When did you make the move from Holla Forums (half or Holla Forums) to Holla Forums? pic somewhat related
When did you make the move from Holla Forums (half or Holla Forums) to Holla Forums? pic somewhat related
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When I discovered that Holla Forums existed, which was long after I gave up trying to squeeze meaningful conversation out of halfchan's Holla Forums.
about the same time gamer gate happened.
The site was so much better back then, far less Holla Forums presence.
I make bait threads on both. It's fun.
Probably around the second exodus.
The people who frequented Holla Forums during the first exodus were actually somewhat reasonable. They left Holla Forums because they didn't like censorship. The people who left 4chan during the second exodus were mainly just a bunch of autistic Nazis who had to leave because moot purged their board.
Meant to write:
I never used Holla Forums, it was always a shitty board. /k/ was a popular one for me for ages though.
I didn't move from Holla Forums. I browsed /a/, /jp/, and the occasional thread in /vg/. Sometimes visited 4/pol/ to shitpost in 2012 before the stormfags invaded. I came to Holla Forums before the Holla Forums exodus because 8/a/ was nice and comfy and Holla Forums was surprisingly good despite gaymergay. Now days I really only browse Holla Forums. Just not fun discussing otaku shit anymore even though I still like it.
Holla Forums not even once!
I've never really been to Holla Forums, since I've been always a leftist. Finding out about Holla Forums was a breath of fresh air.
I just came here from half chan Holla Forums dor the first time maybe 20 minutes ago. I used to enjoy shitposting and having the occasional real conversation. The Trump train is just too much for me. Also all the Hillary shill threads recently. Yuck.
Well fuck, there goes my first impression. May as well kill myself.
Here you go.
It was the constant >>>Holla Forums spam from Holla Forumsyps on Holla Forums that sent me here, and once here, I notice that people here at least seem to have a modicum of intelligence.
/mu/ and /lit/ poster. All other boards were trash
Why would you even try? The purpose of Holla Forums is shitposting.
thanks m8
maybe a year ago after I stopped being a white nationalist
Never. I've always viewed Holla Forums as the cancer containment zone that it is.
Came to this site in the exodus, stayed for the lulz and tits, found this board by clicking around board index. Was never really on full/pol/ much, from what I saw, it got pretty cancerous after the first month or two when it became clear the eppan merchant memes weren't ironic or taking the piss.
I've never posted on Holla Forums before. I'm from /g/ and then Holla Forums after the move to Holla Forums.
Welcome new friend. How are you liking the board? You won't have to worry about election spam we have a containment thread.
Are you sure you can handle the levels of autism present on this board?
leftypol is pedantic as fuck but hardly autistic.
Yeah, no.
The willingness to unironically reply to painfully obvious baits is autistic for sure
Came to Holla Forums from the GG exodus, noticed Holla Forums in the top boards, finally found a leftist community that I actually liked hanging out with.
This tbh
I wanted to be in a political talk group and I was a social democrat until I found Holla Forums. Then I went like right wing nationalist.
Tbh I think it was cause I used /fit/ and /mu/ and was into the anonymity and format. But now that I found this I've broke myself from the propaganda, and found myself new roots.
I posted on /new/ up until it became Holla Forums and turned unironically into a second stormfront with deluxe racist shitposting. Moot didn't help by removing the board a few times and radicalizing the idiots who took it seriously.
I never did, I just like to know what you're all about
So far you seem to be tryhards, like evangelcians with youth outreach programs
This is basically Holla Forums
this made me laugh. you're alright m80
Never really browsed halfchan pol much, enough to see it was a bunch of neonazi edgelords and didn't give it much thought after that. After GG exodus found this place, same ol' pol but then I saw leftypol and it's bretty gud.
About a month after no one could give any more good arguments about the board being ironic or parody. During the middle of the Libertarian takeover, before the Nazi takeover.
This place is a breath of fresh air tbh. This place is still 95% white, male 20-something gamers, but at least people here aren't about to kill everything good in the world because they can't free, consensual pussy.
No. We only gonna kill bourgies. .. for the same reason.
I never browsed Holla Forums seriously except to view megathreads when there's some big "happening".
I came to Holla Forums because I want to engage with people that disagree fundamentally with my views.
I did the opposite.
Same, but on halfchan /his/
I'm not a leftist though.
That is good of you, then
This is what every sane person should do at least once a month.
More frequently than that, I'd hope.
Cannot recommend this enough. Had my eyes opened more times than I can remember.
How has your experience been with Holla Forums?
When i discovered leftypol year ago. I dont follow the ideas and memes of the masses but think individually. Im resistant to group pressure as i think most of these are idiots.
It's about what I expected. It's slightly higher quality than most imageboards with related subjects because when people disagree with a post, they'll actually respond with more than "gb2reddit" even if said response is basically just cyantexting or throwing around buzzwords.
The worship of Zizek is puzzling to me, he's basically a pop philosopher, though he is one of my personal "people I disagree with but still listen to" favourites.
The Bernie supporter subsection seems to be missing some critical brain functions.
People with anarchist flags seem to be either surprisingly reasonable or "fuck the police" kiddies.
To be honest i've been here from the start and I don't recall it ever being like this. In the beginning we had lotsa more ancoms though.
I'd say don't pay to much attention to the flags since half of the time they're used in ironic or shitposty fashion
Volunteers and drama ruined 8/pol/ for me, the old userbase consisting of the first exodus likely either got banned or simply left. 4/pol/ post Zimmerman trial is a Holla Forums - /int/ hybrid due to the constant growing popularity and traffic of halfchan.
The Zizek worship is in many ways more meme than serious.
Some but not all of the worst of the anarchists are tankies being butthurt that they can't even understand their own theory so they false flag as the ones who call them out constantly. Also a lot of people with serious anarchist theory left so there's not as many people to help new anarchists along.
There is no such distinction on a chan in the current year. The gradual transition from ironic jokes about gassing the kikes to full-blown racial rhetoric is evidence of that.
No. Serious ideology can be implanted with the upfront qualification of "all in good fun".
It's actually quite Zizekian
You mean eventually we're going to attract the notice of ZizekFront and they're going to subtly take over this board and displace the original members until they're the primary ideology?
The ledditors are tolerable but I underestimated Holla Forums's tenacity.
I guess I lack the spine to assume they really don't have anything better to do. Ever.
We are coming.
replace this with comics/cartoons and /gsg/ and you have my story to a t
Never browsed Holla Forums half or full, only really browsed Holla Forums /tg/ /g/ and /vg/'s /gsg/. All have lost my interest though.
oh and Holla Forums
I left pol when I discovered this place. I was on Holla Forums for quite a while but the polyps taking every chance they could get to insert bitching about Jews and whatnot drove me off
I, during a lot of time, was pol and leftypol user. Then, I got tired of propaganda on pol and also all the lies.
I never posted on Holla Forums because I was never brain dead.
yes, you are
This is the only reason I've started browsing Holla Forums. The more time you spend in the Holla Forums echo chamber the weaker your arguments become.
Holla Forums is great for happening threads and infographics. They've been having fairly regular Zero Hour threads in which people discuss the possibility of the world ending, conspiracy theories, survival methods ect. They're comfy to read even if you don't agree with them.
buy a thorn before you buy a rose, cover in dirt before you cover in gold
You mean infographics with absolutely no sources and geopoliticaly illiterate theories about world's end?
Its pretty funny too. Every week some guy posts a "muh its habbiding" thread about how he is prepared for the world's end and all you faggots will die.
Preppers are the worst fags, all the survival skills they learned will be easily learned by normies once shit hits the fan. Survival in a post-apo world depends mostly on chance and preperations done by /k/ and Holla Forums nutjobs are useless or will be easily acquired by normies.
Holla Forums is never right.
Don't talk shit about my infographics.
I never was conservative pollack. But i used to read this stormfaggot shit until i found leftypol and felt like home on the chans.
I never frequented Holla Forums
when I decided that I wanted to have sex with my wife's boyfriend instead of my wife