Science Updates Early September 2016

Imagine that you could isolate the set of genes coding for ambition

2020 will be the decade of genetic engineering. Any wars that happen will be won via genetic engineering. Not just of the winners soldiers, but of the losers population(s). Temporary… or permanent changes to the fundamental functions of life.

Dead Cas9 is already helping researchers tinker with DNA in ways they couldn’t before. Variations on the dull blade may help scientists solve one of the great mysteries of biology: How does the same set of 20,000 genes give rise to so many different types of cells in the body?
The genome is like a piano, says Jonathan Weissman, a biochemist at the University of California, San Francisco. “You can play a huge variety of different music with only 88 keys by how hard you hit the keys, what keys you mix up and the timing.” By dialing down or turning up the activity of combinations of genes at precise times during development, cells are coaxed into becoming hundreds of different types of body cells.
For the last 20 years, researchers have been learning more about that process by watching when certain genes turn on and off in different cells. Gene activity is controlled by a dizzying variety of proteins known as transcription factors. When and where a transcription factor acts is at least partly determined by chemical tags on DNA and the histone proteins that package it. Those tags are known collectively as epigenetic marks. They work something like the musical score for an orchestra, telling the transcription factor “musicians” which notes to hit and how loudly or softly to play. So far, scientists have only been able to listen to the music. With dead Cas9, researchers can create molecules that will change epigenetic notes at any place in the score, Weissman says, allowing researchers to arrange their own music.
Epigenetic marks are alleged to be involved in addiction, cancer, mental illness, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Scientists haven’t been able to prove that epigenetic marks are really behind these and other ailments, because they could never go into a cell and change just one mark on one gene to see if it really produced a sour note.
One such epigenetic mark, the attachment of a chemical called an acetyl group to a particular amino acid in a histone protein, is often associated with active genes. But no one could say for sure that the mark was responsible for making those genes active. Charles Gersbach of Duke University and colleagues reported last year in Nature Biotechnology that they had fused dead Cas9 to an enzyme that could make that epigenetic mark. When the researchers placed the epigenetic mark on certain genes, activity of those genes shot up, evidence that the mark really does boost gene activity. With such CRISPR epigenetic editors in hand, researchers may eventually be able to correct errant marks to restore harmony and health.

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Many enzymes can cut DNA; the first were discovered in the 1970s and helped to launch the whole field of genetic engineering. What makes CRISPR/Cas9 special is its precision. Scientists can make surgical slices in one selected spot, as opposed to the more scattershot approach of early tools. A few recent gene-editing technologies, such as zinc finger nucleases and TALENs, could also lock on to a single target. But those gene editors are hard to redirect. A scientist who wants to snip a new spot in the genome has to build a new editor. That’s like having to assemble a unique guided missile for every possible target on a map. With CRISPR/Cas9, that’s not necessary.
The secret to CRISPR’s flexibility is its guidance system. A short piece of RNA shepherds the Cas9 cutting enzyme to its DNA target. The “guide RNA” can home in on any place a researcher selects by chemically pairing with DNA’s information-containing building blocks, or bases (denoted by the letters A, T, C and G). Making a new guide RNA is easy; researchers often simply order one online by typing in the desired sequence of bases.

Researchers have discovered a new, “multicomponent” virus that infects mosquitoes: one of the first times that such a virus isolated from an animal. The new virus—named the Guaico Culex virus (GCXV) by the scientists who described it in a Cell Host & Microbe paper published this week (August 25)—has a genome that comes in five pieces, each of which is separately packaged. In order for a mosquito to be infected by the virus, at least four of these segments must invade the host.
“It’s the most bizarre thing,” Edward Holmes, a virologist at the University of Sydney, told NPR’s Goats and Soda. “If you compare it to the human body, it’s like a person would have their legs, trunk and arms all in different places,” added Holmes, who was not involved with the study. “Then all the pieces come together in some way to work as one single virus. I don’t think anything else in nature moves this way.”
Viruses with multicomponent genomes commonly infect plants and fungi, but they are far rarer in animals.
The study that discovered and described GCXV was part of a broader effort to better understand mosquito-borne viruses. The research team reported finding a variant of the new virus in a red colobus monkey from Uganda. GCXV doesn’t appear to infect humans.

So niggers will loot, rape and riot even more? And more moslems will become violent radicals? Because those are their primary motivations.

If anyone honestly makes an ambition serum I would be the first in line to take it.


if they've actually done this, they will literally be able to put the Will to Power in a fucking syringe

but let's not jump to conclusions yet

Are you implying a magical switch that will be equally +1 applied to the whole planet? Please go with this fantasy.


With aging, the proliferative and functional abilities of macrophages and MSCs are impaired because of a combination of intrinsic and environmental factors. As proper bone healing requires an inflammatory phase, the increased survival of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages and reduced secretion of pro-inflammatory factors with age may jeopardize timely bone regeneration. At the same time, aging negatively impacts MSC proliferation and differentiation, further impeding the bone-healing process. It would appear that, taken together, both macrophages and MSCs, cells critical for regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues, are adversely affected by aging. This scenario provides new opportunities for modulation of cellular events in order to optimize the healing of mesenchymally derived tissues, including bone.

Butt-hurt wannabe

uh, seriously read Nietzsche my friend. i can't believe you've gotten here without at least a cursory knowledge of him


I could use some ambition. I was more intelligent than 95% of the people in my state when tested, yet I don't have a job and live with my parents….


I like it, bring in Super-Hitler


I still think modification is a trap.

I've read enough my friend, but you are unable to communicate why you think the will to power could be put into a syringe. Nor why you sage like a jew.

It could be if you let it. This is happening to cure debilitating diseases whether you like it or not. If you shun the idea or try to ban it then the jew will just find another way. When it is out of your hands and the knowledge is kept from you because of mechanisms you put in place, then the jew wins. Your choice.

I'm not really interested in transhumanism tbh fam.

Walking down this path will lead us only to aberration.

Naturalistic evolution > Synthetic evolution

That's some nice poetry. China is already going ahead with genetic engineering of humans. Many others are probably doing it privately.
You can pretend that it won't matter but it does.
You can go on not caring, just remember that other hwhite men will be using the technology we have created. We will not hand it over to the jew to reap the fruits of our labours.

Essentially we harness bacteria-made DNA cutters, that are laser-accurate and will allow for crazy experimentation in the future and are already capable of removing retrovirus DNA from mammal bodies en masse…. and eventually inflicting mass enslavement under any kind of totalitarian regime that loathes it's populace. Meaning one political slip and humanity's gone… I don't think this is a question of "do we use it". It's gonna be used against humanity. It will probably destroy a chunk of the 3rd World if the "Free" World isn't looking/can't do shit about it by turning the inhabitants into drones.

I'm with OP on this, even if he's jacking of to bionic man right now, I don't think Holla Forums can ignore this. there needs to be a way to memetically funnel various geneticist initiatives towards something that will help us and punish that what would harm us as a group. As in, we need to have a ready stance on this other than 'bleh'. And in time we'll need to push it. A clear vision where we want to go with this.

It's obviously not our business if Chinks decide to try and LARP the X-Men into existence, but even small incremental changes, like selecting zygotes for intelligence, will change the global playing field eventually. How can an ethnically-oriented group deal with it without losing coherence?

In the West at least they won't push for direct dehumanization, but individual changes will become a thing. Think furfags, otherkin, bronies, edgelords. I doubt they'll allow heritable mutations (i.e. including gonads), since it'd just wreck us in couple generations, but even just a culture that embraces increasing dysfunction might lend itself to:

a) propagating atomization and loss of identity, since a huge chunk of society now looks like something thats been pulled out of a looney toon's ass and has something to sustain their special snowflake syndrome
b) dependance on the state as the stabilizing factor - you can imagine how that leverage would be used,

You serious? Society, hell, civilization doesn't even exist within the same time scale as meaningful evolution. The opinions we hold on evolutionary process don't even matter, they'll get lost in the hundreds of thousands of years of cultural shifts and changes. Assuming we ever exist that long to begin with.

Genetic engineering is the same, but in reverse. You can think whatever you like, once it happens it happened. All it takes is a decade.

Opposing all tampering will just mount the general pressure to allow it, because of various valid and semi-valid complaints about fixable conditions. On the other hand most people recognize that letting individuals decide everything about the changes they make in themselves could unleash serious chaos on society, so most certainly some controlling bodies will be instated to moderate the influx of new modifications. My concern is who will lionize those and what will they promote.

In my mind there's really no way we can stop people from genetic changes. Eventually they'll fall into it anyway. By then I'd like to see a pervasive opinion on the non-degenerate kind of alterations on the Right. Because standing aside entirely won't be an option, if there's legit mental augmentation available.–That's why the attitude here is pissing me off, the idea that all you have to do is not play the game goes out of the fucking window the moment all the snake oil stops flowing and the real deal becomes reality.