Right Side is broadcasting his press conference with Mexico president live!

Support our boys at RSBN, Trump's own media arm. Keep this bumped!

Other urls found in this thread:

I love the snake story

I love the proverbs they have. "One fruit in the basket is worth 5 pennies in the bank account."'

any other feed?

not live must be an old rally



this is the event with audio of an old trump rally being played

its about to start right now.

it's on now




intro in spanish

Man Trump dwarves that fucking manlet.

At least they're speaking Spic in their own fucking country for once.


wtf i don't speak taco

nice little mexican girl giving trump a live translation of the speech

He's using a lot of words to say:

Does anybody here speak Taco?

We need translation!

Is Mexico surrendering???

MSM has live translations find a stream.



etc etc

generic stuff

we need a mic on the nice little mexican girl talking to trump

Any evidence Trump is cucking on immigration?


jewtube stream with translation

Includes translation.

lol wtf

are you baiting? faggot.

This is historic. Pagar por la PARED!


Sounds like surrender. Trump is letting them "keep face". Good leadership.

nope. i think he actually said we should work to stop illegal drugs and crime for both countries n stuff.



lol he's fucking with the stream


I don't speak Spanish.

Taco-fluent here, the spic president just endorsed the wall



Must have gotten word from the deep state that Trump will be assuming the presidency.

dubs confirm it


The madman is wheeling and dealing even before he's gotten into office.

Putin is still clapping and the speech just ended

How many shitlibs are committing suicide today from being BTFO this badly?

Mexico will be respectful of the American People's decision to built a wall!
Mexico will be respectful of the American People's decision to built a wall!
Mexico will be respectful of the American People's decision to built a wall!

Also I love how Trump doesn't give a fuck and still speaks English in Tacoland

We get the Wall, they get a casino or two. Master Negotiation complete.

he would sound like a retard trying to speak in mexican

What else would he speak? He's an American!

Nobody expects him to be able to speak in Spanish.

I'm pretty sure that he's monolingual.

Why bother learning another faggot language?


All of them. We are getting a wall and Ol' #TerminallyHill won't do any of this shit. This gets votes Brothers.

MAGA is MAGA in any language.

Mexico is now our little friend

So Trump is basically saying a big fuck you to central Americans?

dismantling drug cartels


He's sounding presidential AF!

So wait they're going to build TWO walls now? One on the southern Mexico border?

Canada is our Hat and Mexico is our Pants.

Fuck yes.

So many walls

Why stop at two?

That border is pretty small, so it won't be all that expensive anyway.

No, the wall is meant to stop both mexicans and central americans.

The meme was incorrect. The other wall will be far further south than Canada.

As he should cause central america is a literal tumor

Did he just declare war on the Cartels?

Where is the CIA supposed to get their cocaine money now?

Why stop at 2?

Didnt Scott Adams already say a long time ago that trump is running as if he was an incumbent

digits of truth

We need more walls. One for Canada, one around Commifornia, and a tiny one to surround Austin, TX.

And now, so is the rest of the world.
I can't wait for Trump to meet with Putin.



Their Face When Trump gets elected as a written-in candidate for Presidency of Mexico, too.



Why discuss it? Trump already has them agreeing to the wall so the bill will be in the mail.

He's not even president yet. Getting him to endorse the wall alone is, well, YUGE.


Its ended, what is the summary?

No they'd probably stay in Canada because welfare.

Gotta let Nieto save some face for now; once everyone has swallowed the fact that Mexico is okay with Trump building the wall, then we can start telling them that Mexico is going to pay for it.


It might be a negotiable thing - If Mexico cooperates, the US will be willing to put more of their own funds towards it, while if they don't, they're going to raise hell and force Mexico to pay by causing them loss of funds through various policies.

That means hes unwilling to budge so it wasn't a topic of conversation

Ya gotta know that Trump is there, giving this speech, because the Mexican gov. expects him to win the election.

Trump is forcing Mexico to make itself great for once, while he Makes America Great Again. 4D chess top kek

Someone post translated version when you can?

Canada already is experimenting with guaranteed basic income in some regions such as Ontario.

Nah, all Trump has to do is revoke remittances. No reason to pay for it.

Feels good.

The wall project will include two walls and USA and Mexico are probably both going to pay for them a bit and maybe US could heavily tax any Mexicans sending money from US to Mexico.

this fox stream was translated, you can go back in time in the stream to watch it

mexican here, dude to us he is already president, he is the only one who can unfuck us

Shillary was offered an invitation as well, apparently. She just can't be bothered to meet with world leaders, just like how she couldn't be bothered to help the American people after floods.

I suppose even meeting with the president of Mexico and getting the okay for the wall is pretty impressive considering Trump isn't president yet but I was expecting more out of this I guess.

thanks mate

Shillary too much of a pussy to visit Mexico. So much for a "champion of minorities" in the US.

Trump looked very presidential IMO.

Dubs confirm Trump already President.

Trips confirms

Man CNN is pretty fucking mad.

Also has anyone ever noticed that Jake Tapper eternally sounds like he wants to kill himself?

She cant travel that far from first world hospitals.

Did she even get invited to begin with?

The entire media must be on suicide watch after this.

It is a phenomenon throughout all (((media)))

Mexican president bent the knee.

Fox has some faggot on trying to meme this as "capitulation"

The Sheriff and host aren't falling for this shit.

Dumb nigger, Mexico isn't going to literally pay the bill. It will be paid for by bringing the USA trade deficit to Mexico back in line and getting their fucking nationals off our social programs.

pretty much this…. and in the end it really will help mexico

I don't know if it's because they know that they're loosing or because they know that they're corporate propagandists who sold their souls to Satan.

But man they really do look dead inside.


The payment stuff comes later.

Peña implied that he extended the invitation to both candidates. And Trump promptly accepted.

Doesn't matter when we got the wall endorsement. Now Trump will make a quick trip to Yeb's pueblo for some light bullying and then off to his immigration speech.



It comes later once he president then he can be alittle more hostile. He just wanted to get to know there president and convince him that the wall would benefit both nations.

I cannot imagine a more severe assrape than what Trump just handed the last 4 administrations combined. He had 0 authority to do this and he str8 made a fucking deal with Mexico's President to build the damn wall.

That, and he's already doing the presidents job more than two months before the election.


I doubt she can travel at all in her current health state

why else would a democuck refuse to meet with a uber-spic

Trump is already President of United States. The election is to determine whether or not President Trump is also the God Emperor of America.


Trump already did more as a civilian than Shillary in her whole political career including secretary of the fucking state


I wish I could see Obongo's face right now. It must be close to this

All the (((media))) is spinning it as "no one discussed who will pay for the wall" and that president nieto is not liked by the citizens of Mexico

Anyone got an article that focuses on president Nieto being okay with the wall?


Yeah, attacking Nieto seems to be their angle.
Seems a weak move to me, as nobody likes their leaders much.

Is this really true? Did Trump got the Mexican president to agree with the wall before he even got elected?

Yes. They'll talk about payment once Trump is president.

I thought I heard somewhere he spoke German?

exactly that

Summary from after the press conference

Mexican President Nieto

It was a cordial cooperative mood and that came across from both sides

The border must be treated as an asset

The flow of weapons and money into Mexico must be stopped, that was a corrosive thing in Mexico he said

He wants to make the border more efficient and safer

American Presidential Candidate Trump

Trump expresses what an honor it is to meet with Mexican President

5 principles/goals

end illegal immigration

secure the border, it's a sovereign right to build a barrier/wall

end the flow of guns and drugs in both directions

improve NAFTA but keep industry in out hemisphere (Mexico and U.S.)

Keep manufacturing wealth in our hemisphere for our mutual good

"Huge win for Donald Trump and our relations"

angry guy yelling about "TRUMP ISN'T MAKING MEXICO PAY FOR THE WALL!!!"

"Dude they didn't even talk about who's paying for the wall"


"He's addressing the top issues for our country" /r/The_Donald/comments/50j80g/live_donald_trump_and_mexican_president_nieto/

Tu no hablas espanol en el ano de 2016… jajaja.

better learn spanish fast if you want to survive the mexican invasion in 2017 after hillary wins

let's see how many faggots fall for the bait

Sure. You do good deals in steps.

Silly Mexican Prez, you have to donate to the Clinton foundation first.


we can only pray for such a wonderful happening

once again proving that he is THE DEALMAKER.

Never go full chairo

Fox is beyond salty on twatter right now.
Twatterfags should drop in and say hello.
I tried but I think I got the shadow b& hammer.


Come to GNU/Social. We're not as big as Twitter, but we've taken control of most of the network from leftists in less than half a year.

It's time to start calling out cucks who doubted The Donald.

Remember all the shills saying that he doesn't know how to negotiate?

Let's tell them to start prepping the bull.

I'll check it out,user.
Really the only reason I'm on twatter is to shitpost to celebrities and politicians I don't like .

Reasonable Spics? well Colour me shocked.

They aren't laughing anymore.

… But we sure are.

every President looks like shit when they leave office, Trump will be the first to leave looking great and the pundits will age 20 years

Hillary never answers calls though.


Feels fucking good man

She does after they donate to the Clinton Foundation.

no doubt he is acutely aware of this and it was the subtext to "I extended an invitation to both leaders and only one could be arsed to pick up the phone"

Kek confirms
Trump's age will decrease while in office.
Grey headed nigger king

Jorge Ramos has become salt on Twitter over this.


called it in the other thread, he was gonna make the wall look like a good thing for mexico


Fox is going to have a heart attack if he don't cut back on the salt.
Kek good times are a coming user
Praise KEK

The future is looking bright user.



Check Kikebart's livewire of the Trump press conference. Jorge is bitching that the Mexican President didn't stand up for all the little Pablos and Consuelas.

It just donned on me how ass blasted they must be.

Trump convinced him The Wall benefits both parties and that he can build a wall of his own on Mexico's southern border to keep South American drugs and guns out in a 30 minute meeting

The Art of the Deal wins again

(((Those))) who want to keep both our populations, mexico and america, in constant degeneracy through crime, hardcore drugs, and social unrest are shitting themselves right now. The open borders policy of the (((left))) is designed to line the pockets of officials and maintian control over the population.
This is a major blow to their plan.
Also the south american border is even better at this.
Make America Great Again

Will we ever see trump looking like this hardworking nigger?
pic related

I don't even have to look at twitter anymore, my friends at kikebook have fused into a salt mine.
They aready have a problem with Peña (because Aristegui tells them they should), so realizing that we are STILL going to be USA's lapdog even when Trump is not at the white house yet, is really getting them mad.

go back to /inth/

meme magic be real boys!


This. How does Hillary make him look bad for wanting a wall if Mexico is already agreeing to it.

Maximum kek.

what a chump, Trump better have the Oval Office steam cleaned lest he catch AIDS

Did the Mexican translator really announce him as Presidente Trump?

This is truly a victory for the cause. The Empire has begun before the Emperor has taken the throne.


What the fuck faggot? Kill yourself, i personally want to burn those int fags myself, ive been lurking here since the first exodus shit and i see all the fucking shilling here, it makes me rage. And u called me a fucking intshit.

still cant believe this happened

what candidate for an election holds a meeting and press conference with the president of another country


In all honesty this will probably completely take that argument off the table.

It's why journos, cucks, and normalfags are freaking the fuck out: they KNOW they can't use that argument any more. And that's not all either.

It also destroyed the argument that the wall isn't feasible and that Trump is ineffective, out of his element, unpresidential, and doesn't know what he's doing. We haven't even gotten to the first debate yet and Trump's already in talks with the mother fucking President of Mexico to build it all while Shillary's haggard ass was probably bedridden. And all RIGHT AFTER he just got through visiting the Hurricane victims in Louisiana she and Obabo ignored.

All they have left is "M-muh Muzzies", and no matter what the media says otherwise, everyone fucking distrusts Muzzies.

Get in here too and upboat it, the cucks have raided it.

He knows how to make good deals and get things done on time. This is just good business sense to set up the groundwork for a joint project of this scale.

In 4D war, CIA is the target now.

Don't attack points, attack lines. Don't attack lines attack spaces. Don't attack spaces attack your opponents ability to win at all. - Trump the Art of War.

S-s-surely Killary would oppose a REAL one?

Btw, anyone have an outline or transcript of the speech and meeting?
None of the (((media))) is talking about what exactly was said during the meeting trying to memory hole this assblasting.
I need it to share with people and assrape libcucks

Mexican here.

I expected a shitstorm but it was actually pretty okay on both sides.

Peña Nieto is not famous for being bright, but he managed to keep a balance between appealing to the people and not antagonizing Trump. At the end he tried slipped in that ALL MEXICANS in USA should be treated with respect (as in, they dindunutin) but that was more a formality than a statement.
Also he tried to emphasize how Mexico is important to USA and what not.

Trump was very respectful and laconic, talking in such a soft manner, seems like he had it in the bag since the beginning, everyone can see that Peña Nieto is used to be submissive and tried not to rock the boat too much.

At the end this is just a formality meeting, nothing remarkable apart from Trump complimenting Mexico without seeming to backtrack on his plans (I liked that a lot). I wonder what the Mexican media will say about all of this.

He'll be in the old Post Office running things while the White House is fumigated for nigger bugs and the smell of ape is removed from the place.


And an eagle named Freedom flew in and wept tears of joy.

did it happen? did they agree to the wall? goddamnit donald is there anything you can't deal

meme trump into presidency, post presidente trump with all your twitter posts, posts here, posts anywhere

This is not surprising. Trump is on record saying he does not trust the CIA. He must really want to fuck them if he is openly defying them.


this is a post>>7320521
What if after building the two walls, Trump ends the cartels in Mexico and Mexico is made safer?

He already said he considered the cartels as an enemy army.

They are just resorting to character assasinate him. But the (controlled) opposition media has tried to do the exact same thing for years now:

And none of that shit has worked to get him out of office. What do they think they can do?

I recognize that he's a retarded prez but that's exactly what we as mexicans deserve. At least they should talk shit about him for the right reasons and not because he's willing to collaborate with Trump.

What if after building the two walls, Trump ends the cartels in Mexico and Mexico is made safer?

He already said he considered the cartels as an enemy army.

It makes him look Presidential, exactly what normalfags were wanting. He used his skills from before he went into politics and applied them here, showing he can be extremely competent to people who only get their news to the MSM, and he reinforces his base showing that he is committed to strengthening the border.


The Mexico guy also obliquely referred to obama selling guns to the cartels didn't he? Its hard to tell for the translation but that seemed like the gist of things.


In the process of making america great again he suffocates the cartels and drug trade, thus leading mexico into a golden age where all the school children will learn about sir trump, the hero who helped sir peña eradicate the evil army of cartels
fucking inter dimentional chess, smashing and tethering better realities into our own
What kind of sorcery are we fucking cooking up in here

Presidente Trump

And then we all ride into Europe and remove kebab.

Things really did turn around for him, though.

Its legal and we are okay with that!

Both President Trump and the Mexican President fly in President Punisher for tips on dealing with the drug trade.

Feet on the table as the POTUS? Seriously?

911 user he knows the kikes blew up guliani's little mayor secure building 7 bunker and forced him out on the street running around looking like chicken little.
guliani is such a fucking pissant

I don't even know. I didn't imagine
walls in this. The Berenstain universe is amazing, the Year of the Fire Monkey is only a little over half way done, and we still have the Year of the Fire Cock coming up too.

Not even that, look at the goddamn shoes the "leader" of a country is wearing. This shit just screams GHETTO NIGGER

Since it's the topic:

Talking about cartels in Mexico is like talking about an incurable disease. I respect the idea of the god emperor but at least this is something that I have to see in order to believe it.

Maybe I'm programmed to not pay attention when someone talks about ending narcotics traffic in my country, that's a common feeling here. You even have to look both ways before saying a narco buzzword in any part of Mexico.

Also, IMO this meeting was very positive for Trump, the only way the shills and the luggenpresse can try to turn around this is because Trump and Peña Nieto mentioned that they haven't discussed the "who pays for the wall issue" but even the most clueless will know that if you cannot discuss that doesn't mean that he is backtracking about making Mexico "pay" for it.

I say "pay" because I know that it's more business-economically complex that just paying up in his hand.


President punisher for the emipre's chief of police

we ought to go out on all the (((social media))) sites and accuse liberals opposing the wall of racism because mexico wants it

Was for all you anons that don't understand how fucking dedicated the HNIC is and how sorely he will be missed after his term is up

The first thing that needs to be done when crushing an enemy empire is crippling their trade routes. Thats the difference between now and then. The walls will completely halt any smugglers over the land. Sea smugglers can be easily taken care of if we divert our funding from israel's iron dome waste of cash stopping bottle rockets to monitoring our sea border and air traffic better. Starve the cartels from their customers….. kill them completely

That's because when someone says we have a "War on Drugs", or a "War on Poverty" it's always been more like a "War of Drugs" and a "War of Poverty".
This is because there were always lines that nobody was willing to cross, but we now have an actual person in President Punisher who is doing what actually needs to be done to stop it.
also because there are people who benefit from these activities continuing, so only show efforts are made

Yeah, there's an infinite number of ways.

Maybe we can deal with that Carlos Slim fucker while we're at it. He's good for nobody.

Also, if marijuana becomes regulated like alchohol in the usa, then the "gateway drug" will no longer exist and dealers will struggle hard to find ways to loop young kids into trying hard stuff or lacing their weed. Its all about the supply and demand. Destroy their ability to even fight back
fucking 8D chess

Never underestimate Trump's 4D chess.

You can dress a mulatto monkey in a suit and call him President, but at the end of the day it's still a monkey.

Yeah, that's done just by having the walls and enforcing them. Chappo did dig a tunnel, but that shit is very expensive and time consuming to do. If you're actually trying to enforce law they will go broke eventually.

Perhaps with all the confiscated drug money from the imminent cleansing if another punisher appears in mexico

Chapo dint dig nuffin his toadies did and they had major inside help as well.
FFS put the fucking spic on a second floor cell block and how the fuck is he going to open his hot tub trapdoor into a tunnel?

You're making me dream now, fuck.



Cool. A wall.

Now what about deporting the gorillion wetbacks?


Also, I have to wonder what's going through the minds of journalists reading a thread like this.

This. The salt alone is worth it.

But cutting down their free flow of drugs/money/guns is a huge win. Even if it's only half then they are much more manageable and the murders go down.

Even 10% less is way better than anything chimpbongo ever accomplished.

That's been INCREASING under his term. The heroin going everywhere is new.

Nope. She said: "Republican Party Nominee for the Presidency of the United States of America Donald Trump", or something to that effect.

She did pronounce it "repooblican".

we know have extremely useful ammo to attack identity politic liberals with. Trump is on Tacoland's side now and anyone who's against the wall is against what mexico wants.

can we start hastags and make memes with tremendous, 10 feet higher etc. trumpisms in ocean nigger speak? Hillary straight up blew off the mexican president's invitation to this discussion and press conference

why don't we turn things around on the mainstream media and spread the idea that killary is a racist?

we'll see about that

You know what to do fags

I can already taste the combined salt of both chairos and american liberal media.




I'm not seeing any details about what war he survived. Was he just a faggot journo?

Followed the reddit link and saw this comment:

Checked out /r/politics and jesus christ, I have never seen more blatant shilling before in my life. Not that I ever expected anything out of reddit, but still.
The icing on the cake was a post cheering on the Supreme Court for denying North Carolina's attempt to require registration for voting, and the only person arguing against it got a John Oliver video in return.

As a Texan, I wholeheartedly approve of this new border plan.

Here's an interesting paper

No, the residents of Austin just need to get deported back to California. There's no reason to keep them there.

Or drop them in the middle of the gulf.

If there is a journalist here I will state something.

I love my country and the good people in it, if the lugenpresse wants to stick its hands on Mexico the only luck will be in the minds of stupid trustfund babies from high income houses and dirty liberals who everybody hates, the real people doesn't fall for your shit and the kind of you is kept as a clown.

**I have a friend in Austin unfortunately.
He's not exactly our type but he is a smart guy and not a degenerate, definitely worth keeping around.**

i totally just got formatting pranked, oh well

If you must put your feet on the table (and you own the table) this is the proper way.

You separated the ** with a line break, that's why it didn't work.

That said, we all know that Austin would not be like that if it weren't for immigration from other states. It's only gotten more like that over time.

Feels good man.

ah, pure absent-mindedness on my part then

you're worried about germs? what about scratching the fuck out of your nice ass table

what is wrong with those cats

If he had his hand on the arm-chair instead of his thigh it would've been a 10/10

It looks like they just came out of anesthesia

Idiopathic Vestibular Disease or they're drugged.

And this concludes Holla Forums's etiquette lesson for the day be well anons

They have a disease similar to fainting goats. Under stress or when excited, their body locks up. They got excited about the food.

Incidentally listening to NPR right now. It sounds like a future angle of attack could be "Trump is softening on NAFTA." Watch out for that one.


Can any Spanish-speaking anons comment on the validity of this translation of the Mexican president's speech?

This tweet seems to corroborate:
Google translate: At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall.

The Mexican president went back on his word on Twitter.

not really
he never agreed to pay for the wall on the us/mexico border
but these are called negotiations. and trump is a 4D chess wizard

HMMMMM the plot thickens.
But is a total win in the short term for our man.


I mean, they're obviously spinning this like a dreidel, but I'd still like to see an unbiased translation of what he really said.

Also have a low-quality meme from Reddit.

Nah it's drugs. Fainting goat cats lock up completely, they don't just lose motor skills.

Alright, so I just got done with work for the day. What's this I'm hearing about Trump back-tracking on kicking on the illegal spics? Is that more lugenpresse nonsense?

Also, I heard that the president was fairly courteous to Trump. How pissed are the people?

That's the millenial minset, all right. "BUT I WANNA! I WANNA! I WANNA RIGHT NAO!" That's not how negotiations work.

Also, Trump doesn't have yet what Roosevelt called "the big stick".

When he becomes the president, then he'll have the tools to convince the Mexicans that it's actually good for them to pay for the wall. What will probably end happening is that the US and Mexico will split the costs, one way or the other.

The spin is "Trump only wants to focus on the criminal illegals." The implication being "criminal only equals violent crimes." Despite the fact that, you know, illegally entering the country also makes one a criminal.

Ghetto Niggers love their shoes though. I don't think a ghetto nigger would be caught dead in those

political anal isis from our friend styx

This post gets it.

Mexico might not end up paying entirely for the wall, afterall. Remember The Art of The Deal: Bargain from a strong position.

It will though. It gives them something to line up the cartels against and shoot them.


When he said he was going to make America great again, he wasn't just talking about the United States of it.


Everything about this meeting has solidified Trump's victory in the election.

Why would anyone who had reservations on him handling Mexico not vote for him now? Why would any Mexican voter not vote for Trump?

Too few chins to be related to egoraptor.

good overview, thanks user.

if you think hes a bigot you are deluding yourself. Great.

From what I understand

"One way or another, Mexico is paying for the wall."

It's pretty fucking impressive tbh. Even if he isn't the driving force behind it all, he's orchestrating like a genius

pic related. This is going to be a wild year

Ahh… I see. Hahahaha, fucking idiots. This is going to be such a great election cycle

I just had a thought: how corrupt/totalitarian is king spic? Enough to want to keep his people trapped in his borders? I mean, a wall to the south and to the north and coast to the east and west, his citizens would basically be trapped in Mexico. And with the cartels being the way they are, some serious shit could easily be justified to outside observers.

I'm not at all saying Trump has anything to do with any atrocities that may or may not be committed on the brown side of the wall, nor has he likely even thought of it. But could happenings happen due to this?

In hopes you can find these useful

Can anyone recap for wageslave anons?

spic living in tacoland here
im surprised that this absolute retard peña nieto actually did something right for once
i bet he is going to get suicided by (((carlos salinas de gortari))) for this

every mexican president has been corrupt for the last 70-80 years
shit here is already on maximum JUST and this may actually be a slight improvement.

Praise Kek

Nvm saw the big recap above


It's less a matter of Peña being corrupt himsef and more with the whole system being corrupt, down to the party that put him in the presidency.

Lots of people benefit from the current state of things here, no doubt that he can get a cut from it; not to mention that having people fleeing Mexico to find better opportunities in the US means they are no longer a problem for the mexican government. So the fact that he is willing to negotiate with Trump to stop drug trafficking and generally to unfuck the country's shit up may sound fishy from that viewpoint.

But I'll give that to Trump being persuasive as fuck (also opposing to the wall would be a hypocrite ching to do, considering that there's already a wall in the southern mexican border meant to block central americans from getting there and further to the US)

Hopefully someday they could improve their country to the point the spics would want to immigrate there instead of here.

Trip dubs and truth right here.

It does us no good for Tacostan to be a third world corrupt hell

I mean that's the idea and why they're hoping over in the first place

I thought that was for the free gibs.

Assuming you're a spic, I'd keep a lookout for that kind of thing if I were you.
Once that wall goes up, someone's bound to make a move. And it may be in your hometown.

Who is De Gortari? I don't keep up with the happenings south of the US.

one of the nafta kikes and expresident of mexico

It sounds like the politicians in Mexico City are just as surprised by it. It's good that the trip happened, though. Pena got to see a subdued Trump that likely goes against everything that he's heard let's be honest, campaign personalities don't reflect how a person will govern, and the Americans saw that Trump can follow some of the unwritten political rules. I have no doubts that their private discussions were cold to say the least, but he saw that Trump doesn't want to crash Mexico's entire society.

Your former president needs to plug his mouth shut with a dick, though.

yeah both vicente fox and felipe calderon need to kill themselves
they both fucked the country just as bad as PRI, if not worse for selling this country by the pound and starting the drug war shit, plus vicente fox was even more retarded than peña nieto when he was president.

The party line is to declare the meeting a failure, because the costs were not discussed. Hillary already tweeted about this.

Demonization is their sole weapon. I hope President Trump does something about this.

That one is easy to counter. Point out their ignorance on how large projects are negotiated, approvals drafted and manpower cost actually calculated. Accuse them instead of being unfit to head a nation

As i said, if their country wasn't so shit there wouldn't be incentive to border hop by the million

Stopping this will require a multipronged attack

literally why?

Feels good man.

Because he's a manlet

He wears lift shoes because he feels so small.
What a faggot.

Normally I'd chuckle too, but the Don makes everyone look like a manlet.

He's only like 6'2", user. I'm 6'5".


Mexicans are short, who knew?

I've seen Ivanka in person, she makes everyone look like manlets, can't Imagine how tall Donald is.


America is a big guy nation.


omg you poor cunts that spanish translator hurt my fucken head

Obama must be on fucking pills right now so that the anger doesn't destroy him

A manlet can be as confident as an adult.
They end up looking like chihuahuas or terriers, but that's still better than wearing shitty little lift shoes.

The Mexican president has no self respect and lacks self confidence, which means Mexico will pay for the wall.
Trump will be able to bully the shit out of that little faggot.

Watched it.

Very impressed that Trump is already taking action. Very ripped off that the God Emperor has backed down from the "Mexico is gonna pay" thing that he kept saying at rallies.

Make them pay Donald.
Keep your campaign promise.
You were good to show up but a bit flakey tbh

Do you feel in control?

Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Just watch.

who says he backed down?

The sad part is mexico is fucked because of their leadership. Almost everyone in mexico is on the take because they have the same shitty currency problems as the rest of the world. I remember years ago when the peso was 1000 to $1 USD.
I will give Holla Forums one guess as to who controls mexico's currency?

He didn't back down. Negotiating such things on behalf of the government whole you are not in office is illegal and punishable up to three years in prison.

Trump isn't a fucking retard, he knows he doesn't have any real power yet.

Did you even watch the fucking immigration speech? He literally told a crowd of tens of thousands of people that mexico was paying for the wall just a few hours ago.



That racist fuck

Is it a (((Mexican))) central bank?




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