How do you consider the square root of it without as to what it could be to look through into it?
General Questions Thread
Which quotation mark would that be?
the one with no pants
Can you please take this seriously?
you're a dead man
your mom plays basketball
I don't think I can
The path to life is a tricky one, it may to as be what with a full or empty while all the same having in a certain approach…
How can I ever know I am actually right about something if all opinions are formed based on subjective experiences?
You don't know. You should always be willing and open to the possibility that you may be wrong.
Pretty much this. You can't ever be certain about your opinion. You have to strive to improve it, find flaws in it, listen to others, analyse what they have said, do conclusions, reconsider your thoughts and generally, try to become better person.
don't form your opinion based on other people's opinions of subjective shit. form your opinion based on well researched objective criteria, faggot
pepsi or bepis?
you can try the divide and average method. for example you want to know the square root of N=15627. first take a guess at what you think the square root is. for this let's guess G=150 since we can easily calculate that 100^2 is 10000 and 200^ is 40000.
you employ an iterative procedure, repeating two steps:
1) divide N by G to calculate the quotient Q
2) average G with Q
when you repeat the procedure, in step 1 use the answer from step 2 as your new guess. you'll get closer and closer the square root of N. you continue until you achieve the desired accuracy.
let's try it:
A1) 15267/150 = 104.18
A2) (150 + 104.18)/2 = 127.09
now use the result from A1 as the guess for B1
B1) 15627/127.09 = 120.127
B2) (127.09 + 120.127)/2. = 123.609
C1) 15627/123.609 = 123.511
C2) (123.609 + 123.511)/2. = 123.560
the true answer is sqrt(15627) = 123.55970216862778. as you can see the procedure gets closer to the correct answer as you keep iterating.
But how can anything be well researched and objective if my eyes aren't real?
pic related is you after writing that post. I salute you
gouge out your eyeballs, user. it's the only way to be sure your eyes aren't lying to you.