Other urls found in this thread:

How is this ==BREAKING==? Kill yourself.

I don't know what he's thinking.
It's (((Suicide))).

He's too busy to visit Israel, but he visits Mexico.

Just wanted to throw that out there.


This is interesting, very very interesting esse

No thread, and who knows what the Mexicans will pull.


To be fair, Mexico's a lot closer to America.

No user, kill YOUR self.

I not sure he can bluff his way into a deal with the Mexican president after the mixed signal hes been giving in the past weeks.



fuck me

Coming 2016


Why the fuck would he go visit the Mexican president?

Hopefully he has security. Though from what I hear from people who have visited Mexico, the people are pretty open about how they hate their president.

the dude doesn't know a word of english.

← Trump's caravan in Mexico tomorrow

You could say Mex prez always looks the other way, but it isn't even real, it doesn't exist, people trying to do legitimate periodism get death threats if they're lucky.

First one to give me a taco gets to stay on my aircraft!

Yeah I was just thinking about all that.

Does it really matter when you own a Jet?

Well if Mexico has to pay for it, America would have to talk to Mexico about it. Shit like how to pay, how it would benefit them, or maybe how lovely Mexico would like with no money coming in from people in America.

I'd wager mexico is in it's in it's lowest economical state already, all the gringo money goes right to the mexi jews mexi arabs and mexi french elite pockets, and to the congress and cartels, just like taxes, hardly anything is used to actually mantain infraestructure.

Mexico will surrender to Trump, and Trump shall return as the Emperor of Mexico and conquer the United States if government refuses to appoint him as President.

When has Mexico ever been in a good economical state? Last time I can think would be when it fought America and lost.

The president is already massacring teachers in some province, he probably doesn't want to be some cartel puppet forever.

I thought he planned to fund it by taxing the fuck out of remittances.

Trust the conductor.

Forgot to attach the image.

He also visited Scotland, remember.

Reminder that Trump is a cuck who said he would "love it" if his daughter dated a nigger.

Thread is 40 minutes old. Look at all these

Kek is among us
Maybe he didn't put it on his website, but from what I understand he wants to blackmail Mexico by threatening to taking away remittances, not tax them.

Would you prefer 1 faggot with (20)?

No it's not. He'll have security out the ass and if someone takes a shot at him it's game over for the election. It'll simply prove him right and prove how petty the left is when they start saying stuff like "he deserved it" and "the assassin should have had better aim."


Nixon : China
Trump :: Mexico

They are bleeding us dry

If Trump was really planning on deporting all illegal aliens, HOW WOULD THE REMITTANCES KEEP COMING?

You fucking morons.



You are absolved, my son.

Nigger I'm on your side

You are absolved my son.

Already talking deals and he's not even in the White House! Hopefully he brings a gift of Mexican food for Hillary during the debates since she couldn't attend. ;^(

You have successfully corrected the record
Because legal people still send money to their families living in shithole Mexico, and its more important to kick out the illegals.

Because illegal aliens don't declare remittances.

The vast majority of that money will be from legal permanent migrants and work visa labor.

maybe he'll bring some water so she'll have diarrhea at the debates.

For a moment I forgot about the Secret Service and I pictured the Schutzstaffel machinegunning down hordes of Mexican gangsters.


The absolute madman. He's graduated to 5D chess…..

This is a MAJOR power move he's pulling here. He's going into the belly of the beast and he's going to come back victorious. making him look diplomatic as well as strong. 6D chessmaster at work, folks.

Its high chess to react so quickly and be the first to go, but the Mexican president also invited shillary so I don't think we are quite at 5d or 6d chess yet.

Fucking checked
This meeting is going to be huge

Has she accepted the invitation?

Porfiriate was good too.

the cartels are a cia puppet so I really don't see how negotiating with the US is changing that.

Hillary campaign "reaction" about the visit.




Cannot find any sources that say she had, only that both candidates have recieved an invitation.

He said that in an extremely sarcastic manner.

She would probably die on a visit.

Posting in historic thread

Thanks for visiting Mexico, Mr. Trump, I wish you a safe travel and stay while you're here.
Can't wait to see tomorrow the amounts of butthurt the Mexican media will churn out, same goes for all the whiny little bitches that will be protesting outside where EPN and Trump will meet.
It'll be hilarious to see them nitpicking and dissecting every single gesture of him as rayciss or supremacist. OMG he didn't give EPN a firm handshake! He's mandspreading! He has a thick offensive accent, that means he's mocking us!

They'd gladly gobble King Nigger's cock despite him deporting assloads of paisanos, yet only Trump is evil and rayciss, ese.


Fucking women


Kek wills it.

make mexicans mexican again

I'm pretty sure he specifically said he wouldn't do that and implied all of them were going back.



How do people expect her to stand and pledge into office? Soon she will need a massive float to try to disguise the wheelchair she is in.

Obama really hasn't done much. They changed the metrics so that "turned away at the border" counts as a deportations. He's launched a few raids when people say the truth that dems want the incan hordes here but that's about it.

Make Records Corrected Again!

Kek has spoken!










I had basically one thing to say that I could think of, so I said it. I don't really have anything else to contribute. I just wanted to point out that the resolute madman is shunning Jews.

There isn't much to say until the trip happens.

The God Emperor is coming to my godforsaken shithole of a country? I'm so giddy. I hope Peña Nieto stops being the ignorant whore-bitch he is long enough to not give him an even worse impression of Mexico.


"Hi Enrique, my name is Donald.
Thanks for inviting me over.
Have a look at these blueprints. They are for a giant wall. Here's the best bit: You're gonna pay. "

it feels like Trump is the president already and Hill dawg is still playing D

Scotland is closer to the East Coast than the east

Did Hillary Boost the Numbers up 5 million so that there would be a *6 Million


This is PRECISELY the reason why Trump's making the trip.

The media should be held accountable for not tearing apart these outright lies.

"N-N-No habla ingles!"

jets are not teleportation devices



Fucking praise Him.


Does Hillary hire HuffPo writers?

Do you think anybody else would want to work for her?

do you guys think he will cuck out in Arizona tomorrow?

oh wow, i knew mexico was 20mil. I had no idea we were losing 55 mil

though, let me play the part of the counter argument.

when they say,

I never know how to respond. Can any anons elaborate on how remittances are theft?

A man can dream.

Just hit them with the libertarian meme of
If any government is at liberty to tax remittances and Israel certainly does keep those shekels from being remitted then our government can certainly take remittances to Mexico from legal and illegal immigrants alike to beef up our border.

We already know what's going to happen.


He went to israel a few months ago fam

When the fuck was this?

Are you new?


citation please


Made a mistake with the >>

half way through this movie and im triggered

Its okay if hes new. We need more Soldiers of Kek.
Lets take care of our new recruits.

You said he went to Israel. This was in Washington, D.C.

By the way it was from when Trump went on SNL last year. This godly dance also came from that.

Guy has to collect the check for the wall somehow.

Kek, please, watch over Trump.


Guys. I'm pretty scared. I hope Trump stays safe in Mexico. What if it's a trap?

Holy shit this move puts Obama down like an incompetent dog he is.

First the flood visit, Obama golfs. Meets taco president, Obama golfs. It's as if Obummer called it quits 1 year before his end.


If Trump dies to an assassins bullet I'll take it fully as a trap laid by the Mexican president, then again if Trump survives an assassination attempt Trump will probably go to war with Mexico after he wins office, because him surviving an assassination attempt by the Mexican Gov would definitely win him the Presidency.

They probably want to pay for it through some import tax or something like that.

Do you have Aspergers? He clearly had to say that, remember what the fuck happened to Hulk Hogan?

Illegal immigrants don't declare remittances

This is even more likely if Hillary ducks the debates for one reason or another. The debates will be the main thing reminding people there is still an election since the media complains about Trump as if he is already president.

You had no argument in the first place.

Notice he touched her hand/knee to signal to her that he was controlling the narrative for PR reasons because she was fucking it up. You just got 4Ded, you fucking CTR faggot.

If Mexico kills Trump, that will mean war.

Not top-down war, where the government tells young men to go die. No, a good proper bottom-up war, where the common people demand blood and the politicians are forced to let them have it.

That sounds like a Pepe comic there.



No one is going to kill Trump. It's going to a be a speech about how immigration isn't the defining quality of our relationship with Mexico and how we need normalized relationships on the continent, and likely something about joint anti-cartel task forces or something.

go back to reddit spergs

It won't be a speech, its a private meeting before his immigration speech

Then I have no idea. Maybe it's so no one can call bullshit when he says "I was in Mexico. They love me, the President of Mexico loves me. Great pal."

They're earning money in an American job, but their family is in another country. Most of those wages are sent to support a family abroad instead of in the US. If the family was in the US then it would stay in the American economy. Instead it is bleeding money out of the US and funds Mexican welfare. On a small scale this isn't an issue, but tens of millions of people do this and it has a negative impact.

What if the Mex President after the meeting says, "I can work with a President Trump. I'm willing to pay for a wall in certain circumstances (like not getting kicked out of NAFTA)"

Imagine just imagine if something happens to him down there. That happening reaction..fuck me!

what if we start using gunboat diplomacy for our own benefit instead of (((our own benefit)))?


Wounds won't last long
But an insulting song
Trump will always carry with him!

So I'll settle my score
On the salsa floor
With this vengeful Latin rhythm!
Con el corazón de perro!
¡Señor Trump!
¡El diablo con Dinero!

It may not surprise you
But all of us despise you
Please Die and Fry
In Hell, you rotten
Rich, old wretch!

¡Adiós, viejo!

you mean media coverup and Hillary claiming the white-house because she can?

What the fuck is he thinking?

It's just a courtesy call to explain how things are going to work in the future and he'd better start cooperating.


Trump is gonna cuck on immigration for the beaner vote, isn't he?

I suspect Trump may go in the other direction and work out a deal to get the Mexican govt.'s support behind a mass recall of spics.

Were I Trump, I'd do something like say they're all still going back, but they get a free million dollars to take back with them. That way those who want the spics gone are happy, and the democraps no longer have any valid grounds to bitch either.

Then the USD collapses anyway and it's worth jack shit

The spics are really gonna pay for the Wall, aren't them?

Sicario is gonna happen, except IRL.

Trump is going to negotiate and have them pay for every cent of the wall, a warm up to The Final Deal when he is president


Wear protection.

Condom and a bullet proof vest.

Jesus christ.. don't fucking die there.

This is very symbolic.
Giving him attention means that he's acknowledging him as a person of power.
And he has none. Yet.
He wasn't elected and he already cucked the King Taco. And King Nigger since it's his duty to meet heads in these affairs

How many nominees have done this in the past?
He's giving the finger to basically the whole US government with this. The balls on this man…

They will talk but the main message will be:
You are so fucking incompetent that foreign representatives are willing to talk to me first and say fuck you to you.

He knows that's the last hope we have.
The election is rigged.
The NWO is going full orwell.
His death will not be in vain.

I'm not even sure they would..

I mean I bet they feel like idiots for being the US government's bitch.

Make that 6D. He was already at 5D.

Nah, the media would tell the masses how to respond and they'd respond that way. White people are nothing if not good little serf filth (I say this as a white person who's sick of Western whites).

I think he'll say "oh a firewall"

Because that's their biggest concern right now.

Yes they are.


There's also no doubt Nieto realizes that he can do it the easy way or the hard way, his choice. He can either adapt and stay in power or fight Trump and face certain ruin.

Exactly. In politics, appearances are EVERYTHING. If Mexico truly believed Hillary was going to win, they would've talked to her right after Obama's joint conference.


Nigga, NAFTA is getting shitcanned muy pronto.

Are you that monarchist goy?

He said the parents wouldn't leave kids here.

Lookup Touchback Amnesty. It's basically a paid vacation in their country before coming back and legally going on welfare again. I'm going to be paying close attention to this speech.

Still triggering

This amounts of butthurt will be fun.

This meme needs to die

If leftists try to assassinate Trump, the leftists already voting against him won't give half a shit. We're at that stage of cognitive dissonance where they would probably say it proves that Trump produces hate.

Not only that, but the rest expelled from our land.

Then there's how they're all on welfare here and send that money too, this includes the illegals.

I forgot those kind of wars existed.


Me too. I tried to think of an example, and couldn't.

Also I forgot I had that webm for awhile.


You did it wrong.

Nixon : China :: Trump : Mexico

I wonder if Trump is bringing a "gift" to his new friend

Not the same user, but Maximilian's Revenge is meme-worthy.

#MaximiliansRevenge and sheeeeit.


he's been doing it for at least 6.

Idiots never feel like idiots. This spic moron actually believes himself to be powerful.

Trump need to get deals going, easy way would be to ask the Prez:

to expand, The wall is not a bad thing for mexico, dry up the drugs buffet, weaken criminal powers, and while criminals cross illegally, so are good citizens escaping the hellhole that is Mexico, in turn helping Mexico keep their better elements.

so what does Mexico need? they are poor, corrupt, and a criminal haven. Building the wall can profit Mexican companies along the borders, create jobs for Mexicans, Trump could offer help fighting crime.

in short, make Mexico better, people wont need to immigrate as much.


And what happens if Trump assassinated the mexican president?

Also, who else went to the Children of Israel support dinner for Trump?

and every person in existence


Is trumps meeting with mexico going to be live streamed?

Visiting Mexico is merely dangerous. Trump can handle that.

Visiting Israel is opening yourself up to kidnapping and mind-control before being released back into the race as a Manchurian candidate, as exemplified by John McCain.


A Boeing 757 has no problem flying half-way around the world, comfortably, in about 8 hrs. He could do it overnight if he wanted. He just didn't want to go to Israel. Who can blame him? The Jews have so much on the line, they might resort to anything to make sure that they get their way.

Or the thing is he doesn't want to go for appearances sake, while instead plenty of Israeli groups are meeting and working with him.
So far Trump has done nothing of substance, everything has been solidly in image management.
He will be going into the presidency with only his existing liberal history, he has made no great acts that show his change of heart.
So I do not see anything changing with either, both will be career as usual.
He neither embraces nor denies, speaking more two words than Clinton.



make mexico okay for once

that works

Here is the top story in Jewgle news right now.

El Presidente has done a bad goy thing.

It's fine. Mexico is an important issue in the US. Trump will probably have a rough estimate for The Wall to give to this beaner so they can work out a payment plan.

Trump backed down from the contiguous yuuuge beautiful wall and is sticking with the existing Obama wall.
So any such number would be in bad faith and merely an attempt to sew dissent and drive Mexico into Russia's arms.

There's one reason that doesn't make sense, shill. Just one undeniably reason.

Both publicly and esp. behind the scenes, the Jews have been doing everything they could to stop his popularity from growing, to rig the election in Hillary's favor, to character-assassinate Donald Trump.

If the Juden succeed, there will be civil war. If they don't, they will start one.

Fucking called it.

Now watch as Hillary suddenly gets a "meeting" and you hear "oh, both Trump and Hillary were both planned meetings all along", negating that article's headline

The Jew is losing the fucking plot and it's great.

Citation please


Sometimes I wonder if third world countries also wish to get the fucking (((globalists))) off their backs so they can live and prosper in peace without some kike fucking with their domestic affairs.

Apart from start the 2nd US Civil war..

What planet are you on?

It's not the person or the actions.
It's the reaction to such a person.

He's the ideal target for lefties.
And somehow, he won them over.
And that's only because of internet memes and Holla Forums

a lot of remittances are welfare payments while the hispanics work cash only/under the counter jobs and don't pay American income taxes

wew satan approaches.

You are making a mistake in thinking they can't play both sides.

Doesn't he have 7 billion net worth? Why not pay for minutemen to show up on the border, give the ranchers money to start a wall now.
See, there is plenty he can do to show commitance to the cause, yet he won't even pay for his own election, instead draining the GOP accounts to get his poll numbers.
Business savvy? Oh very savvy, consistent with his methods as well.
Does show however his disinterest in ensuring his victory.

4th decade of this is the charm then? I've lived through dozens of this claim, and yet it doesn't happen. There was a claim for government spying, a claim for Obama being reelected, a claim if women came out of the kitchen, if WW3 was not done to kill the Soviets, if the government killed its people.

Guess what none happened. Show me, by act and deed, that this is actually happening. Not words, not pissy sov citizens taking over a Walmart for a few minutes, actual taking and holding of territory and a refusal to do business or have business enforced upon you by a corrupt government.

People are voting for Trump, the guy who started at nothing, and now is the Republican nominee.

Trump is a testament that one who knows nothing of politic can become the victor in politics.

Proof of this shit?

Trump knows the game of politics better than anyone else.



I guess Soros can just run for president now and be successful?

Obviously the Jews are playing both sides…

but not equally.


It's already happening..

What do you think BLM was?

Though some black people are realising what has just happened..

It would be a loss in power for him, we'd have a pretty major strategic victory at the loss of the US.

Being a multibillionare playing politics and contributing to the degradation of America is not nothing. As it stands, people vote over feels and what satisfies their minds, I am asking where is hi deeds, showing his commitance, not just empty words with no binding contract.

Who knows who soros backs.

He thinks he's the fucking anti-christ (no seriously I think he does)

Find the flaw

Uh, really? You think Soros would lose power if he happens to be the President of the US?
That just means there's not much fund to be raised, Trump doesn't even need those funds.
Trump's business is land ownership, and his property creates jobs for americans, how is he degrading America?
He's destroying Hillary Clinton.

everyone would be shocked trump has a body double and wouldnt stop talking about it and not care that he was killed

Then why doesn't Soros run himself?

How new r u?

Yes, because Soros would end up being constrained, his shady interests would not want to go near the public.

You did read the bit about the GOP having to run the electioneering boards out of pocket because Trump wouldn't?
And the donors are running off because of Trump, true. As pointed, Trump can easily pay for it all, but then he doesn't even trust himself based on his FEC files to pay up.

He hired illegals for Trump Tower, shipped jobs off overseas at the start rather than keep them here, and his supply chain for his current stuff is still not 100% American made.

Which is why we have people crowing on a point percentage difference. All before the entertaining debates and bombs drop. Wait for those, then regard polls.

Yep, it would also make a very easy story that Trump hired the Sicarro to kill him in a false flag. Suddenly Holla Forums's red pilling gets manipulated and you realize why this site was named rather than shudown for beastiality and child porn.

Bernie Sanders does it.
Jill Stein does it.

I'm sorry but Obama didn't get fucking constrained when he's the US Pres, he can go to India and make shit up.
Why would he? He doesn't need to spend the money, the media does the conference for him, he's a reality movie star.
And Trump can, but at this point, there's no money for it.
And? His business is still majorily american, he brings jobs to millions of americans in the USA and ought to be thank for that.
Yeah, I'm gonna wait for those polls and November where Trump destroys Clinton.

And yet they both failed, because they weren't smart enough to run elections from the background.

So basically, the donor can't run for himself.

Yet Trump does it, proving that he's not just a donor.

Oh yes, we are manipulated to vote for Trump.

Instead of Clinton.

Or not doing anything at all.

Trump already said he "was" a part of the donor class. How much attention are you paying?

inb4 Moss…(((drug cartel))) attempt on His life


And? Now he runs for president.

Per your logic, that would not work.

Trump shouldn't leave USA before the election is over.

Nah. Per your illiteracy that would not work.

You said it yourself that the donor class cannot publicly expose themselves in order to be successful.

Well, Trump, a donor, just runs for presidency and is successful at all.

So the junior freshman state senator is now on par with Soros for machinations. Who's getting their power levels adjusted here?

Get out the Vote and actually getting said publicity is being done by the GOP, being a movie star doesn't get him votes, reminding people to do so does. Remeber Sanders failure in California? Trump is aiming to repeat that, its part of why he is using vote rigging, he is covering up his failure to get votes out, then preempting the known hacking the DHS and FBI warned him on.
IE, save money, claim rigging, laugh as he comes off more wealthy if loses, otherwise win presidency.

So Trump is broke now? Is that what you are saying? He has no money, the campaign has no money?

Cite please. Show me this statement from Trump industries beining in millions of jobs, making him one of the top ten employers.

So remeber to be active though, laurel resting only loses to teh 50 state strategy.

You give them just enough to think of false flags, then they see it going on when they suddenly ask why Trump was being a body double.

This tbh

If any he should visit Trump, for safety reasons.

Yes because votes from illegals are vital for him now

hes not american, nerd.

Reading through these comments as a mexi ameri shitskin it amazes at how ignorant Holla Forums is of Mexican, and Mexi American relations.

EPN is stupider and corrupt than all fucking hell so dont expect your boy to actually get anywhere with him or Mexican officials. I can see both sides spinning this as good pr for their respective camp.

You're a retard who doesn't know how to check posting history if you think that's the only thing I said.

Yeah, Obama wasn't an idiot, he himself pushed plenty of shit and were pretty shady himself. Not Soros level, but he was only successful because he becomes pres.
Actually, being a movie star and getting the media on his back 24/7 is getting him votes, votes that beat even the GOP loyals such as Red Cruz.
Every Californian knows Trump and that Trump is campaigning for president.
So Trump is engaging in vote rigging, oh cool.
Trump has money but he has no need to spend them since the media does advertise for him.
I cannot find the amount of employees Trump totally has right now.
What? I'm just gonna go out and vote for Trump, nothing you say is gonna change that.

As Obama proves, you don't need to be american to be pres.

Don't fumble yourself now.

You said Trump is a donor and he was manipulating politics.

Yet your logic dictates that a donor will be always be more successful if he stays behind the shadow, but Trump is now out for everyone to see.

so fucking true

You have to go back!

That only worked because he was a relative unknown.

To be able to do what Trump wants from the shadows you would have to have a lot more income to buy off a lot more people because the donor class has already dug their heels in. You would start a bid war for change and Trump's billions would pale in comparison to some one like the kock bros or soros.

Bernie and Stein are just in it for the cash grab. They know they have no legit path to victory, thats why theyre in the open, the people are their donor class, shoveling shekels into their campaign.

Judging from the reaction from the lügenpresse this seems to be a good move by Bannon.

Nobody knows Soros.
But Trump already does it in the shadow, he's already the donor class.

If he truly wants to manipulate politics, there's no need for him to run at all.

This other board would be more your style, user.:

>>>Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

He has a headline on drudge every other day and major news networks report on him. People know.

Trump hasnt donated to undermine the laws of this nation. He gave money to get some building built. There is a lot of money at stake, more money than Trump has.

It doesn't work like that. He would have to own or collaborate with media outlets and other propaganda arms to shill these ideas; this wont happen because they lean heavily liberal. He'd also have to line the pockets of lobbyists and he simply doesn't have the wealth to compete.

Its a rigged system and the barriers of entry are too high, even for a guy with huge wealth like Trump.

Not really? Ask the average Californian, ask who Soros is.
So in short, he hasn't manipulated politics.
So in short, Trump is actually smarter than Soros because he gets things done faster and costing less money than him.
Thus he's not a donor class.

Trump got a plurality when the voting came about, but had a majority when polled. He needs people to actually get out and vote, not just follow his lead and spin words.

But are they getting off their asses to vote for him?
Remeber, many of them are single issue voters, Trump has lost the crowd on gay marriage saying its not up to the gov, same with abortion. His stance on guns is waffling, with those paying attention alarmed by saying anyone on the watch list should be refused.
He has lost the hawks by saying we shouldn't get involved internationally.

Those are (R) reading staples, he needs to get as many people as he can actually at the polls.

No he is using it as a cover for his bad choices, he didn't fail to actually get people to the polls, it was rigged. Later, "Oh it actually was rigged. Fucking Russians"

And then complains that its negative. And when they stop talking about him. Frankly, the coverage is going to be kill when the debates come up, the networks being savvy will know Trump will pay then to avoid the goldfish memory effect.

You said millions, you can always admit he doesn't actually have all of New York under his employ, though I suppose he does have some number of shills here.

No you're going to get off your ass and start beating the Jehova witnesses to doors and getting them to accept Trump as their lord and saviour. Where do you get I am telling you stay home?

American mother, paperwork says Hawaii.
He has the requirement via Ju Sanguis. You're thinking el ratto, the Cuban Canadian.

Soros is the Kosher Kriminal, he went and fucked with the Rothschilds and has been outed from the tribe. He is only known as his punishment, but hidden so as not to reveal the tribe.

Per your logic, I have to knock on people's door in order for people to vote for Trump, or he will lose.

Yeah, no, I think that's going to be counter-productive.

Bernout tried that and failed.

Get people interest instead of preaching to them.

Good catch, that didn't look right but I couldn't place it.

So you are saying you won't do that? You're going to sit on your ass and hope the media, which supposedly hates him, gets him elected?

I'm just going to convince my friends and meme the shit out of it.

You know I love these silent majority call ons.
They're silent for a reason, they don't matter.
Calling on them is the same as invoking the fae to support actions or the sacred laws of nature.
It means you lack the ability to actually have a movement and are faking it, just look at all the SJWs with their thrall accounts trying to seem big.


praise kek

get in here niggers

He hasn't been elected yet but the President of Mexico acts like Trump is already the President of the U.S.

Go back to 4chan shlomo, your little tricks are not going to work here.

Hillary won't drink beer or eat a taco bowl, Trump will do both.

I am eager tobhear what he reports tonight. He is known as a great negotiator.

I'm just remembering how Trump said that if he was president and he arrived in a country and the Leader wasn't there when he would turn around a leave.

they'll also pay for a wall with canada, in exchange for also taking in the US's undesirables

fuck off we're full (not really)

Go back to Reddit

Isn't that from last night?

When is he going to speak?

i don't see anything wrong with any of that

I think it'll be streamed here:

So you have no counter, just an intellectual void and inability to convert people to stop being silent? Gee, sounds all you want is to be the only voice in the room. Go rent a server and stay there, you can be the only voice then.

He just called Hillary's protestors low energy and that Bernie's were a lot better.

6pm Phoenix time
9pm east coast time


In spicland, I mean. Heard he was going to give a press conference.



what a petulant child.

Shifty nigger is afraid.


Never reject our fellow faithful, even if they're new.


As true as it probably is, I'm gonna need more to go on then this tweet

I wonder what kind of harm Trump can do if King Nigger wishes the visit won't happen.

God damn what a niggerfaggot.

I'm fucking ready.

I'm ready to secure my legacy and begin paving a future for my offspring.

I'm ready to carve a bloody path through the world to make it happen.


Why would he take questions for a press conference?

There was a rumor going around.

Because it's been 270(?) days since the cunt has had one.


I thought that was obvious he was protecting her from basically saying "No" which would of course be spun to be racist.

Cowboys versus Indians

Wow, a nigger invasion into Latin America…. This ought to get interesting.



Should be starting any minute now.


Don't do it Trump! They will try and kill you via spicy food and gas!

Live: As Donald Trump Lands in Mexico, His Team Signals He’ll Stick With Wall Plan

Big beautiful yuuuge wall across the whole border, contiguous and long as a dick, or a short and stubby thing like a circumcised white boy, what we're already building?

Its quite important as it sets the tone, the existing wall is fine, but not Trump, the yuuuge solid wall is Trump.

What the fuck were those 2 hillbillies screaming at each other?
I guess it was on the RSB stream? I have 3 open.

Yeah, no Idea what the fuck that was.

You can go back in the RSB stream, don't know what was happening.

Lazy ass niggers can even organize a protest. Trump leaves his enemies demoralized and confused once again.


CNN has wall to wall toad looking mexishit women talking shit about Trump

I can't fucking wait for these shill platforms to get shoahed


Or were the rest turned away to prevent an incident?

Theres your problem, thats prime siesta time.
They were all asleep.

Excellent planning by the Trump team.


en el mehhico señor

That's pretty sad.


As expected of a Billionaire Businessman.





im not sure what i was expecting


Someone check if the translation is only on one channel - can't be arsed finding the cunt on wondows.


Nevermind - I could hear the cunt beside Trump whispering, wasn't watching.

ABC has live translations


More streams stream 2 works.

Someone shout when the Spanish stops

ABC stream is translating but I can barely hear it.

we stereo now goy


Nieto says that he also invited Hillary. But everyone's blind so they won't give a shit.



Hillary is the one that doesn't give a shit. Too busy sleeping off the anti-seizure meds.


Trump is a foot taller than this spic


He's a big guy.


nice trips



There's no ramp and disabled toilet in the Mexican residence

I think this Mexican president is calling out Obama's Fast and Furious program jej

I mean he isn't wrong, but Mexico's at fault for not stopping them at the Guatemalan border.


To be fair, there are a lot of Guatemalans and other nationalities coming to the US through the Mexican border, but this guy is full of shit if he thinks Mexicans aren't still flooding across.

Yep, he's not talking shit about the program itself, but he's talking about guns coming from the northern border.

No matter we will still shut it down

He's not completely wrong. There's a lot of Guatemalans crossing over. I don't care if the wall is built to keep out Mexican bogey men or South American bogeymen, simply that we have a foot of concrete separating us from the hordes.




Looks like Mexico is getting TWO walls.

I get it.

He's conceding to Trump while phrasing it in a manner that allows Mexico to keep it's dignity.

lmao 2walls



So I've heard, and if that's true then fine. Still need a wall I don't care if where the spic is coming from, I want them out, or hung by the neck until dead.

Yep, Trump's just allowing the beaner to save face by making it appear he actually has any say in the matter.

Hey I can respect that, as long as that wall gets built.


Basically he's saying that we're building a wall but it will totally help Mexico fight crime guize.


I don't think he's been too unreasonable.
Look, the "Mexico will pay for it" part is the one I care less about. All I got from that is that he's serious about making it. If the mexican president wants to say that bad shit comes from the North, I don't really care get dat wall.

Ooh, I like that!

The reason being is that the Mexican president is on the way out, so if Trump can't prop him up, the next one gives no shits of having Trump compromise, it will be Mexico first.

But aren't all mexicans criminals?

Still, better to have two filters than one.

I prefer my filters in 5.56


I prefer them 100 feet high.

Grade A+ filename

Only natural born Americans are criminals. Rebelled against their sovereign and God, steal land from the previous owners like niggers and slavs, then push and enjoy debased media, as you so show.

As God so said, you shall receive the leader you deserve, not the one you want.

Q: Will they ever learn?

A) Never

B) Maybe some day

C) Yes

D) 9/11

NAFTA can be approved by getting rid of it.

Seriously, why is everyone else in the world below 5 8? Am I mutant at 6 2?


E) Hillary Did Nothing Wrong


trump being presidential af

wonder how the media is gonna spin this


Having a secure border is a sovereign right

6 foot 2 reporting in. Statistically we are above average in height. Non-whites make the average even shorter.

Ahaha he's going for it, now he's turning Mexico against illegal immigration on the basis of the sub-spics migrating from Central America.




Well shit, where are the fucking central Americans gonna go? Gotta stop them at the Guatemalan border, the Mexicans don't want them.

Trump will stop American criminals from fleeing into Mexico!

Yo I'll be alright saying that it would stop Mongolian invasions if I get my wall





It'll be exactly "muh Italian kitten rescued"


Notice Trump's signature handshake pull towards his center, making him look dominant in handshake photos.



It's an excellent sale, the other dude has basically agreed on anything that matters. Maybe if they take questions things can get ugly but this is surprisingly smooth so far.


He's already running this shit. We can skip the election.

The Mexican Government demonstrates respect for Holla Forums


Imagine we just pretend it never happened.

He's already acting like the sitting president.

Where's Hillary? Probably eating Huma's muff since she broke it off with Wiener.

it's like Hillary isn't even in the race anymore

pretty absurd if you think about it

Real talk though, the cost of the wall is a drop in the fucking discretionary budget bucket. I'll concede that point, I just want the fucking wall.

Meeting with Putin WHEN?



I hope that it's a sexy wall that has a high speed train on top.


so what's the deal with the mexican president? What is he saying about trump?

And implied Hillary a shit for not answering his invitation lel

That was so presidential my head is spinning.

No, it wasn't presidential

CNN is pretty fucking mad.

He's not even President yet, how can he have the authority to do that?

Also, thinking past the sale. The wall is already built in this guy's mind, he moved on to paying for it.

CBSN calling Trump presidential.

good eye user

Him and Trump are bffs now and they're going to have matching walls.


Pepe has entered through Zyklon's eyes and exited through his hands! He allows the hate to flow through him! These are glorious times.



this is the ultimate persuasion

this is how you shut people up who doubt the wall

mein gott, self-checked for Kek

So, since he met with the president of Mexico, does anyone think he'll meet with Putin before the election?

Not to mention, he pushed the payment part to the future, further thinking past the sale.

That too, absolutely.



That's where the spin's going to come from.

Slightly tsun, but he's saying he respects Trump a lot and wants a stronger border. I say tsun because he's dropped a couple of things like

I think both of them are smart enough to know that would be a bad idea. Last thing you need to do is fuel Hillary's conspiracy theories about Putin.


praise him

Peña is facing his own election soon IIRC, so if he doesn't pander to his own tacos then he won't win election and maybe an über anti-Trump president would take the position



Holy hell, does this CNN spic have a fucking spaceship stuck in her nose?



There is already a wall on the border, the Trump wall would be an upgrade. I still say it needs to be set two miles back with a one mile killzone. Use the first mile so as to setup celebratory tents with "I saw the wall and it made my hopes fall" shirts and all. Oh and ID tags that you can wear to make a pilgrimage to the wall, don't shoot your worshippers, its a good way to lose them.

Eat them, flood em or burn them all, that's how you make them afraid.

Oh that's going to bite (((CNN))) hard in the ass when he does his immigration speech later and sextuples down

dumb fucks don't know that a wall would help both America and Mexico. weakening the boundaries within your cells is how a virus kills you and the Jewish virus is no different.

We're not going to ask Mexico to pay us in advance, like they're buying a sandwich. We're going to build it and then send them the BILL.

After the election, Hillary would have a fucking field day with that.

We have various incomplete fences, easy enough to walk around. Also some dry river beds that were supposed to be natural barriers.

Anyone have a JUST image for Vicente? I only have this.



Can no spic presidente speak Ingles?

Its also under construction you know. Or are you expecting the Trump wall to appear spontaneously via meme magic? At which point, what does cost matter, we'll will the planet clean.

this was the ultiumate master persuasion

when you have the president of the country you're sharing the wall with approve it, it's already built in everyone's mind

Ahah Shaun King crying that Trump is now back in the race over this


post the tears please

Are you serious? The current wall in some places is high enough that a chubby kid could vault over.

Requesting pseudo-nigger tears

just got here
is it over?


If TRUMP WALL™ is currently under construction, then I think Trump will have been confirmed as the elder god tier ultra master persuader greatest of all time.

I think instead though that you are referring to some shitty fences that are probably being maintained here and there.

pls post these delicious wigger tears


Back in the race? Holy shit these media faggots are on another planet. He's been assraping opponents non-stop for 15 months straight.

She's a strange and inconsistent creature.

When they put Begala on the screen it should say "Democratic Operative". It never does though, he's just "Political commentator".

can we go one day without a happening?



He was ever out of the race?

shaun tweets


Capped for lulz once he inevitably softens up even more on immigration in his next speech. I'll be seeing you in that thread later.


but they'll be allowed right back in



Not in the Year of the Fire Monkey.

When is the next trump rally or whatever?

Enrique has a pretty good looking family. He probably found he got on quite well with Mr. Trump. Both have immense loyalty to their own people and want similar things.

Fucking deluded leftists. Just because the media says so doesn't mean it's true.

He's always said that he respects Mexicans, but wants to be tough on illegal activities. How is that being "ugly to Mexicans"?

i heard when he got elected that he's basically a puppet idiot

not sure what part of that was propaganda though

He can't be as bad as this guy.

Spic countries pretty much operate by an unspoken caste system.

Shaun King can't help but to be drawn to Trump's masculine dominance.

He wants the D.

Thanks for the insight Satan.

I have noticed that. Yet when I see the people on the US streets calling Americans racist, and flying the Mexican flag, they are the lowest tier beaner types which would never make it anywhere in their home country.


Correct as always, satan.
Europeans run them, natives and mongrels simply can't.

the one in white and one in green are good

Is AZ mountain or pacific time?


This times 100.

The more affluent Mexicans consider themselves Spaniards and get really offended when you call them Mexican.


Which is why they don't want to go back. Not that they have a choice.

And if you read up on what is being built first, you'd find its the track and capture equipment followed by putting the resources into building the wall there where its needed before its expansion.
You want to complain, yell at COngress for being too cucked to even give a nigger money to fuck them over with.

Obama wall is under construction, Trump wall is unlikely by his own mouth.

The rally is in 4 hours.

Trump doesn't poison his mind with alcohol, friend.

fug, that's 3 am for me

after watching Sicario, I wonder how Trump will get alive, will anything happen at the border? Who will be in those 2 old cars?

OK now I realize you are straight up retarded.

Into the filter you go.

Same, I guess I'll watch it on Yutube tomorrow.


I saw this video by a KGB agent claiming that alcohol damages the brain irreparably, and even for future generations. Probably propaganda to counter rampant alcoholism in Russia, but a strange thing to say.

He has a private jet user, he flies in and out with ease.

Helicopter into the Presidential Palace, and Trump Force One straight outta there. The cartels don't want to try their luck with the SS, that'd be a good way to get fucked up.


I was wondering who this was so I googled 'mexican porn stars' and I got a list of the 'hottest mexican porn stars' with this beast on it.


Which is of course why he has drunk before and owns a vineyard. As well as sells alcohol in his establishments.

Does anyone else find it funny that Mexico is a white supremacist state that's ruled by Castizos?

Mexican leftists propaganda. Same with the whole "muh Ayotzinapa".

He's also a Jew, cohencidentally.

Would a certain deal make sense in this context?


That is one deluded pseudo-nigger.

That's some low energy memeing, Levi.

Look, I'm a hypocrite on this because I'll have the occasional beer with friends, but I'll never forget this video I saw at school when I was a kid that showed a brain of someone that didn't drink compared to the brain of just a casual drinker. The casual drinker looked like he must have been an MMA fighter he had so many dark spots on his brain scan. I mean, alcohol is literally straight poison that suffocates your brain. The fact the Trump is so sharp at 70, his never drinking has to have SOMETHING to do with that.

kek. You must confront temptation with discipline.

And I am sure then you have pictures of Hillary browning her pants then?

Much like the holohaox, it didn't happen. And nobody here is claiming that it did.

But it will.


Here is the video if you're curious.

Found this on twitter

Okay, her murdering somebody then?

NAFTA does have provisions for re-negotiation to try to make it work, they just have never been used.

Trump has always said he wants to make great deals, so if a re-negotiation can work better than a total replacement, he'll take it I'm sure.

There's a lot of shitlib fear going around, I love this shit. Usually you see them pretending that when Trump makes a good move it's not actually a good move. But now most of what they're talking about is that mexbro has betrayed the mexicans.

Welp, she could be hoeing potatoes and washing clothes on a rock somewhere in Southern Mexico.

I remember watching that slut from desperate housewives go out of her way to make sure people knew she was Spanish descent

With her own hands? Nice straw man. Nobody (to my knowledge) is claiming that either.

She leaves the dirty work to the plebs and patsies.

Call me crazy but these people look white. They don't look like the spics you see hopping the border at all.

South America has an unspoken caste system. The whiter you are the higher your caste.

Descendants of Spaniards. The short goblins are known as 'mestizos' and have a lot of Indio (Mayan/Incan Apocalypto) type looking niggers


I laughed

Papertrails, come on something here you can show as proof and thus one up my vaporous ingestion of alcohol by Trump. If not, you really need a bigger folder.

He owns his own personal Jet.

Do the Cartels have a fucking airforce or AA?


Holy fucking shit.

That's because they're either white or mostly white. I knew a girl who looked like that girl next to Piena Nieto's wife. She was a little darker, but very attractive.

wouldn't the cartels be done if no more money comes from usa?

They might focus operations in Brazil, but cutting off American cash flows would be a death blow for sure

Are you on drugs user?

It worked before

The Univision Twat is losing it with his President, absolute win all the way, Trump was brave and got the W today

They still get money from selling in Mexico and other places.

Looks like news outlets over here in Bongistan are focussing on "Trump and Peña Nieto 'didn't discuss' payment for Mexican border wall"


That's basically the only way multiracial societies can work at all. It's how Ancient Egypt, India, etc. worked in the past.

Sounds like an episode of the twilight zone.

Are you going to try to back your claim up or just keep twisting?


even the beaners get it

We're not making a North American Union.

No but for real (real - get it?), there must be some big safety measures taken place there. On such short notice too, huh? Or is it?

I cannot find anything on it, but distinctly remember him drinking and then hating the beer during the golf course fracas. So I shall concede on the fact the Jews are trying to proclaim him a dry man and redacting history.

I'm alluding to the idea that tpp by another name is what he is insinuating to.

Mexico is ruled by white Spainards for the most part who lord over the Amerindian masses.

Is this a source of internal conflict like it is in the US? Are we going to see Amerindian lives matter?

top fucking lel

They also announcing that they're building a wall on the southern border of Mexico.

Do niggers still accept this whigger as one of their own?

Drug organizations are multinational, I meant they would focus and maybe move their base of operations to Brazil or Colombia.

To add to that point, there were some pretty public threats made by favela gangs in Brazil to drug organizations in Mexico. We could see a major drug war soon.

This shit Trump pulled today was 8D chess. HE looked like he was already president, like hehad already won. Meanwhile, Shillary is napping in a dark room somehwere.

No, only a lot of chairos crying about "muh indigenous blood".

They may be cunts, but they are still thinking past the sale, so all is well.

This. They're already thinking in terms of Trump has won and wall is confirmed.

Way to fucking smack obongobooga and rotten clit by taking charge before the election is even over. Deliciously great

This is so delicious it's making me horny.

I never drink, it always gave me terrible headaches the morning after almost no matter how much I drink, the kind that makes me want to shoot myself.

It's right and proper for an emperor to visit his subjects from time to time.

Im with you

If we were able to harness all the asshurt Trump generates we could power the U.S. for years.

Mexicans Accuse President of ‘Historic Error’ in Welcoming Donald Trump


Benji is so damn salty on Twitter right now, trying to undervalue this historic move


I'm sure Trump's 757 is in tip top shape after visiting Paine Field yesterday. It would be ((pure coincidence)) if an accident happened.

God damn I hate collectivists.

I wonder if he's going to keep his own plane as AFO

Krauze huh? Seems super jewish for amexican last name.

So I looked it up and WADDYA KNOW?

What is the best media to lurk the occasion from around the globe?

NBC News trying to crap on Trump but end up framing him as a sitting president. God this is too much.

What you're looking for is context, not content. You can get content from anywhere, but bad-goy context is very hard to come by. Breitbart is okay, definitely not great. I found some good stuff on race at AmRen and Occidental Observer.

every time

also pic related was on his wikipedia page, reminds me of something


I think we have passed the event horizon. This point can and will be used to ensure Hillary is fucked during the debates, as this meeting shows she's not willing to go and socialize even with her allies. Though she's probably making a guac of her own to make up for not going to Mexico, In her pants.

Not surprising at all.

I knew something was off about him. Pure coincidence that a high-profile (((historian))) will have kosher opinions.

Neither Trump nor Piñata are in a position to negotiate that.

Trumps plan involves remittance so negotiating with Mexico is not even required

wew lad. Think before you post.

Ask yourself, "has their ever been a single death within one degree of separation of the Clinton's that didn't directly benefit them?". If all that is coincidence and luck on their part they are quite literally the luckiest humans to ever exist.


Be ready people, this board will be raided by anti-Trump shills this evening.

reminder of Mexico's hypocrisy:

Mexico accused of abusing its illegals


Mexico may be a shithole but it's not because of jews.

Not that I know of anyway.

technically any plane the president flies on is labeled as AFO. I guess he could exclusively fly his plane but as president I don't know if he'd get it as a tax write off

Notice how often we're seeing this bullshit lately.

Even if you're democratically elected, they'll try to think of another evil term for you so the masses can feel better being sent to fight you.

That would be strange

Go to Polanco in Mexico City and you'll find plenty the of kikes, same as the North of Mexico, especially Monterrey.
Remember that Carlos Slim, the richest man in Mexico is a filthy kike and owns assloads of companies.

I literally wouldn't be surprised if a democrat just made a taco bowl and put it on a podium while CNN broadcasts "Our glorious leader negotiates succesfully with Mexico once again!"

Fuck they really do every country they live in.

Is it really possible that every shitty country in the world is shit because of jews?

I've had several deaths with three degrees that benefit me, 2 with one, and one family death.
You're going to have to step up your game here and bring out the facts.
as raids will flow in and out, you must be prepared and ready for it.
Well that or its a waste, normies never show, and we have great fun playing real world who dun it.

Here you go.

The USA is a massive drug market, so it would be devastating to the cartels. Not only would it shut down cartels south of the border by cutting off their money supply, but it would also drastically lower crime in the states. Opium can't be grown in the US, so if we can stop it from flowing in, gangs in the US will lose out on money from the narcotics trade. But still, they have submarines that can ship kilos of coke to the States, along with buying off agents on the border, underground tunnels, and some small amounts that slip through airports. But a border wall would be a massive blow to them, along with keeping all of the shitskin rapefugees out.

Just to clarify, I meant it would slow and weaken the cartels, not shut them down. Shitty typing.

The cartels now make more money overall from illegal mining. the drug market is a static thing for them that gets traded as they fight.

As a first world country I don't want to believe that we haven't come up with a defense against submarines over almost a hundred years.

I didn't even know that they were getting involved in mining, that's pretty interesting.

Its been going on for years.
They are the shadow governments.
Its odd you don't, but then I apparently seem to have remembered a lot of stuff that never happened until is peak and it does.
Maybe I am the first avatar of Kek.

In Colombia, my country (one of the big sources of drugs), the shift is happening at alarming rates.
Druglords realized that illegal mining is much easier to manage, since they can set up fake proxy businesses to make money.
Soon our rivers and forests will be desecrated just because everyone wants their fair share of our huge reserves of precious metals.
Remember, El Dorado may be a legend, but it is not a myth.

Well that was anti-climactic.

What do they mine? Inb4 it all goes into iphones.


source on that would be appreciated.

many keks had at the vader choke


Gold, silver, emeralds. Coltan is more of an African thing.
Colombia has huge deposits of emerald located underground in Boyacá (one of our states)

so he admits this was a gain for Trump?

You know what to do niggers


bump 4 dis

voted, no percentage changed


We should destroy their submarines and shit like we did with germany at the end of WW1.

If you really want to fix this shit, send in the Marines 1914 style, except instead of just Veracruz we occupy the whole fucking country. Send these fucking cartels to gitmo, they're more of a threat to the sovereignty of the US than some fucking goatfucker in the desert.

Better idea. Send the cartel to gitmo dressed as goats.

What was he thing?! He could have just pulled a Hillary and ignored the Logan Act.

They must be Spaniards, who are for the most part White Europeans, but just barely.