Why exactly does the anarcho-capitalist Molyneux support the protectionist Trump so much? Does he even support him at all, or is he just looking for more trumpster teens to deFOO?
Why exactly does the anarcho-capitalist Molyneux support the protectionist Trump so much...
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I remember him discussing it with a British AnCap and it was something about Trump being a successful businessman so he must be a good leader.
That explains why he obsessively defends Trump's reputation against bankruptcy claims then.
Trump doesn't even seem like a good businessman in an ancap sense >muh bootstraps
Nearly every right wing libertarian and ancap sooner or later becomes either an anti-capitalist or a fascist, Molyneux seems to be heading in the second direction
He's been bankrupt several times and he basically has made all his money off of his personality. He's kind of a like one of those obvious examples of why capitalism isn't the ideal system because it allows for talentless, useless people to become rich and powerful.
supply and demand
He hasn't spoken about Anarcho-Capitalism in a long while now. I can't remember the last time he actually made a video on economics or philosophy. If I had to guess I would say he's probably drifted away from his earlier beliefs. Nowadays he just seems to want to social decay to stop, and Trump seems like the best man to accomplish that to him.
Ancaps are full of crap. The only freedom they give a shit about is the freedom to own property. They'll reinforce any hierarchy and compromise any position to reinforce property rights.
The cycle continues.
you forgot the brown pill, have ever thought about taking it?
That should get you in deep shit with some of your kameraden.
I'm a synthesis of the red/ iron and green pill now. Get on my level.
nice spooks nerd
I hereby declare a genocide against all Stirnerites. When I push you people into the gas chamber you'll probably keep squawking "Spooks! Spooks!' until your last breath.
I love this one. Reactionaries can never understand why the rabble doesn't want to be treated like total garbage so they fabricate conspiracies in order to tame their cognitive dissonance.
All conservatism relies on the notion of "restoration." Restoration to what, and for whom? Show me this ideal society that you hope to which you hope to restore humanity. It never existed, faggot.
*Show me this ideal society to which you hope to restore humanity
Don't put words in my mouth faggot. I do understand why the rabble doesn't want to be treated like total garbage but I don't care. The masses are sacks of potatoes to be moved about. The herd exists to be dominated. This has always been the case throughout history and it continues to be so.
I'm not a Conservative but I would assume Christian Monarchist Theocratic Feudalism would be what they want.
equality is a spook
Nah you're right brutalist architecture and the raping of women by foreign men is p utopian, much like my animes
t. rabble
Requesting that copypasta from that other edgy nazi who said he loved seeing the weak suffer and he was a big strong daddy führer, etc., etc. At least he said it better than you did, polyp.
Not an argument comrades.
How is anyone supposed to respond to your reactionary edginess? Obviously we have disagreements over some fundamental principles of society, humanity, and reality itself. There's really nothing to be said. Keep lurking; maybe you'll be dissuaded from being an edgy faggot eventually.
Or we can acquaint your skull with the pavement :^)
You're right. The only reason I'm here is to sow discord and conflict. Hail Eris.
equality is my property
you can't own a spook
I look forward to when Molyneux commits a failed suicide and gets thrown in the funny farm. You can see his sanity slowly breaking in each subsequent video; either he's going to start a cult in the desert or go on a shooting rampage. Yes, I want him shot.
That isn't very nice.
You should really consider taking the cyanide pill like your leader
Was that before or after he fled to Argentina?
Because in a large part he's only following whatever is popular to get shekels.
I do think the migrant crisis genuinely JUSTed his brain though, you can't fake that sheer despair.
Same thing happened with Garisson, maybe it's a reaction to SJWs. Also Trump seems to be less anti gun than Hillary.
Would be funny to see the equivalent for the left.
There was it went
genocide is a spook because it relies upon the presumption that there is a "group" that exists that can be killed off
I respect nazi-poster for causing so much drama just by posting.
Doesn't matter whether the group is a spook or not as long as the perpetrators perceive a certain group of people as a group that they want to kill.
I used to be a libertarian. In fact most of my buddies in my profession (Im self-employed but have no employees) are libertarians and ancaps. But as I grew up, I realized that it's stupid to let private enterprise have free reign to do whatever they want. I'm a libertarian socialist now
Aren't these muh bootstraps ayncrap platitudes kind of the opposite of what were stand for?
Elizabethan England seems pretty nice. Not ideal, but pretty swell.
Whatever you say, m8
For whom?
Is not all the stupid chatter of (e.g.) most of our newspapers the babble of fools who suffer from the fixed idea of morality, legality, Christianity, etc., and only seem to go about free because the madhouse in which they walk takes in so broad a space? Touch the fixed idea of such a fool, and you will at once have to guard your back against the lunatic’s stealthy malice. For these great lunatics are like the little so-called lunatics in this point too — that they assail by stealth him who touches their fixed idea. They first steal his weapon, steal free speech from him, and then they fall upon him with their nails. Every day now lays bare the cowardice and vindictiveness of these maniacs, and the stupid populace hurrahs for their crazy measures.
anybody have good counter arguments against anarcho capitalism?
and I mean memes
Yeah sure here you go!
These "right-wing" anarchists did not take the foolish position that crime would disappear in the anarchist society. Yet they did tend to underestimate the crime problem, and as a result never recognized the need for a fixed libertarian constitution. Without such a constitution, the private judicial process might become truly "anarchic" in the popular sense.
Here we should note still a third variety of anarchist thought, one completely different from either the collectivists or individualists. This is the absolute pacifism of Leo Tolstoy. This preaches a society where force would not even be used to defend person and property, whether by State or private organizations. Tolstoy's program of nonviolence has influenced many alleged pacifists today, mainly through Gandhi, but the latter do not realize that there can be no genuinely complete pacifism unless the State and other defense agencies are eliminated. This type of anarchism, above all others, rests on an excessively idealistic view of human nature. It could only work in a community of saints.
Trips speak truth.
If labour becomes free, the state is lost.
There's different types of bankruptcy and also it usually takes many failures to make a success, if Ford or the Wright brothers were still alive they could tell you that.
Also not that I agree with Molyneux, I believe in government and nation but he doesn't sell anything, the money he gets is donated by the people who enjoy his work. You ancoms will cry spooks till the day you are exterminated.
I think ancapism is one of the most cognitive-dissonance ridden ideologies out there,this bodes well with a mass of gullible retards, usually lead by charismatic/influential profiteers/shills.
In my opinion Molly-sama is more of a cult leader, spouting whatever intelligible drivel the situation demands for his cult to go on.
I think it's less about ancaps being closet-fascists(which they are) and more about their herders shuffling around whatever ideology keeps growing the herd.