Pink Ranger #2

Still unpozzed.
That's a surprise.
Especially since it keeps all the original feel.




See, this an independent, strong, female character.
She just does it, not just talks about it.
Why is it so fucking hard?

All I gotta say is I like them pink uniforms.

It's because they all come from pink energy.
Definetely better than the movie ones.











Well shoot, that was pretty good.

I find it a little hard to believe Goldar would have helped them.

Not much of a fan about the hoodie sticking out.

how is this not pozzed again?

Its a spin off and art is expensive. The Title has Pink in bold letters and it could've been far-far worse.

A spin off where all white male rangers are replaced by niggers and women.
This is pretty much the definition of the shit Marvel pulls.

Now, if you like this kinda shit, sure, whatever, appearantly you don't mind them trying to shove their black male powerfantasies in your face.
But why call it unpozzed when the exact opposite happened here?

At least it's not on your face, or saying it's necessary or that being white was wrong.
I didn't felt it forced at all.
Its obvious the execs wanted to push their PC bullshit but kudos to the team to making it so organic.

Not too sure if you actually watched the show, but when three casts members it was never explained what happened to them. This takes that situation and expands upon it, though preferences vary.

How is replacing characters not in your face?
It's like saying changing Thor into a woman wasn't in your face.
Do they need to be fucking for you to consider it in your face?

I watched the show when I was a little kid, because that's who the show is aimed at.
I don't know the lore bullshit why they left or got kidnapped or whatever, but I'm sure you can write them back, or deal with a smaller team as they try to get them back.
No need to replace them emediatly so it looks like a social justice freakshow.

I'm sorry you guys are so unfortunate as to be nostalgic about this show, but they handed this shit over to the blue haired landwhales, keep circlejerking about how amazingly close to the show it feels.
The show was a children's program that was half shitty drama and comedy and the other half stolen nip fighting scenes.
Would you read a comic about the other shitty childhood shows you watched just because they felt close to the original?

lol, stay cucked, Holla Forums

Wait. They're black?
I just thought they were tanned or something.
I don't really care tbh, I don't see them preaching PC stuff, they're just there.
Besides, they aren't power rangers, they're sub rangers from the pink energy Kimberly's sharing.

What the fuck Holla Forums, I was gonna post Louis CK, but this isn't even Holla Forums, this is the place where we laugh at Hellcat and Squirrelgirl, where we feed off of the tears of Marvel collapsing because they drank the kool-aid, where we complain any time a beloved character is changed into some rando POC.

How did this thread get so far without anyone calling out OP for being a lying faggot?

When you have the same skin color as a nigger, you're probably a nigger.
Or what, you where hoping blue poz ranger was just a french mudslime?

Just subrangers, ofcourse, that's why they're wearing the real rangers outfits.

Stop trying to rationalize all this pozzing OP, it's getting embarrassing.

OP here.
I still believe it's not pozzed.
They aren't virtue signaling, or pushing their own race, in fact I don't believe any part of the dialogue has derailed from the plot at all.

Seriously, calling this pozzed is like saying "Grabbing her by the pussy" is misogynistic instead of I don't know, throwing acid to the face for honor.

yeah no

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Black people do exists.
You seem to be judging by appearances only.
They're not bad characters and even if they're were changing them to white people doesn't really makes them better written, in the same mature, making them black doesn't make them worse written.

For a place who loves to call on double standards you're falling flat.

Aside from the black Frenchmen, this is pretty good. The art's clean and dynamic, the story moves along briskly, the heroes act like heroes. I'm impressed.

I'm sorry Bubba opened your once thigh asshole, but the black people in my neighborhood have never done anything bad to me or my family.
I hope you can get above the trauma soon.

wew lad

Not same fagging.
Tablet screen.

And not being forced to live with niggers since I have no reasons to complaint.

Seem to be contradicting yourself there cuckachino.
What illiterate third world pozzhole are you from anyway?

This isn't Holla Forums.
Up to this point you've yet to present an argument about why this is bad.
It has niggers yes, well fucking sorry for you.
You don't like that the aesthetics?
Well, you can say that.
It triggers you? Yeah why not. I can respect you admitting that.
But how does that in any way makes the comic bad?
The focus is on the plot and action, still no race speech, the characters are mainly Kimberly, her mom and Goldar.
Better yet, race swap them.
How does that make the comic any better?

I'm not samefagging.
I just said something then I wanted to say something else.
I never addressed to myself in third person.
And I'm not being forced, I can move if I want but why would I?
Nobody has stolen my TV or charcoaled my sister.
They mind their own business as I do mine.
Literally. Why would I want to move?
As I said, I'm sorry if you had a bad experience with Tyrone's brother but you're full of shit.

What, apart from replacing white men with negroes? Apart from the art being shit? Apart from the story being a continuation of an already terrible story?
Look, I get it, you don't know why they replace white men with POC's, you probably think socialism is a fine way to run a country, you probably think that being a cuckold is a pretty good fetish, but you don't want to make those arguments here buddy.

And yes, you where samefagging, replying to a post, and then replying to a post again just to shove in some tumblr tier insults in the hopes that it will help you look like you're not on your own is absolutely samefagging.

And might want to stop talking about your desires of having Tyrone fuck your sister, it's getting pretty creepy.

What even is this? Some new cuckterm you guys came up with or are you actually this new?