Kratom Banned

The Pharma Jew is at it again.

This plant literally saved me from being a jobless NEET cause it lets me work without unbearable back pain and major depression. The DEA is literally thousands of people with this cause they will go back to heroin, bezos, oxy, etc..

No doubt the hand rubbing merchants are behind this and the benefit is that I will now have extra cash for bullets and an AR. Once again Jews have fcked me personally.

Hopefully someone will dig the names of the Jews responsible and I will crave the names of these kikes into every bullet of a magazine named for each these fuckers.

I used to somewhat moderate on question of Jews. I thought maybe we could confine to Isreal and simply ignore while go into space after we have our own ethnostates.

Now I'm full 14/88. These fuckers have to die. Gas every single one these amoral shekel grubbing stinking ugly sweaty Fucks and hang that stupid King Nigger too and then throw the corpse into ocean in the tradition Islam.

Here's the useless net petition for what it is worth:

Other urls found in this thread:

I have never tried this but the only people I know that smoke this are too broke to afford regular cannabis so they resort to this mystery herb.

Why should we care?

Kratom is the herbal jew though.
fuck outta here junkie degenerate.
tbh i dont know what the fuck kratom is, sounds like weed for homos though

I spent an entire morning puking my guts out because I took a little too much of that stuff.

It's an opiate, OP, the same class of drug as heroin or morphine. Careful with that shit

Mild stimulant with pain and anxiety-reducing properties. I used to take pills of it, when I could find the good stuff for cheap. It's illegal in its native environment, which I think is Thailand, but the stuff grows like kudzu there so enforcement is moot.

Much easier to leverage people with an illicit addiction; Pretty easy to do it with a legit narcotic RX too. Aside from the control aspect, (((they))) make money from the distribution AND enforcement AND treatment sides of it.

The above is why drugs are so degenerate. Don't give someone else this much control over you.

Ibogaine HCL

cures opiate addiction

among other things

if you survive the trip

Sounds like a real fucking buzz kill, man. Better start doing heroin and blame it on the man. Keep up the good fight.

Just do what everyone with sense does and grow a little plant of your own and keep that nigger well hidden. The only people that get busted for growing illegal shit are the retards selling it or having the pot on the fucking window that faces the street.

How do you live with yourself?

What are you in middle school?

looks like i get to just keep abusing alcohol

This thread will be hit hard by tight assed hardline straight edge Holla Forumsacks and shills alike.

Stay away from the pharma, OP. A terrible path awaits if you get on pain pills. Look for natural alternatives.

Kratom, when used responsibly (LIKE ALL SUBSTANCES, INCLUDING SUGAR YOU FAT FUCKS) can be a blessing for those in your situation. Of course the kikes will do whatever they can to keep it away from the Goyim.

Do not despair, change is coming on a massive scale. Firemonkey is here, Firecock is on the horizon. Keep your powder dry and eyes on a swivel, and work through the pain.


I know your pain, bro.

I wake up feeling like galvanized plumbers tape has been wrapped around my shin bones and is being drawn tight on a winch. Doctors want me to be happy with fucking Tramadol. It's barely more effective than Tylenol.

We're all gonna make it, bro.

alcohol acidifies the body, making arthritis worse

alkalize instead, and grow healthy




I wonder what that response would be.

At least you guys have a nice taste in memes


Kratom is a mild downer with activity on the mu-opioid receptor, not a stimulant. It's closer to codeine and morphine than any other types of drugs. Yes it can be addictive, just like any opioid.

Even though you take it regularly you apparently barely know shit about it.

A fucking response

I swear people on this board can't into sarcasm/mockery or don't even read a post before they reply.

I just don't get it. Why ban Kratom? What benefit could this POSSIBLY have? Who is behind this? Who specifically. Was it some company?

I mean normies don't even know really what this is and when they try it they hate it because

Its called autism

'alkaloids'? I was referring to alkaline water. Maybe some healthy herbal teas. Arthritis is a pain, but it can be beaten back with healthy living.

And for kids who would be messing around with Kratom, your sarcasm may save face, but it could also be lost on them.

Took it regularly for about a month, until my supply dried up.

Yeah, I know it's addictive. I said stimulant unthinkingly because it cleared my mind and allowed me to be more productive.

I don't know anything about it, but can't you buy canaboid oil which provides pain relief without the THC?

Pain does impede concentration and productivity, that's why the analgesic effects actually help you with both.

t. person with chronic pain that can only turn to the bottle for relief because medical kikes won't allow pain meds.


There's definitely an attempt by pharma to make everyone dependable on their products that are in a lot of cases delibiretely made as a bad alternative in order for them to sell more of it, however, just as with their
drugs, if you need to keep taking this plant to handle your depression you're just letting your mind getting used to your weakness.

if you're gonna abuse alcohol… Take B12 WITH THE ALCOHOL to reduce liver damage 90%

Any questions?

that should tell you something.
kikery confirmed

pussys ITT tbh

But weed is better

Thiamine (B1) and pretty much all water-soluble vitamins are at a risk of deficiency with alcohol abuse.

Weed is for niggers, amphetamines are völkisch.

Different strains of Kratom have different effects. For instance, there's famous strain well known that provides stimulating, energetic effects called Maeng Da.

Not my weed.
I personally grow the dankest shit in existence and then turn it into discrete oils and scent them.

I fucked up

must be from the brain damage

I swear this image worked yesterday.

Retard. Amphetamines will fucking kill your brain. You can smoke weed for years an not get fucked over…

Fuckin Germans

You should know that nothing that smokes weed ever works for long, faggot.

i'm sorry to hear that bro. osteo, rheumatoid or psoriatic?

i remember when tramadol was sched 4 and they happily gave me some of both, then it got moved to 3 and suddenly my doctor said "oh, you're not supposed to take both, you'll get too sedated! pick one or the other" even though i had taken both for a while and was fine. i'm sure the DEA just leans on the doctors and they're terrified of consequences.

i just want to function and keep going with life.

it's funny how that works. i can take something that's supposed to be sedating, or drink mildly, and i'm actually more alert and functional than before.

thanks for the advice

I remember this nigger
top kek archweed you are slipping, butane = brain damage you better be using ice water extraction and grinding that shit into a fine ass powder so it rends direct to oil.
only works with 30%> shit though, or else plant matter gets into the mix.

OP here. Sorry about the archive. I was being lazy as I am spamming a lot sites. I'm not selling this stuff or anything I'm just mad it this lastest of stupid shit our government is doing but affects me personally.

As for addiction. I have a harder time with the "opiates" in cheese than I have with Kratom. I use abuse "cheddar" far more than I abuse Kratom.

Most Kratom users are the same, I use kratom because I don't be to be addict and abuse drug. I did lots of research to find a solution to my chronic pain with the least possibility of addiction so you you dare go on your high horse about addiction when you a probably an obese porn abusing, cheese eating, caffine addicted video game chan abusing NEET.

I used to a 325 lbs fat fuck NEET until I started using, lost weight, got fit, and got a job. I did that because that plant is medicine.

I use kratom as pre-work as it contain Yohimbine.

If you any of /fit/ people have every used a pre-workout with caffine and yohimbine with a pain killer you've are essentially a kratom addict but without the benefits of healthy antioxidents, phenols, and antinflamitories compounds.

Most pre-workout are are much worse and more addicting than Kratom.

RedBull and Monster abuse is more common than Kratom abuse could every be and far more deadly because caffine doesn't have a built in limiter.

Kratom is less addicting or dangerous than coffee and in fact it cousin of coffee. The DEA is basically calling coffee heroin.

If you use too much you'll throw up so you can't overdose. I only use because of major pain issues. I can get and I'm much more likely abuse opiates.

You "herbal Jews" Pharma kikes are stupid as Fck or must be mormons cause basically you have banned a energy tea. It is traditionally used to get people off opiates and treat addictions.

Nobody smokes this stuff. You drink it or take capsules. It doesn't damage your health in anyway and has all benefits of drinking herbal Teen. The DEA will probably ban Yeba Mate next cause sure some Mormon/Jew will get will run a few media scare story about how Yeba Mate is literally LSD or or something and "herbal Jew" will buy that bullshit cause you like being told what to do by funny underwear people.

But the Nazis put it in chocolate.

Does it even smell?

asking for a friend


lol wut

Half Jewish

Half Asian

100% British


Call down Bill Lee


I don't disagree with you being someone who has never tried it. I use Kratom as it beats the drug tests I am frequently required to do.

It's just I don't get why to ban Kratom.

isn't phenibut some kind of commie drug?

It'll probably be on the darknet in a couple months if you really need it that bad

As long as my special snowflake research chemicals don't get banned

God you solventless people are annoying do you have any idea whats in the food you eat every day, let me guess you are exclusively vegan organic?

The spoopyweb?

So are they planning to make the drug themselves? Because I don't even go to the doctor nor will I ever. It's not like them banning it from me is going to somehow make them more profitable unless their going to suddenly sell it otc?

Help I'm dumb, just trying to connect the dots here fam

During war time, the US and Britain supplied amphetamines to their soldiers in WW2 too (benzedrine caps). The dosage in chocolate was extremely small compared to what methheads use, even the caps (those were amphetamine, not meth, unlike the chocolate) had a small dosage comparable to what is prescribed to hyperactive kids. Meth is a known neurotoxin even at moderate dosage. That shit should not be used outside extreme contexts such as war.

like gummy bears, no dank smell

You can't have the goyim self medicating

It's a substance that kills your anxiety and gives you confidence. (I have social anxiety). It was used by astronauts in Russia because it's one of the only drugs that kills anxiety without affecting performance.
There's basically no side effects unless you take it every day for months and then stop cold turkey, and it's also dirt cheap and legal.

this is a good thing you degenerates

OP Here. I'm not a kid. I'm 35. I am health nut and I decided on Kratom after researching many different herbs to fix my pain and depression. I did so that I didn't become "weed dude." I wanted something that didn't damage my ability to think clearly. White Kratom increase concentration without upping cortisol. Natural Kratom is just about only the substance that is nootropic, antiflamitory, pain killer, stimulate or relaxing calcium channel blocker depending on strain.

As for it being illegal in Thailand. Their government is consider making legal and removing prohibition

Quote from the Thai Office of the Narcotics Control Board: In Thailand, kratom was first scheduled for control in 1943 under the Kratom Act. At the time, the government was levying taxes from users and shops involved in the opium trade. Because of the increasing opium costs, many users were switching to kratom to manage their withdrawal symptoms. However, the launch of the Greater East Asia War in 1942 and declining revenues from the opium trade pushed the Thai government into action to curb and suppress competition in the opium market by making kratom illegal.[3]

They banned it cause they wanted addicts.

That fag isn't me.

Yes, I can guarantee you that even scented oils smell enough like cannabis to get your ass kicked by security/cops.

How? It makes my life 10x times better. My life is shit man.

I think your kratom use exacerbated your retardation. We know you're OP.

Time to get rid of the DEA. They refused reclassification of cannabis last week.

Phenitbut is basically alcohol without damaging your liver. You basically makes you drunk and pass out and it gives me a hangover. It is way more addicting than Kratom.

Fuck off Schlomo.

Hello My Fellow Nazi, we do not have FBI here and you are not FBI isn't that Right fellow Nazi, now when are we going to beat up some dyndoos

Here's the well know degenerates of Red Ice Radio program about Kratom.

Kratom has many well know Alt-Right degenates like Lana Lokteff and Victor Pride.

I found out Kratom about on manosphere edgy Alt-Right fitness sites.

To put on Tin-Foil for second maybe this DEA decision is a plot to put Alt-Righter who suffer from chronic pain off their game cause Kratom is the prefered herb of Edgy RedPilled White men. It might also have to do the war on T cause weed and Jew pharma optiates lower T but Kratom doesn't.

They want us on brain killing opiates and weed.

Yea what this user said.

Amphetamines are for real war time. Meth is basically sacrificing your future and sanity for temporary gains.

Thailand banned it because it infringed on the government's cut of the heroin money, Golden Triangle and all. Indonesia recently fucked with the exporters so they could shake them down for "licensing fees". Now the DEA is coming down on it here. That should tell you something.

I don't even know what's wrong with me. It's usually in the muscles, but at its worst it gets into my shins just an inch below the knees. It started in my ankles and has worked its way north over a decade, and now I'm starting to get tingles in my hands, too.

Shit sucks for the foreseeable future.

inb4 "NEW MIRACLE CURE FOR OPIOID ADDICTION!" based on 7-hydroxy-mitragynine

I take kratom every day and have on and off since 2009. It is to me as coffee is to most. It is absolutely ludicrous they are banning it as a Sch I with no medical value. It has saved thousands of lives.

The kikery is unreal.

And history continues to rhyme…

Fuck off

This is proven quackery, almost on the level of homeopathy


Have you ever done drugs? Ive been smoking for almost a decade and it just takes the edge off like a beer.

I did amphetamines for a month and lost my mind completely to the point where I still act like a crack head.

Your talking about something you probably know nothing about.

Once again the stoner vs. non-stoner argument hijacks a much more important thread. You fucking burnouts are a broken record.

Wooooow you what, bought an apex CO2 extractor then add artificial terpenes? Sooooo genius. Especially since that's the method people use to get use out of shitty outdoor.

Drug addicts like OP will be roped. Even though he's probably astroturfing

Eh I wouldn't trust most extractors, many fill their rotovaps up the entire fucking way and make it go full speed

cuz fuck Kratom lol. That's nigger shit like pcp and malt liquor.

Dude I have OCD, depression, and severe anxiety since age 5. Weed can be a great medicine. If it wasn't for weed i'd be drinking and taking pills. Fuck you.

I'm suprised nobody noticed the edgy as fuck "These fuckers have to die. Gas every single one these amoral shekel grubbing stinking ugly sweaty Fucks and hang that stupid King Nigger too and then throw the corpse into ocean in the tradition Islam." part especially as info has come recently that the new shill wave is to incite violence or make it look like it's inciting violence to make us look like the stereotypically media depiction of a Nazi Skinhead Degenerate and not take our ideas at face value because of that

yeah, tells me it's some degenerate mind-altering garbage.

kek weed does pretty much the same thing as neuroleptics only it's a lot more enjoyable and doesn't make you go full nutjob when you try to quit.
it's going to make your (((mental illnesses))) worse if anything.
t. smoked pot and did MDA daily for two years and am now missing fifteen IQ points.


Look nothing wrong with hating kikes, its just that I'm pretty sure this thread is designed as a way to make us look violent

You're stupid if you're not using

kek, kratom is illegal yet you can extract enough codeine to OD from $10 in otc pills.
farms > pharms

is that even considered bait?

Yea blame the extacy not the pot. I lost 5 IQ points in a matter of weeks with Amphetamines. The only problem with pot is it controls my sleep and hunger/ fucks with my short term memory. No long term damage realized yet tho.

What do you mean? With pot I don't feel the need to take harder drugs but if a don't smoke for 2 or 3 days I want to take oxy, addies, or whatever I can get my hands on because I become depressed and hopeless.

Lmfao yea i wasn't trying very hard with that one.

why? because OP damn well knows we hate the mind-altering shite?
nobody here wants violence, we just want to help out addicts

Pot doesn't do long term damage, it's all in the short term lad. you won't be able to sleep without it, makes you jumpy, forget things etc. that will never go away and only get worse until you're living in shit.

Because why the fuck not

I know that, but I dunno, it just feels off to me, I can't full explain it but OP does seem like he might be from the outside

enjoy undergoing psychosis when your dopamine production hits an all time low, but by that time you'll probably be an intellectual vegetable anyway

it should feel off, OP is a fucking degenerate who's raging hard at the fact his shitty schizophrenia-plant got prohibited.

Ive never known what MDA is. I thought you ment MDMA. All I know is people who take "molly" around here are all fucking retarded.

Ive already been psychotic and I only smoke half a small bowl a day (ironically just enough to keep me from going psychotic).

Well ill find out soon enough if I become a vegetable.

But you don't realize how mild marijuana can be in moderation. I need one or two cups of coffee to get me up and moving in the morning, but by about 1 pm I start to crash and feel a little off. I need that half bowl at 1 pm to level the playing field or else I would go unchecked into crack world.

Leave the science to adults and fuck you for voting for cruz you texas faggot.

Speaking as an off and on degenerate, kratom is absolutely not worth the horrific taste and belching even in pill form.

Switch it for cyanide and do society a favor.

my proxy isn't even from there lel.

MDA is like MDMA but more psychedelic and less "I want to dance and act like a sperg or meditate for 9 hours" it's like the perfect spot in between the two extremes MDMA can give you, you're still aware of everything but also aware that it's different and just become enthralled with that.
it makes you retarded too tbh, I spent six hours looking at one of those blacklights shining it on all the filth in my room, in retrospect it was a really fucked up time.
weed won't keep you from going psychotic, if anything will make it happen quicker.

They banned it so they could make a shittier and far more expensive drug with half the effects and twice the side effects. Like always.

Schedule 1 classification is supposed to be for drugs that are highly addictive and have zero medical application, right? Why the fuck do they keep putting things on there that obviously do not fit the defined standards?

I don't see why so many of you are so against things like Marijuana for example.

Marijuana is a useful substance and it has helped me see things from different perspectives and in more detail.

There is frankly no legitimate reason to be against marijuana and all I have to say is that you should try it at least 3 times before you denounce it.

Phenibut is basically a harder kratom. Strong anti-anxiety effects, intoxication at high doses, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. But at healthy doses, very effective at reducing anxiety. Very effective for social anxiety. Kratom has more painkiller effects than phenibut, though.


Never thought I'd see that name on Holla Forums. Next you'll tell me about goodlookingloser.

Why were you smoking it daily? And you call me a degenerate. I retired from the Army, came home and now I am a weekend toker.

I also work a successful trade job in a legal state. True, before I joined the Army it made you sluggish and forgetful after daily use but smoking a few joints on the weekend is harmless.

Damn that sounds crazy. I haven't done any psychedelics because I'm already a nut job and prolly couldn't handle a bad trip.

I think it just depends on the person really. For me, I only take 3 or 4 hits a day and it keeps me from flipping out on SJW's or wanting to kill myself because everything is so fucked up, it helps me let go and just focus on my own things.

This isn't a weed thread, user. Kratom is a more beneficial drug than weed, aside from a few cancer-related medical applications.

So it went from "Marijuana isn't bad" to "A little Marijuana is only a little bad".

Druggos can never maintain consistency, because your entire argument is revolving around hedonism.

What if your end game is frying your brain so you don't have to face reality?

Do you think the only drugs with medicinal benefits are prescribed by doctors or sold over the counter?

It's that fucking mindset that has the pharmaceutical fucks ban good drugs like kratom and then sell a shitty derivative of them.

You are such a nit picker. It's obviously a little bad but not bad enough to be a major public health concern. How about you try to refute my central point next time than trying to trim loose threads.

No it's being made into a schedule 1 substance

Weed is still schedule 1 but they still sell weed derivative medicines with pure CBD or THC.

Smoking it does shit. You have to ingest it.

You've got it wrong, this is about grave-digging the substance before it can receive appropriate attention via research.

They have no intent of making their own analogue, sched 1 is the equivalent of giving it a mojave desert burial.

4chan is here again. make them go away.

No, I try to avoid drugs in general wherever possible.
So you make an assumption and then roll with it because you simply cannot fathom that a person would attempt to avoid popping pills or smoking the plant of the month.

So now you swap the position again. You don't even fucking TRY to be consistent.
You mean the "there is no legitimate reason to be against Marijuana, you should try it 3 times you nerd" which was refuted within 5 fucking minutes by ?

That's a politically induced exception, I highly doubt Kratom will be so lucky.

All that does is prove how stubborn the USG is about keeping substances on that list which don't belong.

Man this is why I never come on Holla Forums any more. Everyone here is so fucking anal and serious all the time. When is the last time you felt joy? When is the last time you didn't take everything so seriously. All a bunch of INTJ's in here.

Learn to have fun again. Not every moment of your life has to be so fucking serious and "For the greater good".

How is it an opiate if it isn't from the opium plant?

You're switching your fucking position AGAIN dude, holy shit.
I can have fun without drugs, I know the concept might surprise you but some people are capable of finding joy by their own volition and action.
You're just a liberal, figures.


Go ahead and leave faggot. No one cares about your degenerative shit head behavior.
Painfully obvious you aren't from here.
gas yourself

It activates opioid receptors.

because I was a massive degenerate and drug addict living in a shithole with other degenerate drug addicts.
I am still working to quit tobacco, but at least not smoking death sticks or mouth fedoras. (I smoke a pipe in AM and PM and quit date for AM pipe is day after tomorrow) I'm not trying to hide that, you're trying to justify using mind-altering substances.
tbh you shouldn't even be drinking coffee or strong tea.

No time to feel joy when you're in an eternal struggle for survival you hippie cunt.

Why fucking ban drugs at all? it's a self-solving problem.
It's all security theater, like the safety measures taken at the airport.