Old one reached the bump limit. Post your OC!
OC thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Ave Satana.
(Hail Satan)
Reposting some old OC.
So, this is now tha NSFW OC thread, or something?
I'm assuming there is ethanol on that flag because molotovs?
It was a request, somebody wanted an anarcho-alcoholic flag.
has anyone here actually read zizek?
Kill yourself.
There's a wordfilter for Situa-tionist International?
I would make a Bolshevik one with MDMA if I had photoshop.
Just use GIMP, it's free.
Gimp is fucking terrible. Just download photoshop from piratebay or something.
or paint.net
GIMP is pretty good. You could try Krita too.
i worked my ass off for this
i'm sweating like a pig and my wrists and fingers hurt, but i finally made it
my first drawing!
Wow, you're almost as good as ZUN!
i don't know who ZUN is but thanks! maybe i should get an artist name myself and post with tripcode now
Creator of touhou, including its high quality art
It's pretty terrible.
Although I say that only because I have been using it for years.
So I tired making some OC using gimp for the first time, it's shit and probably been done before though.
Not bad!
did the catgirl drawfag come back or not? or did we really scare her away?
Oh, great fucking job OP. The first picture almost certainly scared her off.
She came back, but like most people she can't shit post on chans all day
I hope not
I was looking forward to seeing the adventures of qt Marxist teacher grill.
Other thread crashed with no survivors. Get in here, folks.
can you make that block into a factory, plox?
someone needs to vocal over this
also, could you use better midi fonts?
Well, I didn't want to make it into a midi anyway. Some user in another thread asked me to. My idea was that some heroic rock tenor user could just grab a guitar and just go at it.
Very nice! Saved.
Bid me to beg your pardon regarding your recent remarks towards my person, diminutive one? I'll have you know I excelled at my position in her majesties forces, and I've been instrumentally numerous scrumptious scrumps on Al-Quaeda, and I have in access of 30000 stasi helmets on my bedpost.
I am refined in the art of advanced simian flanking and I'm the highest ranking marksman in all the royal guild. You are scant concerned to me but an afternoons Bob-a-job. I shall vaporize you to a single point, the physics of which has never been witnessed previously in this universe, index my ruddy articulations.
You assume you can abscond with your slanderous digital sentiments? Suppose further, vagabond! During this exchange I am telegraphing my illicit congress of private dicks throughout the colonies and your pigeonhole is being gerrymandered presently so tally-how scallywag.The tally that eviscerates your how, so to speak. Your demise is imminent urchin.
I can materialize in any vicinity in any instance, and I can snuff you out in over 9000 flavors with not but the balls of my fists. Not least, am I vigorously honed in bare-knuckle boxing, more over I am privy to the glorious arsenal of her majesty, and I will utilize it to it's most unpalatable ends to detent your offensive extremities beyond the countenance of this throbbing tectonic shelf, you unremarkable deposit.
Whoa, whoa that you fail to foresee the satanic vicissitudes your little clever comment would have bulliate that you are to arrest your capricious ejaculate. But you have not the will you had not the occasion, so the extortion ensues you pribbling mass of cerebral condensate. I will issue displeasure in every crevasse of your immediacy and therein you shall gradually derespirate and subsequently expire. Your demise is imminent ragamuffin.
phresh oc
version without words
/leftpol/ makes shitty OC
your mom is shitty oc
it was honestly painful, he writes in the exact same manner he speaks
I like that Marx
this OC sucks
From other threads:
This is underrated. Very clever comrade.
Fucked up the third one.
accidentally posted this on the wrong thread
I kinda forgot about it, sorry
playing catchup on finishing it now
FUCK yeah that comic is looking good
I'm so happy you are still alive comrade.
First time trying to do stuff like this.
Glad to see you're back.
Or maybe you never left? I suppose I'd be none the wiser regardless. Love how the mostly-finished product is looking.
Glad you're still around. Keep it up, it looks good.
my best stirners
pls draw porn in that style
First decent Alunya I manage to do.
Any advice (I'm new with digital drawing) ?
Best way to learn is to draw tons of hot Alunya lewds.
Use a digital pad. Otherwise yeah, just keep practicing comrade.
That's not decent and you suck.
wow rude
Improved version
Nice! Hopefully we can return to the authentic sabotabby Alunya design instead of the Marxist caricature.
purists get out
draw her shitposting on Holla Forums
ok mr satan
Second image was edited on Holla Forums.
I would know, since I'm the one who made it.
Because I'm not popular, i will defeat fascism!
had to be done
today's been an eventful day on the fb page
david icke and john zerzan should be in those pics
Laaaaaaad. You can't make this shit up.
I'm like 99% sure glasscock is a Holla Forumsyp false-flagging. As in, I've seen them posting about it on Holla Forums.
I dunno, profile looks real enough
can't see it m8 so I couldn't tell you
but keep in mind Holla Forumsyps may do it for free, but with a kind of religious zeal you can't match
you mean, please make tijuana bibles?
visit /art/ and /loomis/ for better advice. visit Holla Forums's drawthreads for a 50% chance of good advice.
right now, it appears to me you're not sketching, not thinking in forms, anything, you're just drawing lines. doesn't work like that, the lines have to represent shapes you have in your head, otherwise they're just abandoned unstructured lines.
If any of you are bored, >>>/leftyweebpol/ needs banners!
i made something
but he's gotten much better nowadays
Gross and racist
Got a porky for ya.
that's a good old-school porker
You will not get such quality in Holla Forums
Icke was a part of the UK Green Party, not the American one.
low effort
Here you go.
Marx head you seem like a hood guy. How can you support socialism when so many have died from it?
You say that like it's a bad thing.
How about the innocents? 50 million under the Soviet Union
Whoa, it's 50 million now? Damn, the number keeps going up and the Soviet Union has been gone for decades!
This is from the first Deus Ex game, which I'm playing right now. You can't make this shit up.
lol'd. The pointless text over it at the start ruins it a bit though.
Shame they used email and didn't put what they thought people would use.
Comrade you know very well that Stalin was so evil that he is STILL liquidating kulaks.
That fucking game blew my mind when it came out.
I already proved that at least 102 millions died under Stalin's REIGN OF TERROR (tm). And that was just 25 years.
In other news: does anyone have a good description of syndicalism?
Are they situationists?
poor B████crat ;___;
didn't Silhouette blow up the statue of liberty in that game, or at least get accused of doing so?
maybe they were loosely based on them.
I just remembered how Holla Forums likes to create twitter accounts for the sole purpose of pretending to be black and then making outrageous statements, so onlookers will "redpill themselves." they really badly want their race wa.r to happen.
compared to that, I'd rather see Holla Forums trolling maoists.
That's what sprung to my mind. Plus, they're French and accused of waging a "Meme War".
Different user just created this fresh OC.
that's an obvious choice unless you're a faggot.
the granny has revolutionary experience and obviously high education in theory and practice.
and marvelous borscht.
We could use that little kid as a suicide bomber.
This. Revolutionary Babushka is best comrade.
Nazbol was pretty great until the devs nerfed him with the whole backstabbing thing.
beautiful ;_;
simply G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S
nazbols don't fucking hate niggers
as an anti-imperialist NBP sympatizer I feel exploited even by stupid first world memers
Also took me some time to realize it's a flag of Rojava. Estonia, Austria, and Rojava walk into a bar: we are all Baltic!
H-h-how did you know about Rojavas anniversary? o.o
fresh off the press
Made a free version with generic symbols (Released into public domain except for tumblr logo which doesn't reach originality) and a non-free one with SJW "icons"
Faggit bietch
Currently doing a Stalin version of spurdo
what do you guys think? any suggestions?
I think you could work on the description of Trotsky a little bit.
Is using Jason Unrhue cheating since he's God?
Speaking of which, what this faggot said about the coup?
for the commune
Race war?
Somebody make a prettier version of this
Yeah, like Class Left.
Sounds fedora, tbh
Is it, her birthday?
It's short for 'Classic' user.
Sounds fedora just as much still
Nope. I think they would be more of an Anarchist persuasion, rather than Marxist.
Color scheme suggests it, at least. ML would be golden on red, for example.
Alt Left makes it seem like we're not the real thing though.
It implies that we're not the establishment
You are not alone. user already made a thread about it (>>799836) and was not met with uniform approval.
I want to make a Wolff OC, I think it would be cute.
Do you think he'd be completely repulsed and weirded out, though? He probably would, lol. That's the only thing stopping me.
You are the reason why I keep visiting this board anymore.
Do you seriously think he'll lurk on an anonymous imageboard?
Well it looks like we'll reach the sponsorship goal which means he might be linked here at some point, or anything we make with him on it he'll probably see. I just don't want to cause the guy any turmoil is all lol.
we need more dank leftist rap album covers
Please don't make Wolff X Alunya X Red Riding Rodina.
Lol no I don't draw porn. (At least, not publicly.) Also, gross.
But an older wolf grill would be cuuuute.
Wolff would probably love it tbh
Anyone have the capitalism version of this gif that was made here?
I think we're getting close.
A wolfgrill version of Wolff. .. … STOP CORRUPTING MY BRAIN!
there comrade
Thanks a lot.
this shit is what gulags were made for
based have a vero
I'm in tears, hahahahahah
That's really well photoshopped, comrade.
This reminds me that we need communist Siegward OC
Jesus Christ
fucking what
context to Lenin's quote.
"Now try to substitute for the Junker-capitalist state, for the landowner-capitalist state, a revolutionary-democratic state, i.e., a state which in a revolutionary way abolishes all muh privileges and does not fear to introduce the fullest democracy in a revolutionary way. You will find that, given a really revolutionary-democratic state, state- monopoly capitalism inevitably and unavoidably implies a step, and more than one step, towards socialism!
For if a huge capitalist undertaking becomes a monopoly, it means that it serves the whole nation. If it has become a state monopoly, it means that the state (i.e., the armed organisation of the population, the workers and peasants above all, provided there is revolutionary democracy) directs the whole undertaking. In whose interest?"
Yeah, I got it. Would you mind elaborating?
Lenin sucks balls thb
Please delete this so lolberts can't use it against us
Fuck you. I'll get called revisionist within 0.3 seconds otherwise.
Explain what exactly seems to be the problem.
Thälmann died for our sins.
plenty of memeing opportunity here comrades
what the fuck, did they kill him and use his body for advertising? hahaha what the fuck
fuck i'm bored today
still not doing anything good
Ironic that his face screams (CAN'T WAKE UP)
More commie tokomo is always good.
He is super qt i bet his lips tasted like heavens
i i want to brush his hair
and bait his lips
he had some nerves
Trotsky is hotsky
Do you find homosexuality and Islam to be compatible?
Prof Wolff!
(contextually, this is probably the strangest thing I've ever drawn)
user can u pls draw alunya x [insert ML personification] yuri?
How many other famous economists have their own rule 43
you mean rodina?
the islamg part of my flag is a joke
Are the first one to do it ?
I'm sure some sad fuck somewhere has homemade mises porn
are we*
I bet there is some Marx r43
that's not r34 you newfag
got bored and made this
I kinda ran out of ideas though, whoops
This is actually true tho.
She seems p milfy.
inb4 she still has a big dick
whos rodina?
disappointed and surprised
but were they good friends to the good people
Except a lot of those are what tankies believe.
That's because tankies are just Holla Forums with a palette swap.
hmm maybe
the internet tough guy panel and manly man panel kinda say the same thing too
yeah, fascists are authoritarian warmongers and so are tankies, so some of the panels are going to overlap
also should I have called them wehrmacht? i'm honestly not too well read on militaries, especially the nazis
Not even close to what I said.
Getchan's mascot. Currently grown-up and a saner sidekick of Alunya.
Rodina doesn't have an ideology, IIRC. And ML already exists.
well damn she reminds me of this girl.
to be fair, they do have a point, id prefer the regular anime'ish figure than catgirls.
sorry drawfag-san
I could take or leave Catgirls, but any development over the chibi style is an improvement in my opinion. They're probably just weebs that have more of an aversion to her western style than the cat ears specifically. Fug 'em anyways, she's ours now.
well i agree that we should improve the chibi, but the catgirl style just makes us look like total tumblr-tier people.
It already exists. Fucking lurk more.
>mfw i could not contribute because I'm a poor third-worlder
Love you guys.
I don`t think we should care. our reputation is already pretty bad in internet socialist circles and what contact does /get/ even keep with us anyway?
Nah. Catgirls is okay.
But I'm mildly worried how this ideology thing will play out. Imo this "state is socialism" meme got taken a wee bit too seriously.
This is the part where you get sent to >>/gulag/ for being a wuss.
Catgirls are cool but the Rodina catgirl looks like a rodent.
The first few frames are too fast
You look like a rodent
the problem is using that as a defense against fascism or nazism
I was bored.
phresh OC
im a gook
innit dat a russian 2chan mascot?
remember this pic with stalin and hitler, rood tbh
YUO made that rendition of natzbol coA on wilkopedo?
rated, thx bby for filling request :^)
thought of doing "freedom ain't free" when I'd find my stalinist copypizza?
pic rel I had made macro and song from my likeness :DDD ebun, I need more schizoid personas tbh, t. fat czech
we need more viper-shit
I can draw, but only in traditional
dumbfone got stolen by petty rogues on postal
this is last thing from 1-year paid art class before I ended it (too old, literally, what would pope say?)
No, she's GETchan's mascot.
Been playing with Sony Vegas and I made this. Please use it well.
richard "give her the" d. wolff
Richard "The dusty balls of capitalism don't compare" Wolff
lmao I love this meme so much.
Very nice. keep it going comrade.
This one better?
Keked heartily and saved.
Richard "Smack the free market's ass" Wolf
Loving this thread so far
I'm so glad you're alive fam
You're pretty good
Idk about you guys but I think Rodina cat girl looks hot
I actually used to draw in more of an anime style, but was repeatedly told after high school that if I wanted to pursue art professionally, nobody would take me seriously if I had anime in my portfolio. so I started to draw more Disney-ish.
I wonder what my art would look like today if capitalism hadn't forced me to change it, lol.
start drawing more anime-ish shit bro
I like your more western style tbh
but drawing anime stuff too is cool
draw western style professionally, draw animes for us user
this tbh
I honestly prefer his western style. it is a breath of fresh air here in the chans.
The wheremystarbucksat.
What do you call a rich manlet?
What do you get when you put a Stalinist, Leninist, Maoist, Marxist, Market Socialist, Anarcho-communist, Anarcho-syndicalist, Anarcho-primitivist, Anarcho-nihilist, Anarcho-transhumanist, Nazi Bolshevik, Mutualist, & a Socialist into a fart in at the Philadelphia Democratic Convention?
Solidarity. :DDD
Boooooooooooooo. Get the fuck off that stage nigga.
found on twitter
8/10 otherwise
oops didn't see it
Soviet Union never existed.
I'm not sure if I should be glad or annoyed.
Cease and desist, Idealist.
What exactly are you voting on? Send catgirl user to the school to master animu-drawing?
Lel, reminds me of how pants-on-head retarded parecon is.
Drawing isn't free, the art has got to be litterd with the blood of anime-spergs who are into loli. Haters are NOT my comrades, they are tiny babby-men and probably also paid shills. Beautiful drawings and humour NOT complaining that sonic has blue arms now.
Praise Anarcho-OCism.
Where the Russian 19th Century Anarcho-Nihilism at? Nihilist Bomb Sqaud's 24/7 fam.
It's for leftist ideologies.
Sorry I've been out of the loop for so long guys, I've been keeping up with things here on and off, but work has had me pulling my hair out. LUCKILY I just quit, so I'm going to try and be more active with stuff.
Made some quick OC inspired by recent posts.
What job did you have?
I'd rather not go into specifics, but it was customer service related.
Pure hell fam, good choice you went out.
The white girl should be shooped with oil drums and covered in bloodstained money tbh.
made pic rel halal for youtu.be
rate, we need more islamig gommunism (lenin-ataturk BFF) and less daeshbags
Yeah. This doesn't get any better. Time for Revolution.
make one with both the feminist symbol and the MRA symbol please comrade
I also don't want any association whatsoever with the alt right. Not even sounding similar to them.
kill yourself
Most of them were ideologues though, or at least accepted Nazi ideology to some extent. Only a very small minority would've been apolitical and only carry out their orders against their will. Remember that the average Wehrmacht infantryman had been raised for much of his life under Nazi rule and Nazi propaganda.
its true though
you do realize
you can just
reply to all of them
in one post, right?
Have you ever drawn lewd things?Do you have another website you post to?
Yeah, but it didn't occur to me until I realised how autistic I looked.
Also, your stuff looks pretty damn good. Not sure if it would be different in socialism, since allot of animu is made with quantity over quality. Very cut and paste. People tend to like uniqueness regardless if the pay for it or not it seems.
not even gonna ask m8
I'd rather icepick some Trotskyists, if it's all the same to you.
Do you have any actual arguments?
we only have one solution, and you already mentioned it
OH HOLEY FUGG xDDD U uSEd LE EbiN IcEPiCk MAYM! comedig GENIUS Holla ForumsRO holy LEL!!!!1 i havw NEVER seen that ONE BEFORE@!!! CALL HIM A cu CK NEXT! (or are we being super sneaky my Holla Forumsrade ;)))) )
I never understood the Holla Forums fetish for Molyneux. He's a fucking turd on par with Alex Jones, just with slightly fewer conspiracy theories. No one in the professional Liberty movement likes him.
Actually, Holla Forums seems to have a fetish for a lot of reddit-tier Libertarians that everyone else hates.
not an argument
Most of those memes come from 4pol you dumb cuck.
Holla Forums pins those retards onto us in order to mock us.
>No one in the professional Liberty movement likes him.
I expect nothing good from Leftypol they are just the mirror image of Holla Forums.
But I do not lose hope, I wish one of these days all Anarchists unite strengths to defeat our common enemy the State.
not sure if I ever actually posted this oc
I don't get it.
Dont mind is sqauting at your place and voluntary fucking your sister right?
just replaced /ss/ with directx, leftypol's codeword for direct action
I can't stand people representing muslims with a hijabi woman. Racist westerners have an orientalist fetish for hijabs and push the idea that the only real muslim is the conservative.
Fuck you.
You do realize the artist who drew that picture is a muslim himself, right?
Conservative muslims want to give the impression that the only real muslim is the conservative, too
Muslim here, I can attest to this.
Is the hijab limited to just conservative muslims though? I genuinely don't know.
Perhaps not exclusively, but it's a conservative thing.
You should note that a large proportion of muslims are conservatives by western standards, and that western orientalist fetishists ("liberals") give very little attention to genuinely liberal muslims, they even go as far as calling them (muslims!) islamphobic.
"Regressive left" is an overused term, but this is where it literally originates form.
My sister is a leftist bisexual tumblr-tier whore.
It'd honestly be an improvement.
The difference between racial pride and class pride is that racial pride is something used to feel special about oneself for no reason, while class pride, which doesn't exist as far as know of, I think you meant "unity", exists to bring awareness to the fact that the middle and lower classes are being intolerably oppressed. And by "oppressed" I don't mean "someone said I was being rude for saying nigger in public, whatta cuck xd" oppressed I mean literally struggling to make odds meet oppressed
Here to you Josip bros
Rest forever here in our hearts
why do i always do this ? anyway both of them are not that good tbh
This photo isn't good, makes him look like Goebbels
This is my first attempt at making a webm
Did you forget your pic of ADF to tell us how we're all actually like that?
The only thing I relate to all lefties are their inherent tendencies towards violence, which make me worry about any domestic relationships they might engage in.
But that's just from listening to them call for the murder of anyone they don't like and refusal to recognize animal rights, tankies, anarchists, or otherwise.
Fuck, forgot flag.
Consumed by r e v o l u t i o n
It's not "i want to kill people i don't like" it's recognizing that my interests will never come to fruition without violence. That being said it should still be kept minimial.
As a pacifist with the exception of self-defense I can't get behind that idea.
Counter-economics and innovation can circumvent virtually any conflict that isn't directly related to self defense.
That is some naive nonsense.
It's only naive if you don't live in that world and see its effects first-hand.
Uber is a counter-economic solution to taxi cartels. AirBnB is a counter-economic solution to Hotal monopolies. Colorado Mary Jane is a counter-economic solution to Mexican drug runners.
Anarcho-nihilism is 2extreme, it's off the fucking charts.
holy shit top kek
It's a direct conflict of interest. Capitalism wants to keep me down as a prole, I don't want to be kept down.
I also wish for it.
What part of "no, feudalism is not the solution" don't you people get?
The whole body of problems Socialism is trying to solve could be reduced to self-defence.
Not to mention, most problems that could be solved by innovation require you to live long enough to see them happen AND be sufficiently rich to afford them. I.e. are practically unfeasible.
In other news: user, have you been sufficiently revisionist lately?
too bad about all the dogmatic marxists though
You missed one.
nice spook
Air-bnb and uber is also basically a instant cash loan schemes, because the long term costs are more expensive than the short term gains. It's like pissing yourself to keep warm.
I want to redo this done in honour of B████
Does anyone have a better font to suggest?
Stop responding to the ancap.