According to this guy on Holla Forums, Holla Forums uses IE to browse the internet. What browser do you use?
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According to this guy on Holla Forums, Holla Forums uses IE to browse the internet. What browser do you use?
Firefox on Debian linux
Anything other than Tor or Firefox is trash and spyware.
Google Chrome™, because I'm a jerkoff.
Firefox, primarily because dem addons. I also have tor in my back pocket but I only use it when I feel like poking my head into the deepweb. Not to do anything illegal, mind to just to poke around and see what's up.
Firefox, sometimes luakit.
Kill yourself
Pale moon, firefox is for plebs
Pale moon is deprecated; switch to cyberfox or waterfox for your yiff fork needs
same. don't care enough about muh freedumbs or surveillance at all.
chrome, because firefox is shit and opera is just a reskin of chrome now
Mainly Chrome, sometimes Opera but it's the same shit now.
Firefox was a laggint piece of shit that didn't support multiprocessing proper; up until recently Nightly was constantly crushing for some reason, now looks ok. I use it for long jupyter notebooks, which lag in Chrome (although in synthetic tests Chrome engine shows more JS performance. shit's messed up)
ITT: tech illiterate morons
I use IceCat on Debian and Cyberfox on Windows7.
I use Opera, mainly because of nostalgia.
GNU Icecat
I just use firefox
Pale moon because Firefox's UI went to shit.
Tor Browser Bundle on GNU/Linux or Firefox/Iceweasel
A more interesting question would be how many of you niggers actually own apple products.
I don't own any personally, but my sister and parents do.
Comrades pls
Iceweasel just switched name back to firefox, so yeah that.
I own and use an Ipod, bought when I was a teenager in 2007 or 8. I guess it's called an Ipod classic now?
Still works great. Above average DAC, 80 GB harddrive and something like 4 or 5 hours battery.
This is not an endorsement of Apple though. Just saying that the original ipods were released when they were building their brand, and couldn't afford the anti-consumer practices they use today.
Not a single one.
this is the problem with tech smart guys
they're fucking retarded but wont accept this truth because they're too far up their ass for being tech smart
I seriously just use Firefox. Even though it's technically developed by a corporation, it still has an influential non-profit foundation.
Besides, it's open-source and very highly customizable. Google is literally pouring gallons of money into Chrome for more market share. Firefox is clearly the underdog in the browser wars. I support it in all the ways I can.
My family all bought Apple products (iMac, iPhone), after Greenpeace said they were the most environmentally sustainable.
Waterfox and Opera, use mostly the previous
Firefox tbh.
I don't own any.
Dark and edgy, just like your soul.
I've owned an old iPhone 2g that I bought used but I hated the thing and it broke when I dropped it.
Now I just buy samsung.
I have a samsung that I haven't turned on in months
same theme I use. it's far easier on the eyes.
The intelgentsia uses the tools of our oppressors.
Normie Yui
I use firefox.
And the Holla Forums guy is a stereotypical polyp that wants to believe what serves his PURE IDEOLOGY!
Why the fuck would anyone use iPhones, if he has Class Con 101?
forgot flag
I use chrome for porn
Firefox or some special snowflake version of it
bing is best search engine for porn, or ddg, if you don't want anybody to know what subset of furry fetish you like.
I don't watch such perverted crap!
My collection of lolicons is irrelevant to my fapping material.
I only use it as a way to have the tabs ready…
I've got a beat up ipod from 2007 or so. I stole it from some guy and it still works.
How many I've personally bought, none.
These guys still don't get it.
Absolutely not.
Holla Forums only uses free as in freedom software. The Free software movement is inherently leftist.
Stallman himself is very far to the left
no apple products in my house, though I wouldn't mind owning one of their laptops. no such thing as ethical consumerism tbh, and macs work great with linux
el oh el
who here uses tabtrees?
I have an 9 year old ipod I still use.
Im probably due for a new mp3 player but I dont know whats decent.
I don't even have a phone let alone an iphone.
Firefox. Not because i especially think its good or all that true to its open source promises, but just because its what i have always used. Chrome bugs me and IE is shit.
Firefox on opensuse rn
I don't own any because I think they're overpriced, but tell me, dear user, what would be the problem if I did? Aside, of course, it being a waste of money.
I'm considering buiying an used Mac mini, but only because I need it for work (it's unfortunately the cheapest way to develop applications for OS X).
i owned a mac once i considered myself an ancap back then so does it count ?
I'd really like to see Holla Forums OS statistics based on HTTP user agent strings.
If it's used, then it seems alright. Unless you want to bother going through the rigamarole of doing a Hackintosh or whatever.
I use Firefox and Chromium
Don't wanna risk getting sued.
Still, having to pay ~$300 for a 7-year-old computer is fucking outrageous.
Any one else that doesn't use one of the major browsers? Surf best browser here.
Nothing aside from that imo
This ebin "leftists love Apple products" meme really needs to stop. This is older and blander than latte jokes.
No ethical consumption, etc, but the main appeal of Apple's computers is that they're idiot proof, and if you aren't an idiot the overwhelming eye candy will just get annoying.
Their software is also mediocre for anyone but plebs and media creators, and the only reason for the latter is because people just assumed Macs were more ~artsy~ and ended up making it true out of demand. As a Unix-like, it's a haphazardly maintained mishmash of FreeBSD and GNU userland that you need to fix with non-Apple software anyway, i.e. homebrew.
Currently using Opera, mostly out of habit.
Opera is like the perfect browser for liberals, it used to be a very nice all-in-one made-in-Norway welfare state browser that bloated up with features, lost too much money and was ditched to create a corporate-sponsored featureless Chrome clone.
god that is depressing for some reason
The guy that made Opera is a cool guy. He lost control of the company. He knew what he had to do to stay competitive with the other browsers but the porkies in charge wouldn't let him do anything. He's started another browser called Vivaldi with his own money. Sadly, it's a chrome clone too. It has a lot of nice our of the box features you'd normally need add ons for. He's basically said he was forced to use chromium as a base due to the price of trying to create his own layout engine.
Icedragon, Opera and Firefox(on linux, since there isn't icedragon there).
Please read Zizek.
I didn't mean to imply "ethical consumption", I'm as guilty as OP is of that.
m8 qutebrowser is best browser
ITT: datamining