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RWDS in Europe? wew

nvm this shit is over 60 days old

What is an "autonomous neighborhood"?


"self-proclaimed" is the key word
They either declare themselves free of Denmark or free of the city's jurisdiction

Isn't Christiania a punk neighborhood type of thing? Like a small version of Western Berlin basically.


Hippie commune squatting on military land

wow it's nothing.

It's a place to do drugs. I think they're not as free as they used to be but they still have the hippie/druggie aesthetic going on.

Aren't those the pot dealing hippies?



0.003 shekels will be deposited into your account on the 29th Feb.


It's a hang out for "anarchists" and intravenous drug users.

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Christiania is the most degenerate place I've ever been. Filled with druggies, cucks, openborder-fags etc. Hopefully they will shut it down completely now.

Denmark has seen a lot of positive change recently. A poll suggested almost 4% will vote for the openly Holla Forums-approved party "Party of the Danes" which is fully redpilled ethnonationalists naming the jew. A total of 12-13% said they consider voting for it.

At the same time "DF" which is the Danish alt right is the biggest party and is currently shifting the Overton window faster than anyone could've expected. Every month Denmark's already quite strict asylum policy is getting stricter and it's approaching Hungary levels. The latest thing that is on the table is banning Asylum seekers from going outside.

In a nut shell Christiania was a little hippy commune in the middle of Copenhagen, they claimed autonomy and the Danish government humored them since their idea of autonomy basically only extended to smoking cannabis and wanting to act as their own local council on trivial self contained matters.

It was a novelty, yes they sold a little cannabis to people who wandered in but even that was better than allowing crime gangs do it.

Then immigration picked up and unlike the natives or tourists some of the immigrants didn’t look towards Christiania as interesting or cute but rather as a ready-made semi fortified drug marketplace (pusher street is an area within Christiania that allows cannabis sales) that the Police didn’t patrol. It was also by luck run by hippies and therefore incredibly easy to seize control of. Which they did in a manner of speaking.

Now as well as hippies sat around talking about sustainable you also have various non native drug gangs (and native criminal factions) fighting it out for control of the Pusher street market. It’s calm when its calm and it’s a shootout when it’s a shootout.

The Danish Government should call it a day on the whole thing and take back control IMO. The hippies lost, “love” lost because they didn’t balance it with enough strength or the necessary pinch of hate for those that seek to destroy them.

Clearly the work of rapefugees


Stupid fucking hippies

København er enhvér hanrejs drømmeby. Fra ende til anden intet andet end lort og skrald i menneskelig skikkelse.

A couple of hippies die, good, a couple of addicts die, good, a couple of cucks die good, a couple of "integrated mudgoblin" cops die, good.

That entire city is our Babylon. It should burn and with it, all of its people, slaves and demonic subhumans.

Thought I'd read somewhere in addition to those groups there were also motorcycle clubs in that mix as well.

I usually go to Copenhagen from Sweden to enjoy how white it is, you really don't know how good you have it down there…

Last time I was in Copenhagen was ten years ago, and even then it was eerily populated with veiled turds and inbred brown faces everywhere.

DF are controlled opposition, passive by choice and in it for the pensions.
DP is where the virility is at

When is this violence going to stop!?1?!?
When is enough enough!!!!111

We need to do something about these guns!

How many more dead Danish?

Hippies are too lazy, niggers?

You can barely own a gun legally in Denmark. But somehow these people seem to have a lot of them :^)

apparently, the civilian victim was of “foreign descent police said, adding that the individual is in contact with police and has stated that he has no relatives in Denmark."

this coming out right after hungary happenings



How disgraceful.


Of course :^)


The shooter was from Bosnia but it was probably drug related since it took place in Christiania.

"Biker gangs" in europe are almost entirely made up of shitskins now.

I am not fucking surprised
That shithole is a stain upon Danish soil that should be napalmed.

Controlled opposition or not, they were our only choice at the time of the voting. DP wasn't an option. The others were worse.
Mens vi snakker om DF, hvad er det her lort jeg om at den nye formand vil lukke grænsen

36tfas 45ygtsdv

It was, and the shooter died the next day in a shootout with police.