That time when Wonder Woman called Steve Trevor a rapist.
That time when Wonder Woman called Steve Trevor a rapist
This whole scene wreaks of Gail Simone. It's a good thing the hospital scene exists to counteract it.
Not only that one, the fight between WW and Ares shows some real equality.
And the commentaries that show the hypocrisy of Temiscira by putting their women in obligatory social molds too.
Is cringy but it makes sense since it's previous to
Wow, it's almost like a CHARACTER ARC was had or something. OP, did you ever consider watching the rest of the movie before coming here and whining like a bitch?
ERB: Where they know about 2 things about the source and all sound the same.
Also black wonder woman lel.
She's Mediterranean nigger.
Not OP but is her arc she's a massive feminist bitch but later realizes men are not evil?
More like "She's a massive feminist bitch and stays that way but Steve gives her the hot dickings so he's okay I guess"
Seeing as she co-wrote the movie, that's unsurprising
The one person who actually saw both videos;
"Steve is such an hypocrite"
Wow, if anyone would've seen the movie they would've realized how much Steve had risked her life for her by that point.
And the hypocritic dystopia that is Temiscira, a thing also mentioned in arguably the best DC animated flick, if not just the best DC movie.
In life threatening situations people trend more to social Darwinism.
Although women have it ingrained.
Men have a more.
That's were concepts of honor and self sacrifice comes from.
The only reason Wonder Woman was mad is because she's a raised soldier.
this is portrayed as a bad thing
this is why I've tried to stay away from anything WW-related
I don't know, I'll love to get a slap from WW.
Man just because she got called out her personality isn't gonna derail in 5 seconds.
This is exactly why I'm not interested in WW's upcoming movie. It will reek of Gynocentric propaganda. Besides I just can't take women being soldiers seriously, not when in reality it's been proven that women soldiers are real bad news for a unit. That and they often get knocked up to avoid deployment.
Women just aren't men. They're not Men with Tits. End of argument. And yet stupid men gave them rights they never deserved. And in media they're celebrated as everything they've never been.
She's indian cuck.
Jesus Christ, are you still here?
I too would like it if Wonder Woman slapped me. Just so long as she didn't slap my face
Wonder Woman slapping you would probably hurl you across the room if she wasn't holding back.
Holy shit it was. How can anything with Gail Simon involved be as good as this was? I can only think that they reigned her in in order to keep her feminist schlock to a minimum.
The one problem is that feminist schlock is about all she writes, so she couldn't have possibly contributed that much to the story.
If you put it like that she was carefully taping him in the face, but he receive it as a slap, but she was too prideful to admit it.
A movie goes through a lot of hands and she only co-wrote it, which can mean anything from 'she wrote a few drafts' to 'she split up the scenes with the co-writer'
Which is why I'd rather she didn't slap my face
I havn't watched the movie in years but IIRC it wasn't so much her getting mad at him for "Zomg u try 2 rap me!" as it was her calling him out for thinking he could outdrink an amazon.
that's in no way deserving of a slap though, unless WW expresses smugness through violence
The amazons are basically bronze age throwbacks that have spent millennia living in a society that operates on might makes right, I imagine they express everything through violence.