Holla Forums, how do you think the human race should proceed from this point in time? We've reached a state of advancement where information availability and communication between people is almost as efficient as it possibly can be. We have a whole world of knowledge available to us and can easily collaborate with like-minded individuals regardless of where we are in the world. This, then, is my question: what should we do?
Technologically we've evolved well beyond what our ancestors would have ever dreamed of, but what are we doing with it? We know how evolution works, we know we cannot possibly remain as we are for long, yet nobody in a position of power seems to want to bring the issue of "where do we go from here" to the general public. People are distracted by petty drama and social issues when what we need to focus on is directing our evolution down a productive path. What do you think humanity needs, Holla Forums? Even something like "let's all become nationalists" is only a temporary answer, as it merely rearranges the humanity we have today. We need to think about what comes next.
What is the next step in human evolution?
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If the mulatto race is supposed to be the future, then it's better we nuke the planet.
the next step is the meme master user.
the rebirth of psychics.
you all had best start believing in Kek threads.
because you're in one
before we go to the next step we need to bring Nat Soc to life
you see, now that the human race, specifically americans have been fucked with by all the drugs in the water, the schools, the radiation, the social conditioning, that something finally gave way.
we're tapping into those old Thul/vril type powers, nothing more than the eastern idea of Qi (chi) coupled with the mind to use it in different methods.
statistically, anything can happen in quantum physics, and it is the seizing of these deisred outcomes and manipulations of the space/time around you that allow for this "psychic phenomena " to occur. and by harnessing this power en masse like we do with the pepes, the area of spacetime we can alter becomes much larger.
first there was the meme, and then it made the mind, then the mind made the meme.
Slowly but surely those who have changed will begin to repopulate the earth with their own kind, and after a time, a noticeable amount of these meme masters will arise.
from there, the great nation shall be built, and mankind shall once more pierce the heavens and shitpost among the stars.
Jews becoming super human and goyim losing 24 inches and gaining a hunch back.
I agree with this, Future Fash is the answer. No more "let go back to the way it is." It never works, those types always lose. You must blaze a path forward, but in our image not the Jews.
the gas/war protocol
We need to stop being reasonable. Conservatives always, always try to be intellectual and defeat the leftist street fighters with logic and reason. This doesn't work when the leftists operate in the realm of emotion and feeling.
The logical response is to bring up IQ tests, studies on behavioural patterns, criminology etc. This goes no where. I'm sure most people on this site have at some point in time argued with a normie using the IQ test. They didn't absorb it, did they. I am sure you heard "IQ tests don't measure everything, or the IQ test is biased…"
Here's the better, unreasonable response.
The eradication of all non-whites to make way for white colonisation, and then instituted eugenics programs to improve the fitness of our race to the level of overmen.
Actually just keep it to that. Make that a hashtag even and get it trending.
Whenever a nigger does something to show incompatibility with White society, that should be the retort. Say it enough times to enough people, and it'll sink in.
Ignore the ">" on the last two
The next step in human evolution is the ascent of the Aryan race to the stars. Manifest destiny, niqqa.
Would be pretty cool to have two dicks
our only enemies are other people. there's no more room to run away, we must overcome our own demons. this is the era of a great purging, humanity will fight amongst itself until it is pure and/ or technology is such that some can escape…
The sad part is that globalism can work, but only if the whole world is ready to go down that path. People in charge are trying to push the world forward too quickly without paying attention to the rest of the world; the 1% only care about themselves and their buddies, sociopathically hoarding the world's money with no regard for the other 99%.
Every government system, banking system, justice system, and any other system of control is flawed; there is ALWAYS a loophole that can be abused, and someone will ALWAYS abuse it. Until we can develop a system of power that is bulletproof, we will never be able to move forward.
If you ask me, we need to make the internet bulletproof, fix bad science, fix big government, and properly regulate government and commerce to close as many of those loopholes as possible.
Pic Related. It is simple. Nationalism on a Global Scale.
Best do it from orbit too just to be safe
Dismantle globalist trade networks wherever possible. Focus instead on localization and self-reliance. (also dismantle the idiotic publish or perish system in academia) Local systems are more robust (financial speculation on Wall Street won't "crash" my local tomato crop), and less prone to (((parasites))) . Re-establish trade schools. Re-make higher-education into something earned, not something necessary .Make real world occupations and success a requirement for higher-education, not the other way around. (Education makes the wise slightly wiser, but it makes the fool vastly more dangerous. Half-knowledge is more dangerous than known ignorance.)
Let innovation be made by tinkerers, not guys in ivory towers who get paid to publish. Once you have bottom-up independent communities like the olden days, instead of global webs of top-down bureaucracy and welfare-states, we'll see where it goes from there . You won't get guys like Beethoven and Tesla if the world and way of life that made the possible is dismantled.
Even more than now the strong will be enslaved by the weak.
If you work and pay taxes those taxes will be used to keep defective alive.
Achmed the retarded kebab is being kept alive and those resources that are
being spend on him are not going to our White childeren.
The kebabs will keep on fucking their first cousins and produce defective offspring
who`ll either die at birth or be a drain on resources.
The niggers will keep expanding their numbers and cost us even more.
All productive members of society will be taxed to keep the weak and defective alive.
More than just keeping them alive they`ll thrive.
We won`t be able to expand into space with this massive class of subhuman filth consuming
the fruits of our labor.
All the rare earth metals and fuel that we would ever need are all around us.
We have unlimited space and resources which are there for the taking!
Whole planets devoid off living are awaiting us!
But we won`t reach them, we have reached the pinnacle of our development.
Now the weak are taking over, too stupid to realize that they live by our hand.
They`ll bite the hand, gnarl on it, the hand will become even more infected.
Infected by marxist filth. Gangrene will set in and soon the body will die.
Untold millions will die and out of the ashes we`ll try again, somewhere some White`s must survive.
That is the route of human evolution, we rise and fall and die and are reborn each time more defective than
we where during the last cycle.
To slaughter the non-Whites is to break out off this circle.
Prevent rebirth and go straight to Nirvana! That should be the goal of us Europeans.
Once we cleanse the 'human' genome from all the defective subhumans we shall seed the galaxy.
Our descendants shall lay claim to every corner of the universe, they may evolve differently in different systems
but they`ll be of our blood. A bloodline from the dawn of creation till the end of all time traveling though us is the goal! Out shitposting will be archived for them to read in the dying light of the universe.
1. Discerning the Natural laws, and closely abiding by them. First and foremost.
2. Eugenics, deliberately improving our genetic lines, resulting in wiser, more beautiful, more intelligent subsequent generations. Additionally, getting our overpop problem under control.
3. Rebuilding and improving our environment. Earth can be an absolutely magnificent garden.
4. Developing a better economic and government system, one that's free of corruption ((((*)))), and as free and creative as possible but as organized as necessary.
Collectively, these things will improve mankind's circumstance, allowing us to grow technologically and scientifically beyond our current imagining.
And without these things, in particular without following the Natural Laws, we're fucked.
The big thing you gotta be careful for with eugenics is genetic bottleneck, aka inbreeding. If we find certain genes for iq and everyone chooses them, we will be much more genetically identical than if we let nature take its course like we did through the old ice ages that resulted in Cro magnon man.
I'm sure we'll get to that bottleneck issue too, in the meantime if we don't have any better option, then moving all shits out and deciphering who is best by standard testing and meritocracy is the best answer. We then encourage much more breeding by them, and let the others have 2 per couple. It will require a huge workaround of the usual concept of "freedom" because once it gets applied to women, they go for high adrenaline dark dudes sometimes and fuck everything up.
Otherwise I don't see many other changes happening, we're literally redlining our (thermodynamic) ability to hold brain mass in a mammalian body, the fine bones in the hand and largeness of the head mean we cant go as big as gorillas, and our whole body size can only increase so much until too much heat is present and the system doesn't work. Imagine a nation of Baron Trumps with rocket scientist iqs, that's probably max.
Maybe this was the creators idea after all, get us to the point where we can look beyond our own planet and start Terra forming others. You know, William Pierce always called us the "edge of the creators tool".
Natural Laws, first and foremost, we gotta follow the Natural Laws.
Young people don't always choose what's best for their genetic lineage. Adults should help them with that. For the youth to recognize the wisdom of age is paramount to getting them back on track to becoming a better people.
Brain size need not increase, but brain structure can be improved. More evolved humans look like us, for the most part.
Maybe so
You joke, but that seems like a real possibility these days.
Global elites will be genetically engineering their children in the next generation or two and those children will do the same for their children. Combine that with technological augmentation and those elites will seem like demigods to rest of us.
Meanwhile, people who race mix with shitskins are producing children that are smarter than typical niggers but not as smart as your average European. They're essentially the perfect little wage slaves.
Kikes become cyborgs/robots, Aryans transcend matter and become beings of pure energy/information, alternatively taking bodies with enhanced DNA, others turn into brown mutts with some cybernetic implants to make them more efficient.
You can't kill an archetype user. At least not permanently.
Well, if you put it like that, i have to agree with you.
The next step of human evolution is to specifically sterilize you OP.
Even if you kill all the Jews, another mongrel, bloodthirsty and subhuman tribe will become "chosen" by their god. It's an eternal battle.
Agreed reactionaries have never ever won.
National Socialism was an entirely new revolutionary ideology at the time and people are so quick to forget that.
I don't know. Seems worth trying. Wouldn't you want to have everything a hand in defeating an elder god?
Besides we can always encounter new enemies in space user it will be way more badass.
Next step and huge controversy will be human editing, DNA scripting human augmentation and so on
Memes and chems will turn the entire human race into a Borg hivemind, incredibly powerful, but incredibly evil. Viral a meme to start the revolution
not good enough user.
Start the war faggit
The universe is teaming with life. It's full of human life, which comes in all sorts of forms.
Many of those peoples are, by today's standards, racist. That is, they make broad assumptions and judgements based upon generalizations. And these generalizations can be accurate, or inaccurate.
However, they still manage to get along, together making creative alliances and slowly growing (over billions of years) in personal wisdom to such a degree that material bodies are no longer used. Humans of all shapes, sizes, colors, sexes, etc. are doing this. We are not alone in this endeavor.
The future does not hold a single race of human who takes over. Instead, there are genetic families that continue to popup, grow, and evolve for as long as the universe continues to exist, which is a very long time.
We cannot proclaim our genetic superiority, because no matter how good we get there's always gonna be someone who is better, so why should we bother? Instead, let's take the road most traveled: to generate bodies in which we are comfortable, which are appropriate for us, through Natural processes which have long ago been established by relative gods far more advanced than us.
The negative side of Racism is destructive, not creative. If we focus on creating a better humanity, as opposed to destroying its undesirable elements, then we can avoid the pitfalls of the 'racism' that the Jews constantly beat us with.
Well, it's better than what we have now.
Of course, slaying YHWH with the spear of destiny once he physically incarnates on earth would be worth all this struggle.
Whites are the most superior form of human on earth right now. But humanity is something that needs to be overcome. Once we discover a superior species, we should strive to become like them. Acknowledging the superiority of one race does not mean hatred of other races (by default), it's mixing of races and our "semitic" friends that create all the strife and hatred. We were helping the lesser races evolve before this, but they knew their place.
Nor does it mean claiming universal superiority.
Destruction is integral part of creation.
The pinky and ring fingers will probably become a single digit.
Oh … I'm sorry … did you believe political ideology was evolution?
I just realized something when I read that. Abe Sapien from the Hellboy comics would fall in line with you kekkites: a man (de)evolving into a battle-amphibian in order to survive the conditions of the coming world, post-apocalypse.
Man, that's freaky.
Just don't forget just who was eating whom, okay?
Thoth is the Egyptian God of wisdom, in Greek his equivalent was Hermes, father of Hermeticism.
With that in mind, I present pic related.
We have powerful forces with us anons
We're all gonna make it
Based Thoth
thorium energy and cyber enhancements to the human body.
kill yourself
total truth in your post
evolution does not work this way
genes do not work this way
epigenetics does not work this way
please stop
You already have several species branching out :
1- Homo erectus (more commonly called "nigger"), which is the most archaic, but not an ancestor to homo sapiens.
2- Homo sapiens (outside of Africa), with Neanderthal admixture (big brain) and/or Denisovian admixture (slanted eyes).
Evolution favors the most intelligent, and currently there is an effort by a small group of perverted big-nosed sapiens to lower the intelligence of the others by misgenating them with homo-erectus.
The next step of Evolution is to get rid of Homo Erectus as well as said perverted big-nosed perverts.
Whites and asians will genetically engineer themselves.
Jew technocrats like Google, Zuckerberg and Ray Kurzweil will turn themselves into robots. The future will be white and asian supersoldiers versus billions of blacks led by jew supercomputers.
Are you ready for WW3?
B-b-b-but e-eugenics is racist! *palms sweating*
The hyper-man vs the mecha Jew
Let the final battle begin!
nah i meant killing all the jews. Like more than 1/8th sorry yah ye might cry but gotta go.
YHWH can try his luck with the chinks after that.
What if Jews are only surveyor drones for something much worse lurking beyond?
You mean like this?
Ya like i said then that mothers hip can try landing if it wants to. Fat lot of good it will do.
100% Truth. 0% Fiction
It's an interesting read though.
No, it's completely dumb.
100% Informative. 0% Useless
1000% TITS 997% ASS
That's a lot of ass and titties
As some thinkers have pointed out, we are moving towards dehumanization of the mases with a managerial class on top, all the better if they are from a different race. A Jew World Order if you like, similar to an ant society.
In Russia all the million deaths werent enough to provide this outcome, they probably need many generations to breed perfectly adjusted human cattle, but we are getting there.
So whatever you are talking about wont matter much if you belong to the cattle group.
When the white man was directing world policy we focused on space exploration and colonization, now that the jews rule we focus on control technologies, armed automatic robos, and so on.
The Übermensch, a man who transcends morals to think beyond good and evil will replace men whose thought and actions are slave to morality. The dindu is such a creature whose breeding and actions are not constrained by morals. It is inevitable he will become master of the world.
I like that Pepe, adding it to the colletion.
All I know is that the shit going on all around us is evolutionary pressure.
I think the ultimate white flight will be the thing that takes us into space permanently, there seems no other way to get away from the shitskins.
bird shit is white.
That one's easy. The next step is hard uploading to silicon, then to doped diamond. Then build a Dyson sphere around the Sun and turn the solar system into computronium.
When will that happen, realistically?
When will we kill 'all other races'?
Because in todays world I think it's more likely that the Chinese win
We do not fear death, merchant.
I'm gonna need a sauce on that song, budy
Mah nigga
I hope this will catch on. I love the combination of Ivanov paintings and retrofuturism with a racial undercurrent.
(self check)
My pics didn't post. WTF?
Those trips tell of a terrifying future, that our species who came from the monkeys and managed to reach for the stars would return to the monkey…
What's worse is that the world could be mongrelized to such an extent that there will be a permanent and literal Dark Ages. Imagine mocha colored Chinegro-Chicano-Arab hordes defiling Europe and claiming that they built everything that Europeans once did.
Notice how almost always ayylmaos in fiction are of a single race? Either they never evolved separate races, a race war eradicated all but 1 race, or the leading race left their dying homeworld behind. Thus is the future of humanity.
Shit grandpa, get with the times.
We're going to die off because we're a failed genetic direction. The ultimate redpill is that ocean life is the true pinnacle of evolution. Land animals have been wiped many times by mass extinction events but ocean life has endured and has been evolving the whole time. That being said, sharks are likely the pinnacle of evolution on earth since they've survived without changing for millions of years, and they are so fit for purpose that they have zero auxiliary "useless" functions.
This is the true redpill, humans are doomed.
Nigga, please.
Sharks demand a large quantity of food for their diet. They're always just going to be mindless pack animal eating machines.
Nature has proven (due to humans) that even a supposedly weak species can rise to the top simply because it's very smart.
Look at crocodiles. Crocodiles haven't changed for millions of years and they're still just mindless eating machines.
also on a philosophical side, how can you tell our 'spirits' don't live on in the next stage of intelligent terran lifeform/species?
Adapting to it's environment….
As it always has been, as it always will be.
The Elite are the children. Their egos will be their undoing. Nature hasn't finished with them.
I know the sauce.
but I don't want to give you right now. I'll do it tomorrow!
check back tomorrow
Elfen Lied will be the next step on the human evolution when Trump makes anime real.
==the next step of evolution is to get rid of the jew physically.
otherwise there will be no next step==
Is this guy serious?
1. Well map the human genome completely
2. Furfags everywhere will shit their pants over gene therapy
3. Transhumanism is viable and real in 20 years.
We'll reach the level above humanity, play god and turn into a horde of special snowflakes.
However I doubt that we are around that long. A war of apocalyptic proportions is pretty much inevitable.
It's likely most of us die during the next holocaust if that comes to be.
Single global economy and automation will push the competition levels to whole new levels. Everyone will have to compete in everyone in a single arena without any breaks (regulations, taxes, duties).
Academic education and cyborg implants will become a must in order to find any job.
u liar son of the bitch
what a load of shit
The internet is merely a tool to the advancement of the 5th epoch of natural evolution (where information freely travels to every person) to the 6th epoch when we finally harness the nature and power of conscious energy and we connect all to each other with no medium like the internet involved.
We will become the Oosphere.
Proceed? What? Why would we need to, dumb autist. Spiritually, technologically and physically we have reached the peak of our evolution. You'd be retarded to think otherwise