Allegedly shouted 'Britain First' before shooting her three times.
Allegedly shouted 'Britain First' before shooting her three times.
Other urls found in this thread:
this wouldnt happen if britain had gun control!!!
He was actually saying "Britain First to leave the EU" but this Jo "Cuck" walked infront of his bullet so he couldn't finish his sentence
This is some Grade A smearing.
Corbyn's reign of terror has begun.
Would you like to see Britannia Rule again?
My friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.
Would you like to send our coloured cousins home again?
My friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms.
FFS, couldn't they do something useful like shoot IDS or his muppet of a replacement?
The witness said the gun looked homemade.
Its trivial to make a pipe shotgun, for example. Look it up.
What did you think of the imagery in The Wall?
But we need to keep guns away from these dangerous people!!!1!
It's not exactly trivial, I doubt a wimpy Elliot Roger type could do it, and this guy shot three times, once in the head from close range, and this woman isn't DOA. I think that demonstrates why real guns are a lot more dangerous.
fucking fascists ruining the leave campaign for the rest of us.
Why can't they just not ch*mp out for one fucking day?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a false flag though.
Gabby Giffords was shot in the back of the head from about a foot away with a "real gun" and she survived. And yes an Elliot Roger type could make a pipe shotgun easy. All it takes is two pieces of pipe of appropriate size, an end cap, a nail, a soldering iron, and a pair of wirecutters.
And do you think a r9k guy so staggeringly incompetent he can't get women while driving a BMW can do that? I doubt it. Most of these people are fucking worthless. This guy I can believe since 50s far right fits the profile for some kind of construction worker or tradesman but most child killer teens I really don't think will be able to do it.
Are you saying that an r9k fag couldn't solder a clipped nail to the inside of a pipe cap and then screw it onto a piece of pipe? That's seriously all it takes.
Also trying to compare someone's extreme social inability due to their alienation to their ability to do basic assembly work is pretty stupid.
Reports are saying she's brain dead.
She is a Labour MP, though.
Where do the "Britain First" come from?
they're a pseudofascist party
any english antifa here?
time to kick some teeth in?
No i mean where is it in the article, can't find it.
It was reported on Sky News but apparently they might be backtracking it now, I'm just saying what I heard
They mostly come from a circle jerk fascist facebook page.
Also, they took their name from a national front publication that advocated Not Socialism. (Strasserite kind).
This isn't the freudposter you're looking for… Although with my limited knowledge of psychoanalysis I could say it's a fairly satisfying mishmash of a fascist-in-the-making's daddy issues plus a bit of the good ol' women are evil repdill shit. Nothing too difficult for anyone with half a brain ( lol) to process.
make that daddy AND mommy issues and Pink's problems with the ladies likely stemming from the latter
NO! Don't you know that fascism is not a real threat to anybody and that beating them up is worse than fascism?!
She's dead lads. Jesus.
How long until the alt right youtube club call this a false flag?
Well now I'll feel bad if I make any labour jokes. Fucking fascists.
was she important?
I'm literally the only Remain person in the fullchan Holla Forums for this news story; I thought there'd be at least a couple more
None of the Britain First stuff is confirmed. In fact, it's most likely bullshit.
they are already
Holla Forums is already doing it.
I'm always up for giving them a beating m8
She was truly a saint.
but a Leave vote is the pro-proletarian vote.
meant for
Consider what the EU did to Greece. Or to Spain.
Neither option benefits workers.
what the EU did to Greece and what the greek bourgeois consequently did to the greek working class.
You see?
wonder who shillcen will blame lol
The EU has enabled a lot of foreign scab labour.
I hope you get made redundant and fucking Jamal takes your job instead
t. foreign scab labor
Christ almighty. Stefan's made a video about how Remainers twisted the situation to demonise the Brexit vote… whilst he himself has only made this video to push his own pro-Brexit agenda. I only watched the first 6ish minutes but a lot of it was bullshit. For example, the reason papers reported the "Britain First" quote was because it was corroborated by two witnesses, not because they'd made it up; a few of them rescinded the allegation once it was thought to be false.
The video also talks about how awful it is that people (read: a few twitter-based retards) have jumped to political point-scoring when the body is still warm. The hypocrisy completely escapes them.
literally damage control
There is no benefit to workers either way; Britain will simply lose whatever freedom it already has; and I do not trust the Tory government (or even the Labour government, which helped pass through Theresa May's surveillance crap) to draft up a good Bill of Rights.
The Human Rights Act is the only thing Britain has left protecting it from full blown totalitarian fascism. I've said this before and I'll say it again: who can be for taking away even more freedom? You still can't posses certain drawings (even drawings you made yourself, from your own imagination) in the UK. That's the result of the apathetic British populace and the prudish politicians in the Houses of Parliament.
I like the fact that I can move out of the UK and work in any of the EU countries that I please, indefinitely, and reclaim my freedom at least in part. If the EU lets workers in, let them come in.
The solution to this problem is legislation is forcing employers to pay immigrants and citizens the same amount. Not to leave the EU, at least not yet.
I trust the EU more than this apathetic populace and terrible government that's more about petty tax discussions than protecting the rights of the people, the workers included.
Leaving the EU does nothing for workers. It only serves to take away more of your freedom, of movement and from surveillance and even liberties we took for granted. The only advantage is that Britain has a little more control over immigration policy, and that's been hyped up by all the "muh refugees! eat ur children!" bullshit from UKIP and the like.
The whole leave campaign is infantile and reliant on FUD. I find it hard to believe there are any non-authoritarian leftists at all who desire it, and who know the political situation in the UK.
Just to be clear with what the Brexit people are saying: "You should trust a government that won less than 40% of the popular vote to create a Bill of Rights, despite obvious infringements the government has made on our personal liberty."
Good luck getting that shit passed through a bourgeois system.
In the meanwhile scab labour lowers my wages.
The whole point of that is to pressure wages and function as scab-labour, whether it's domestic or foreign labour.
The European Union is the only thing blocking the Torries from abolishing union rights. Why you're arguing for higher wages OUTSIDE the EU is fucking beyond belief.
She was a porky anti-Corybn neoliberal Blairite shill. The fuck is wrong with you?
scabs are literally strike breakers, workers that are hired to work during strikes. Immigrant workers are part of the inter-labor competition, something that you can say about the city and the countryside as well. Do you consider people commuting from rural regions to the city in order to do the work for smaller wages to be scabs as well? Probably not. You're a petty nationalist and "leftist" rhetoric can't hide that fact.
Is this what proletarian internationalism means to you?
It's good she's dead, another warmongering neoliberal SJW dead, hopefully Labour will actually field a socialist candidate in her place.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
My only worry about this episode is that the fascists have drawn first blood against the establishment, if there's going to be a revolution in Britain any time soon, it's going to be a fascist one and the socialists these days would never dare to even arm themselves let alone commit violent against the establishment.
From whence are scab workers almost always recruited?
Internationalism means internationalism to me: not globalism.
In the abolition of the bourgeois, they do. As competition, they do not.
Thank god you underlined all that shit in the most Holla Forums fashion possible.
probably that anarko whose whining-thread got crashed with no survivors yesterday being salty
Even if it was true that most scabs are immigrants, do you really think there would be fewer scabs with fewer immigrants? Jesus.
obviously internationalism means jackshit to you if you don't realize that immigrant workers have the same interests as you.
Not even that guy but you fucking embarrased yourself.
what are you talking about?
I never said the former: what I said is that globalism increases the size of the reserve army of labour at the local level and thus that that there are more scabs and general competetion. So that said, fewer scabs with fewer immigrants.
Immigrants have the same interests to me in that they want to abolish the bourgeoisie; not as competition.
Likewise, the bourgeoisie have the same class interests, but don't like each other as competition.
I'm quite new here. Is this bait or are you guys genuinely a "gas the capitalists, class war now" version of Holla Forums?
The whole thing was a shitstorm, but you tried to demonstrate that war, not redistribution, helps the Rate of Profits to rise.
Then you pointed out that the RoP bagan to rise in 1933, the exact same year as the New Deal was implemented, thus kinda ruining your point.
In that we support political violence?
Sure. Most of us do.
Greece and UK are not the same situations.
Greece has debt and deficit. We're also not economic powerhouse.
If Greece left, and we only wanted to leave the eurozone, not the EU, there would be more euroscepticism, and long term EU might suffer. Also, Greece would had better tourism, thus a chance to live.
If GB leaves, apart from economic loss and eurosceptisism, it doesn't have much to lose or gain.
So, in the end, what is best for labor? To try to make the system colapse, or to stay and hope EU changes?
Well, I say go fullPosadism, but my opinion is not to be taken that seriously…
This is the stupidest argument.
It doesn't matter if it's scab labour, as you wouldn't have a job anyway. Blaming immigrands for a broken system is what the right wing does.
Well… Here the Nazis killed a rapper… not an MP .. not sure if that's better or worse…
Hope this makes them lose power, like they did here.
Sure. Put them up against the wall.
But only cause the people are ready to. Not cause some edgy anarkids want to.
Would this particular MP warrant violence in your opinion? If so, why?
Violence is only OK if it's during the revolution.
Otherwise it hurts the revolutionary potential.
Also, violence is relevant to what you are up against and why you do it.
In this case, no it was not.
Recognizing that competing with dirt-poor foreigners is bad for me, is not the same as blaming immigrants, much like saying out-sourcing is not a good thing is not the same as being racist against asians.
I have nothing against immigration, but it's incompatible with capitalism.
This one.
Nah. She was more a servant to capital than someone actually in power.
That other guy was being edgy.
Lad, please.
Immigration, cheap labor, out-sourcing, IS what capitalism is based upon.
It's called "free market" for a reason.
To be fair, within ~30 years we'll have desktop manufacturing systems capable of printing almost any gun to the same tolerances as current off-the-shelf weapons.
We're going to have to find a better solution than prohibition to deal with violence in the long run. A good start would be to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment for offenders, and vastly increase the availability of mental health care. Also socialism/communism, obviously.
That said, banning guns has undoubtedly saved a lot of lives in the UK.
Yes. That's what I'm saying.
Sick buzzword.
please consider what the consequences of an expanding reserve army of labour is.
Sick bait.
Okay. I'm sorry.
You want to propagate worker's rights?
Then immigration and capitalism is not something we want.
COME ON IT'S 1871!
I'm pretty sure you're just a falseflagger tbh
You mean like Marxists pretending to be socialists?
He's just an idiot.
Marxism hasn't been tried, right "comrade"? :^)
He didn't actually shout 'Britain first'.
Britain Second,
Jo first.
Witnesses say he did.
And other witnesses say he didn't.
And other witnesses say he shouted "Holla Forums told me to do it".
Still a confirmed Neo-Nazi though
Even if Marxism was tries a trillion times they'd still cry muh capitalist conditions.
The interests of the working class is for immigration to cease though, both for the immigrant and for the stayathomeagrant. Immigration is a tool the bourgeoisie use to make sure other countries workers use their labor to raise and educate a worker who they can then take to their country to create pressure against unions, leaving the home country of the immigrant being basically robbed of resources, labor and of the kind of people most likely to change their situation, the people who don't like the existing situation. People don't immigrate elsewhere because they love their home country.
You don't understand what it's like to live in a world in which everything triggers you. I no longer need to put the kettle on for coffee, my blood boils enough.
That's not very nice.
Its still pretty dark though man.
Fascists killing Social Democrats is some 1930s German shit all over again.
Doesn't the killer have a history of mental illness?
Who enabled the Freikorps again?
He has OCD. No idea if he has a history of violence though. A lot of people with OCD have intrusive thoughts, some of which they cannot control.
Not excusing his actions though. Fuck him.
Somebody ban the ancom false flagger please, I am 100% it's a Holla Forums false flag and the same little bitch that started the patriarchy thread.
True, SDP. Interesting point
Haha Upvoted xD
Hahaha, the flesh machine thinks it can control most of its thoughts. It's so cute when they think they have free will.
this bait is fucking golden tbh
You could make that argument with David Cameron or any political figure ever. She aspired to be part of the ill establishment and was cut down before she could do any more neoliberal shilling and apologising as she had already clearly begun.
When the ballot box is rigged and people can't have their sentiments expressed in the political system, all enemies of the people are fair game. She clearly was, it's just that she's one of those "capitalism with a human face" types that appear sanitized next to the likes of any Conservative, yet her aims and aspirations converge just the same.
Good riddance.
She legitimised and acted in the interests of a system that kills millions of people everyday for no reason, why should we feel sorry for this at best naive well meaning but detrimental fool?
Honestly, ability to seduce women and DIY are two very different skill sets that aren't related in any way.
cus its an excuse to get angry at fascists and point out how dangerous they're getting
Dont worry lefties, you will all get your turns soon.
Yeah just look at the picture this article paints.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
Fascist, check.
As you you can see this man is the idealized modern Nazi and these qualities are what we should all be watching for in our friends an neighbors( and contact the authorities when they express any of these qualities).
Fascist, check.
Based Corbyn purging the party of liberal idpolers while falseflagging the far-right into oblivion.
fucking keked
the absolute madman.
way too good of a bait, damn they just don't stop
Really makes you think.
If it's a false flag, surely his background should be 'arrested 50 times for beating immigrants, no job, went to an underground nazi training camp, posted racist videos on youtube'. How about you pick a story and stick to it?
I never said false flag. No I am questioning the narrative brought forth by the lugenpresse. This man volunteered to teach immigrants English. I will type that out again, this man volunteered to teach immigrants English. I highly doubt his motivation here was Brexit or immigration. There are other reasons to call someone a traitor then that.
Lurk more.
He didn't shout "Britain first"
Some fuck simply went mad because Jo Cox was actually one of the MPs behind the social services who took his kids from him, in Britain social services can simply knock on your door and take your kids for kid trafficking any day of the week and you can't do shit about it.
OP's a faggot
bump 2
You mean they can take kids away from dangerous, drunk parents who rape, torture and abuse them.
Source: my step-mother worked as a social worker, that's the kind of shit she'd see every day.
He ebin meme nuffin!