Then these literal niggers have that audacity to call us a hugbox!
Try to post in Holla Forums in reply of an accusation against Holla Forums being "cherry-picking"
Low energy slide thread
Holla Forums is not your blog
Lefties are only interested in hearing what other Lefties have to say. They are not interested in reality, only fantasy, and this is a way of reinforcing their fantasies.
Why have they become so active lately?
They're actively recruiting from off-site. Holla Forums needs to be burned off so we can be free from the normalfag hordes
How's the coffee there, OP?
This is a recruitment thread.
Nobody goes to the den of leftists, because nobody cares about those people, because they don't matter.
At all.
The only time threads like this appear is when Holla Forums has drawn attention from the outside, and the vermin seek to piggyback off our traffic to lure in new recruits.
This thread ought be deleted, and I urge you to report it for such ends.
Praise Kek
Better Dead Than Red
It's not static. That's how I know it's an area ban.
Pay debts OP
I remember a thread where many of them admitted to have or have had a GF.
I got a month ban during the metokur and Holla Forums stuttering memer debate, it wasn't for shitposting about that but for mentioning free helicopter rides in another thread
They banned me for pointing out that 76/sp/ stole their get only for it to be edited by the mods into a commie get.
I got banned from Holla Forums for saying Trudeau doesn't know what an enemy is.
Okay own up, which one of you was it?
I don't know, (you).
No wonder Kek doesn't smile upon them.
So did many on Holla Forums, including myself, we're not /r9k/ for fuck's sake.
That's pretty sad.
Found the moron
leftypol is gay
What the actual fuck.
These are the same people suggesting multiculturalism.. yet they segregate their own board