Windows 10 class action lawsuit in the works

A couple of guys are suing Microsoft for automatic Windows 10 installations destroying precious data.

Other urls found in this thread:

They'll just pull terms & conditions and show that when windows 10 is installed you give microsoft the ownership to your life and soul.

You can't sue microsoft for being retarded enough to install that pile of digital cancer.

You took it right out of my mouth

Like user said they can't do anything if you read the contract, you basically authorize Microsoft do what ever they want.
They covered themselves by disclosing that you authorized them to do X.
They covered themselves by disclosing that they aren't responsible for events that could led to ANY problem with the system.

People should really read these contracts.
Because even if they are an abomination most juridical courts authorize such abuse, even if it goes against all the basics of freedoms.

EULAs don't mean shit. If judge finds it to be malicious or unlawful Microsoft can't do shit about that

You cannot read and understand them if you don't know lawyerspeak.

I don't know "lawyerspeak" and English isn't even my first language, yet I understood that the Win10 EULA is a fucking abomination in which they restrict their users, give themselves the rights to do basically anything they want with the computer, it's data and software; and then wash their hands by saying that there is no warranty included with the OS.

That mentality is toxic. Companies and government want it's people to be lazy and useless because they're easier to manipulate that way. We shouldn't tell people that it's okay to avoid reading contracts (or anything, really) because they're "hard". People needs to step out of their comfort zone.

you just don't have to be american

When was the last time Microsoft had to legally publish source and compiler to prove that they correctly disable telemetry/spying function ?
And that the next update won't reactivate them ?

If you can't understand words take a dictionary.
Or am I mentally superior ?
I don't think so.

So much this.

I am not sure of what you meant.
Microsoft adapts the text depending on the country.
Same shit with for example adobe.
Read them, it's quite interesting for some country exceptions where reverse engineering is authorized by the German laws.

How to work out who will win a US court case:
Ask 'who has the most money?'.

>implying you have to be a lawyer to understand that the EULA says can spy on you and do whatever the fuck they want, and aren't liable for anything to the maximum extent permitted by law
It's people's fault if they're too lazy to read and understand they're getting conned/deceived/misled/shortchanged/swindled/scammed/etc.
I wish people read EULAs, they would quickly realize how shit proprietary software is and raise a stink/ditch it.

so why not just take pictures of the EULA and spread pictures around

If your data is precious, you shouldn't be using a toy OS in the first place.

Good thing EULAs only mean something in shitholes like clapistan

Oh wait they're in that shithole, lmao

So you believe you can sue Microsoft if you're not in America?

You can sue Microsoft even if you're in America, the people in the article already did you retard.

Wait you think you have to be american to sue microsoft?

Because it's fucking massive to read.
Honestly go see a normie and say

If EULAs are not enforcable outside of America, then users have no case to sue Microsoft when Windows delete data from automatic updates.


What does EULA have to do with defective products?

Do you know what the EULA stands for, let alone what it says?



So will I have to wait a few weeks for any announcements for legal proceedings or is this going to not get any coverage?



Cucks like this aren't exactly helping:
People like that should be gassed

And how come the (((EU))) or anyone else for that matter has reacted so slowly to this?

Fuck Win10, I'm never moving to that shit. My employer will probably skip Win10 for Win 13 or some shit specifically because of the EULA shit. I fucking had WinDicks.

The Microsoft end user license agreement says that they are not responsible for any loss of data caused by the normal operation of the OS.

This was all written into the EULA. This is what people chose to do when they installed Windows and accepted the EULA.

Abolish all laws. It's people's own fault if they get victimized.

First of all: clicking on "Next" without unchecking a checkbox somewhere in a hidden submenu is not the same as taking a pen and write a signature on it proving that YOU are the one who signed it.

Microsoft (and most of the software companies) are accepting any click as a signature. Would it be legal for your bank to accept a black dot as your signature, and authenticate you with that? No. The problem is just that the law didn't caught up with Holla Forums. But once it does, these EULAs will be very different.

There is an unwritten law that comes with every contract: you are responsible for writing the contract. If you write a contract to decieve someone, your write it in a bad faith, you are responsible for that too. The GameStation's "We own your soul" contract was a joke, Microsoft's is not. That is a huge difference.

The majority of "people", and what the various chans consider to be "normies", are a breed that cannot think for themselves and will follow whatever power gives them food, water, a home to live in, and safety, whether it is the government in place at this moment, or a new government spawned from the movements of the "enlightened". They are ignorant enough to use a service and refuse to read the terms of service or privacy policy because it is simply to long, or it is a trivial matter to them as they are not important enough in the grand scheme of life.

It is not worth my or your time to aid "normies" in the conquest of freedom and privacy as they simply won't care and will continue to be mindless and followers until they die, unfortunately reproducing before that event and spreading their ignorance and cancer for new generations.

I completely agree with this on an user-to-user level. But too many people out there are dumb and lazy, and companies obviously love to exploit that. Insofar as many people are like that all this shit will get worse and worse and worse. So the solution isn't to yell at some dumb fucks one by one that they should fucking learn to read - and they really should in general. It's to attack the source of evil itself with all the weapons available.

There have been cases where EULAs get thrown out of the window if they're written in a way that makes them barley understandable for the average consumer.
Though in M$ case I guess they simply throw money at the problem and that'll be it.

Why are shilling for M$? Obviously they're way more powerful than our ability to convince all people in the world to read their EULA. Going door to door and organizing EULA study groups is not a winning strategy. It seems like you want us to lose and this is some retarded subversion attempt because your employer is a cheap bastard and is willing to pay only retarded shills like you.


Any politics is full of contradictions. Only armchair commentators see this as a problem, the rest just play the power games.

I want people to take the EULA seriously then choose to actively reject the EULA and their use of Windows. This is what I did when I took the time to read the thing. This also goes for iOS and OS X.

You are fat and greasy.

You can't sue microsoft.

They don't need to publish source code or a compiler for the claimant to prove they lost data because of automatic updating you fucking retard.

The problem is twofold:
People don't take EULAs seriously, which lets companies include the most outlandishly ludicrous terms without anyone batting an eye. Then when they try to enforce their bullshit terms, whether against the law or not, companies get away scot-free claiming "it's a contract, whatever it says is true".

If you get out of your mother's basement for 5 minutes and look around you, you might notice that in society, other people's shit choices affect you. Just look at the (actual) botnets and DDoS made possible by insecure, unconfigurable, data-mining, proprietary IoT crap. Look at Adobe Flash. Look at Skyke and Kikebook. We would be much better off if normies had bothered themselves to find proper alternatives or had known the dark truth and not bought into it at all.

The nearly impossible way to solve these problems is getting normies to stop being sheeple and become computer-literate, and abandon the baby duck syndrome and spoonfeeding dependency; make them able to actually learn for themselves so that they understand that software (copies) being "licensed, not sold", only allowing 'official signed updates', forcing updates, requiring an internet connection to work locally, tracking everything you do and phoning home with your data, revoking licenses on a whim, disabling your garage door because you left a negative review, etc. is not ok.

In Clapistan, with class-action waivers and arbitration clauses, that may fly, but I highly doubt that will work in Europe.

Like they did when Microsoft was sued for breaking anti-monopoly laws? Oh, wait...

A better metric is "who has the most jews".

not that it matters, but windows 10 does kill hdds

i installed w10 on my mom's laptop that is a core2duo and i noticed an unusual hdd activity that had drive at 100% for very long periods of time. At the time didn't think much of it, until my mom told me the computer didn't start.

who would have thought

but there's nothing i can do, one, because the hdd already had like 8 years (but mostly light use), but more importantly, two, i live in a third world shithole and was pirating it.

just google "windows 10 harddrive at 100%"