OP here. Sorry about the archive. I was being lazy as I am spamming a lot sites. I'm not selling this stuff or anything I'm just mad it this lastest of stupid shit our government is doing but affects me personally.
As for addiction. I have a harder time with the "opiates" in cheese than I have with Kratom. I use abuse "cheddar" far more than I abuse Kratom.
Most Kratom users are the same, I use kratom because I don't be to be addict and abuse drug. I did lots of research to find a solution to my chronic pain with the least possibility of addiction so you you dare go on your high horse about addiction when you a probably an obese porn abusing, cheese eating, caffine addicted video game chan abusing NEET.
I used to a 325 lbs fat fuck NEET until I started using, lost weight, got fit, and got a job. I did that because that plant is medicine.
I use kratom as pre-work as it contain Yohimbine.
If you any of /fit/ people have every used a pre-workout with caffine and yohimbine with a pain killer you've are essentially a kratom addict but without the benefits of healthy antioxidents, phenols, and antinflamitories compounds.
Most pre-workout are are much worse and more addicting than Kratom.
RedBull and Monster abuse is more common than Kratom abuse could every be and far more deadly because caffine doesn't have a built in limiter.
Kratom is less addicting or dangerous than coffee and in fact it cousin of coffee. The DEA is basically calling coffee heroin.
If you use too much you'll throw up so you can't overdose. I only use because of major pain issues. I can get and I'm much more likely abuse opiates.
You "herbal Jews" Pharma kikes are stupid as Fck or must be mormons cause basically you have banned a energy tea. It is traditionally used to get people off opiates and treat addictions.
Nobody smokes this stuff. You drink it or take capsules. It doesn't damage your health in anyway and has all benefits of drinking herbal Teen. The DEA will probably ban Yeba Mate next cause sure some Mormon/Jew will get will run a few media scare story about how Yeba Mate is literally LSD or or something and "herbal Jew" will buy that bullshit cause you like being told what to do by funny underwear people.