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Is porn anti communist?

Is porn anti communist?

Even if it is i'll still continue to fap to it

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This again.

Porn isn't.

The comercialization of it, is.

Watching porn is no problemo.
Buying or selling it is.


These types of threads need to start getting automatically autosaged, if not deleted.

Depends on the conditions the pornstars work in, I would think. Is there fair trade porn?

Ok good then I'm not going against communism.

Kill yourself

I meant i'd still be communist but I'd be a communist who is pro pornography

IN FACT, I say we do it like East Germany, but one step further.

Not only is selling of porn banned, but we also promote amature porn and it's free online distribution, given consent of both (or all if more than 2) contestants.

Communism is the only way to improve every aspect of your life!

But what about 2D? Can we still have that under the East German system?

Into the trash it goes. If I can't watch high production HD BLACKED vids then there's no point.

Just another way capitalism btfos communism.