New Varg Video

Video by Varg Vikernes about Hate Crime in Norway. He tells a personal story about anti-white attitudes in prison. Spread around if you can.

Other urls found in this thread:

Varg is pretty cool, but blames virtually everything on Christianity. Nearly every video

Every sane person laughs at Varg.

We could start another religious shit flinging fest, or you could help spread the video, personal stories tend to resonate well with people, that's why kikes use them so much to keep their holohoax relevant.

this just seems obvious to me its odd to me that europeans need to learn that niggers will just attack you randomly

and i laugh at you, shill

that's cool with me, varg

A lot of people are brainwashed and completely out of touch with reality. There's also a lot of people that realise what you posted, but can't really do anything about it because of said brainwashing and hate crime laws.

A lot of prison guards are damn cucks.

You stomp a negros head in and they'll be on your ass.

Varg is defending St. Breivik now? Is there a link to this for context?

Search the channel for 'Breivik', I think he has a few videos related to him.

Video makes me red with anger. That 'police station' needs to be drowned in bogs.

This guy probably thinks Christianity is jewish! Without the Church, there wouldn't even be a Europe right now. It's funny because if you put a redpilled Christian in a room with Varg, both would probably believe the other to be fooled into a jewish ploy.


I wish Fenriz did racialist videos in a Fenriz type way.

He's not wrong though.

Im not a fan of Varg. Seems like a weird dude.

He dances around it because of speech laws in France. But you can tell he supports Breivik.

I wish him and the GoldenOne could stop bitching at each other, they both share almost exactly the same views, and as things are moving, every sane white person will need networking to survive the coming future.

Never seen that.

Fuck the Golden Jew, though

What do you mean by bitching at each other? That video is pretty ironic to me though, because I think he's the one who's compromising.

They had a huge arguent over a video some time ago.

Meh i like him, started going to gym because of his videos, it's pretty clear they are both redpilled, but then again, living in places where you can go to jail for "wrongthink" does put a restrain on what you can speak openly about.


Everything though? Europe hasn't even been Christian for at least several decades. Leftists certainly don't call themselves Christian and most are anti-Christian / pro-Islam, as are the Jews.

It's true that Christianity IS weak on the racial issue and does nothing to prevent racial destruction, but most of rest of the leftist agenda would not stand under a genuine Christianity.

So are you new or a jew?

Honestly you can hate verg for his ideas but you cant claim he is a basement larper he killed a guy and doesnt give a fuck

stop shilling our board and trying to religious derail christcucks

Tons of churches are helping non white invaders. They are open to these people.

You guys use the same talking points as communists


Can you link to a video?

Why do you feel the need to post shit that is practically of no relevance to the OP? Do you feel threatened?


I'm tired of LARPagans. Just as bad an element as Holla Forums was, and just as anti-Christian and autistic as fedoras, kikes, and mudslimes.

let's be real, no person that's not retarded will identify as pagan in real life. it's a meme to sell records and books.

As I said, Christianity is weak on the racial issue.
But there wouldn't be a refugee crisis if we followed Christian Just War theory and moral laws and didn't destroy the Middle East on behalf of the neocon Christ Killers (those who say they are Jews but are the Synagogue of Satan).

The only other issue is that of Christian philosemitism (love Israel no matter what)

Nice argument, but do you really believe the West is in any way Christian? Christianity is a joke and an after though in the West. Eastern Europe (maybe) the only exception.

lol, cute

And I'm tired of cuckolds pushing a foreign Jewish desert religion.

Nevermind, i went to look for it and noticed they are already on good terms again.

greconiggers really aren't white though

Judaism didn't exist until after Christ, you ahistorical snownigger. Israelites were not jews.


Yeah, Varg is known to be pretty blunt when speaking, so don't take any trivial misunderstaing to serious. I think it adds to his integrity though.

So you agree that Christianity is a foreign, non European, desert religion?

So are you denying that the judaism is a semitic releigion or that christianity is a semitic religion?

Judaism isn't even Abrahamic. It's Satanic.

Paganism is universal savagery that has the same customs and faggotry across the world. See pyramids, ziggurats, and mounds.

Eastern Europe has the biggest pagan movement russia almost has a million.

Just a simple google search will show you that Judaism is older than Christianity, which is why the latter is based on the former. Stop spreading disinfo.

Meant to post this along with that.

Yeah that's "Abrahamism." All three major branches are a corrosive force but in different ways.

I have never read something more retarded in my entire life rome was pagan and great pre christianity. Christcucks had to adopt roman values to cease being savages. We were great pre christ

He deserves to be free of this flip shota imageboard. He's done more than any of these wannabe podcast celebs that re-purpose memes and only contribute their sycophantic views like SJW's.

Titus get the cross

True. He's a level above most of us.

Source of our planet is extraterrestrial. You are scourge on the soil of our fathers and ancestral atoms.

Your podcast celebs have nothing to do with this place either. None of them were borne of here but elsewhere, like Faceberg and Twatter.

Judaism isn't mosaic. It's Talmud and Kabbalah blasphemy spouted by rabbinical kikes. They don't even follow the fucking Old Testament.

Desperate snownigger.

The Romans and all of Europe accepted Christ, and not by the sword. Honor the wisdom of your ancestors you contrarian faggot.

The Roman accepted the most useful cult of the time and forced said cult to adopt roman virtues. The patriarch and earlier the pope were just political tools for roman emperors. Western civilization existed before Christianity it's going to outlive Christianity

Also no most of europe converted for trade deals and so they could raid thier neighbors land. That's why modern Christianity is heavily Pagan an influenced Christmas is a pagan holiday and Santa is a pagan god. Large swathes of eastern and northern europe were converted by force particularly the saxons. The balts never submitted to the christnigger god

Yeah ok.

That's all you have to say? Alright then.

I would really like to see some sources for this, because it doesn't make any sense.


Can you blame him or any other person that has no dog in the fight? I don't care about the religious squabbles at all, but growing up in a Christian family at least my own father was smart enough to recognize the Jesuits and Christianity was not spread through just peaceful preaching.

Bible in one hand and sword in the other. The only difference between that and Judaism and Islam is that Islam carries two blades while the jews carry lies and money bags.

Here's something to mull over.

Bahai missing

I don't think Varg is an "assatru".
We aren't.

I'm curious, when were they not in good terms? I was only aware of them having talking to each other when TheGoldenOne made that video. They seem friendly.

Or have white kids in the meantime.

Just by the title of the video I can see the author doesn't know a lot about it (there was no shamanism in Europe), but he's not far off. I already posted this in the other thread, so I'll just paste it here:

Talking about Santa:
"He's not a deity, it was a part of initialization ritual where children went to where their ancestors were buried and took their belongings, than they gave them to the village elder.
Months later, the elder gathered the children and divided them in two groups, those who succeeded (good children) and those who failed (bad children).
Good children proved to be worthy of becoming their ancestors and the elder gave to each children his ancestor's belongings. Bad children were given ashes or dirt and had to wait for the next year."

That's just a part of it in a nutshell though.

Just like there were no white people in Europe until da white man took it from the black natives.

Lapplanders were shamanic, and I'm fairly sure Uralics were as well.

There was Siberians that practiced it. No proof exists of Shamanism being a part of European ancestral religions, it's probably just another myth like Berserks using mushrooms when fighting.

The very word 'Shamanism' doesn't originate from European languages. From what I understand it's basically people drugging themselves to see things.

Acting 13 was never cool

Varg Posters Kill yourselves

Acting 13 was never cool

Varg Posters Kill yourselves

Acting 13 was never cool

Varg Posters Kill yourselves

Acting 13 was never cool

Varg Posters Kill yourselves

Acting 13 was never cool

That's why you don't see anyone saging the thread with retarded redtext.

Reminder that the redtext sagespammer is likely one of the mods.

Hitler never said that what's written in 1st quote. It was Otto Strasser.

Not to mention it's all propaganda, although the SS who were all "god believers." Which one(s) didn't matter.

Yeah, and that Himmler's quote obviously doesn't imply a Christian God.

Oh look….that kike faggot imkampfy bumplocked the thread.

I wonder what percentage of Christians are against racism by comparison? I wonder what percentage of Christians believe that "Jews are Gods chosen people"? Come to think of it I wonder what percentage of Christians are white are even part white?

I'm fine with that as long as molyjew and other e-celeb threads get anchored as well.

The funny thing is that those 'pagans' can't really follow European religions because in order to do that, they themselves would have to be Europeans while everyone can be Christian.

Good video.

TL DR Varg explains how they try to frame you for racism so as to apologise for immigrant and left wing violence.

It's a fucking Varg thread, there was no fucking instigation from the few asatruars on Holla Forums.

This proves it is not Christians or Asatruars posting this D&C shit, it is shills who want to divide us

Howdy, my name is Kenichi Smith.

I’m a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)

I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%

When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer!

I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in America!

Fucking kill yourself

So you want a catalog that's filled with youtube videos? Molyneux threads are a live proof of what happens if they are allowed to go on forever.
The point of this thread was to spread the video about something everyone here already knows, which you would know I support if you'd read my first post ITT.
I do agree that it was anchored too fast, but keeping it up for too long results in nothing really useful or interesting to talk about.

He and his wife do rewrite history.
For example, according to Varg the ancient Scandinavians didn't use any sort of drug. When asked about Berserks possibly using Amanita muscaria to assist their blood frenzies, he started banning anyone who entertains the possibility.
Much of this stems from his ignorance of drugs.
Every ancient people has exploited plants which gave them an advantage, psychologically, physically, medically and Odin's journey to the underworld is an archetypal example of the shamanic journey.

Checking myself, looks like my post is blessed so I will continue.

In fact Varg repeatedly refers to a pan-European pagan civilization which he claims shared his view of Germanic paganism. Well, the oldest representations of Psilocybe mushrooms are found in French cave paintings, paintings made by these ancestors he continually talks about. By the same people who built the burial mounds he is so fond of visiting. Their cult was a mushroom cult, not a bear cult. The caves were shamanic ritual retreats, as evidenced by the visionary art found within them, not a fucking "bear den" where people larped at being momma bears.

As for the Norse tales, again the mushroom symbolism is hard to overlook.
Thor, the thunder God. What looks like a hammer from the side? What starts growing after thunder storms? What always grows back in the same place (the hammer returns.)
Too bad that Varg is so closed minded in this respect because he's pretty much the only right-wing persona with a sizeable following who has not been coopted/subsumed into the large e-celeb collective currently milking the right.
Sinead Mccarthy has been targeting his wife with this "Heathen Women" shit though, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if that site was set up specifically to win over Varg and Marie.

oh let me guess. Whites were the "real" Israelites?

You realize the definition of a church is a congregation and doesn't mean the physical building, right?

probably a muslim

maybe you shouldn't have burned fucking churches down you fucking retard.

He didn't…
Leave it to the dumbest Holla Forumsacks to eat up jewish propaganda