Twitter & merchandise retconing

Does anyone else see a parallels between Toei retconning sailor moon to be a canon slut shitstorm to how western animators like to retcon characters on twitter? Besides Dr.Claw face how often does Merchandise retcon a character in the west?
Sailor Moon’ condoms combat syphilis but heroine’s fans flustered by age issue
Pretty much people calling bullshit because the only adding up is someone at toei using sailor moon to pushed a feminist agenda. Hell i would not be surprised if someone at Disney XD said Marco and star butterfly were having sex all this time on twitter in response to the news of sailor moon sexually active. Probably Alex Hirsch.

Other urls found in this thread:


SJWs and feminists always loved sailor moon.


Feminists calling her a icon that fight for feminism are more retarted than the tumblr SJWs calling PASWG a anti-slut shaming anime.


So Sailor Moon lost her virginity with her husband and that's scandalous? WTF?!
And fat otaku are mad about it?
Also, condoms are important, and a product you can sell easier to sell with a recogniseable icon on it.
This is the mother of all non-issues.

No, what's scandalous is that the packaging attempts to retcon the Sailors by insisting that they were "sexually open and liberated" (e.g. Promiscuous).
Condoms would be important if it wasn't in Japan were; 40-50% of people under 30 are virgins, the birthdate is significantly lower than the death by old age rate, and the only has 2000 cases of syphilis for a population of 130+ million people (keep in mind these things are specifically to detect and neutralize that specific disease)
Also, Sailor a Moon is a kid's franchise, this is like Disney making a Princess-themed Pap smear test.

To this day I still can't believe any human being could be so dense. P&S was chock-full of some of Japan's most virulent and blatant anti-American and anti-Christian stereotypes. The protagonists were all disgusting losers and intentional Designated Heroes who got shamed and put down by the writing at every opportunity. The only times the viewers were meant to sympathize with or root for them was when they cut out the hedonism or expressed regret for the way they lived. I really hope that the upcoming new season doesn't go back on all that, I really don't want those faggots and cunts to parade around actually vindicated like that.

All your waifus are whores.
No exeptions

Merch isn't canon, bro. What's in the show is in the show.


To be fair, Holla Forums is 8+ the size of /a/, 8ch in general is full of crossposting, and anything with the magic phrase "promotes degeneracy" is guaranteed replies from Holla Forumsacks.

I'm sorry?

The Holla Forums thread is less to do with sailor moon being a slut now and more to do with anime not being safe from SJWs anymore.

Don't forget about the socio-economic implications of an entire generation of disenfranchised young men who have embraced 2D love.

Why are we so afraid extinction? Is only natural, Japan is the best example.

Well, maybe not season 2, but Gainax Studio made an announcement on Twitter last week saying they were working on a new project that involved PSG, new details released by the 16th.

I'm not afraid of it, as you said it's natural.
Is why white supremacists make me laugh. "MUH RACIAL PURITY"
All bloodlines are equally doomed.

Go back to tvtropes

Thank you based Gainax. You too user.

I haven't watched sailor moon in ages but didnt almost all of the girls lust over boys? and get saved by Tuxedo Mask if shit hit the fan hard?

There's a line that shouldn't be crossed

Or they may fuck it up with a new movie. But i may be just lil' bit pessimistic

Yeah let's just go and kill some people, they will die anyways :^)

We have Hello Kitty vibrators, this is normal for Japan.

I also don't see the feminist agenda here. This feels more a country desperately trying to get their birth rate up by normalizing sex. Has anyone checked if these things have holes in them?

I might be the only one but I want a spin off centered around the demon sisters.
Also, even if its a second season, all the talent behind PSG is not with Gainax anymore.

I think the pads and tampons are ok. There should be a lot of girls who watch/used to watch sailor moon, and having good hygiene is not degenerate.

Human rights are a mistake.

Are you retarded? They are not even needed for STD since they don't even fuck that much.
You got me there.

This is hilarious. Didn't these people learn after that one manga revealed a main girl to have had an ex-boyfriend, and all the otaku tore up their copies and started shitting on the writers doorstep or whatever? An official source claiming someone's waifu is a slut is one of the dumbest moves a series that exists for marketing can make.

What manga?

Didn't fangirls sent bombs threats over a yaoi manga making a character straight?

Found it. It was Nagi from Kannagi. It's far from the worst case, but it got a lot of publicity. There's been many others.

Yeah, fujoshi go crazy all the time too, they're just usually more focused on pairings rather than purity.

sjws only like this show because nostalgia (mainly because it was probably one of few girl centred Saturday morning cartoons that had "strong female characters") and Uranus/Neptune

Voice actors often get piles of hate mail for having boyfriends and lives in general. Otaku are miserable people.

True, but the whole show is still pretty much set up to troll waifufags obsessed with purity and innocence, especially with how Stocking hits a lot of waifu-bait notes but specifically has a thing for men who are disgusting loser slobs.

While the audience self-insert character manages to keep blowing his chance at getting laid with Panty. (and gets molested by the priest)

I'm glad this is not Holla Forums, or else that otaku autist who believes autistic Japanese otaku did nothing wrong would come by and shit up the thread.

Props to the guy who decided to write her off as a slut anyway. Masterful bait and switch.

This is a thinly veiled /apol/ thread with a vague outlandish mention of SVFOE, by the way.

So he destroyed his collection of comics because his waifu wasn't a virgin? What a loser.

Japan is far stranger and their weebs are far more insane that we realize. NEETs aren't just quirky and socially awkward /r9k/ types over in Japan. It's a derogatory term and they are people who leech off their families and live in painful seclusion for years at a time.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Lol. I don't produce nor promote the shit, I just break it down so that any layman (which is to say university professor) can use it

As terrible as it can get sometimes I prefer this over the usual stories of touhous doing mundane shit like drinking tea and being lazy.

DMT trigger

Factitious and homosexual

Air valve?

I wonder what Solaris gave him as a hallucination person

So just hours of videos and interactive problems?

I'd prefer books and pdfs with clear explanations if that's possible because I don't have a Computer, but I do have quite a large pdf reader.

How do they afford to live in apartments if they have no jobs. Wouldn't the landlord kick them out or something?

JOJO Is the only good anime. Everything else is trash

The classic version is they just get paid allowances by their parents. There's also other varieties, like people who basically live in netcafes and stuff like that. According to memory, a while back they found a chick who died from a heart attack or something similar in a netcafe that had been recorded as missing for over a year.

Actually sex is pretty normal and even high in Japan. The problem is not sex, but relationship.

Relationship is pretty hard in Japan. With them being workcentric not many of them can socialize casually. They even go to bar more for drinking rather than picking up girls.

That's why some men and women did arranged meeting. Couple or group meeting. They are looking for potential mate in much more formal way.

Also since Japanese culture tend to shame couples from consulting their relationship problems to other people it caused a lot of couples to split over things they can actually solve by asking for advice. Hell, they even make robotic solution for that, by providing sex and relationship advice website moderated by AI. Because asking for advice is better with robot than human right? Fucking hell.

I saw NHK news and many of them is all about how many villages are now empty or almost empty. People prefer to fuck hookers or went on one night stand rather than keeping a long lasting relationship, because it's easier that way. Also Japan dwindling economy means it's harder for them to rise more than 1 children.

It's just recently that Japan starts getting serious about pushing their population to breed more. They already offering half price intensive for children care services for second child and free care services for third and so on child.

Also remember what I said about Japan dwindling economy? They now desperate for foreign tourists. They realized that their products sell less thanks to competition from Korea, China, Taiwan, etc so the best solution is to be more friendly to foreigners. The problem is some old coots there still have this xenophobic attitude toward foreigner. But the younger Japanese population tend to be more neutral to foreigners.

They live in small cheap apartments. They can always got govt money support and from their parents too.

Basically the business culture is based around overworking everyone to death and worshipping the ground your superiors work on, which means staying at the office til late and then going out drinking with your boss til midnight, and basically only going home to sleep.

They have progressive labour laws on paper, but they go utterly unenforced, and end up with productivity about on par with Western countries because people just spend all their time pretending to work anyway. (or doing the work their superiors fob off on them)

Also, massive amounts of child abuse and victim blaming probably contribute to the NEET problem. When you're basically incapable of forming meaningful human relationships, are expected to labour in misery til you die and getting help is seen as utterly shameful, no wonder you just want to shut yourself away with anime and video games.

Fun part is, that'll probably be most Western countries in the near future, if they stave off the Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo.

The more you know

PSG's whole point seems to basically be 'Women can and do have sexual desires too', also 'This girl will fuck goddamn anything remotely attractive but you'd still blow your chance with her, you goddamn nerd, also your waifu would literally fuck a walking pile of shit'.

Also, helluva soundtrack.

That and with Kill La Kill basically being 'Don't be such a prude or obsessed with appearances', I think anime is trying to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Unfortunately, trying to influence people via pop culture isn't anywhere near as easy as the SJWs and Holla Forums want to believe.

Japan is in desperate need of a sexual revolution, but I think first they need to figure out how to properly tell their bosses to fuck off. Which is hard enough in America, so good luck.

Actually a lot of Japanese youngsters got this "Fuck this shit" attitude toward Japanese harsh work ethic. It only works when Japan was in economic bubble and extra work = more money. But now how hard they work the money is still shit.

This is why there's a wind of change in Japan. Here's the list:

1. Younger generations want political party that give better policies to younger generations. This brought several parties to gain more votes. But still not enough because many young Japanese, like young Americans felt voting is pointless.

2. The rise of extreme right wing groups. Some people felt that that the economic rise in South Korea causing a lot of shift in profit for Japanese products. This reignite old hate toward their neighbour. Good thing the groups are small. But they are pretty active. The latest was when a Korean tourist ate at a restaurant and his sushi was spiked with too much wasabi.

3. Active military. Do you know that this year Japan made a decision to allow their JSDF to be more offensive. It means they are allowed to join fights with other UN troops. This also the answer for North Korea obvious aggressive behaviour toward Japan.

4: Currently the voting to greenlight legal gambling/casino veer toward yes. This probably came from desperation to get more tax income from gambling that still illegal now in Japan and run by Yakuza.

5. There's already ideas to give more huge incentives toward family with 2 children or more.

6.Their hospital gave more easier service access for foreigners. Including easier access to translator and fee.

There's more (since my local cable was super basic and the only worth watching was Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Toonami, NHK World, Channel NewsAsia, Al Jazeera News, France 24 and DW) but that's what crossed my mind right now.

so, how does that work? "Whoa, heavy flow day, better pick up some Sailor Neptunes"?

my cousin is an idol for a popular girl group.
we're not close but she does talk about the west and how much shit she gets from them.

ask questions if you would like to

I don't need to ask. Western audience is way too salty for idol groups. This why many idol groups focused on promoting themselves all over Asia. Profit!

There is nothing wrong with fucking.
Besides, people who really get angry with this won't have sex with anyone anyway, their opinions don't matter.
Toei is not reconning anything anyway, it is a movement from the gov.

From who? Westerns?

this is very true. she was very sad when she talked to a western celebrity who didnt know they were and scolded her for being controlled by men.

yes because they are seen as not feminist or progressive enough. this means that they are seen as puppets or objects when here they are not, they are pure celebrities not much else though she has had many boyfriends.