Does Milton Friedman hate Trump?

Does Milton Friedman hate Trump?



well Trump is against unrestricted trade and free movement of assets and people…

True. What he meant by the intellectuals was the (((leaders))) in academics. See your leftist colleges and universities.
As for buisnessmen I agree with this as well. He by no means saw all businessmen as enemies; he speaks fondly of many in "Capitalism and Freedom." However, the statement is overall true. Look at how many big corporations, like Walmart favor minimum wage and mandatory fringe benefits because it hurts small business competition.

Friedman only supported immigration in the absence of a welfare state.

A jew hates Trump? what a surprise.

He's dead. OP is just implying.

gee I dunno OP

Wasn't this the kike whose policies made CIA install Pinochet to test them?

Yes. And a whole lot of Latin America was destabilized to implement his policies, oftentimes by torture.
Watch The Shock Doctrine

Are you capable of basic reasoning? If so, you can answer the question for yourself retard.


wow you must be super dumb. he is talking about businesses in bed with government to get an economic advantage via the law.
So slimeball businesses that want gibs me dat and the highest profit, a cancer basically.

She's going to burn in Gehenna for letting the goyim in on the scams of the elders.

No, he does nothing, he's dead, you know.

Nice damage control, Shlomo.

Racist commies feel at home as Nazis. We racist libertarians need our own hero.

you're missing the point: it can only take another jew at this point to talk semi-opnely about the disaster that Friedman brought about. any other critic (and there have been others) is easily silenced by the muh antisemitism card

also, he has a son, you know? which is even more rabid in what ✡ The Utopic Libertarian State TM ✡ should be.


don't care
lot of commies saw their end under his reign and that always warms my heart

Are you so naive that you think the problem is "commies", and not the race that communism grew out of?

they made their bed

But Pinochet was a direct puppet of the jews, and, since he was actually in power, much more of an issue than some useful idiots.

yes and before him the commies were in power and got what was coming for them

He was heavily anti-welfare state. Perhaps he's in limbo.

But would you agree that Pinochet deserved the same, if not worse?

Nah, it's just a product of the left-right kikeotomy. Capitalist and socialist jews kvetch about each other in a controlled manner.

You know how many times per day I wonder about what some kike thinks of economics/politics?

exactly zero

As a Chilean, I kindly tell you to fuck off. Pinochet was the only good president Chile had in the last century.

His only problem was not killing enough communists.

to be honest, all the libertarians I've met where high functioning autistics (mostly in tech and industry). a tiny majority of them are psychopathic though. friedman, and more than him his son, are such cases.

also, the bankers on wall street: every study measuring their personality traits has found over-normal levels of psychopathy.

the difference between the two is that the autists are the useful idiots, spreading the memetic virus for free, while the psychopaths are the elite that profit the most. this is due to the basic difference in psychology: while autists generally refuse to do harm or at least not directly, psychopaths will go out of their way to do harm for the simple reason that in today's world, simply put, the prisoner's dilemma is way more advantageously skewed toward the forfeiters.

National-socialism appeals to commies and that's by design, starting with the choice of colors, the name of the ideology and several of the 25 points. This is mentioned in Mein Kampf and the existence of the SA proves the effectiveness of the strategy. Deal with it.

Just look at Strasserism, also very popular on Holla Forums and tell me with a straight face it's not trying to appeal to commies.