Butt Darts

These Faggots

You're too salty for fullchan.

you're too british for fullchan

You're too fat for your chair.

you're too blimey for a limey


you're too blimey for a limey

What happened there?

Angry much ya salty faggot

Brush you teeth!

I'm a pathetic loser, but I see videos like this and think, "at least I'm not THAT guy".

Doinker buttdart.


I don't think I've ever heard a more fucking childish, inane, deficient curse in my entire life.

His voice made me think about it for a moment, but that "HAAAA" at the end makes me certain this guy's fucking 16.

I fucking hate cyclists on city roads.

Shut up Doinker

The Idaho stop is the common name for a law that allows cyclists to treat a stop sign as a yield sign, and a red light as a stop sign. It first became law in Idaho in 1982, but has not been adopted elsewhere. A limited form of the law called "Stop as Yield", that deals only with stop signs, has expanded to parts of Colorado and been considered in several other states. Advocates argue that current law criminalizes normal cycling behavior, and that the Idaho stop makes cycling easier and safer and places the focus where it should be: on yielding the right-of-way.

You were supposed to be a stain on the sheets, but now you're a stain on society.


uh.. source of pic?

id bike on sidewalks anyway
and wouldnt wear the gimp get-up to ride it


calling someone a poopyface when you are over 10 years old will leave a more lasting impression if you just called them an asshole

Fucking doinker BUTT DART