"Women were the first programmers!"

I've seen this narrative pushed a lot recently, about how "women were the first programmers!" and "it was women's work!" and they talk about people like Ada Lovelace, who really just piggybacked off of Babbage's work. And the woman who allegedly wrote COBOL (pic related).

How true are these stories? Has anyone debunked them, written up any redpills?

Other urls found in this thread:


It depends on the definition of "programmer".
Women worked phone switchboards.

Women did the data entry that programmed the computers. In the most literal interpretation of the word, they "programmed" the computers. With rare exception, all the actual software authorship was done by men.

It's a myth, of course.

My friends mother was a programmer back in the late 50s.

What that mean is she punched punchcards how her mathematician boss told her to.

Bingo. Exactly right.

Programming was more of a manual process back then. At the most extreme it involved literal rewiring.

Very similar to being a telephone operator. It was women's work.

A man's intellect and ambition would be wasted on such trivial work.

Programming back then was a non-challenging repetitive and boring task, so women were obviously good at it.

Not to mention women have delicate little hands which are well suited for that kind of work. It's the same reason women have traditionally been weavers and spinsters in the traditional textile sense of the term

The first programming language was Plankalkül by Konrad Zuse.

That's really all you need to BTFO their claim.

On doing some research, I found that Grace Hopper didn't even invent COBOL. She invented a data processing language (>>7321024 is right) which was one of the influences on COBOL.

They weren't.

100% but it's a technicality
programming back then was done by punching holes in these cards by the thousands, some engineer would come up with the pattern and then his secretary or programmer would punch it into the cards until there were enough cards to properly allocate all the needed memory instruction.
once we figured out language interpreters and started coming up with BASIC and COBOL the engineers didn't have to do repetitive and altogether meaningless manual tasks to get programs written and by the time
20 GOTO 10
meant anything it was mostly guys in the field.

I had a class last year where the Ada Lovelace thing was the first thing the professor said.

Needless to say, I dropped the class.

There is no reason to think women have not played a large role in the development of computer science, grace hopper and margaret hamilton both made significant contributions. Hamilton played a major role in coding the Apollo missions.

Of course it is in vogue to play up female contributions now. Certainly most of the development has been by men. If you take real comp sci courses you see that immediately. But there is no reason to downplay the women in the field.

I am more puzzled by the presence of the spic&eggplant duo.


More like a womAn was one of the first programmers.

same purpose, punchcards.
or in the specific case of this picture switches, and thousands of them
usually engie sits at that terminal and they're in a larger room flipping switches like mad or feeding the cards in

How true are these stories?
In a very general sense, yes they're true. However, to my knowledge all the framework that the female programmers used have been constructed by men. Not to say that female contributions were non existent but saying that women were the first programmers is ridiculous.

Also like the other anons mentioned, most women simply operated the archaic machinery, changing the wires in the correct places and punching cards.

Speaking of female "programmers", Holla Forums anons will appreciate this.

Technically Ada Lovelace was the first programmer. Just remember it was enough who invented the fucking language.

forgot to put "female" in quotations, fuck me.

Enough = men. Fuck you autocorrect.

It's like he showed up to the first day of computer science and never came back.






to any anons wishing to get started coding

all good distros to start with.
arch may depend on your autism level
Holla Forums will talk shit about ubuntu but it "just works" so if it gets you coding then it's worth it
don't need a book, just google commands when you have a question

That's Grace Hopper, not Ada Lovelace lol. Grace Hopper was a tranny. Have a look around at the other photos of "Grace Hopper". He was an autistic faggot.

It's always been "female".

Even if there were few women that were intelligent or creative, vast majority of them werent.

Lovelace should get credit for pointing out a bug in one of babbages programs, but that's about it. Her work was more like data entry of stuff babbage had made.

Why recommend both ubuntu and xubuntu? Aren't they both same level of pleb-friendly, except xubuntu is less botnet?

She's considered the first programmer because she documented her work.

Except we all know real programmers don't document shit.

yes. i listed them so people have more options. if you want a smaller list of choices i would recommend:
in order of increasing difficulty for a beginner. debian and arch aren't even that much more of a learning curve. one of Holla Forums's biggest complaints with ubuntu is spyware and unity, fuck unity but it's simple enough to remove.

if a beginner doesn't want to do that then he has xubuntu or linux mint as alternatives.

tbh i use ubuntu 14.04 + gnome. works for me and i find the workflow pretty comfy. i've been moving to terminal more and more and at this point i'd like to switch to arch for daily driver but am just waiting until i can afford to upgrade to a new computer.

I'm pretty sure Lovelace wanted to get into art and literature but her mother forbid it because she she was the ex-wife of lord byron and didnt want her daughter becoming a degenerate reprobate like her father

I'm currently using Mint, and consider upgrading.

But I'd like to go for something that doesn't lack them packages. Debian seems good - how is it even more advanced than Mint? I just tried it out in vbox, can't figure out what the deal is.

Ada Lovelace never programmed anything. She seduced Babbage into attributing to her some of his work, copied from him as well as other scientists, in an effort to convince Babbage to hire her as the CEO of his company.
The program signed by her is bugged in such a way that it shows she never undestood anything about programming.

if you want to do it right

(((stallman))) is a Jewish digital Communist


Coursera offers free courses.

Anna, the wife of John Gutenberg, sometimes helped him to arrange the type when he was preparing the first printed Bible.
Therefore, Anna Gutenberg wrote the Gutenberg Bible.

kali is root only, meant for pentesting. if you use kali for anything but pentesting you're asking to get fucked. doing that is basically like one of those people who goes out and buys a wifi pineapple from hak5 and thinks they've suddenly become a 1337 haXX0r.

for someone new to linux and looking to learn programming, kali is NOT appropriate.

he predicted what (((corporations))) would do with proprietary software and access to large amounts of user personal information. he's spent the past 3 decades assisting the development of the tools you need to fight (((them))) you idiot.




I'm laughing as I post this on an old HP laptop running Kali as a non root user

you are only showing how little you know and how bad you are at googling.


im not arguing, I don't need to, you are a clown.
running as a non root fixes this 'issue' you refer to, well at least the one your badly googled link does.
considering you have to actually do something instead of clicking *add user* in a gui when you are installing, I'm not surprised you know shit

Stallman is an anti-natalist unwashed degenerate.

He is a horrible person and anyone that take him as some sort of philosopher because of GNU is either naive or a fool.

Ut was 1 woman and her programming paradigms were fucking retarded and got her laughed out of MIT

it's literally on the distro page you fucking idiot


if you want to say you know more than kali devs and best practices, fine. we can choose to ignore your idiotic statements.

Men came up with algorithms. Women turned them into something similar to machine code.
Women were programmers, men were Computer scientists.
Eventually programming it's self became complex enough and intertwined with the theory backing it that it became big business and men started entering the field en mass. Before that it was an aloof flight of fancy that didn't pay well.

"Gladys, I need your team to turn this handwritten program into a stack of two hundred punch cards. Make sure you triple-check them, dear."
"Yes, sir".

Yeah, that was women's work.

lol, this sounds like an accurate what they have in their heads. everyone is a gobergober everything said is negative, and so everything must be blocked, although I guess it never gets to the negativity test does it?.



Those women were called typists, all they did was type the program forms into input punch cards.

Then there were the women that actually did something, like the creator of FLOW-MATIC and the crazy girl that had a crush on Babbage.


this cunt was ejected from COBOL for trying to fuck it all up

Who gives a shit, they can't go around the fact the first computer was invented by a man. (John Atanasoff)

I didn't say she did something good.

COBOL is fucking terrible, i am actually trying to learn it and the fact that there are features in it that are not only totally useless but also transform your code into some esoteric text that not even you understand a week later made me very amused.

Babbage secretly identified as a women.

Checkmate MRA :^)

The reason COBOL is fucked from the onset is becaquse it's based on that stupid cunt's paradigms, she tried to force even more stupid shit during the first committess but the men weren't having any of it, by cobol56 came out she was totally sidelined and put to data analysis because she's a fucking idiot


Kek, i had no idea.

Based programmer user. Learning python myself while knowing javascript and java on a junior level already. I'm going through Hacking Secret Cyphers just for ideas on what to try out. Making up worthwhile interesting projects to do is my main hurdle.

Hipsters must stop with this meme

Programmer here.

What women did and did rather well is manually compile code/instructions onto punch cards. This is manual labor - very precise, but still manual labor.

In 1952 first assembler (asm) was made for IBM 701 - this meant programmers could create machine code via automated interpreter. In later years (late 50s and early 60s) punch cards were going out of business and were replaced by Asm.

Technically, they did program the computers - but weren't actual brains behind the idea.

Learning C would be better, but also harder, no? Taking it step by step seems wiser.

If you want to learn useful python analog, then you should probably learn C++. It's better than C for almost anything. You have strings, like in every useful language, instead of char[]'s which is painful to use. C is marginally faster, true, and you should write an OS in C if possible, but pre-writing code in C++ and then just exchanging couple bits to "downgrade" it to C would take less effort than going with C from the beginning. From what I recall, C also had annoying dynamic memory quirks.

Basically, WE WUZ KANGZ for dumpy looking cat ladies, right?

Alright, noted. I figured I should learn writing in C eventually since it's supposedly used to program a lot of basic devices. Guess I can go with C++ either way at first.


How it works:

From the (admittedly biased) proverbial horse's mouth:

The basic problems with learning C first are basically twofold:
A) You more or less must become expert at subtleties before you can even produce decent code.
B) Many of the inevitable hacks you have to create to reproduce benefits found in C++ by default are bad programming techniques (like macros and untyped casts to void*) must be unlearned later, which in my experience is often a big stumbling block to C developers moving up.

C++ offers much more rigorous type checking at compile time and also has powerful built in containers like strings and vectors each of which will give you industrial-grade features from day one as a beginner.

Not in the majority of cases. Today's optimizing compilers will generally produce identical output for similar input. And in the case of generic programming using templates in C++ where disparate data types need to be munged together, C++ will often produce the fastest executable currently feasible on modern processors. Faster even than Fortran.

Actually, that's because C has an accidental (but de facto) stable ABI.


If you go to any university in the western world there is always the some variety of the "Feminist history club" or something similar that engage in nothing but pushing this sort of revisionism.

Its always so blatant and clumsy that usually gets ignored by everyone.

You mean women weren't oppressed by the ebil patriarchy?

if you reject python because "only hipsters use it" you're only shortchanging yourself. there are libraries available for every fucking thing you can think of and you can do a lot, fast with it.

good luck user.


If you're looking for packages then you don't have to run away from mint. Largely, you can choose between three branches:

* Debian-based (apt-get)
* Red-Hat-based (yum)
* Arch(can't remember arch's package manager)

Mint is based off Ubuntu which is based off Debian, which means you already have access to all of if not more than Debian's packages. Maybe you want to change your graphic manager?


more company songs for you all.

we wuz intelligent n shiet
back to the harem bitches

Learning C++ is probably a bad use of your time. There are lots of people floating around who think they know C++, but know just enough to be dangerous. The language is full of traps and dark corners. It is only needed for complex, high performance apps like web browsers.

C++ is absolutely beautiful in its own way.

Really, there's a good reason everyone recommends Python.


a cute


Ah Christianity, making smart women not breed by either killing them as witches or turning them into nuns.

Jesus christ really is the most potent and insidious form of jew goyim poison


As a dev, I would recommend you people to specialize in a technology or a language once you graduate.
I'me a jack of all trades and thats not good for income.

she really doesn't know = vs ==, does she. That's why she had to work "so hard" on a game patch that she's charging money for it.

She's charging money for a patch.


is this an /r/atheism meme or something

I find myself leaning exactly the opposite way. If you're in a situation where you need the high-level niceities like strings, vectors, etc. you should probably be using Java/C# so you get all the nice stuff and don't have to worry about manual memory management. If you need absolute speed and control, write in C. If you need to do complex things quickly, you can use libraries written in one with the other, since C is interoperable with basically anything.


All that other shit wrong with that and your first gripe is the only thing he has in an acceptable format.

Brackets are optional in one operation loops and if elses.

His outputs aren't even consistent, and his attempts to create a comparison in the argument are just overwriting his undeclared variables.

Step up your autism, son.

And by "people" you mean streetshitters.

Except not.
You know what the original, computers were?
A pipe with pegs on it and a rope. By putting the pegs and rope on in a certain way you can program how long the pipe or poll will rotate a certain direction.
No women were not among the ancient Greeks glueing pegs to pipes.

I have a little bit of direct experience in regards to the picture in the OP
I took basic programming and fortran in college in 1974. The computer at my uni was on the entire 2nd floor of the math building in the middle of the floor with windows all around it and classrooms and a hall way surrounding it on the outside of the building. It was a box sitting inside of a box. The only way you could access the computer was with a teletype. I tried to find an exact picture of the teletypes but failed so all our teletypes looked like pic 1 but without the tape printer on the side, they were exactly that same stand everything. The other thing next to every teletype was a phone that you dialed the computer and when it buzzed you set it in the cradle like in picture 2 then you got to log in at a prompt. Every keystroke printed out on the paper coming out the top. This was the only way to directly access the computer, so you sat and typed in your program then you would run it and if you did it correctly it would print out the results for you, If not you had to debug your program. The other access was punch cards and you could sit at the machine punch a card for each line of code offline take all your cards (don't ever drop em or ur fucked sorting them) take them to the card reader and put them through then your program would print inside the computer center on a printer and the operator would bring your print out to the window and give it to you. This was only slightly better in the 70's then it was in the 50's it was basically the same format.
I don't know about you anons but when I took typing in HS every girl in the class even the slowest typed faster than the fastest boy.
Ergo women have always been way better than men to input data on machines of that vintage.
That was traditionally what they were called key card operators or data input.
I think this is just another example of twisting history right before our eyes.

holy fuck how old are you

20 in 74 do the arithmetic

So they weren't programmers just data entry monkeys.

From my experience I would have to say correct.
But since nobody has a fucking clue anymore how anything works it is fairly easy to change history to suit a narrative.

To back up my assertion go ask 100 people why the civil war was fought and you will get 99 answers of slavery.
Now this narrative has changed in my lifetime and i have kind of watched it but not really until I actually thought about it.
I was taught (correctly) the civil war was fought over states rights and secession.
Even though when I was a 15 year old dweeb I basically had no fucking idea what it actually meant.
It was not until much later that I actually put forth the effort to learn more about history and such. It was then that I got the "AHAH" moment.
So maybe this is your "civil war moment" Holla Forums.

Comparing a data entry operator to a programmer is like comparing a courtroom transcriptionist to an author like John Grisham. Absolutely ridiculous.

The other thing to remember is they are playing with word usage and definition. By definition the women were actually "programming" the computer. You can see from my prior post how clumsy it was to actually "program" a computer, that has all changed now. So from the strict definition of "program" the answer is yes they were "programmers".
Did they actually write the programs?
I would say some old white man sat in his office and wrote the whole thing out on paper (I had a friend that used rolled paper to write on so he could just keep writing) then handed it off to a lady "programmer" and she "programmed" the computer for him.
You can see what I mean and the accepted definition of programming has changed as well.
Along with the fact that it is much easier to accomplish then it was back in the old days.

Another thing to think about and how much the shit has changed back in the old days I don't know the IBM model but an old IBM guy told me he sold systems that had 8K of ram. Each k of ram was in a box just about the size of a washing machine and they had one spare so 9 total. I also am pretty sure he told me K and not megs that kind of made me think a little bit


The oldest of old fags, predating the internet and even PCs

That's pretty cool though, I can't imagine having to code like that, where if you have one fuckup you have to retype the entire program.

I never even thought about using a line by line printout before they had screens, I thought they read LED patterns or something. All this forgotten tech is fascinating.

I fucked up it was not ram it was storage or hard drive now that I remember after reading my post, but I was still blown away that 9K of hard drive was 9 washing machines.

You didn't have to retype the whole program I can't remember quite how but you could change one character in the middle of a string. I was a fucking shitty typist so I was adept at changing my code. It was also then that I realized 0 was not O and 1 was not l.
I don't think I am the oldest of oldfags here I figure there are about maybe 20-30 of us out of 3000 with 5 older than me and maybe 5 close to my age and the rest a little younger. But hell when you get over 40 10 years is not a big age difference you are all peers.

Yeah I've seen quite a few posts from people around your age. It's just sort of funny to me that being on Holla Forums around 2004 or so for many is the gold standard for being considered a true oldfag yet there are many posters that predate the internet. I'm glad we have some older folks guiding us a bit so its not all pepes all the time.

I'm working with an AS400 system at work. Programming is still limited to 80 characters on each line because that was the maximum you could fit on a punch card way back when.

He has no style
Just a mutilated choad
This Kong
Don't know how to code!
He'll post an example
That is just plain wrong
And beg for bucks
On Patreon!

Heh… Yeah, women were the first programmers you could say.

They programmed you since the day your impressionable eyes met theirs. Simple stuff, every mother's trick. Emotionally stunting their children through abuse.

They programmed you be weak, shameful, dependent, prone to polite lies and to refute truth. Hell, even become violent to defend your right to such.

Women have programmed all children into buying into the con game of infantile whores and little male bitches - modern male slavery. The priests also helped.

They ruthlessly eliminate their sexual completion (young girls), mindbreaking them along with boys, to feed their wicked dependence all the while calling it love.

Have you ever stopped to ask, why your mother hasn't died for you? Not in all the wars? In the animal world, that's what they do. In this insane world, not so much.

I know companies take forever to get new equipment if they don't have to but having servers from the 80s? wew lad

If there is an afterlife, every bitch will burn with their whores. Sorry, I'm just rambling on. This is disgraceful, I keep making it longer trying to make it shorter. I can't write for shit but I speak truth and no one can refute it. This is reality. The world is blind. Children are the selfish responsibility of everyone. Women prey on them with impunity. Men who respect women for abusing them are filthy bitches. Boys die in war to protect mothers, too reduced by abuse to ask why their mothers aren't dying to protect them. In Nature, everything is one way. The logical way. In Society, everything is the other way. It's all the work of demonic whores who lie to every child to confuse them, before getting violently frustrated at the victims of their confusion.

Women's infantile games of fraud are so moronic – but they literally bamboozle reduced men. Men are played by Confidence Tricks as demented as "exclusivity", "reciprocal love" and "You First". Men are bullied into marriage where they're forced to sponsor Round 2 against children. Children are annihilated by perfidy that defeats grown men, for fuck's sake. It's all so moronic. No one can win if children lose.

Sovereigns are more cunning than Toddler whores. To steal women's loved ones, Power only has to contrive a threat to women and voila! Stupid loving slaves pilfered for another war of attrition. War profiteers play women's victims off against each other, loving bitches stolen from each side of a line on a cartoon map. Endless war secures profit and power, all enabled by women's betrayal of Their Own. Thousands of years of horrific bloodshed and no one is the wiser because we're all the stupid vassal children of lying whores. Men are battery bitches bred by evil women to pay for their decision to contribute abuse in lieu of value.

I forgot all about that if you had a really long formula you would have to "bend it" to the next line.
Every now and then I stop and think how different and easy shit is now.
For instance I started college with a slide rule but I already knew how to use it (self taught read the book) but calculators were just being introduced and by the time i graduated slide rule class was no longer a requirement to graduate.

The system still gets updated, actually, but the operating system… well, it's certainly a streetshitter and normalfag filter.

So what happened to all of these women programmers?


They got bullied into silence and the evil men stole the credit, obv fam.

And we "Know" about these female progammers, how exactly?

I forgot that Charles Babbage was a woman.

It's the same crap with Carver and peanut butter, blacks and traffic cones and other non-truths. History is nothing but a biased account of events, user. Thus, cumdumpsters can make up there own shit and claim it to be as truthful as The X-Files, and there's nothing we can do about it, because "muh free willz!"

In the future, just humour their shit. If they keep talking, mention some nonsense like "linux was actually invented by a woman too" and they'll believe it, make a fool out of themselves, and then blame their incompetency on men. My mother was one of these bitches, it's too fucking easy.

Did you know Bill Gates is trans?

In a comp sci program right now. Taking "Foundations of Algorithms and Data Structures". We spent a fuck ton of time learning about Ada Lovelace. I had to write a short answer on the final talking about how she was first programmer.

did she later cry about how she was forced to do all the programming against her will?

nevermind. i'm thinking about a diffrent miss lovelace.

no you fucking….man. it means women are still oppressed

nice to see another old fart around here. even though you still could be my dad
wanna start a boomer hate thread and troll some millenial crybabies?

their remains and burn books with their work were found under a pile of dead jews beside the ovens at auschwitz in '45

pretty much my standard procedure these days. I can't be bothered to try to argue with liberals,feminists and all the other human waste unless there is an audience that makes it worthwhile. so i just parrot their beliefs in the most ridiculous way i can think of and enjoy them making fools of themselves if they agree or heads explode if the doublethink reaches its limits.

Oh, you.

I see that you failed to follow that advice.

pretty sure the 'car accident' thing was just an euphemism for hooking up back in the days when people still understood subtle shit.

i'll still give you that the panties are fugly

What uni? Mine is focusing solely on algorithms and data structures.

Is there a good reason universities force everyone to learn java? Fuck that. Learn Lisp.

It would be to easy but probably I would type to much and get a tldr response.
Besides I prefer to just cruise along not start a bunch of shit, correct gross misconceptions where I see them and not try to pretend I am the same general age of the board at large.
Hanging out and typing with a bunch of kids and trying to pretend you are the same age to fit in is just plain fucking creepy.
I do use some of the Holla Forums lingo but that is just so i don't get majorly attacked for being a newfag or part of the summer plague or told to lurk moar. It was rather fascinating to watch the start of the gex video and the progression and how the board pushed it to where it became basically something that was seen on the tubes by a lot of people.
It was also funny to watch them live in a thread troll jones on her twitter feed and realize even i understood how they faked the twitter messages and poor harambe just knew her twitter had been hacked cuz she never no say those mean things.
Holla Forums is a very interesting place to read for me and occasionally I do learn some things but mostly they are at the forefront of news.

thank you for gracing us with your presence ancientfag


g related screencap from Computers for Newfigs class

You're either a Jew or an edgy 14 year old who resents his mom making him go to church every week. Either way, fuck off.

I've only met one decent female programmer in my entire life, through CS, EE, and in all my work experience. Just one, she was clearly an outlier (and I suspect a lesbian so her brain was closer to a male brain than a female).

Ada was not the first programmer. That narrative makes no sense since it assumes Babbage, who invented the analytical engine, never made a program for his invention. It seems she really found a bug in one of Babbage's programs though.

Turing did some very important work and he was a fag. That was back when faggots actually did something besides telling everyone how much they love dick 24/7.

lol wut?

I thought the 1st legitimate programmer was the female in the US Navy?

This was the first high-level programming language ever made;

It was developed by le evur nazi Konrad Zuse

So next time feminists try to tell you women invented programming, remind them with actual facts that the Nazis actually invented programming and watch as they get triggered


Reading the MIT translation now

What level is that class? Elementary school?

kek, this is some damn good brainfuck though.

scratch that, I am fucking retarded.

It's actually a college level CIT 2105 Intro to Computers class.


yw and I am not even here to spy go look at the cracked thread I bought the magazine before 99.9% of the board was born.
I think it is just interesting topics and view points to read and throw in a comment now and then.

yep like i said probably 20 or 30 of us