This American Mom just made the best propaganda video I've seen all year and it is spreading on Faceberg.
Powerful stuff. Send it to your mothers and your normie friends and family.
This American Mom just made the best propaganda video I've seen all year and it is spreading on Faceberg.
Powerful stuff. Send it to your mothers and your normie friends and family.
Other urls found in this thread:
it sure is.
I was never into milfs but her righteous fury and indignation are making weird things happen to my body.
Sounds whiny & hysterical. Good that people are getting fed up & speaking out, but this doesn't make for good propaganda.
Here's a passionate speech by a woman without getting weepy:
If OP video was made into a broader thing, with more people doing it & tagging it with something, then you might get some better rants.
nobody likes realizing they are being taken advantage of. the fire rises. keep spreading the memes.
get the fuck out of the way marxist scum!
Kek'd liked and shared.
There seems to be overwhelming agreement and support in the comments.
Even if the video is cringe, we need more of this
The normie are about to have some sort of political revolution soon shit has been to bad with to little bread and circus for to long
Can I get a TL;DR on the video? I'm not sitting through some woman whining for 12 minutes.
whoa, where the fuck is the next hitler? these people need a hitler speech, it would be that easy, one speech to wake them the fuck up and march together
Woman spends her whole life being emotionally abused by liberals, finally snaps
Normie butthurt because merica is gone because political correctness and such
So who is she referring to?
I predict this thread to be filled with D&C jews calling whit woman one thing or another and saying that she's a cuck etc.
Send it to trump or breitbart or whatever.
That's just a given at this point
That said…
Your ability to vote is demonstrable of the same issues you oppose.
And I bet you would leap to proclaim that you aren't racist.
And you sound like you might be a Jew.
It's sad that everything is channeled into sort of an angry Fox News patriotism rather than race. There are a few really good parts, where she talks about being suppressed and focuses on censorship & political correctness.
Can we get a TL:DR?
damn, that pepe ending
Predict the next happening pol.
* Jews turning on themselves?
* Mexicans & Blacks setting aside differences?
* Sick Hillary Drops out?
Taking all bets at this point. This year, holy shit.
Oh, wait, no, she's a Christian.
Probably not a Jew then.
put this vid in comments
I think she is ready for the anti-semite pill
That video should just start with the "I believe in race" bit first and then the American National Socialism part shouldn't come to the end.
For normies anyway.
This one too.
No apologies.
kill yourself
Why is it when Normie's wake from their slumber they are either fucking funny or damn right scary?
the most enraging I find is that you could redpill these people and make out of them the greatest people alive, have the greatest nation on earth.. all it would take is for the jewish propaganda machine to stop for one month and just show the truth
Got me again user!
what are you mad about?
The implications I'm getting are:
That was excellent.
Famous scene from Network that's worth watching.
Maybe she'll encourage a surge of similar videos.
We just need one good fireside chat instructing followers to take down the media. That's really all that's required to fix America; stop the poison being poured into its ears and its health would recover.
Newfags like you.
if Hillary wins, the internet is done. The jews thought they have it under control, they underestimated us, look what a few sites could do..
needs an USA awake
Somebody post Dr William L Pierce - The Truth on Democracy in the comments. NOW is the time to redpill on the semites
suck an AIDS infected nigger dick and die. lol
Shooting her TV and calling her black neighbour a fucking turkroach when?
Give a better fucking summary.
It's just a hysterilca menopaual woman screetcing
Better start downloading and archiving those vidya and chinese cartoons you were dragging your feet on.
You'd think they, all of them, would have learned by now to never, ever, underestimate a bunch of pissed off European men.
It seems some lessons can only be taught through repetition.
I think you are misidentifying her Boston accent.
I'd have thought Jersey, but then, those coastal Northeast accents all sound the same to me.
gotta wonder if she knows it
Someone should tell her.
Why on earth would you tell someone to give a better summary followed by the worst possible summary?
Frankly, if someone on Holla Forums needs a summary of a 12-fucking-minute video wherein a white woman pours our her heart over the terrors currently facing our people, they might as well take their goldfish-tier attention span and just jump off a fucking bridge tbh fam.
Be doing us all a massive favor.
Looks like we got someone who's feeling Anti-American.
"I'm going to open up our libel laws so we can sue the media" -Donald Trump
Do you think he could do it?
filtered ~ only kikes and faggots are that triggered by someone using the term /pol.
See you on the rope scum.
People who are finally awakened by the redpill react in a multitude a various and different ways. Some are shaken to their moral cores and question the standard of our country's values… which leads to further red-pilling from various sources of whatever they can get a hold of. This can lead to some dis-info leaking into someone who willing to wipe their past ideals and seek truth… It's important not to let someone once redpilled, no longer become infected with the colorful lies of the ZOG machine, pretending to be truth.
Some quietly have a mental breakdown which requires time to recover from and re-evaluate priorities as a human on this Earth. I know a few irl that experienced this way of the redpill. It's a side-effect that requires others who come back from in full and gain the effects of someone who is truly awakened from their false reality.
But, for many… it's an enraging experience when they finally wake up to the fact that their freedoms are a fake as the society around us that perpetuates this false sense of security. They get angry at pretty much anything, and act as toxic as a libtard spewing unhindered sjw bullshit. Without some critical thought put into their new ideals, they will just angrily spout the info they gathered without digesting or investigating. This is a dangerous route but can lead to many forging a greater understanding of what their real beliefs are, and now corrupt the system really is.
There will be blood when the majority reaches it's limits of 'acceptance' of the SJW/PC culture.
I wish I could ignite the flame of patriotism like this woman.
Basically, she denounces the lefty Politically correct world that normies live in, and how American are getting shit on constantly.
Truly inoperable.
I feel the same way about mine.
Normalfags Awake!
Don't forget that little girl (and everyone else in the pic) is holding $50,000+ in national debt
She said she doesn't give a fuck about being intolerant anymore. She claims that yes, she is intolerant. Says call me whatever. She even dismisses "melting pot" propaganda.
It's clear that the commie buzzwords are losing their affect on this woman.
Problem is, the conditioned reaction to buzzwords like "diversity" & "racist" remains unchanged in most of the populace. They're still indoctrinated. This woman only broke free of it after being browbeaten by liberals for too long & sipping enough real information to know she's being lied to about Islam.
I wonder if she did her own research on Islam, gazing upon the horrors it's brought to Europe, before realizing just how fucked the U.S. will be if importation of Islam isn't stopped?
Go away normie nigger
bye nignog
forgot to filter your aids
It's really a question of if he can get us to demand it. I think it'd be easy to meme into existence given how trivial it is to get source material for media lies and how they'll overreact and look out of control as soon as we start.
Gore doesn't bother people who were here longer than you. Get a new strategy.
I envy this woman tbh
I go through life being critical of anything that is spoonfed to me by faceless organizations. Instead I adopt a wily but moral place in society without revealing my power level yet at the same time drop hints at my peers who go and dig for themselves. This results in reactions like the woman in question, though not as hysterical.
Social media is a more hit and miss as everyone tries to virtue signal because deep down they know (((someone))) is watching. They aren't stupid.
The internet has come at a perfect time. When those who seek to subvert are bullying nations, people take to the web for answers.
Imagine if we had all this information at our fingertips in the 1930/1940's!
Good call.
More and more will wake up as this pozed up culture becomes polarized from a base moral sense.
You just have to watch it. No words will do justice to the emotion she expresses in this video. I don't think I've ever seen anyone express these sentiments with so much raw emotion.
It's like watching the release of decades of bottled up anger, frustration and sadness about the subversion, displacement and destruction of Traditional White America.
Nobody gives a shit about your resume for shitposting and that is precisely why you are a newfaggot.
Calling this place pol and not Holla Forums makes you look like a retard. It's two more keys. All posts are taken at face value and if you look like a retard nobody will care to read the rest. Which is why only one person replied to that first post and everyone else ignored it.
It's common sense.
It may be strange to some people, but I feel total emptiness upon the thought of patroitism, I support it because it is the most beneficial for a group of indiviguals, as with a telephone or a car.
Indeed, I barely feel any anger towards the leftists, nor do I feel simpathy for them.
It is my theory that in the search for the truth I have completely lost all bias for the hope of finding the knowledge, which had then fed me with much delight, but now has turned into the mundanety of brushing teeth.
For the anons who feel the anger in them, I envy you.
Show this vid to the class.
The country was lost 200 years ago, and now she begins to realize it.
Since these normalfags are waking up & rejecting political correctness browbeating perhaps someone should share it's origins with them?
The Bill Whittle video should be sufficient. Someone with a faceberg share this. Educate some soccer moms & average joes.
Good video, fuck the D&C shills. If you get demoralized by these "normie", "its just a woman nagging xd", etc you need to take a breath of fresh air and think about it.
I dare cuckerkike to delete this video after it goes viral. Do it you double jew nigger goddamnit I want to see normiebook burn to the fucking ground.
Stay salty.
If that's the case, I'd be concerned, because Islam just is not a huge concern for the US in an immediate sense.
The demographic issue is a far greater concern than the Muslims - a small cadre of Muslim sandniggers is much easier an issue to 'solve' than tens of millions of worthless mestizos becoming the majority.
I have mix feelings about Whittle. He may be a decent intro redpill for kikebook, but on the other hand he is a turbocuck zionist cunt.
The nation belongs to us.
We will eat the libertarians.
Eat the enemy.
This no longer a war.
This is now an eternal sacrifice in his name.
We are ready.
Req'ing the webm of him going full autismo about the kikeocaust during his podcast
That's an interesting perspective.
Honestly, it took me several years to finally give up and live a full 100% power level in public. I stopped caring about how other percieved me and found it more important to shake peoples cores with pure investigated, digested, and forged ~ TRUTH
It's important to remain calm and acceptable to normies though. I think of the path of the red-pill as a mixture of a subset of per-requisites needed for a person to even accept certain information AND needing a path to form their own investigation of things worth questioning. Like a mathematical formula, or code.
Calling people names, acting toxic, or swearing isn't acceptable in public with normies.. most will turtle on you and shut any real info out. Going full throttle with dropping ZOG info or things that shake liberals up doesn't work well either.
The only time I've become toxic with someone when opening my power level was once, about 6-7 months ago. A female friend of mine was going on and on about, "New Americans"… and how we are a better society when we are multicultural. I attempted to ask her a few questions on why she felt this way and responded with, "You shouldn't have an opinion as a white male". I remained calm, until she started calling me an asshole and a idiot for questioning things… So, I called her a fucking idiot, a sheep, waste of space who would rather accept what they are told and never investigate. She cried and called me a sold asshole. I laughed, told her to investigate more, and left.
It's legally impossible to red-pill some people. You can't just go full clockwerk orange on them to remove degeneracy. Someone can only really emerge clean from the light of the truth when their mind and soul is willing to accept the facts laid before them with an intelligent, critical mind.
This is the normie version of immigrants out reeeeeeeeeeeeeee we need a pepe for this.
Here's a 2min clip.
Clip 1 of ?
wrong one :-/
meant to
Drum Kameraden, hört die Parole
und prägt sie in das junge Herz hinein.
Fertig zum Sprung,
Signal gegeben,
das Leben will gewonnen sein.
Gehen wir dann in Stellung,
geht es endlich los,
rufen wir "Hurra, hurra zum Gegenstoß"!
Drum comrades, listen to the Parole
and it shapes into the young heart.
Ready to jump,
Given signal,
life will be won.
Let us then in position,
it is finally happening,
we call "Hurrah, hurray counter-attack".
hurr gib tldr, i no watch woman wine
Fucking niggere are hopeless
Libtarts gonna shug it like a gracy kat ladey.
Probably not, but I'm sure for people like her such a notion would not be a great revelation.
It seemed pretty obvious and uncontroversial to me once I'd actually taken an interest in the state of the west.
I am of the opinion that most normies are anti-semitic: they just don't know it yet.
They reveal this every time they express discontentment about the latest degenerate leftist gender identity, or the latest banking swizz, or hollywood propaganda-piece, or black lives matter protest, or military campaign in the Middle East…the majority of white folk, I believe, are wholly amenable to anti-semitism: indeed, I think it is our natural state (hence civilisation, for it could not have grown in a society of such vice as any, which views the jews as being other than scoundrels) and that this current epoch is exceptional, and will end, and actually is disintegrating before our eyes.
MFW the pendulum swings.
inb4 waves of sagespam. You might as well have mentioned [email protected]/* */
Let them come, lets play with them a little
Whittle's redpill on the Frankfuret School is digestible enough for this situation. It serves as a stepping stone, like AEI which is also kosher as fuck.
Jews & Holohoax are the final redpill. The tamer stuff gets you there. This should go without saying.
I get the sense that the kosher monopoly on easy-to-digest redpills is for the sole reason of hoping to drag normalfags into ziocuckery before they can realize all the derivatives of marxism that are destroying their country were created & promoted by kikes all along. Even so, it's the behavior of jews that often destroys any chance of that. They just can't help but become irrational, make themselves look bad & drive people away from them.
Let universe will drown in blood.
Our carnage is Our path to truth.
Chaos saves our souls because we will Sacrifice them them all, to the last drop.
Crush the enemy.
Fiest in their fire of their blood.
Sanity is for the weak. Soak in the insanity. Let it free.
Our hour of glory is here and we embrace it.
We embrace it all: Total Chaos and Blood forever.
Let there be a wound that never heals, let chaos consume us: Let it Reign through our iron fist.
Blood for the blood God. Tremble!
They can and will walk the path, they merely need to be shown the way.
In time, they will join us in the Sun.
In time, we will help them accomplish wonders.
Everyone calling this a "hysterical female rant" is a fucking kike shill. When our women wake up they should be encouraged.
Those dubs don't lie. Capped for posterity.
Whittle's a massive cuck for the kikes, so it leaves a bad taste recommending his work to anyone.
The biggest hurdle for a Normie's to overcome is to find out the (((ones))) who are the opressed are the ones who are doing the opressing.
I refer to my description of being 'wily' where I redpilled an acquaintance at work who did some digging for himself. My friend was very close (just like this proud mom in the vid) and gave him a quote from Walter Benjamin "History is written by the victors".
As to my surprised, he later started to recommend books to me like 'The New Totalitarians' and 'Red Plenty'. Now were on the same level.
People don't want to be hit with a sledgehammer of info who can easily shrug off, instead, must be coerced and encouraged to find for themselves.
Some will find comfort in ignorance, others will find comfort in truth!
Can we talk about how people here will call people who can't be fucked to Holla Forums and do pol instead newfags?
What, your special snowflake identity is being erased or something?
Grow up.
where this come from?
Doesn't matter considering the girl in the thumbnail there is a flat Earth believing Feminist.
But it's a RedIce collaboration if you don't care.
And she's completely nuts that she could well be a plant. There are a few like her, generally associated with her too.
Likely a plant. Get popular among the boys and then bring out all that bullshit to poison the well.
Clip 2.
Someone on Brit/pol/ posted a video of her screaming down the phone at another likely plant.
It was literally iced out nigger tier stuff.
Slashes are irrelevent
People who do that are demoralizing kike shills pay them no mind
Pretty intense tbh
Did you get a lump in your throat when you watched this? Did your ears get read and your face get hot like when you were a kid getting in trouble? That is what should have happened.
I don't know about you, but I am an American man in my prime. I'm relatively fit and healthy. All I could think while I watched this is that this is one of our women, telling us how we have let her down. We should have done something before it got this bad. Our government is so corrupt that I would get put on a watchlist for this post, if I weren't already on one just for having "radical" nationalistic opinions.
Im here everyday, I know all the shit thats going on and I guess mabe we get a little numb to it, compared to when we first leaned what is going on, but this is a LITERAL SOCCER MOM practically having a breakdown. It does not get more normie than a soccermom. We are the young men that are supposed to be fighting everything she is complaining about.
I say spread this video everywhere. Women can relate to her and men will probably get very triggered seeing a women distraught over something they should have fought to prevent. At least that is how I felt watching it.
I got a load of camping stuff off Amazon recently. Remember that in a world without bug spray, mosquito nets are worth their weight in gold, and they are pretty cheap at the moment.
about fucking time tbh.
Yeah, fuck that. We are not responsible for the sins of the previous generation.
Nor can any group of men be blamed for not tanking their sexual market value by going against the status quo. If a man does stand up, good for him, I'll call him a hero, but he's more likely than not kissing his financial and mating prospects goodbye.
If this hysterical woman is making you feel guilty for not acting against your interests as a man, you are thoroughly brainwashed and pussy whipped.
This type of infighting is detrimental.
No, I just have enough testosterone in my body to feel a natural instinct to protect weaker people of my same group; especially one who shares similar views as me.
I don't expect you to have much experience with testosterone, so don't worry. Nothing is your fault. You are completely blameless. You dont have an obligation to your race. I mean, after all, it's just a social construct right?
You are pathetic.
Go home, virgin.
This video is pretty sad, its like essentially seeing the baby boomer that was taught all their life to be tolerant and accepting and to embrace civil rights and civic nationalism but has finally been pushed to far and realises that the same people who tell her to be accepting and tolerant are the same ones shaming her for wanting to have a sense of identity and not feel as if she has to bow down to the wills of entitled nonwhites who feel as if its there birth right to do what ever they want and to get their way. this is a very sad video but the thing is that it doesnt come across as very normie friendly.
If I showed any of my family members this they'd probably just see her as a stereotype of a white race. They'd say that shes just an ignorant brain washed racist and should check her privledge and stop being such as xenophobic Trump supporter.
but they would be typing all of that from the comfort of there nice gated community far from any kind nonwhites.
Then they'd just go back to being distracted and if any liberals actually did start thinking about it and started thinking 'bad thoughts' theyre brain would automatically start trying to make them selves feel guilty and then watch some kind of liberal propaganda telling them that its all fine and that the real enemy is White hegemony, traditional values, and self serving thought.
Since we have to pay for them, we are responsible for them.
Yes you can be blamed.
As a man you're supposed to ignore social trends and only do what is right and proper.
Sounds like the female you're talking about just needs more peers that feel the same as you. Some are just natural followers that won't, or cannot, come to their own conclusion on matters that may require "an intelligent, critical mind."
screen-capped. well said.
i found this highly motivating.
It's only against their financial and mating prospects with they lose. If they speak out and inspire change then they massively profit.
Thanks but if I thought someone was gonna cap it I would have been more careful about typos
She found her son's red pill stash and now shes fucking raging!
so does lying like this makes your feel better about yourself or give you a feeling of increased self-worth?
genuinely curious
you've probably just not seen enough yet
stick around, and be ready to get pissed
Holy shit i loved that
Is she our Joan of Arc Holla Forums? She is inspiring us to fight harder as this user stated
Rev up those propoganda machines
you guys are some of the worst beta fags being a virgin at a certain age is a mark of shame for a man because it means you were not desirable enough or competent enough to get someone to touch your dick
Holy shit the red pills are hitting. No wonder she's married.
Praise Kek.
Poor woman. The world is moving to fast for her and everything is changing.
She's one the last good ones, a civilized traditionalist woman.
This is how it ended. The western empire is now dead. Cucked to death by our own spawn.
Why isn't she wearing a black sun? Obvious d&c shill.
Western civilization is not dead until I am, and I am alive and armed. Also, I don't consider the jews who have hijacked our government or the unwashed, third-world hordes they are allowing to flood into our countries to be "our spawn."
yes but you need the right conditions for your rebellion against tptb to succeed
luckily for us the current status quo is doing it's best to create exactly those conditions
see pic related, if normies like this woman are reacting like that we are getting very close
i am wondering at this point with the american elections the hidden hand is moving so rash, so out in the open and so ineffectual
is this the famous kike hubris or are there people behind the curtains that understand and see this as a powerplay of their own to undo the old order and establish themselves on top of the new
You're a dead weight on your country, it would be better off without you. Also you're in the way.
get fucked defeatist. in a single year things have begun to turn. the right is rising. the lugenpresse is running scared. the kikes are pulling out all the stops to keep it contained and failing.
it's you
I'm going to say the kikes and ourselves pretty much killed Western Civilization since 1945, but that the white race ain't done yet.
I would almost agree, except to say that western civilization is a product of the white race, and therefore cannot truly die (at least not as a idea, a possibility) until whites are eliminated.
Sure, it is sick and weak right now, but is not dead. There is a balance to life; the pendulum if you will. Our parents and grandparents had it easy and, so, became complacent.
Their complacency helped to weaken our society to the point where now it is so bad it is having the opposite effect on us. We are becoming LESS complacent. Tldr, western civilization isn't truly dead until we are
Agreed. Thanks, user. It is a spiritual thing, really. Once you get rid of the jewish way of viewing the world and reconnect with what was lost, that legacy is born again and continues on in you.
We are fighting, user. And we're just getting started.
Hell hath no fury like a boomer scorned!
Detrimental to those not wanted here, right.
That's the spirit, user. However, it's been much more than a year. 8 years ago, there was no place on the internet like Holla Forums, there were no memes on these topics, there were just lame sites like Stormfront and VNN.
Things have started to shift in a big way. It's a long-term trend, and it's accelerating.
yes goy throw your immortality down the drain
From wikipedia:
Baby boomers are people born during the demographic post–World War II baby boom approximately between the years 1946 and 1964. This includes people who are between 52 and 70 years old in 2016, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.[2]
D&C attemts are getting thick in here.
And she is not 50+?
It's not as if there has been a massive social engineering attempt at destroying healthy traditional courtship and families. And there certainly hasn't been a massive coordinated attempt at flooding our countries with millions of unskilled foreigners, which then kills labor demand and keeps wages stagnant, and who leech endless amounts of welfare money, further crippling our economy. It's not as if the destruction of our economy and flooding of foreigners makes it nearly impossible for native men to find a job and turn their life around in order for them to be able to woo a lady. Nope, none of these things happened. It's still the 1960s and anyone who's struggling to find a woman is just a loser. XDDDDD
Its a grainy video, but I would say early to mid forties at the latest.
yeah she doesn't look like a baby boomer at all,
Acting on pure instinct is absolutely nigger tier.
There are many good reasons to save the west, protecting normies from the bed they made themselves isn't one of them. This woman looks old enough to have acted back when it would have prevented the current disaster. She ignored the signs until it was too late and now my generation is paying for it. I owe her nothing.
We are responsible for building our own world out of the mess they left. Their sins are their own.
Sure, I don't disagree. But I'm talking about what can reasonably be expected from the majority of a population. If doing what is right and proper means near guaranteed gene death, I'm not surprised men aren't falling over themselves to go full 1488. Play the game, make inroads where you can.
I will agree with this one.
she sounds like a jewess tbh.
This is good.
Kikes use the emotions of Women to gain their ends, (feminism, immigration etc)
Now they're getting emotional on behalf of OUR views.
The Tide's Turning, the Overton Window is shifting rapidly.
Trump is going to have her speak at his next event, just wait and see.
Fire Monkey Year indeed.
I bet she has white children. Do you? What have you accomplished for our struggle that is so much greater than hers? Considering your lack of racial unity, your lack of empathy for a female member of your own race, and your eager willingness to blame others for your perceived injustices rather than take proactive responsibility not only for your own problems, but also for those of the rest of your people, I am going to make an educated guess and say that you have never done anything half so beneficial to our plight as not only having children, but raising them and raising them right.
Just get a dark tan and move to the country of a lesser race, you will fit in better.
How do you know how she's raised her children? Badly-raised children are a threat to the community as a whole and better off not existing.
Too bad she didn't go onto racialism. "Muh patriotism" is just a smoke screen for civic cuckoldry.
fuck off back to Reddit
this whore is probably a jewish scumbag lmfao
You're right, I don't have children yet. And so I will concede the point.
Do you have children user? If so I hope you raise them well.
Trump's a civic cuckold as well.
One step at a time.
Stop throwing random accusations like a kike.
She's on the right track.
Give her time.
Yes. Yes it is.
1) god is an abrahamic jewish dictatorial concept
2) america is made by jews for jews
Europe must raise again not this jewish empire, the spirit of the aryan gods
The US are absolute cancer, they destroyed the middle east and now muslims are coming here, stop supporting the jewish empire, stop supporting Trump, SUPPORT EUROPEANS
The fire rises.
Lay off the aerosols you sewer rat.
General Order No. 11 will happen but this time with all states.
Daily reminder americans celebrate the "liberation of Europe" from national socialism
Daily reminder americans supported soviets and invaded us
Daily reminder americans forced us to submit to useless wars
Daily reminder americans are now forcing TTIP upon us
Daily reminder americans support Israel
Destroy the western satan
fuck off nigger, the US may not be germanic(read: Aryan) but its still white and (((THE UNITED KINGDOM))) has sided with the jews more times than I can count, probably more than America. If anything its the inbred buck-toothed tea sippers who should be exterminated.
Daily reminder americans are spying on us
Daily reminder americans and Soros's friends are sabotaging our economy
Daily reminder americans started the pro lgbt propaganda
Daily reminder americans invented the modern banking system
I do not have children, but I understand the importance of it, and I'm not bashing this woman for being from a different generation.
If you are pissed that previous generations have stolen from future generations, I get that. But when our entire race is under the threat of literal genocide, that comes first.
Explain to me why you have more Jews in your country than the UK?
t. brexit Jew butthurt voter
Kek works in mysterious ways user, give it a listen
D&C are coming. It's just like "Slavs aren't white" shills.
Slav here. I feel pretty white 2bqh.
They are subhuman as americans are
Holy shit. I leave to take a shower, come back, and the thread is getting shilled hard.
Download the video and spread it. This should be much easier to share with normies than the usual stuff we spread. It is an emotional appeal by an average woman. This has serious potential. The shills obviously agree
Coming from you…
Do you still remember when the Rabbi took your virginity?
Listen jew faggot nigger shit
1) Americans and everyone supporting them or Israel are subhumans
2) Slavs, russians and all the asiatic cattle are subhumans
3) Niggers, muslims and indians are subhumans as well
Europeans are the only actual humans, especially germans and nordic aryans
The jews were clearly trying to eradicate slavs, they saw them as a threat, just like they saw Germans.
I set it as my default ages ago, fixed.
He shouldn't be rubbing hands with that expression…
By the time I'm her age I hope to have children.
I don't mean to bash her either, she's not my enemy by any means. Nor you for that matter. On the fundamentals we agree - we save the white race, first and foremost.
I just come at it from a different place, a deep seated hatred of injustice and deception. I'm deaf to impassioned cries and maybe that's my own autism. In retrospect I should not have tried to tear down what motivates you, so take this as an apology. We're fighting for the same side.
I don't support jews but I support isreal anyway. All jews should go to isreal.
Not American though.
The circus is a powerful thing. I find it sucking me in at times, it's poison.
Slavs are European.
Two people who were arguing on a chan reached a reasonable agreement.
We really are in a different universe.
An awakening is always beautiful. Thanks for posting, OP.
Fuck shills.
Fucking kill yourself, kike
i think we, men at Holla Forums, should feel ashamed our women feel the need to do this themselves.
Holla Forums speech when?
Humor is also an excellent tool to drop redpills.
I know it's a "and they all clapped" tier story, but it's true, and there's not many things that beat the feeling of knowing that you helped someone un-fuck their life from going in the worst direction possible.
Holla Forums getting butthurt, kek
These poor, deluded fuccbois.
I like this idea, but is how the maskfags met their downfall.
we must become the shadow people that speak loudly and in unison against everything that made this woman feel so ostracized in her home country.
they don't realize everyone was working against king nigger don't they?
look at how much he got done just with executive orders, Trump is going to piss on their shoes in a big fucking way when he wins.
It's 3:05 AM, and I'm being stupid, but where I live, "highschools" last three, four or 5 years/grades. We have tradeschools and bog standard highschools. The four years of media tech I took had the standard, insane liberal photography teacher, the graphic design teacher that had a week dedicated to the holocaust every year, a muslim math teacher whose grades had an average of D-, etc. And if it was a shitty joke, I made, I'm completely unaware.
because OP is a faggot and wants us to go to kikebook
If your not in America, third grade here is when you are about 8 years old
Corrected because literally a post about American education. For shame…
They're not "our" women unless we're fucking them
We both know you'd fuck anything with a pulse, meme friend
Yeah, it's not America. We have primary/grade school or whatever you want to call it, for eight years, starting at six or seven years old, and after that we have three, four or five grades of "highschool". Then college.
Oy vey what a racist hateful person!!
I just thought you were subtly insinuating that you turned a bunch of 8yr olds into Hitler-heiling national socialists
Best I managed was a 14 year old loli. Sorry m8.
its starting
I find it telling how women would always insult others of chastity and being children. They despise purity, and feel destructively superior to their own children (as it's the only people they can overpower).
user, fox news faggotry is only one riot away from "stuff black people don't like/niggermania" tier faggotry, which is only a few months of lurking away form disqus LARPer TRS faggotry which is only a few months from full blown WN
People in the military are the biggest kike-enablers of all time.
yeah, it's def boston or rhode island
the fact that minas ithil fell into shadow
TRUMP wil achieve a never before seen victory.
Any Mother who thinks that well of her country would love her kids Tenfold.
Too bad she's probably simply having a midlife crisis, and is doing this rent because of a single event in her life that triggered some suppressed feelings. Wouldn't be surprising if there's an apologetic video to follow, hopefully there wouldn't be.
I wish more people would take similar actions and would speak their minds about such issues, only in a calm and rational way, without outbursts of rage and tears streaming down your face, saying the same things over and over again. Videos such as this should make people question things and think for themselves, not send a spark of emotions of pride and patriotism that will evaporate after some hours. So people watched and people shared, and absolutely nothing will come out of it, no mind has been changed, no points have been raised, everything remains the same, shame.
It's good, but man women are fucking emotional.
No things are changing user I see it every day now
Explain to me why (((Britian))) signed over palistine to the jews?
Oh right because the inbred fuckwits lost to germany and after that what happened was the jews in their country collaborated witht he jews in america to get them to sign a contract saying that if the burgers bailed them out they'd give the jews their precious "holy land".
You guys have commited as many atrocities against Europe as the Americans have. If we have to kill the Americans then I guess we'll have to exterminate you guys while we are at it.
So it's okay to randomly assume that her kids are alright when it fits your argument, but not okay to suggest it may be untrue, when there was never any evidence it was true in the first place?
this, if our military weren't fighting wars for israel then I'd respect the guys who work in our military and government but right now I'd say most of the people in govermnet and miltary are just lapdogs for the jews.
Fight for your people and I'll respect you but right now these guys in the military are just throwing their lives away for a group of people that are trying to genocide them.
…but they also vote
trips confirm
push this appeal to émouvoir, bring in more normie hoards
They vote with those emotions too.
Those trips don't like Feme
Probably the most autistic post of the day.
Sorry for being a insignificant single 27yr old goyim. Next time I indulge in shady global policies that cripple entire nations 80 years ago, I give you a heads up yeah.
Fucking spastic
This is like one of those 'click' moment epiphanies one has in their life. Pieces finally start connecting in their mind, and the sheer fury of realizing it makes them scream in anger and want to tell everyone to get fucked.
This video could actually help make such an effect contagious, especially now the environment is primed for it.
Sieg heil! Good vid.
Female emotions. This is the problem with the West. Those disgusting emotions have ruined everything. I'm not listening to that bitch…
If you have to? What makes you think you can? That's hilarious. Go blow Muhammad…
Tl;Dr: Pics in order.
Bruh, you need to work on your influence.
true, but women are and have always been like this, and if it helps… I guess it's good, cringe but good
This woman is one of the valued wedges we can use.
When we see wedges like this we need to use them and spam the shit out of them.
She is literally a Trooper in this political will movement of peace.
Her words are like acid to our political enemies. And none can touch her because of her position.
Yes and no. The video is wonderful and should have a wide effect, but thinking about it now, nobody really wants to be this woman. Her pain might resonate with them and help them form arguments, but that is it.
What we really need is another Miss Soccer Mom USA to do a video that is some combination of anger and humor, where she is mocking political correctness and telling off news media and everyone who tries to tell her that she can't say the obvious truth. You want something where a million moms across America are thinking, "I wish I had made that video and gotten 500k likes! She is saying exactly what I was thinking."
Then you'll see a surge of similar videos.
We need any and all propaganda. There is no one message that will win everyone. We need millions of outbursts from millions of fed up white people so the rest can realize their forbidden anger is the norm, and thus awaken.
And we especially need emotional propaganda. We whites weren't reasoned into our own suicide, and most of us won't be reasoned out of it.
God damn you are such a beta faggot.
You are not put on this earth to serve every self-righteous vagina, learn some respect for yourself boy.
Guess what faggot? We ARE responsible for the sins of the previous generation. Fucking look at what's going on you stupid motherfucker.
I do agree with this bit though
Nobody but the baby boomers should be feeling guilty or ashamed right now.
Not a virgin here, can confirm there is nothing special about sex; in fact sex is annoying as fuck, if I didn't have a sex drive pushing me to do stupid shit like go meet cunts I could get a lot more important shit done.
You should just kys for basing your worth on getting your dick wet tbh, women put out like nothing nowadays.
So how do we slip in that this is all the Jews? Maybe that Barbra Spectre video? Is there anything like that where a Jew is talking about bringing mudskins into the USA?
Honestly that's probably the best visual representation of the USA I've ever seen. Can we update it? Basically jewify and nigger the whole thing up? KKK to BLM for instance, American flag to fag flag. Put some whites slaving away in the cage with Jitterbug changed to reparations.
Yes because if raising your kids shitty was the norm all the kids would be shitty making being shitty the norm, since it isn't and normal people give others the benefit of a doubt, an idea which has literally been codified in the U.S. Constitution the only person here with the retarded argument is the faggot trying to argue like a 2nd year law student named Ishmael that thinks he's better than literally thousands of years of philosophical and rational thought, better than plato, aristotle, of course Hobbes and Voltaire are nothing on him. He is after all (((chosen))).
tldr; stop arguing like a kike, kike.
You sure do think highly of yourself don't you.
Invite her here.
She mad.
I'm not moving anymore. You move.
Get the fuck out of the way!
Political correctness can kiss my ass. I'm tired of it.
I will not allow you to poison me. I will not allow you to dilute me. I will not allow you to pout water into this beacon of red white and blue to turn me into this missmatch of nothingness.
People say "you're a melting pot". We're a pot of nothing.
Hell hath no fury and all that. Women will cheer on the
holy fuck i was expecting the most cancerous doublethinking triggerkins in the comments.
Orthodox Jews are already turning on Israel.
Did you watch the video? She mentions multiple times that she has been constantly deprogramming her child. She recognizes the harmful influences society is pushing on her kid, and she is raising her kid right.
wew! much better woman rant. i think i need a cold shower now. i didn't know fox news had anything that wasn't cuckservative.
Jews from Germany invented the modern banking system.
t. German
We need to get Trump to retweet this.
Who has a twatter account to send it to him?
Its a joyrsey thang
I am not responsible for how our previous generations have defiled and degenerated our beautifull race, countries, history, societies, and what not.
Mediocre d&c, shill.
Enjoy the 0.5 shekels you got from that post
The views for this video have more than doubled in the two days since it was first posted here.
From 72k to 151k views in 2 days.
Archive snapshots:
Waking up……too late.
Why does ppl wake up when its already too late.
All the comments are like this.
Near unanimous support, agreement and gratitude.
How many people in USA feel this way?
Could it be millions?
They are awake.
They are ready.
They are just waiting for a Leader.
normies waking up…about fucking time
Maybe this will help wake up some normies.
Her fears are well founded.
What she doesn't know is that we exist.
And that we ARE moving…
It's only a matter of time now, you all know what's coming.
She's from New Jersey you daft fuck.
Western Civilization dies when we do.
I still have a pulse and I'm armed.
If they want to kill the traditions of the West they'll need to put a bullet in me first.
Emotional appeals are better than facts and logic when it comes to normies, especially women. A distressed woman shouting at a camera is better than all the statistical data in the world.
Seriously, is it just me or does whittle look like a fucking ayy lmao?
Soviet generals referred to their men as "bayonets" or "effectives" and sent them out to die by the million.
They were marched across fields into the near certain death of entrenched German positions, but it was that our be shot for desertion.
You think those godless motherfuckers in the Kremlin gave a shit about any of their men? You think any of those men had a fucking choice?
If anything those Russian conscripts were worthy of pity.
Go look at the scientific and literary achievements of the Russians alone, they have a long and storied history. Who's giving people rides to the international space station again?
You're a fool to claim they were any less victims of Communism than any of the other tens of millions sent to die for Marxists.
Precisely, normies don't give a shit about data or logical thinking. Because most people are non analytical extroverts.
They care about the roar of a stadium, the boos of a crowd, the heat of the moment.
The left has been using this to achieve their ends for a century and more, conservicucks and lolbertarians refuse to accept this, and it is why they are fast becoming obsolete.
We will win because we're smarter than the left, more tenacious than the left, and willing to use every dirty trick they use.
Why would your employer pay you to post defeatism if it's already too late?
Why do shills continue to post even when they know we know that they know that we know?
The world may never know…
But we will.
funny post, you think you can outsmart the jews?
everything Yuri Bezmenov predited came truth,
while you're busy raging on a pedo loving child porn sharing leftish site , they're preparing for the end game
enjoy your time while it last, goys
kikes are scared of weapons
I have alot of weapons
My friends, they have alot of weapons
why wont you come take them, heeb?
Something serious will happen this or next month, the energies are crazy, I've been feeling very tense for last week too.
Funny how you're posting on this very same site isn't it?
I've been following new age theories and supposed "6th density beings" for 5 years now. At this point I'm standing on the sidelines throwing peanuts at them cause they are a joke, what I'm hearing now is the same shit wrapped in something different every other year
The interesting thing about floods is that they, more often than not, take their victims completely by surprise. A fast moving watery grave that washes everything in its path away, yet still leaves behind ample kindling for anyone who was wise enough to seek out higher ground. Isn't that an interesting fact? I think it's interesting.
There's a sign like this near me
spread far and wide
Warning signs are always erected when enough people have failed to act appropriately on their own.
Yeah this is in a canyon that produces many deaths and injuries on a regular basis. Tourists mostly.
It's interesting to me because it's 18 miles to drive through the thing, and only locals are prepared for the fact that a fucking cell phone will not save you there, and will not even get a signal
I feel like the Left are tourists. They parade about like they own the place and they genuinely can't seem to accurately grasp what's going on, especially when they encounter resistance.
That's a good analogy
Well said, they're mentally detached from reality and as such all forms of true reality hunger, thirst, cold, pain are all alien to them.
They are products of a decadent society, and those that do not repent will suffer a terrible end. That end need not even come at our hands, they're such broken human beings they'll do it to themselves.
don't you see how you make a case for what he is saying? If women put out like nothing nowadays, that means staying a virgin is even more shameful than it has ever been
Why so little sympathy for what ultimately are your fellow men too? Leftists aren't tourists, they were just the earlier victims of the death of their communities and countries, leaving them spiritually homeless and with no-one to lead them. They certainly act like tourists, but that's only because they have no idea what a home is. This is what turns them into those decadent children we all hate.
Did you not understand what I said?
I explained that they're products of their environment, and I never said I hated them.
But do you really expect such people as the denizens of tumblr and college safe spaces to be able to survive when things get bad?
Most will repent when faced with real hardship and perhaps survive, but those stubborn few who don't will not because their ideas are so utterly divorced from reality.
Sorry, no strawman for you to burn down here.
It's the current year, friend.
Some choice bits:
.. more. I wonder if Trump is waking people up to healthy self-assertion.
Little late into the thread, but yes. This video is THE video for me, that redpilled me on the Jewish question at last, about PC, Marxism and how detrimental it all is to our nations.
Forget his love for Israel or whatever other problem he has. This video is fantastic, short and drops so much facts and truth.
Piss off shill.
This one needs to be spread around more.
WTF?! Is she one of those breeds of fainting goat I have heard about?
I just know that it's the same old conservative crap tho:
We need to wake up and let legal immigrants in only!
We need to wake up and let the banks run completely without nationalist oversight!
Cut welfare but don't touch muh social security!
It's okay if corps take our jobs over seas, that's free market!
It's okay if pedro takes my job so long as he passes a citizenship test after he crosses the border!
Liberals are the REAL racists! The only problem with blacks is their culture! We can make them into real conservatives!
C I V I C nationalism!
And most of all, we need to wake up and protect Israel!
Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran!
Just fighting for political correctness isn't enough.
…Oh well, it's a start.
shutup kike
pigeon head pisstian failed.
jews took over the money and you now apologies to sand niggers together with your children
plug the hanging jew on the stick out of your ass and get rid of all jews PHYSICALLY
God damn.
I don't usually say that but you should probably get out to get some air and see some people, user…
To be honest it would not come as a surprise to me.
Soccer moms are probably the most irredeemably authoritarian zealots in human history.
I must add that if they were to subvert the movement our Reich would become a comedically Orwellian tyranny of puritans Goebbels warned us about.
ive posted this a couple times and i will post it again.
a couple weeks ago i was at my folks house. They are plebs. Painfully so. My father went from apolitical troglodyte to never missing a trump speech and every time i see him on a computer he has drudge opened in a tab.
Awesome. But heres the real awesome part: My mother turned on the jewbox one day about 3 weeks ago maybe a month ago. Foxnews was on. They were griping about the tribulations that the refugees face. My mother guffawed "UGH" I was waiting for her to say "Just let them in" but no.. the words that followed I will always remember… "Every last one of these people should be lined up and shot"
Amazing things are on the horizon lads.
It's good for facebook.
shiggy diggy
What's wrong with a little diversity anyway?
You know I spent a time as one of these fucking retarded liberal faggots because my dad was just blatantly racist. I don't mean he had a healthy mistrust of non-whites, he was just being an ass hole. It ended up misguiding me.
Years past I came back to this side but still with some white guilt tacked on I didn't know about. That shit has since been jettisoned. I long for the fourth riech, and now I know normal white people are starting to want the same thing, they just don't want to admit it yet.
They will bear you up in their
Lest you stumble or stray.
You will tread upon the alien
and mutant,
The heretic and traitor
you will trample down.
Nothing. Which is why we want to preserve all races instead of making the world brown.
Are these even spayed, user?
No one is going to sit through 12 minutes of this. I can't even stomach more than 1 minute.
It's preaching to the choir at best.
filthy degenerate
This video is proof that all 'patriots' are autistic little kiddies who need to be beaten in their autistic heads until cured.
Nothing bad has ever happened to this woman if she is wounded by encountering people who don't speak English in the area she considers special due by being ruled by the same government
I really am concerned that she is upset but I think it's her problem not anyone elses
Thank you. You corrected MY record. #I'mwithHER now.
IDs are a thing, shillbergstein
Unfortunately. Women are far more emotional than men and as a result the average woman is further left politically than the average man. This obviously leads to politics being pulled left HARD when women are allowed to vote also.
They just want everyone to be friends and the government to give everyone what they need. Fine ideals I suppose but neither work out for long in the real world.
I don't get how someone could watch some cunt verbally menstruate for 12 minutes but alright, if normalfags are waking up then that's defenitely a good thing.
I just wish they would get there opinions from somewhere else than goybook.
We can wish everyone was smarter and more informed all day but the fact of the matter most people are practically braindead and get all their info and opinions from TV and Facebook. Anything even vaguely redpilled getting popular on those platforms is damn good.
Pretty inspiring tbh, one of the underlying issues in modern society is loyalty to cultures that conflict with the culture of the land.
And one good way to avoid bad things happening is to not allow the existence of areas dominated by foreigners.
Anyone care to sum her speach up? Can't stand yelling over emotional women.
its like you want the jews to weasel their way back into power
Like their weren't weaseling their way into power even among all white nations since time immortal. if you faggots were as good as you claimed to be, jews won't be a problem today.
Finally these people are waking up.
I know people are gonna spam "D&C" because of this but I'm gonna say it anyway: it's an American thing.
Europeans are fully aware of what's happening but are just too afraid to speak up, burgers are a bunch of inbred retards who can barely speak their own native language and are mentally on the same level as most niggers are, Americans are the ones that make white people look bad.
tl;dr not all whites are dumb and uninformed, it's just you guys.
They were limited to the eastern Mediterranean before Hadrian gassed the hive, and until Emancipation they were still mostly contained.
That's not really an argument against getting rid of them all.
Low effort, 2/10
What makes you think Americans are less inbred than the average European? If anything, they'd be less inbred since American whites come from all over Europe, while Europeans generally stay within their own countries and cultures. The biggest difference I think is that America media has been hijacked and subverted for long than European media. Plus, there's way more Americans in general so there's more stupid ones in total, not to mention the large nonwhite population.
Before you criticize American intelligence, take a look at who is behind almost all modern technological advancements.
Did you redpilled her with those videos?
requesting sticky
please post the .webm version so more people can see it.
thread slide? I guess it's bad if we know when the normies are waking up because this is a good opportunity for us to red pill more
She snapped out of it. She realised that the future isn't going to be good for her children as she had to deprogramming her children constantly. The mother job is getting harder for the married women.
thread slide in effect. keep the thread up
"This video has been removed by the user"
Typical woman. Her (whiny, nails-on-chalkboard) resolve lasted about 2 hours
jews are panicking……they don't want the people to know that they are fucked.
this is bumplocked, what the fuck.
No, actually sorry. just really fucking fast thread sliding.
loved the video tho
she kept saying it and I could not help but think pic related
How did they manage to leave the neck intact?
There is a storm coming and it is going to be beautiful.
And the thing is she probably doesn't even know about the jews. Somebody tell her about the jews!
The storm is going to be a load of middle aged pro-Israel civic nationalist libertarians holding misspelled signs.
Joke all you want but Americans are waking up in huge numbers this year. Something big is coming and when it does I would hate to be a globalist puppet.
5 pointed star?
what significance does that hold?
It is associated with military power and war.
how the fuck can you claim to be any kind of political enthusiast and pretend this is true?
Murrican flag
when they were making it washington asked her if the 5 pointed star would be too hard and if she needed to do 6 pointed
she said no problem
Betsy Ross was a patriot
meant to say nah, was nervous about the other replies formatting
Good thing she altered it otherwise it will be jew star.
exactly my point
Did she done that on the purpose? I don't read the jewpedia link.
according to jewpedia, yes, in fact she told george his drawing with the 6 pointed star was wrong but he wasn't sure if it would be too hard
here is the full story from kikepedia
Sitting sewing in her shop one day with her girls around her, several gentlemen entered. She recognized one of these as the uncle of her deceased husband, Col. GEORGE ROSS, a delegate from Pennsylvania to Congress. She also knew the handsome form and features of the dignified, yet graceful and polite Commander in Chief, who, while he was yet COLONEL WASHINGTON had visited her shop both professionally and socially many times, (a friendship caused by her connection with the Ross family). They announced themselves as a committee of congress, and stated that they had been appointed to prepare a flag, and asked her if she thought she could make one, to which she replied, with her usual modesty and self reliance, that "she did not know but she could try; she had never made one but if the pattern were shown to her she had not doubt of her ability to do it." The committee were shown into her back parlor, the room back of the shop, and Col. Ross produced a drawing, roughly made, of the proposed flag. It was defective to the clever eye of Mrs Ross and unsymmetrical, and she offered suggestions which Washington and the committee readily approved.
What all these suggestions were we cannot definitely determine, but they were of sufficient importance to involve an alteration and re-drawing of the design, which was then and there done by Colonel (General) George Washington, in pencil, in her back parlor. One of the alterations had reference to the shape of the stars. In the drawing they were made with six points.
Mrs Ross at once said that this was wrong; the stars should be five pointed; they were aware of that, but thought there would be some difficulty in making a five pointed star. "Nothing easier" was her prompt reply and folding a piece of paper in the proper manner, with one clip of her ready scissors she quickly displayed to their astonished vision the five-pointed star; which accordingly took its place in the national standard. Colonel (General) Washington was the active one in making the design, the others having little or nothing to do with it. When it was completed, it was given to William Barrett, painter, to paint. …
The gentleman drew out of a chest an old ship's color, which he loaned her to show her how the sewing was done, and also the drawing painted by Barrett. Other designs had been prepared by the committee and one or two of them were placed in the hands of other seamstresses to be made. Betsy Ross went diligently to work upon her flag, carefully examining the peculiar stitch in the old ship's color, which had been given her as a specimen, and recognizing, with the eye of a good mechanic, its important characteristics, strength and elasticity.
The flag was soon finished, and Betsy returned it, the first 'Star Spangled Banner' that ever floated upon the breeze, to her employer. It was run up to the peak of one of his ships lying at the wharf, and received the unanimous approval of the committee and of a little group of bystanders looking on, and the same day was carried into the State House and laid before Congress, with a report from the committee.
The next day Col. Ross called upon Betsy, and informed her that her work had been approved and her flag adopted; and he now requested her to turn her whole attention to the manufacture of flags, and gave her an unlimited order for as many as she could make. …
Mrs Ross was now effectively set up in the business of flag and color making for the government; through all her after life, which was a long, useful and eventful one, she "never knew what it was," to use her own expression, "to want employment," this business (flag-making for the government) remaining with her and in her family for many years.
To real nationalism? Well, maybe whatever it is it will be a start and not just the conservatism of the last 80 years with more violence to enforce it. That would hardly be a true victory over liberalism.
Defeatism is bad, I know. I'm cynical by nature.
God bless her heart.
It was her generation who sold us out and got us here. They kept voting for kike puppets and outsourcing and affirmative action. They sold our nation out for quick profit. She still doesn't even acknowledge the underlying problems. You want change? acknowledge that the 2 party system are both owned by the same master, and fuck us Left and Right. acknowledge that we sold out our means of production and stopped investing in our nation for "muh tax breaks" during repub years and raised taxes for nigger gibs during dem years, effectively increasing our taxes AND misappropriating them to the hands of those who refuse to work and would tear the nation down. acknowledge that our government body is a band of thugs who work off bribe money from whoever has the biggest wallet and they don't give a shit about you. They should have fixed this after the jfc assassination, they should have seen how bad things were then. Now it's snowballed and we would have to go full day of rope to fix it. They had the cancer at stage one, we have it stage four, now they ask us to lay down our lives to cure it.
Her generation lived in prosperity and mine in poverty. And she thought it was all fine and dandy as long as she had her mcmansion and cushy office job, and fuck us. Now she woke up and realized the bed she made for herself and for us. And it's already too fucking late. The only way to change it now is a drastic and violent revolution and we're the ones who will pay in blood and starvation.
This. Nothing has changed, this is just a lemming realizing the policies he voted for forsook him at last. He'll clamp on to the next quick fix and change nothing in the foundation to fix it permanently and thoroughly.
Oven the Journalists, Jews, fags, SJWs, trannies, burritos, kebabs, poos, and dindus.
Once we are done. Oven all of the Lemmings who didn't wake up first.
KEK wills it.
you idiot, she is taking a dive on camera so that the video can be used in court to toss the nignog in jail for aggravated assault on a little old lady.
Based Betsy.
but why are five pointed stars so important?
Ok so you blame people for waking up and realizing they've been tricked. It's much more difficult to get people to realize they've been tricked than to trick them. We can't turn our country around if we don't get normies on board.
Juden Raus!
Confirmed for millennial trash can.
I could watch that speech over and over again.
Do you have a price list, Chaim?
History is the inspiration of patriotism, unless you live in some african shithole you should learn about the history of your ancestors.
As a teenager I always thought the idea of being proud of where you were born is stupid, until I decided to really learn about the history of my people, their hardships, the wars they had to fight, why did they do what they did and finally what legacy they let me today.
We are not the end, we are just a page in the history of our people, they build things for us we have the duty to enhance or at least to preserve them for our own children.
The thing is today we don't have the strong communities we had in the past, we are somewhat disconnected from our roots
At the end of the day you have to appropriate your own country and defend it because other people won't, it is as simple as that.
High energy powerful mother bear. I want to breed with a woman like that. I'm so turned on
Nazi tears. Lol.
and yet you post pedophilic animu on that exact same site, innit funny eh Moishe?
I wonder who's be behind this post.
I think "You Move" is a great slogan. Would have it on a shirt.
Stop fucking sliding, CTR.