defend Islam like liberals do, Islam is may not be teh source of the religious extremist disease, but it is still a cancerous symptom.

Liberals wan't to defend Islam at all costs, because if they don't , it hurts their utopian "open society" that also wants a bourgie type of of multiculturalism.

Good ol' Jimbo is definitely not perfect, I prefer Kyle's consistency when it comes to being disgusted with all religious fundamentalism but Jimmy could become a proper leftist if he had the right push and he has a lot of the right attitude for it.

What ever happened to the Jimmy AMA that we were gonna do?

He still hasn't replied after his first reply.
He might be busy these days.

Sargon "pander to id/pol/" of akkad?

He can go after any of TYT, most of them suck; however, Jimmy Dore is off limits. Jimmy is nearly there. Sargon belongs in the Gulag.

OY VEY!!!!! th-they think culure is relative and don't believe in the objectivism of ayn rand!! How the FUCK could they even think that, how ILLOGICAL

how could they ;_;

Oh fuck off. The fact is, Sargon was right in his assessment of what Jimmy said.

Islam is a lifestyle and political mode as much as it is a religion.

If you want to get into some first cause game over material conditions and superstructure, doing so would be beside the point. Political Islam is real and a discernibly distinct social entity with its own characteristics not firmly parallel to any non-Islam religious or political practice.






Pick both.

Jimmy Dore seemed to be conflating criticism of Muhammad's big book of Spooks with criticism of Muslims as people.

Dore still has some learning to do.

Also centuries of cousin marriage have lowered IQs and made them more impulsive

Is this supposed to be wrong?

The existence of radical Islamism would be an amusing anecdote without Western intervention causing the Middle East to devolve over a century.

I see nothing wrong here.

The climate change part is secondary, but nothing wrong here.

How are they not effectively the same thing in popular politics?

Most Westerners at least say they're part of a church, so they often buy into the idea that you can actually discern individual psychology and national political motives by reading a fucking holy book.

You literally cannot understand something without understanding how it came about to begin with. The "Islamic revival" has clear, inextricable roots in Western intervention and oil mongering, starting all the way back from the establishment of the KSA.

Anyone who's actually lived under ISIS rule knows they aren't simply the most dedicated to devoutness, they're little more than a gaggle of murder happy LARPers. Bribery and black market crime are fucking rampant in their territory, and outside of Mosul they're usually too incompetent to even deal with it. The reason they still hold onto their core territory is because of a complete vacuum of power created by the US, which made them the boss; before this, most of their peers thought they were fucking mental and refused to listen to them.

Meanwhile, the US government is pretending that their much larger Egyptian equivalent are "moderate" rebels for no other reason than because the Egyptian status quo was inconvenient to its agenda.

All of the evidence is right fucking there but fedoras insist on trying to understand complicated material issues with "cultural critique" because attacking something as easily deconstructed as religion makes them feel smart. Sargon is a doughy pretentious bag of autism.

That's the same exact argument Sam Harris made when arguing with Noam Chomsky.

How badly can one eat up the cultural marxism meme?

Im confused, culture can readily be changed/altered anyways, so what is Sargon arguing? That the west propping up wahabbi islamists has nothing to do with wahabbi islamists flourishing in the region? Thats fucking retarded.

Didnt Rebel btfo him on that meme a while ago?

objectivism is something ayn rand made up

The belief in an objective world is something related to philosophy. It is not related to economics.

but patriarchy is real, right?

If you are unable to tell the difference between outright racists and frightened traditionalists, you should be quiet.


Patriarchy has been dissolved with capitalism.
Women can inherit. Women can have power. Women can become capitalists. There is no more patriarchy. Except where they cannot.


so then muslim theocracies don't exist?


Do you even chan?

Into the>>>/gulag/ for not wanting porky to take our guns?

Liberals are pro gun because they're told to be. Pushing Dore a little further will fix it.

Don't you mean anti-gun?

Jimmy is ridiculous, I'm glad someone points it out

Maybe Sargon isn't the right guy, being that he's somehow even more ridiculous.

Not on this point he isn't


He's a generic liberal idpoler from tyt. Leftypol likes him for some reason.

I don't care what happens to these characters.