Grylz > Womynz

Is it just me, or does something happen in the female brain as it ages that turns them into manipulative piles of trash?

Perhaps it's younger children in general, but they're more genuine and pleasant to be around..

But is it something biological, or do females learn "the ways of the world" as they progress through life, and simply mimic the manipulative behavior of other women around them to satisfy basic desires, instead of putting in the work and developing themselves as individuals to gain what they want through their own efforts?

Its biological. When they have less eggs they get desperate for children and men who can provide for them. Women are not men. They are resource whores the older they get. When they are young they have tons of opportunites and all sorts of dick to pick from so they are more carefree.

It seems to happen in certain age ranges, though. Usually around high school and beyond.

Can high school girls be considered "women?"

Women realize they are privileged over men in our current society, and they begin to take advantage of it more and more as they realize they are rarely held accountable for their actions.

How would you "hold them accountable" for being manipulative and trashy? It's not illegal, and the media only covers male altercations because they're perceived as more common.

check your white male privilege

becyase gynocentrism. Girls always get special treatment but as they become sexually active they get more deference. This increases their arrogance and expectations. As they get older and hit the wall they still think they deserve such treatment and get cunter because men stop trying to fuck them and give them shit.

Tl;dr hebe girls appreciate your effort. Post wall cunts demand more effort than they're worth.

yes and it happens at 16
i speak from experience

all women under 16 are angels
all women over 16 are demons

Solution: hebephilia. Problem solved.

bam! nailed it.

This. Once they start to have their period god intended them to bred. It's only older used up cunts who make loving hebes "immoral" because they don't want to compete with the superior hebe

I've noticed that, but I've noticed other older women can be appreciative as well, so I'm not sure if age is as much a factor here as society and social engineering is.

it's not their period, it's something else
every girlfriend i've had that i've witnessed go through year 16 of their lives always turns into a monster by the end of it

It's possible but really rare that a women can realize she ain't a princess and should appreciate what a man has to offer.
But the introspection need is not a quality most women posses. Women by nature are much harder to red pill on anything.

It's their sexual market place value. At that age it skyrockets. As more men show interest in them they start thinking their hot shit. Not realizing their true value is in being young and having tight holes.

Its called puberty

I don't even think it's about introspection, either. Just to know that someone cared enough about you to remember your birthday, and actually go out of their way to see you and say happy birthday seems to always be welcomed, whether you're a stuck-up bitch, or a homely and humbled person.

It's not directly after puberty that it happens, so whether it's biological or sociological is up for debate.

TBH fam I've wished plenty of girls a happy birthday and at best they thank you and forget i made the effort. They don't appreciate it.
Women can't understand such things. They're aren't wired to love and appreciate others. Only themselves. It's biology. Occasionally one can overcome it but it's rare and they aren't looking to be your dream girl.

I think they appreciate it, but the time varies. Some might appreciate it, but forget about it soon after, and some might remember it for a little while. I guess it also depends on what significance you hold to them. If you don't see them much, but wish them a happy birthday, it may or may not be important or meaningful to them, but if you see them regularly, or are friends with them, it might be more meaningful because they already value you.

for hundreds of thousands of years women have been birthing during their early teens, so they bodies evolved to facilitate this. when they fail and get pregnant, their bodies are literally rebelling and going crazy. you can't undone hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in just a hundred years


I wonder the same thing as OP. I work in a school, elementary and Jr high. Every day at lunch I hear what the other staff, almost 100% female, talks about. Such stupid shit, like you'd think stereotypical teenage bimbos talk about. In fact, I would say they're not really talking about anything. None of them seem to have any hobbies. And I don't mean like making model airplanes or some shit, I mean none of them seem to even watch tv or movies. Occasionally someone will try to bring up some show or movie or book, usually one of the few males that work there, and the women have never seen or heard of anything. Even books, and they're fucking teachers. You know what they do talk about now though? Youtube videos. All they fucking talk about is youtube videos. Grown ass women. Some of the younger ones even talk about lets plays and shit. The few times I've been dumb enough to chime in and try to talk about the game, they all say they never actually played it. Now, some of these women do talk about their kids, and I get that having kids makes you busy, but most of them actually don't have kids, at least the younger ones, and they just still seem to do nothing but go on youtube all fucking day, and going out with their boyfriends and shit. But even then, they're going to sporting events or whatever that they clearly don't give a shit about. When they talk about it it's like they weren't even there. Mentally, I suppose they weren't. They were just pretending to like it to try to seem cool to their boyfriends.

But the students at the school aren't like this at all. Plenty of them do have real interests. Some play vidya (like actually play vidya, not that fucking casual big bang theory shit adults do), a lot are on sports teams and actually watch sports (yes I'm still talking about girls, specifically), and all of them actually watch (as in genuinely enjoy and experience and think about, not let their eyes gloss over and sit in front of a screen) different movies and tv shows. A lot of them get really into certain novels, some even read comics. A surprising amount are weebs and into anime.

But practically none of this applies to the girls in the highest grade in the school, eighth grade. By this time, they are beginning to become adults, physically, and mentally. And already I can see that by that age they're all quitting their sports teams and don't watch as fans anymore, they've all stopped reading everything that wasn't assigned, unless it's some meme novel like hunger games or whatever. When a new movie comes out, a lot of the kids from all the different grades like to talk about it, and somehow, the older girls have less insight than the damn kindergarteners, because they weren't fucking paying attention. It always turns out they only went because all their friends were going, and not out of any genuine interest. They all stopped watching tv except maybe some reality shows, but mostly all they talk about is fucking youtube shit, just like the adults. It's terrifying. I haven't worked there for super long, but it will be painful to see girls who actually seemed like fully fledged people with real interests and real personalities turn into these soulless automatons the older ones all seem to become.

tl;dr: younger girls all seem to have actual interests and hobbies. Adult women, and even most as early as jr high, seem to lose all interest in anything except socializing, and letting their eyes gloss over in front of mindless reality shows and youtube shit. Even simply watching tv or movies seems too taxing for them. What the fuck happens to them?

Oh yeah there are still some weebs in eighth grade but only the fat ones.

"Girls mature faster than boys," remember? I suppose that "mature" means "turn into mindless zombies with no zest for life, and with very few exceptions," in this case.

But that's the thing, it's not even "zest for life." Like I'm not saying they should all be interested in mountain climbing or some actual exotic or adventurous shit. These "people" all seem to turn like 15 and just stop having any interest in literally anything except socializing. They can't even gather the energy to focus their brain on actually paying attention to movies or tv, and I thought that was the most passive and mindless thing you could do.

Why do women seem to go out of their way to avoid having an interest in any topic whatsoever? Younger girls actually have interests, so why do they stop? Do they just turn 15 and decide

Do they ever think back to when they actually had interests and hobbies? Do they ever miss it? Don't they think back and remember "you know, some tv shows were actually pretty good. Maybe instead of watching a lets play, I'll watch an actual show." I mean it's not like that instantly makes them some cultured high brow super interesting person, but at least they're putting at least a minimal amount of genuine interest into something. Anything at all other than just socializing.

I think those things become less of a priority as they age, because they realize that time is running out, and they only have so long to get jizzed in and raise a family.

So you argue that although women say that men think about nothing but sex, the reason women are so boring and lack interest in anything is because the only thing they care about is sex, and they're essentially projecting? Plus, I suppose they would say men only care about sex, because they lack all interest in anything else men try to talk about, so not only do men learn to not talk about those things around them, but their minds just shut down when men do talk about them.



We are going to need a hell of a shaman to fix this mess, lads

I can't bring myself to accept that it's DNA. There must be significant social conditioning. Surely if I have a daughter, she won't be absolutely doomed to turn into a mindless automaton during puberty, right? Surely if I raise her right, she will continue to have a personality and thus actually be a person, right? Right?

By beating the shit out of them, thdn gang raping them, then killing them, then crucifying them in the local church as an example?

Have fun in jail. In fact, you're likely to go to jail just for looking at her funny. You could be the nicest guy in the world, but if she says you made her feel uncomfortable, you are going directly to prison.

The only thing anyone really cares about is sex. That's the driving force behind nearly all interactions of opposite sexes, and why sex is heavily used by industries to sell things. It's on almost everyone's minds nearly all the time. Women pretend like they aren't thinking about it, but they are.

But if that were the case, men wouldn't care about things like vidya or anime or comic books. Those things don't help men get laid at all, but men care about them. Women, on the other hand, are much more transparent and direct when it comes to caring about nothing but sex. They sincerely seem to have no actual interest in anything whatsoever other than socializing. It's incredibly hard to find a woman who actually has a hobby, even with the most broad definition of hobby. Even things like following tv shows or movies is too taxing for them, and they only do it as part of a social activity, rather than due to being interested in the show or movie itself. Even when socializing isn't an immediate option, the woman will choose to do as close to nothing as possible. She will not indulge in a hobby, even as simple as appreciating art (and yes I'm counting low brow, seemingly mindless shit like vidya or tv to be art). She will instead choose to turn her mind off and let her eyes gloss over in front of some mindless youtube video. And if you ask her about it as soon as it ends, she won't be able to answer any questions, because it is forgotten the instant it's over, because it is entirely mindless and she was never actually paying attention. Men who do this are much less common, and men who indulge in pursuits that do not help them get laid, or even prevent them from getting laid, are much more common.

Those fulfill different drives. As men, we're task/goal oriented, and vidya game developers know this. That's why video game consoles and games now have "achievements," which provide an illusion of accomplishment. It's also why most women don't play or have an interest in videogames. They have different mental wiring, and different goals. I suppose you could say it is somewhat "in their nature" to view manipulation as a tactic, and a valid means of accomplishing their goals.

lol mods are deleting comments about hebephillia

mods are cucks

Okay, but then that runs counter to the idea that all anybody thinks about is sex. Clearly men have other goals. Women seem to only have the singular goal of increasing their place in the social hierarchy. It's not that men don't have this goal as well, it's that men also have other goals in addition to this.

Women are stupid fucking monkeys.

it is just you

Shut up, CUNT.

Not really. I think we understand that there are things that women want, as well, and men simply wanting sex isn't enough to make women want it, too. Men need to build themselves and their environment. Women seek comfortable, stable and secure environments to live in. Get the picture?

I guess we can only hope so.

I don't see how a man spending all his time watching anime is some sort of roundabout way of attracting women.

Its not. They were simply listing other things that some men want to do, but it's not very relevant to the subject.

i know a girl that is very manipulative and always lies. very abusive and the father doesnt do shit to stop her. shes an ugly fat piggie with a crack whore mother. i think she gets it from her.

Women want comfortable, stable, and secure environments. Until she leaves you because she's bored and you're not "exciting" enough.

Women like the big comfortable house and your high stable and secure income because it increases their social value.

They want a fucking monkey nest in a tree to fuck in.

Naw, they just want to fuck the monkey highest in the social chain. They'll live in squalor if it gets them closer to that.

I hate to say it, but I don't think monogamous relationships are supposed to be a long-term thing for our species. Monogamy serves its purpose when the population numbers are dwindling, but i hardly think 7 billion is falling into the "red zone" for being endangered.

The internet and TV are dangerous to people in general. You've got limited access to all these people who are AMAZING at their craft, better than you think you will ever be. This is a discouraging factor, why bother trying when there are people that are that good out there already? Why bother contacting the good people for lessons/counsel when they are already swarmed with more attention than they can handle? Better just sit back and atrophy mentally while people who are actually good at stuff do what they do best.

Its not "dangerous." It is what it is. That's not a good outlook to have, because who's to say that what they're doing is "the best?" It might be "good," but variety is what brings innovation. People doong the same shit the same way never brings about change, and finding "your way" of doing things might just be a better way than what's been done before. Don't give up on yourself because you feel like it is pointless to try. With that attitude, you'll always lose.

Both non-fiction and fiction can be very inspiring. Is that not the point of art? To inspire? But women don't appreciate art, which is why they gravitate to "reality" shit. So they can watch people doing "real" shit, usually now just socializing, to fill the void left in the brief moments when they are not themselves socializing.

Ummm.. I think women are more likely to pursue careers in art than men are.



Women are more likely to pursue careers in "art." They want to smear their period blood on a canvas and be told they're genius for it. Women have produced almost no art of value, and don't seem to even appreciate it. And I'm not only talking about upper class fancy shit. What cartoons or comics have been made by women that are actually worth reading? There are a few women in comics that I like, but very few. More in Japan. How many female filmmakers produce anything that isn't just pretentious navel gazing garbage, or generic romance shit where a woman is a slut and then gets everything she ever wanted (Chad's dick) with no effort? You could probably count the number on one hand.

It's the same as cooking. Women are said to do it more, but all the actual good chefs are men.

younger are way better for sure

They pursue certain types of things that they have an interest in. Whether they be good at doing those things or not, it doesn't matter. Your level of expertise is solely dependent on you, not anyone else, so if they suck at what they like, it's their fault, and maybe it's not their "thing." We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and pursuing a weakness *might* turn out well, but expect to fail.

Maybe a lot of women are just better suited to being mothers, and some not even that.

Younger women are better, but if you're a mature guy, the personalities don't mix very well. It's difficult to find a mature, young woman that hasn't been mentally and physically tainted by social groupthink.

my grandmother got married at 14, and yours probably did too

Naw. Nobody likes the type of "art" they go to school for. It's a giant circlejerk of people who want to be told they're fancy and high status for doing arbitrary things that a group of rich people have arbitrarily claimed is fancy. Once again, it's another thing they do for social status.

To be clear, it's not that I'm saying literally every woman is a soulless automaton. Like there are some autistic ones that get really into trains and shit, I'm sure. Just not that many.

Anecdotal evidence isn't a good sauce.

It doesnt matter what kind of art they're doing. The point is that they pursue interests where they can express themselves creatively. Men just build shit with structure and practicality in mind. It doesn't matter how it looks as long as it's the best performing piece of shit out there.

I argue that they don't. I argue that they pursue interests where they get to be part of a clique that is perceived as high status. The art that they teach at schools is a circlejerk at best and a money laundering scheme at worst, sustained only by the fact that they call everyone else stupid if they dare to point out that the emperor has no clothes. Nobody, women or men, pursues this for actual artistic interest. They pursue it to be part of a high status clique.

That's why all the best art that people actually like, from paintings to novels to statues to movies to whatever else you can name, is done by men, with barely a few outlier women actually producing any noteworthy works in these fields. But I'm sure Stanley Kubrick (or literally any artist you can name) was purely about practicality, he never cared how his products looked. The closest women get to being common producers of art in a field is in music, and even then, it's as singers, usually doing songs written by men (and they're still shit).

It isnt ancedotal. Only recent decades have people lived such long lives in such numbers. People regularly died even in their 20s from war, plauge, and other environmental conditions. 13-25 are prime birthing years for women for a reason. Nature is a fuckin bitch and only the strong survive.

This tbh. As children get older, they are encouraged by their role models to stop "acting like a child" and to "grow up". Based on their observations, that can only mean one thing: be rude, heartless and uncaring towards others. Children are love. Adults beat it out of them.

more truth spoken!

user, pls. Do some basic fact checking before posting this sort of tripe. While technically accurate, the simple fact that females have roughly 1,000,000 eggs at birth means that all the eggs they ovulate during their entire fertility period is a trifling percentage. They still have roughly 1,000,000 eggs at death from old age.

You should really stop appealing to the feminists with that term friend. Marrying women once they reach pubescence has been the norm for effectively the entirety of human existence. It's only during the last hundred-odd years with the rise of the Women's Movement that you have been brainwashed into thinking that wanting to marry a woman in her peak fertility and child-bearing years is somehow a crime. That idea is ridiculous, quite simply.

Any 'philia' implies some form of psychological disorder. There is nothing psychologically disordered about a man wanting to engage with a young woman in her prime teen years.

The fuck off oldcunt

and you think shoving your cock into them will make them loving and understanding?

back off, pedophobe antipedokike

mods are fags, dox them all

Until the patriarchy has men earning money and just giving it to us stronk womyn, while we do nothing but collect money from everyone, we will never be equal, FUCKING SHITLORDS!111