So it looks like the federal government is trying to exert more power over elections. I'm sure the 50 state-chosen Obama third term will be a historic election.
Homeland eyes special declaration to take charge of elections
Other urls found in this thread:
Wouldn't the more rational way to stop people fucking with the elections is not host them digitally?
But then there would be slightly more work and there wouldn't be a problem for the federal government to fix. Quit thinking like a racist, user.
Postal ballots work apparently.
But then how would we ri… conveniently count the votes goy?
If trump manages to overcome the obvious rigging fraud, he should make sure to get rid of the digital and postal voting system. Even leftist boards would agree if we use the "muh evil rich republicans will use this" meme.
You can rig the paper voting too, it's just more complex and much more expensive.
So much for preserving the integrity of the vote.
I'm half expecting Comey to say there are too many white people voting and they're working to correct this disparity
Same Department of Homeland Security that shills for more Rapefugees
How the heck does more refugees help our "Homeland Security"? Our whole Federal government is corrupt Orwellian trash and should not be given any more responsibility until after the purge.
what are you saying?
In USA newspeak everything is opposite of what it is, war - peace, freedom - slavery, security - threat etc. So they are just honoring the tradition.
Because how could they then claim Trump only won because of Russian hackers?
In case you haven't figured it out, that's exactly what they plan on doing.
Oy vey, rigging elections should be free! This is anuddah shoah!
Oh boy. I hope they are actually going to bother with stopping the CF control. theirs a nasty undercurrent that doesn't like Hillary. and boy howdy it's going to get nasty.
What a year.
Full of Democrats. Seems fair.
I wonder if they'll protect them from illegals voting in no ID states? No, wouldn't want to be racist. It's only when they try to do it from outside the country we need to worry.
To be fair, elections are a critical infrastructure in a democratic country. Elections are above even god and if they go one way it can utterly and totally change course of a nation. Of course, the DHS has an ulterior motive, but they aren't technically incorrect.
This is going to backfire.
Is this the first visible steps to giving barry a third term?
Or is this a way to rig the election in favor of hildebeast?
Obviously DHS is on (((their))) side, is this going to be the domino that really kicks off the happening?
This has huge ramifications.
Oh DHS, never stop being so utterly corrupt and incompetent.
They can do whatever they want because no one kills them. The end.
No, the goyim should actually pay you to rig the elections in your favor.
fight the slide
fuck off ponykike
your right
This was actually on drudge earier.
So are they priming us for a Hillary victory? How pozzed is homeland security?
don't forget this one
nytimes. com/2016/08/30/us/politics/harry-reid-russia-tampering-election-fbi.html?_r=0
So we really are going to have shit with Russia under hillary. Good thing we are getting Trump But I have a feeling hillary would point at the number of votes Trump gets and, no matter what it is, claim the Russians helped before going on about muh transgressions.
Why is this being slid?
No pesky exit polls!
can someone please explain what the fuck is the problem with having public voting–where anyone can look up their vote on a database and confirm?
peer pressure. Intimidation. Job loss.
Democracy in general is just shit. I guess on a local level it's ok.
moonman stickied it
I saw, he's brettygud.
Russia will pay dearly if they fuck with our elections. It should be considered an act of war.
You need something against rigging and for recounting votes, but it should remain private so people can actually vote the conscience [not (((conscience)))] in peace. I don't know the answer though.
If I'm not mistaken, doesn't Putin want Trump in the White House? I can't imagine he would want to rig an election that puts hilldawg in charge.
All I know is I want paper ballots because the major manufacturers of the voting machines have stated their support for Hillary, which ought to be illegal.
Doesn't matter who they put in. If Russia wants it, you can guarantee it is bad for America.
If Pootin is this much behind Trump, then I can say without a doubt that Hillary is the better candidate, and it REALLY pains me to say that.
Thanks for correcting the record :)
Paper ballots with a fucking pen. Wear red on election day. It's hard to out the jew, but there are a few possible solutions (albeit tough to incorporate)
5 Cents has been deposited to your bank account
Just start your shift?
it's not Russia who is going to "tweak" the votes
we have this cuck on the case
Skip to 7:30
Feeling nervous, Moishe? :^)
Russia wants their people clothed and fed as well is that bad for America as well? You are really bad at this, how about you actually read a book on persuasion, shithead?
Don't worry OP, if the FBI doesn't rig the election, SJW activists will.
Oy vey! We have a crisis of too many whites in the FBI! Better get Tyrone in here!
Fuck the FBI and fuck Comey.
As a professional in the profession I'm dead
There is an argument that could be made for why more races would be useful, but that's clearly not the reasoning behind this bullshit.
Fucking hell, I wish I could just not have to deal with this bullshit.
Indeed, they have no intention of using that argument at all.
On the topic at hand though, I believe either in this thread or a duplicate thread someone mentioned voting machine manufacturers had ties with Clinton. Does anyone have a source on those claims?
Russia primarily wants Trump because there's an diplomatic opportunity with him to deescalate the current geopolitical situation. Hillary on the other hand means definite war, which eventually means nuclear war.
That was one of the most bizarre things I've read in a long while.
Technically in Murrika the popular vote for the president doesn't matter, because electoral college. It's telling, that local elections, where the popular vote does decide, have abysmal turnout; whereas the presidential election is double or more voters.
That said, we are also a representative republic, not a democracy, at the federal level. I have pondered the idea of some open source system that allows people to vote wherever they want–home PC, smartphone, library PC, etc. And not just for election of officials, but bills. Exactly how that would be controlled for peventing fraud, I'm not sure. And furthermore, the average person just isn't very bright and probably shouldn't be given a say on voting on bills, or we should revamp our voting system. Such as giving people multiple votes, like you get 1 vote at adulthood, 3 for military service, 5 for being a property-owner, and so on. Because it's a serious fucking crime against nature that Shaniqua with 12 niglets who's been on welfare her whole life has equal weight against anyone with a shred of respectability who has actually contributed to society.
How the fuck is voting infrastructure?
And why the fuck aren't they more concerned with 20 fucking million illegals voting?
We are going to need more rope.
Thank you for correcting the record, fellow anonymous poster.
Ah you must be jew here
Oh look, it's another underqualified halfbreed that Democrats pushed up the government ladder for political reasons.
This nigger is supposed to be protecting Americans from terrorist attacks but he has instead spent most of his career helping illegal immigrants cross and stay in the U.S.
And he has been shilling hard for more Syrian refugees lately. It's obvious that he would fuck Trump over if given the chance.
Everything this traitorous piece of shit does infuriates me.
They're already taking over State and Local PD and Sheriffs via Fusion Centers, also the nigs at nite episodes were all created as part of this push.
How about not
Just waiting for the USA to crash and burn so the rest of the world can begin reconstruction.
Anytime now.
Just waiting for you to stop shilling so you start doing something useful with your life.
Anytime now.
Ah, you have fallen victim to one of the classic blunders…
You are assuming that OUR homeland is the one that "Homeland Security" protects.
It helps DHS by justifying a larger share of the federal budget, therefore more job security.
Create problem, justify the need.
I have never researched the origins and activities of DoHS. Anyone have a synopsis o their actual effects and justification?
When is The Don going to push for paper ballots in the election?
Multiple agencies have openly admitted that digital voting is unsecure; there is no logical reason why a request for paper ballots could be denied.
Why don't know know, the fact that digital voting is insecure is the whole reason why DHS needs to manage it! Cmon now, get with the times!
Hopefully he does. Wouldn't be unreasonable to put out a press release stating any state that does not enforce paper ballots will be fined (absurd amount) upon a Trump presidency.
Media can attack, but when the drive is for a truthful election, they will look stupid.
No shit 9/11 an muh Patriot Act started it. I was asking for a deeper answer, not the simplistic (((official))) reason.
I can't give much but we all know the effects. No studies to hand you. I know there are articles out there about the decline in satisfaction of employees of agencies like the Secret Service, a placement with that agency used to be a golden ticket. People stayed their whole long satisfying career, now it's shit
Thank you for correcting the record. I shall record this correction. My fellow 8channer.
No need to be so buttblasted about it. America is the cancer of modern civilization. The South should be free.
A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election
>body that officially elects presidents could convene without the general public voting.
They are going all out. Trump wants watchers on the polls and they start tampering with it.
Look like Trump has some leakers that tell him what (((they))) are going to do. And he neutralizes them before they can strike.
And says told you so. Getting mroe support.
Come on hurrschel, at least put some effort into your blatant jewry.
pretty humiliating tbh fam
If they kill Trump, it'll just be time to exercise our right to keep and bear arms.
Guys, it is now clear to me. Only a third term can save us from this red menace.
God bless the land of the free.
This is absolutely unacceptable.
The worst part is, if it happens, they'll say "turnabout is fair play!" and justify it with Bush v. Gore.
War I guess. Lets see how it all plays out before we be hasty
I find myself wishing I'd posted pic related for that get now.
Thanks Satan. Luckily the right to revolution can be invoked only when the government does something contrary to the well-being of "the people". Luckily there is no homogenic entity called "the people", thank G-d.
Repost from anchored thread.
The DHS could mandate all presidential elections be balloted using specific voting machines
The DHS could require all voters to undergo a thorough background check
The DHS could create an online voting system only available to people with a phone number and SSN
I think the last one will be most likely, possibly with a link to your google and facebook account.
Nothing gets normalfags to conform like peer pressure.
The two major end games for DHS control over elections is either outright manipulation (poll results or limiting undesirables), or social manipulation (intimidation and coercion).
The end is the same: Presidential manipulation of election results.
This is exactly what we need though. Not only does it allow you to completely remove "activist" vote counters who can just sit there and erase and re-write random ballots, but it also provides a huge boost to overall voter turnout.
He's on Holla Forums and he doesn't listen to Grandpa Adolf.
Full democracy doesn't work.
Leadership requires the uncommon man, and cannot be substituted by mob rule.
Electing an official who was put on the ballot due to their accomplishments? This works.
Electing common men in a national popularity contest? This doesn't work.
To further elaborate:
The candidates would be entirely anonymized.
Campaigning would be punishable by death.
Leaking identities would be punishable by death.
Only their accomplishments, crimes, and deliverables (lets say 5) would be shown to the public.
A term would be limited by the failure of a percentage of said deliverables (lets say 3) over a period of 5 years with the opportunity for unlimited terms if they deliver 4+.
Completion of deliverables would be voted on by the public.
The original America was pretty spot on for a good government.
Force some anonymity on elections and criminal/civil trials and it would be pretty okay.
There also needs to be four documents:
Hi Schlomo!
Sancuary Cities: THANKS OBAMA
Obamaphone: THANKS OBAMA
It also links your vote to your name, which can be used as a dissident database, just like NFA stamps, gun background checks, and bank accounts.
For fucks sake who is editing that shit at washington examiner? Terrible writing. But whatever it's just drivel for goyim right?
If they can't take out Trump, they'll take out Hillary.
Should be nothing more than a driver's license/ID card/U.S. passport, voter registration card and a paper ballot that's hand counted. These government niggers act like this would be equivalent to building the International Space Station.
Yes I know illegal aliens can vote under this scheme in some states
"they found out its a rigged game, we should try to cover our tracks now, the president might expose us all otherwise, we might lose our jobs" - A telephone interception from the PEPE Counterintelligence HQ
Then what the fuck has hillary been doing?
The same fucking thing.
Fucking wankers.
Chaffetz needs to consider being more vocal.
He's a godsend.
Just get ready lads, keep digging.
Anyone with US domestic or legal knowledge - contact people you know in that profession.
Try to bring a dispute for this bullshit.
The problem right now is NO ONE is bringing this into the public spectrum or the legal spectrum.
I'm working my ass off here, you should too. Play their stupid game.
Require voter registration.
Require ID.
Paper ballots.
Each ballot has a serial number and a removable stub with the same serial number on it.
When you cast your vote you remove the stub to serve as your anonymous receipt.
The votes must be counted not only under the observations of officials, but someplace like an auditorium where citizens and the press can come observe at any time.
The ballots must be kept for a certain period of time before they are allowed to be destroyed. (10 years maybe?)
In case of any issues, people can use their stub to make sure their vote was recorded correctly.
And I forgot to add to that I was impressed by the coverage of the Brexit voting. Cameras in the areas where votes were being counted and eager young volunteers passing up ballot boxes to the election judges.
So, basically, the DHS is saying that they need to make the election easier to hack, right?
Which is why they aren't going for paper ballots that are more difficult to manipulate….
And are instead going for electronic voting that is a snap to manipulate, right?
Who is Jeh Johnson loyal to?
this kind of news really comes down to the goals of who owns the man in charge
Who do you think?
demolcracy isn't "in general just shit". it brought us to this point for good or for bad (until the 60s or so at least). technology has outgrown and mankind having a hard time leeting go it but it's been good to us.
nigger you don't protect the power grid
Do you know where you are?
Democracy is the cancer killing the West.
It only works in a racially conscious space and even then it is subject to manipulation.
Don't be such a fag, nigger. (((They))) don't have every person in every branch under their thumb. Just take a look at how he got where he did and connect the dots.
requesting Pierce on Democracy
I'm not even natsoc and even I acknowledge that democracy hasn't worked for more than a couple hundred years at a time, with the possible exception of the Greeks who – you guessed it – changed their way of life after foreigners immigrated.
We're about due for a paradigm shift. Socrates was right, democracy was never very good.
If you believe in some sanctity of democracy you're a Goddamned fool. Democracy will set a legal precedent for our destruction if a few million imported 'naturalized citizens' will it so.
We just need to win, regardless of how it's done. The people against us are less than cattle and if you think they should have a say in your future just because of some grand ideal that is democracy you had might as well just kill yourself now and spare them the trouble.
Each person old enough to vote is given a voting card.
Person goes to a polling station.
Register your vote with the polling station authorities. This eliminate duplicate/fraudulent votes.
Place an X in the Trump box.
walk away
I don't want to start a new thread for this but why is Holla Forums censoring the word "faggot"
Satan urges us to spread sweet disinfo. Niggers and other low IQ faggots will buy this.
Who cares?
Wait till closer to the election. There's enough time for dindus and leftist trash to find out it's not real right now, but if we sweep social media with stuff like this a week before election day, the lazy gibsmedat crowd will think of it as a gift of not having to leave their section 8 housing to secure their paychecks for another 4 years.
This would call for some social engineering beforehand
It's easy, it's based on a single principle
You know what every person voted for, it's public. Yes, your boss knows you voted for trump, and might fire you for it, or some shit like that, but then it's 'impossible' to cheat the values.
It's then, all a question of security, to assure no one is voting for someone else.
Anyone can download the total votes and count them
That's how you make a democracy
fucking roodypoo candyass newfags bitching about Holla Forums
Our success comes from utilizing resources on an untapped continent that was far away from conflict. European nations had to be imperialist to be as powerful as the USA could be just sitting at home. Our successes happened despite our government not because of it. You can see what happens when the country actually settles and the real rule of law of the US government kicks in today.
Because they are disproportionately involved in crime?
I work in the world of serialization. This could work. We are serializing 100s of thousands of objects a day. So scaling this out to any given election would be trivial.
The whole life cycle of the serials are kept for government review for up to 12 years. But you're kidding yourself if you think we are going to get anything like this in the present condition of the USA.
I'd suggest that anyone who receives welfare is ineligible to vote until they're off of it for a certain amount of time. Those people don't have a clue as to the value of money or work, and yet they have a voice in setting national policy?
It's the only way to kill the vote-buying machine and hopefully avert fiscal disaster.
I disagree.
Do it before they realise what's really going on.
They don't even have to try. The woman's a zombie at this point
Define "what's going on"
Basically you show your support for Clinton and nothing ABSOLUTELY is wrong with that.
aside from admitting your IQ is below 60, even black people think she's bullshit.
Hello, brother.
I think we should wait until about a month before the election to start really spamming this, otherwise there'll just be some announcement that it's fake, and nothing will happen.
4chan, Holla Forums or most independent websites won't exist at that stage.
Check the sticky.
Obama want's to hand the internet to a ((("world organisation")))
4chan got taken out years ago and Holla Forums is run by Freemasons with close ties to US government, such independence.
i fucking love Mountain Blade
Yes and..
I think that means our shitposts have more value than you think.
I still don't follow what you're suggesting.
Read the leaks.
Only the laziest have not read anything.
And no I won't go more specific.
You need to learn clearly.
What the fuck do the leaks have to do trolling twitter?
Are you high?
Or we can just return voting to who it was properly meant for as per the founding fathers decision; the people that actually have a stake in keeping America secure and wealthy, land-owning white men.
And they can shut it down on any sign of threat. This site became quite cucked and harmless since they took over.
The big fat issue with that is that an entire family of "white Mexicans" could buy giant chunks of land and fuck us over. Also (((white))) people could do the same.
Can't we make another?
(((Democracy))) is a kike invention. Trump would make a fine Caesar.
Obama is basically a dictator. A Trump kingship would be a smooth transition.
But you forgot to mention that Trump is a secret Soviet sleeper-cell spy who gets his marching orders directly from Vladimir Putin himself.
Is that what Hillary believes?
That's what they want the goyim to believe, that's for sure.
America was a republic until recently.
This would honestly sabotage Trump's presidency in the eyes of bluepills. Even if he gets the presidency, if people don't think he won it fair and square then it weakens his legitimacy and opens him up to further sabotage attempts by (((them))).
I can't see this narrative ending well for them. It would spark such a shitstorm that would probably implode the U.S government itself. A lot of questions (((they))) wouldn't want people to ask would be raised (especially about past suspicious electoral events). It would pretty much end the trust and use of electronic voting machines altogether.
It's a trick they can only do once, question is, is it worth it? Probably if this is endgame time.
Could this be their plan all along?
After all, there has been a lot of "Trump's alt right" and "internet nazis" bluepilling in the news.
If someone from the ((alt-right)) was to do something, the media would only have us to blame.
This would likely also lead to more serious talks of censoring the internet and 'hate speech' laws.
I still don't know what sacrebleu means.
When literally translated, it means 'sacred blue', but in practice it's used in a similar way that 'God damn it' is used in english
Sacred Blue.
Pretty much means "oh my word", including the part where it's originally "sacre dieu" which refers to god, and the part where you can use it both when you're surprised or happy. It's mostly used negatively though.
my cuck nation uses paper, it's really not that hard to count them by hand.
Y-yes it is, goy-guys! You absolutely must not use paper!
Don't you mean six quintillion you fucking antisemite?
What this user says. I guarantee there are a lot of idiots who will believe this
On one-hand, without them the elections will certainly be stolen by biased and corrupt pollsters and (((voting machines))).
On the other hand, giving it over to centralized organization like (((Homeland Security))) guarantees that a certain unnamed agency will handpick the candidate they want.
Either way, the Federal Kike wins. What we need is mass rioting and prolonged civil unrest with plenty of testosterone-fueled murder.
It sounds like Jafaar should be in Arabia practicing magic.
Yes, the reasonable argument for having more minorities in the FBI is that it makes it easier to insert agents into gangs, which are disproportionately minorities.
Pic related.
It's like they want to lose Bernie's voterbase to the opposition.
paper would just make it harder and more expensive to fix… trying to save money here and at least appear fiscally aware
oh you got watchers at the polls? fine we will just make sure that homeland makes the polls and voters irrelevant.
check mate bitches… consider your record corrected!
>Comey: "sure there may have been some incompetence but we couldn't find evidence that anyone deliberately counted the ballots for the wrong candidate, so we're going to go ahead and let those votes stay the way they are".
So do all intelligent white people.
I only have the Rubio/Microsoft stuff.
yeah, Russia isn't the warmongerers in todays situation.
quire boys?
hell no.
But kikes of zion is the faggots fucking the world to oblivion.
We must spread this
>"USA" government jews to control elections
I like the way you think, Lucifer.
Now the big question is if the burgers go full civil war and destabilize this situation even further. We know places like Russia and h8 chan will continue to rile the normalfags up until something breaks. The big question is if the kikes are willing to go full Egypt and cut telecommunications in a shit attempt to cut the counter-subversion.
Go to your containment site libreautist.
I guess leftists really can't create. They can only copy and corrupt.
Clever satan, very clever.
alternative version.
notice sign on gate, please, I thought it was a little clever.
That's bretty good. Bravo.
What the fuck is going on with the perspective here
We should just put Patrick Bateman on the front tbh
wtf i'm a hillmissile now
this, this is top-notch
fooled a bunch of idiots during brexit
if it can work there, it can work here!
all they'd have to do is give her sugar pills instead of whatever medication she's currently taking
she'd probably die within weeks if not sooner
kek wills it
Voting for Hillary is criminal!
#Lies #Benghazi #Foreign money #Clinton Foundation #Coverups #Uranium Deal #Email Scandal #Corruption
Donald Trump seeks a return to 1950s America, well before the age of neoliberalism.
The point is you make enough people into Holla Forumsacks so you DON'T get arrested. America was founded on killing bad politicians. Remeber when whites weren't cucked and actually had revolutions because of trivial shit like taxes and the French?
maybe its a joke about how Hitler can't paint perspective very well
Are you new or a jew?
one of my earlier shoops, could do better, tbh, but thanks anyway.
But seriously. Every branch of the government has been hacked, including the Pentagon and NSA. Multi-billion dollar corporations get hacked all the time. They have the best security money can buy. It doesn't matter.
So herp derp let's switch to highly vulnerable electronic voting so Chris Matthews doesn't have to stay up past 11pm to get the results.
Wtf I hate democracy now
Democracy means a country is run by jews.
Is there a version of this that isn't for mice?
Ithought that was a meme.
Hitler's problem was that he was only above average when the academy wanted nothing but the absolute best.
Not that it turned out badly.
I'm gonna get this trending on my Fakebook account, or try to.
I wish I did. I lifted it from someone on halfchan months ago and was holding it till closer to the elections.
I've been working on building bernout Twatter followers slowly but surely
1776-1488 will commence again
So (((they))) want control over the election because someone they know is going to be elected that they don't want to be elected because (((they))) will lose control if Trump get in. (((They))) never did this to any other election but now all of a sudden their going to do it. Pure coincidence.
(((They))) really are this desperate to not get Trump elected. People already know at this point and are still awaking to the corruption that has plagued are country and of the Cuntons. Between Cunton and Trump it obviously that Trump is going to win and if he doesn't, well then its rigged.
Video absolutely related and a must watch for all Current user, newfags, and old fags that have not seen this.
The very thin silver lining here is that DHS is incompetent as fuck, and if they do roll out a new federal electronic voting system keep in mind it would be coming from an administration that spent $840 million on an obamacare website that didn't fucking work. Diebold and other private sector companies would at least be competent enough to steal elections while keeping their own crooked servers and machines hardened against other exploits and such, while federal incompetence is going to make it vulnerable to exploitation by any script kiddie or even just fuck up so catastrophically on Election day that they are forced to use paper ballots.
Volunteer to be a Trump Election Observer
Not anymore man. If this happens we've lost the country. Turn those flags upside down!
I was thinking the serial numbers would be randomized and in envelopes, that way election workes have no idea what serial number you've gotten, and the ballot will still be secret.
Point taken. I guess art has always been retarded.
more like retards could always do art
Because 'modern' art has become degenerate.
Have a quote from Burne Hogarth's Dynamic Anatomy.
"In their seizure upon the "immediate" and the "personal," the followers after the impressionists disengaged themselves from every known principle of spatial structure and design.
They withdrew from earlier concepts of form, value, color, and image. They
worked toward the total rejection of the Academy. In their hatred of the "academic," they extirpated the scientific legacy of art, carefully nurtured and marshaled over fifty centuries of historic development, and erased it in a short span of fifty years.
In their need to rebel against the "academic," they rebelled against science.
They proclaimed the distinction of the "fine arts" and gave it to society as a new description, uniquely different from academic art or the utilitarian commercial art.
They presented to the entire contemporary
generation of society and the artists who followed the doctrine that "art" was above scientific discipline, above definitions and criteria.
The need to communicate in art, to be
responsible for the exchange of art experience into human experience, was considered to
be an anachronistic demand of aggressive academic vulgarity, and was held beneath con-
The rebellion against the "sterile," the "mechanical," the "academic" — truly a
human cry of anguish — had become a distortion and a delusion. The fine artist had turned his back on reality. He became an incoherent high priest of good taste, an absolute arbiter of egocentric mirror-image art, a melancholy, involuted microcosm turned in upon itself to an inevitable dead end."
I don't think you comprehended my post. I stated that the common person is an idiot who should not be making decisions. That's my preponderance on awarding extra votes to people based on their life merits or accomplishments. I would also add race, which I think voting should only be allowed for whites in Western countries and that may one day be legally possible given the recorded bits about only whites originally intended to control American affairs. Outside America, I'm not sure what legal precedents they could use. Either way, might ultimately makes right and law can be destroyed and remade.
It is impossible, it seems, to eliminate either mob rule or its opposite cronyism and plutocracy, and it seems that governance and civilisation are set to forever sway between two points. What matters most is controlling demographics, and not letting subhumans control your shit. A shitty state of white-only countries has been better than subhuman countries.
Remember that Hitler won by elections and intended to transition the Reich into a republic after the war.
I don't think you comprehended my post. I stated that the common person is an idiot who should not be making decisions. That's my preponderance on awarding extra votes to people based on their life merits or accomplishments. I would also add race, to which I think voting should only be allowed for whites in Western countries and that may one day be legally possible given the recorded bits about only whites originally intended to control American affairs. Outside America, I'm not sure what legal precedents they could use. Either way, might ultimately makes right and law can be destroyed and remade. Even in an all-white state, we still have our own trash who shouldn't be dominating our affairs.
It is impossible, it seems, to eliminate either mob rule or its opposite cronyism and plutocracy, and it seems that governance and civilisation are set to forever sway between two points. What matters most is controlling demographics, and not letting subhumans control your shit. A shitty state of white-only countries has been better than subhuman countries' best states.
Remember that Hitler won by elections and intended to transition the Reich into a republic after the war.
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
- Joseph Stalin
I'm sure the cryptofaggots could come up with something to establish the legitemacy of voters yet protect their anonymity. That's why I said open source, let the /g/-type fags attack and scrutinise the shit out of the program to ensure inegrity. Ofc there's competing interests, for instance in allowing voting from any PC or smartphone, the most popular OSs have notorious spying and compromising issues. Perhaps that could be solved server-side? I dunno, I just don't; but I have a feeling it's possible.
That sounds good in theory. With our current jewish currency economy system, I'm not sure that could apply to everyone. For instance, say an engineer is laid off or a tenure-tracked PhD is laid off because of diversity quotas or they published (((problematic))) facts. Or a worker in a strongly boom-bust -affected industry is laid off. Why should Shaneequa and Shaqwan get a vote when they don't because Shaqwan makes enough at McD's to pay their $300/mo ghetto fabulous roach apartment?
Just saiyan, you have to think of the system we have vs the ideal system. There's plenty of ways to reduce the subhuman vote, who frankly have no say in a civilisation they did not create. And perhaps if people see that they have so many votes available to them, that they will be more likely to vote, or they may try to make more advancements in their personal life to achieve more votes and a greater say. That could be a slippery slope, but maybe it all depends on how we choose that what we reward with more votes.
Governance and society is messy as fuck, and it's hard to make definitive statements. It's interesting to think about, though.
Why do you assume either of those people are on welfare? An engineer and professor should have their own savings and the skills and abilities to get new jobs before those savings run out. There's no excuse, no matter what convoluted
situations you come up with.
Truth. Does anyone else notice how they have a nugget of truth like
but then use it as a bizarre justification for bleeding heart stuff like
Doubful. But it sure does benefit her if people start believing it.
The serial number system can do this. All votes can be posted publicly and calculated by anyone. Anyone can check their serial number to make sure it is properly noted.
My dear friend, please read starship troopers.
Friendly reminder that this is happening, and should not be ignored.