What are you guys predicting or expecting?
As a theory from me, Putin will take another part of Ukraine as Americans are looking at there elections. thesun.co.uk
October Surprise prediction
Putin wouldn't do anything that would make Trump less likely to be elected.
It will be Cunton being forced by her masters to step down and kikes everywhere immediately jumping ship and trying to co-opt President Trump and failing at it spectacularly
Putin never invaded Ukirain or took any of their land.
Putin annexed the Independant Republic of Crimea who voted to leave the Ukrainian country.
It was like Brexit but die to Crimea's size and general inability to wage war against Ukraine, Putin came in and backed their decision as everyone and their mother called the Crimea's decision to leave "Unconstitutional".
You voted Remain, didn't you?
Go to hell degenerate weeaboo faggot.
Wouldn't it be moreso false flags blamed on a Trump presidency on top of trying to co op him?
Huma and Hillary are lovers
When the shills slow up the le alt right, then a happening, another test of the Coulter's, all the (((PR faggotry))), 2nd alt-mendment debates.
It would be good to see an actual war again (with battle lines, artillery sieges and tank advances), the sand wars are getting really boring.
Europe will become (more) muslim.
And Bill will be fucking both, he isnt human.
That's a month away and the rate of shit going on is accelerating. By October we'll have little green men running around fighting against the Fourth Reich.
Post more smoking qt grills, user.
Daily reminder the USA needs to bring back the draft
Fuck off D&C
Why the fuck would Putin do anything that would be less likely to get a friendly American administration? Are the (((globalists))) going to force his hand?
Nah m8 the October surprise is going to be wikileaks.
Succession is a sovereign of any people.
Everyone already knows that.
economic collapse
You want to live in an all dyke world too, just because your dykes of choice have bug eyes doesn't make it any less degenerate.
Then Trump is elected and has a casus beli on (((international finance)))
Wikileaks releases proof that Hillary has been using Obummer's drone strikes to do contract killings for cash.
This is the worst kind of prediction. It reminds me of Christian eschatology where every few decades is the the end of the world.
Putin is the globalist, just a different kind.
Jews and sociopaths aren't known for their long-term planning.
If it was really about reinforcing femininity or setting a feminine standard for current females, like you expect them to take on the behavior of anime characters, you wouldn't be posting so many pictures of anime cunts pretending to be dudes. Weebs are degenerate and as soon as the board fucking agrees to stop tolerating your blatant subversion, the better. MUH CULTURE isn't enough of an argument to defend yourselves anymore.
I bet you sperg out about Athena as well.
Go fuck yourself.
Fuck off back to where you came from. >>>/jidf/
Anime - almost all characters are white, girls are feminine, modest and conservative (with a touch of lewd), they respect the tradition etc.
Somehow this is degenerate.
Just don't feed the shill, filter him.
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Emails involving Clinton explicitly stating something incriminating which would cause anyone else to be killed for treason on the spot.
Could be CIA drug trade, CIA child trafficking, murder for donate, trading US resources for donate, that mrs obama was a man, she orchestrated the release of 7of9's divorce papers, DUMBs, a plan to nuke the US, the coming bio war, her involvement in Bill's presidency, any number of things.
All of which can easily be dismissed as tin foil until someone with her access says it.
Or maybe she likes to kiss frogs.
He is not a shill, just literally autistic.
We already live in a feminized world, dumbass. We need to move shit in the other direction.
9/11: 2
This thread needs more anime grils.
What's being sacrificed this time?
You cuck
I like that show
Well really, it's very Anime-esque.
This is the dumbest meme ever and the fact that you people would grin from ear to ear to see every male figure replaced with them tells me you don't need to be here. I've seen what you faggots say on Holla Forums and all other entertainment boards you get your foot hold in. You've already fucked the anime community by convincing everyone shows that aren't centered around girls doing dumb shit are "entry level" and are only watched by plebs. I've watched you infect Holla Forums with the same mentality, and now you're trying to talk about real world shit, when I know you're all nothing but the worst of nihilists? Some of you even use NatSoc talking points and have lurked enough to pretend to be them, but when you break it down, you're just a bunch of actual weeaboos and your anti-west sentiments just pour out of you if given enough time and calling you out. Trash is fine if it comes from the orient? I'm afraid reality doesn't work that way. We're not gonna have double standards. Degeneracy is degeneracy and you only fight for your fetishism, like any other leftist.
Weebs are nihilists and the poorly fitting character of the Weeaboo Holla Forumsack is so obviously an act. These "people" need to be cleansed in holy hellfire before they are allowed to touch anything else. Ever.
You just need some love user-kun
Yuri is fucking garbage.
Stop posting trash.
Look, it's not personal.
The only thing that matters is restoring the western world to it's natural order.
You stand in the way of this, quite blatantly, and something is going to have to give eventually. This thread is being ignored by most people because of the OP picture…but I don't want any of you here. I don't even want there to be a silent minority of your kind. I don't want your memes to be tolerated by anyone, because you are just as bad as leftists. You are a corruption on the same level as the jews.
look man if you wanted people to shitpost smug animu at you all you had to do was ask
look man, you have no arguments, you dont even deny that you're not really on the up and up. It's not about the images, it's about you.
i'm flattered you felt the need to type up all that text, i really am, but you could have gotten the same result with so much less effort
Funny, de-railing is OK when it's anime, isn't it?
le culture, user
Maybe assmad faggots shouldn't have targeted us and derailed the discussion.
stay buttmad, friendorino
You're half the problem regardless of "Who started it".
Be the quality poster we all know you are and end the derailment.
Hi Ivan.
Hey Chaim.
But Jews are communists.
We have Ivan for the Russians, Chaim and Schlomo for the Jews, and Ahmed for the muzzies.
Why don't we have anything for weebs?
It's Kobe.
You don't see it a lot but we have a name for just about everyone.
It's very simple, newfag, we use the term "user."
something going down at imf meeting. maybe china makes a big economic move.
You mean war?
This is why we cant have nice things.
forgot the pictureand check my dubs
doubt it. i think zog is global by now and another world war kills globalism for good. i think massive false flags bring global economy down and "we put aside our differences" and become cucked by the UN.
Curious what he said but I have that faggot filtered so I guess I'll never know.
It will happen at some point to further destabilize and even traumatize all the weak cattle they cultivated for the last several decades.
The faggot said
god damn I haven't seen that image in ten years
It's posts like yours that make me think that weebs are the only truly intelligent posters left. Saying that the name's user deftly avoids outgrouping while establishing a position of age-based authority over other posters.
And the only retort the retards can come up with is the imageboard equivalent of repeating what you said but in a whiny, high-pitched voice
What anime is that?
I bet she fucked up and can be tied to one of those "suicides."
Also probably ISIS.
what do you think i am some kind of weeb
top kek
It would be nice if the shemitah finally happened.
Top shitpost m8.
Reverse image search.
Jew fears the 2d girl
how about 1 WTC (world trade center)
Who would actually watch the shit?
what else is there?
I dunno
Nigger, I'm tempted to post guro because you're obviously sound perturbed m8.
*You're obviously perturbed.
Dat runglish
But anime is popular on Holla Forums r-right?
I don't watch anime, I just troll with it.
If you're gonna post guro post non-shit tier guro. That one artist that does nothing but draw bellies getting punched or shanked is garbage.
But you're a faggot, r-right?
This thread was garbage from start to finish. "hurr durr hey guys speculate on random bullshit"
have some cute girls i know they trigger you
This better?
That artist hides his inability to draw actual anatomy by covering it up with lots of blood. It's shit.
Go fuck yourself, I'm a hohol in america and putin taking crimea was necessary after CIA/Soros stirred shit up in kiev maidan.
Nigger, you're an American. Any allegiance to anywhere else is a crime, you're nothing else but American.
Just admit that you want to live in a world full of 2D dykes. It's okay. You're a degenerate and you need some rope-help. I don't hold it against you.
It's true, quite a number of Anons would love this, but alas we can't.
I'm such a desensitized little shit.
tbh I wouldn't actually mind if they did and fixed that whole mess in one go, but it'd probably start WW3.
While i agree, I am still entitled to my own opinions as an American citizen about the country i was born in
Sure Mm8, the satanists are out to get you. Tthe only ones you have to worry about are edgy kiddies who think worship of an antagonist is cool, and torturing animals are cool.
I should have also clarified, laveyan satanists are either nihilists or atheistic in nature, and theistic satanists see Satan as being akin to Prometheus
What a mindblowing fuck that must have been.
But on topic predictions at this stage are insanely difficult. Never been in a time like this. Holla Forums is where Holla Forums was 8 years ago and where Holla Forums was in 2014. Let's hope we don't fuck it up.
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