Israel fears civil war
Why the fuck does the Mossad fear civil war?

Could the degeneracy have infected the Kike youth?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd love to see Rabbinical death squads purging the degenerates on the streets of Tel Aviv.

Get your boots polished and sun cream burgers.
Guess what you'll be doing in a few years!

But which side to support?! This would cause the burger brains to short-circuit.


This is good news.

Who would the west even support in a Jewish civil war?

God the evangelicals would be so fucking confused.

Should we all learn Hebrew so we can [email protected]/* */ them on their social media?

Putin and Assad should capitalize on it.


Kek, that's what they get for believing thier own kike lies about race.

The lesson is to never trust a kike, even if you are also a kike.

Spilling blood to maintain the status quo for bibi & friends.

Would also be cool if Iran sticks their dicks in and stirs up a proxy war.



Good luck Typhus-chan!



can confirm, leftist kikes want open borders and the end of jewry.

The golem wasnt used up quick enough.

They're Jews, they're degenerate from birth.

So did the Jew tricks end up destroying them?

It has destroyed them every time for like 3000 years.


go uberkikes!


Remember, though, that they'll apparently use the 'Samson Option' on whitey if anything goes wrong.

Fucking really?

Sounds like an optimal time to step up the #OpenBordersForIsrael rhetoric.

This is probably the best quote out of the article, goes to show that they never learn
Except now it's not even like back a couple hundred centuries ago, where they could flee European country to European countries: all their neighbors hate them and their only escape routes are either Africa or some South American small time country.


The only way Israel can be saved is if they become more multicultural.

It's almost like god cursed them or something.

Also iv'e looked into it and apparently Israel has a fucking huge problem with Heredim super ultra mega kikes who refuse conscription and basically spend their entire lives studying scripture.

Basically they're welfare leeching NEET's who breed like rats.

Why should America monopolize the enrichment? We can't rely on their foreign aid forever - we need to start creating our own wealth!

Also another Jew magazine reporting on this

The memes, Jack.

In a hypothetical situation where Israel is forced to fight it's own battles, I imagine this is what it would look like.

Haha no, they'll die first. Not even joking.

Also they're the ultra-orthodox Jews. That's right.

The biggest threat the Jews is the jewiest ultra Jews.


This is true.

I work with a kike. He was in the (((army))) has the star tattooed on his hand/arm.

He's strong, but is lazy as shit and doesn't get much done.

I told you goyim Jews are a fifth column in every nation theyve ever lived including their own.


If they flee they will try to set up in Patagonia.

Jew on Jew violence, the best kind of violence.

>Holla Forums discovers kabbal blood magic and uses it to poison all the wells in Africa and Israel GOOD LUCK EBOLA-CHAN! I LOVE YOU EBOLA-CHAN!
>mfw we stared at the Abyss. . .                                      

Being a fifth column in your own enthnostate.
Can these people be any worse?

That's like serving your own grandma a dog shit sandwich for keks


So, what you say is that If w all learn Hebrew, we would have the power to spam, shitpost, and shill the jew out of the internet?


Yes but at a terrible cost.

They even confess it here. Linking to an embed in another thread due to duplication detection and video too big for webm.

chaim on chaim crime = best crime

Iv'e always wondered if theres any secret Hebrew/Israeli imageboards that we can shitpost to death.

It's a shame we don't know yid so we could stoke the flames of civil unrest and instigate our own "Jewish Spring"

we already have half the world jewry shitposting here :^(

Of course there are, it's called Holla Forums


I'm always glad to hear when the scorpion stings itself. However, what are the two factions at play here? What is the conflict that may bring Israel into a civil war?

Looks like we should encourage them to tear themselves apart.

We'll be the ones to rub our hands this time.

There will be no hand rubbing.

We will have to rub each others hands instead.

From what I can tell the biggest factor is the Ultra-Orthodox Jews who refuse to serve in the army and sit around all day reading their scriptures collective welfare while refusing to do any work at all. They also have a massively high birthrate and threaten to overwhelm the population eventually because secular Jews are liberal faggots who don't have kids.

Basically a NEET uprising.

You reap what you sow you fucking kikes.
Enjoy your degeneracy civil war.
this is why y'all will always be parasites.

This needs sticky.


So we memed the NEET uprising into Jews?

we should help meme this into reality. kike on kike violence is the best violence. would love to see both sides trying to call the other antisemitic and not to forget the 6 quadrillion, would make for some lulzy happenings.

Jewish NEETS

Also known as:



Wasn't there an article some time ago about a high-ranking military officer stating that Israel had become 1930s Germany?

But you have to respect their culture!

What fine specimens. Look at the master race. Don't they deserve to be the chosen ones silly goys?

Serious Question

What would happen to this situation if Trump is in office?
Would He pick the liberals, or the orthodox?
My money's on him supporting the liberals. (They're most of the military and R&D anyways)

Which is funny because the Evangelicucks will be in for a rude awakening when they realize just how much sheer faggotry goes on in cities like Tel Aviv.
Hopefully they'll be so grossed out they won't be willing to give shekels to the "chosen ones" anymore after the civil war ends in Victory for the Rainbow flag wavers.

What if I told you, yes?

For example, the nigger question. In Israel niggers are extremely hated and we even murder them for sport because sterilisation isn't good enough and it's great because the authorities turn a blind eye but these are dumb kids protecting niggers these days and it's from the influence of cancerous American Jewry I imagine,

Here's an example

(Yes yes, I know it's mondoweiss but it says what so many aren't)

Niggers and Arabs should be killed but the so many of the kids aren't getting it and keep in mind most of them are not completely lost, even though they pretend loudly to hold and support liberal views while in the US but some of them are taking it seriously and they'll be the death of us.

It doesn't help there's the political aspect where everyone is extremely on contentious and disagreeable on nearly every issue and election. Even trying to attempt to appeal to Jewish diaspora (mostly in America) and they bite back at us like snakes like when we aired a harmless ad telling them to not date gentiles and keep being Jewish and return to us

The Jewish people used to be so united until America Jews ruined everything. They should be Holocausted, I'm not even joking. Disgusting nigger lovers.

Look at what is happening

You goyim can gas the American Jews. You have my permission and you'll be doing us a favour.

Wow wow wow hollup

Funny thing is that wouldn't the evangelicals be obliged to support the super religious Kikes?

Yes, but in Jew civil war they lose.
You could say their tactics are a bit,

Can you fund another Holocaust in America Chaim?

Pls gibe shekels.

Also aren't they inbred retards with an exploding birth rate? Are they continuing the inbreeding?

What is it with Semites and inbreeding anyways?

Fix'd. For all we know the civil war could be about kikes worrying that their globalist loving kikes are bring too much heat to their kind.

No, you all should be "Holocausted".

Why would I put sun cream on my boots?

first you have to deport your mossad/cia double agent fucks and expose their operations here.

Then yes, we can take care of this American Yid problem of yours.

Well this kike seems to want to gas all American Jews.

I mean if that's what they really want I guess we have no choice.

This is what a JEw on Jew civil war is going to look like


Do Haredim even do banking? Aren't they muslim tier zealous religious fanatics that actually take their scriptures seriously?

Kek firemonkey year delivers

Now we have kike vs kike war

Nobody, 1000 years of peace

jews will always jew someone, the most meddlesome race on the planet.

Why not let you kikes kill each other and we gas whoever remains?

Wew, I guess they really are the niggers of the middle east!

let's continue to promote diversity for israel. israel needs to import more eritreans. israeli jewish women need to blanda up more. where's that jewish interracial porn? israel needs more.

Right here fam

Russian jews hate western jews

deus definitely does not vult

You are not welcome here, kike. You will be exterminated when the time comes. Keep that in mind.

So do you finally regret pushing that shit on yet Moshe?

That sounds disgusting, but I'd probably try one just to see.

As if this is any surprise. Remember that poster about when Islam reaches critical mass? Muslim on Muslim violence, the top kebabs (rich, attractive) abuse the kebabs on the lowest rung (poor, stupid.) 100% Jewish population would just result in uber Jews (Cohens, Roths, Bilders etc) screwing over all the common Jews.

The Knesset may be composed entirely of kikes, but its pulling in like 6 million different directions; only the Rabbis and Kohanim class can hope to ensnare all that tension into one common purpose, otherwise their religion and government become "a cultural thing" and a utility.

Or this (((former Mossad cheif))) could just be lying through his teeth. Kikes are more afraid of all kebabs uniting under one banner and "pushing them into the sea."

The moment \pol\ begins to learn Yiddish\Hebrew to outjew the Jew oti is when Kek manifests on the material plane.


Yeah, but Judaism doesn't forbid usury so long as it's not against a "brother".

Are Jews even a real thing? Are they just a group that powerful and intelligent groups co-opt to control the world?

vid related

Look up at your address bar and then look down in shame.


I think they're playing make believe


Sumerians. They don't play the name changing game for fun. It doesn't matter what you call yourself if you've worn out your welcome everywhere you've gone. Or they reached the point where the goyim of their era figured out their Sumerian myths were all fake so they had to go off and make more (((real religions.)))



And wipe out all their kike cousins, good goy supporters, subhuman filth and any infastructure capable of coming to their aid when the entire middle east directly supported by Russia rises up to snackbar the fucking yids.

I bet there is a ton of it made in Israel but they must censor the shit out of it, Jews are the most degenerate people on the planet.

We must encourage jewesses to race mix more. Shlomos are already doing it, but nothing makes me laugh as the thought of jewish uteruses giving birth to nigger babies which will not be allowed to enter Israel.

Interracial porn doesn't necessarily means sex with niggers, you know.

I think there must be a lot of amateur porn featuring Whites and Arabs that gets censored, (((Zuckerberg))) censored even a Jewess kissing a Arab on Facebook.

But Zuckerberg married to a Chink and had a kid with her. So he's not against Jewish race mixing.

Yes, but they are embarrassed of it them its someone they hate that is involved.

What a disgusting vile image.

will the kid be accepted as a kike among other kikes? is he going to be the next coudenhove-kalergi?

And the chink had 3 miscarriages before, so thank god that is the only thing their shitty genes managed.

Also its a girl sp it will end up in the bed of some white or Jewish millionaire as a sexual fetishist, can you imagine how much of a emasculated fuck-up that kid will be if he was male ?



There are no "American" jews, as opposed to other jews. You're all the same cloth of abomination from the afterbirth of the whore of babylon. We're not going to gas you, we're going to condense you together into small dark spaces so you can bask in each other's filth for the rest of your lives, out of sight and out of mind of everybody else, just like you did when you were free. No permission necessary.

Thanks for visiting.

Fun fact: Mewoth is Jewish.

I have a potential opportunity for an internship in Isreal in infosec, as much as I don't want to sell out it pays well, launches my career effectively, and Isreali's are legitimately brilliant in this field even if they are evil just because of supply/demand. My biggest worry is being corrupted, but I could be a deep cover Holla Forumsack right in the enemies home base and find serious exploitable opportunities, should I do it?

Be deep cover but stick to your beliefs.

I can speak a bit of Hebrew. I just don't know how to type in kikerunes

Dude. You have to sterilize them first. They count Jewish lineage by the mother. You can't just go around knocking up kikesses, you'll create more Jews.

Hey man he pulled out

I'm almost certain that was a rule made up because their women are such whores and they needed some way to claim the bastard as jewish.

Although the men are rapey as fuck to compliment that but jewish law is very anti-woman. I bet Feminism, being a jewish female movement, was partly spurred by their hate of their own men.

The "American Jew" is just an "Isreali Jew" living in north america. So its still your fault, and you deserve to suffer all the shit you pushed onto others.

Your average polfag doesn't know this, but Zionism isn't as well liked in Israel as they think. At least not during the past 20-30 years. Most of the original 1st generation Zionists are dead, and thier kids are getting ready for retirement.

And you are left with a new generation that is pissed off about the shitty economy and doesn't see anything noble about being conscripted to fight kids, or endure daily air raid sirens when they could instead move to Europe and eat delicious German chocolate pudding (at affordable prices).

Eternal conflict and the fear it promotes is what keeps the Zionists in power, but it is also a weakness. And the longer it festers the more they risk losing everything.

AHAHAH go to bed, Herschel.

Holla Forums's meme magick strikes again, the memes are becoming reality. image related happened last month. note the part about israel.


Maybe it's because the orthodox jews fucking hate the regular jews and act even more jewish than the regular jews by voting together in massive blocks and having millions of kids.
The regular jews (like the new york jews) are the ones pushing for all that degeneracy and letting it spread throughout israel itself. They also happen to be the ones in power right now (in both israeli government and western media) and are the ones most often seen by the public. The orthodox jews are like giga jews. They don't even really like the star of david because it's basically solomon's seal, hate fags, gentiles, etc. They don't even really like israel or zionism as a concept either. I like to imagine these are the same kind of jews that the romans pillaged non-stop (pic related). They also fucking hate liberals but the normie jews don't. In fact the biggest gay pride parade in the world is held in tel aviv. So what do the orthodox jews do? Why what they do best of course, stab them in the back (second pic related) exactly 6 of them too, wew. Of course, these orthodox jews will never lift a finger to help another race and will gladly encourage the genocide of every other race so they are definitely not our allies, but they are also not the israeli regular jews' allies either. The regular jews have to appease these orthodox jews because they vote in blocks and breed like rabbits which, in democracies, means they will eventually have full control.

This is what's known as a fracture point. It is kept very closely guarded from outsiders because it is one of those things that can be exploited to weaken the jews at large.

god damn I have never seen anything more fake in my life but at the same time hilarious. The guy wearing the balaclava had his nose showing the whole time as if to say "look I'm a jew" but everything even down to their positions was so massively staged to get good photos (notice how they've all got their fronts to the camera with a nice big gap instead of bunching around to fully surround the soldier?)
Looks like anti-israeli propaganda straight from Palestine to me.


How powerful is Kek exactly?



All of this yes, please

They sound similar but your kikels mean shit, kike.

So what is the most liberal group in Israel? I think we should be rooting them on. At the very least are they like American liberals and always bitching about their country's failure to be perfectly liberal?

t. freemason
anti-obkr is pro-masonry

>calling [OATH BREAKER] a kike meme

Most of them aren't related to any of the Jewish tribes at all, for the curious racists among them that will lead them down a VERY BAD GOY road.

What if it's because the Israeli Youth actually believe all the stuff they've been feeding to the Goyim

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

Oaths mean things unless you're a nigger or a backstabbing kike.

Europe wuz knights.

Eat a giant disfigured phallus you big pussy.

Well it's going to be a 3 sided fight so support what ever side is going to mean the most deaths

who's the real kike here?

The current israeli government is extremely conservative, right? So are you saying there are farther right jews that disagree with the shit the gov. does?


It may not be frankenstein, remember, soros and many other high powered kikes HATE israel, they give the impression of harmony with their insane level of control, but they infight like all leftists, this is unlikely israel's fault directly, and more attributable to soros and co. making a move on them.

This is where shit gets interesting, who wins in a war between muslim hating jews, and jew hating jews?

the world

holy fuck YES

Kek be with you

pls be real


we need a jew version of giga niga

Dare I say it but, possible pretext for a (((terrorist))) attack on the Dome of the rock when? A raging civil war would be a good cover for it.

lol wtf, was Meowth always suppose to be Jewish?

This is literally like Halo. Judaic influence is the Covenant, Jews are the prophets, Brutes are Muslims, Elites are Christians, The good side is whoever sides with humans/whites, because the Covenant wants to blow up the whole fucking place because of "religious destiny"


Ironic how history plays out. But I suppose the Chinese will just crunch them, because there is a lot of oil left around Tanzania.

Small time country in SA could be Paraguay. I never understood how they didn't choose that place to settle. Plenty of land, clear and visible underlings and plenty of elite Whites to marry into. Then the Dilma thing in Niggerzil happened and I saw: They have their Small time country. It's Brazil and they fucking own it.

Ja, haben Sie.

They emigrate from countries like Switzerland, just because they can, they wait until marriage age and sometimes come back after having evaded conscription in both countries. Then they live on welfare and church/synagogue welfare on either side. There are not many families per city, but I can see how the concentration down there can become a problem.

I want to do my part and impregnate a Jewess for the cause. I'll have her eating (hot) dogs and roast pork within a month.

I am an obgyn/obstetric surgeon in newyork city.

I am also a rabid anti-semite.

When patients with jewish last names are on for surgery I leave behind small bits of rubber or 1mm titanium probes in them when I sow them up.

I would kill them, but slight of hand is far better easier than murder.

I have only the most sincere wish to see israel eradicated down to the last child.

Check my hiter avatar, isnt it rare?

A \ is the sharpened memetic spade we use to blow that beast apart.

Oaths are for people lacking the ethics/morality to do the right thing even if they didn't oblige to.

You're doing God's work.


Sockpuppets, twitter trends, random snipers etc.

Let the kikes taste their own medicine

DEEP COVER Holla Forumsack in israel


The golem always turns back on it's creator.


Keep forgetting about that place but it'd be hilarious if their solution would be to just go the place where Hitler wanted them to go in the first place.
Chinks will probably either kill them or use them in ways worse than they themselves can think of. Nogs would obey them but they're shit workers if they don't receive enough gibs or are playing some niggerball game.
Could work, it's landlocked so they can just tell everyone it's any of their neighbors' fault if anything bad happens to them
That country's pretty shitty even if it's quite rich tbh

When do they learn? You never write no niggers, you write "Is able to write $language without mistakes or on par with Level B2" and you request either a higher education cert or a language course cert. Yes you need that for landscaping, you have to fill out the reports at the end of the day. Sorry, nigga, go away. If the one nigger who was able to finish a language course you can as well employ him, that precious one of a kind jewel.

Israel has the ultimate advantage of an insular language. But they have to be blatantly rude.

Geez, this only makes it the 237th time or someting, doesn't it?

I`m using this, try and stop me faggot.

yes pls

Well they're Jews, what do you expect?

Pic related looks like the Jew version of the "2/10 would not bang" guy.

But user, what if that order is what you need for your race?

TBH they are clearly the lesser evil here



Why shut it down? I thought that the whole reason for their matrilinearity was because being cucked by superior Aryans was the only way to perpetualize their dying inbred genome.


Can you faggots title your screencaps for easier searching in our folder? It's not cuckchan you know.

Good goy.

Does anyone have the screencap of the user claiming that Jews are not the grand conspiracy masterminds we think they are but just greedy short-sighted schemers without a conscience that always get shit because of their own immediate gain plots and lack of insight?

If even the Jews, the most insular, tribalistic, nepotistic, resentful, (dare I say rancorous) people on Earth can't run an ethno-state for more than 70 years, how can any European nation ever hope to?

Islam and Judaism are basically the same religion, with small differences in dogma.

I wouldn't pass it that some of the Orthodox are willing to kill their more seculiar bretheren.

Wow, just imagine throwing a penny into that crowd

I don't even.

We are causing havoc now.

They don't have the balls.
Unless they have only few left alive.


They need to understand why their """oath""" is so terrible.

Deception is not a good tactic.


But.. they only have one orifice :^)

meowth that's right goy!


The problem with Israel is that (((they))) require a host to leech off of. Without any American support, they'd be toast.

I did.

I love you user

full homo

>If even the Jews, the most insular, tribalistic, nepotistic, resentful, (dare I say rancorous) people on Earth can't run a socialist ethno-state for more than 70 years, how can any European nation ever hope to?
I fix 4u

They are like the nigger equivalent of Israel, they rely entirely on the host to survive. Remove the host (by siding with them in a civil war) and the problem will solve itself soon enough after.

Is it a joke about a new tumor sprouting from Judaism every thousand or so years?

I can see this happening user.

/pol story time

There is a growing gulf between the jews how do we exploit?

read the book of revelations

btw expect some evangelion fulfillment of those revelations.. even reagan saw this shit happening.

this ensures the end of Israel

then replace their workers with niggers



the most fun way to play any 4x is to play a ubber jew and outjew everyone either through culture or making everyone to war each other.

the only difference is that I am building my own shekels rather than draining others of theirs

Make sure we promote the idea that the Orthodox Jews are the real Jews and the real rightful owners of Israel and that the seculiar Jews are not real Jews.

This could have real merit among the evangelicals.

Power always flows both ways.

more stories?
or has /pol had enough?

Only burgers will be doing that, since I live in Europe I won't have to do shit.

Fuck off kike

poetic justice

Jews just doing what Jews do when they have their own State. This is why Jewish states have never lasted, Jews need someone to Jew and if there aren't any goy around they Jew each other.

We ran nationalist states for pretty long just fine chaim.

this will do.

Or make athiest jews break the oath.

If my nanna can do it, so can we.
no I'm not related

This, they always end up fucking with far more than they can chew, when jews are not killing themselves or their puppets, they are fucking with huge superpowers.

See: Assiria, Persia, Rome, Holy Roman Empire, France, England, and now the USA.

Why are Jews so mentally ill?

Also frame it to American evangelicals saying that Jews are under attack in Israel by secular and liberal elements.

Yes, we should create the idea amongst American Evangelicals, that only the Orthodox Jews are the real Jews and that seculiar Jews are a sick and negative element, that would cause conflict between orthodox and seculiar Jews in both America and Israel.

I also wonder if we could meme the idea into being, that seculiar jews are trying to undermine orthodox jews by using the media and the government.

Could we use Hollywood films that portray orthodox Jews in a bad light, as a way to promote this idea?

Inbreeding, they pretty much are being taught from the start of their lives that they're better than everyone else, they often all live in around the same city/region and only socialise with each other and thus only socialise with each other which isolates them from the rest of the world and gives them a really unrealistic view on "goyim".

Okay fucked up with the "socialise with each other" part but you get the point.

We make a twitter feed called #not-jewish, where we claim some Jews aren't Jewish because they are to seculiar.

Most other ethnicities don't usually poison their own wells.

He's a bit of a trickster god and it's tough to tell exactly how powerful they really are. Always either bluffing or holding back and doing what they need to get their lulz.

Powerful enough to deserve the title of god at the very least. Likely powerful enough to effect some serious change in the world's power structure.

That's nonsense.

Jews think interracial breeding is acceptable when your are getting the offspring of very successful people and turning then into half-Jews ( see Trump family), i know its hard for us to understand because its very Talmudic, "interraciality is strictly forbidden…unless it helps the Jews" its how the general rule would read out loud.

They don't want large swats of their own population lusting for goym cock, it would destroy their race:

1)Uncut cock just feels better, the foreskin slides back unto itself during penetration making the penis ticker.

2)Jewish males are unattractive effete betas.

3)Jewish girls are whores, even the ultra orthodox ones.

4)The Jewish love for "diverse" societies means there is available goym cock within a 100 meter radios of every kike pussy in the planet, even in Israel.

5)Jews, both male and female, have wild domination fantasies about the goym, usually involving being tortured then raped by someone in SS uniform.

The only think that saved them to this day is how ugly the average woman of their race looks like, all i am saying is: in the unlikely event of you even getting access to the panties of a "Jewish" girl like Natalie Portman, do it, try to marry her while you refuse to convert to Judaism and make very clear that your children wont be Jews either.

If Heimbach almost did that to miss Twin Peaks of Zion i dont really see how a more attractive white guy wouldn't be able to pull it off.

user, I hate to be a grammar nazi, but you splet "All" as "Jewish"

This is a good idea.

how about you don't have sex with a jewess for the sake of your offspring.

The Jew fears the Ultra Jew

Pol initiates the war

Jews holocaust themselves

2 0 1 6

What is going on in those images and why is it hilarious?

this is a fucking weird post.

Now i wanna break into a sperm bank, steal all the white genes, and become a serial inseminator.

all the jews will think their final prophet has come to them from holy conception, but they will bear a white child with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Supposedly a Kike soldier getting some Palestine kid as a human shield.

cool, the more dead jews the better and if the jews kill each other all the better.

holy fuck moar, this is fascinating

Okay, so… the NWO or whatever is planning on implementing a world religion based upon satan worship, right?

So, does this mean that they will be outlawing Orthodox Rabbinical studies? (I think I'm spelling that correctly)

Not a bad idea. Axe the hyphen, though. It may cause some problems on Twitter/Facebook.

No matter which side loses everyone else wins.

between this thread and the thread about mudslimes leaving if Trump gets elected I don't think my dick can get any harder.

This video oughta help, as well as this bit:

Continued this remind you of anybody?


(holy fuck)

forgot to post lint to full, redpilled, book.


Shit sorry forgot spoiler.

Israel here, I would say so. Tel Aviv is our capital of degeneracy.
There were a lot of terror attacks in the past year, so he might be fearing another intifada.

Why are you here, kike? Are you aware that many people here want you dead and to kill you, they want to go through extra steps just to deal you more pain? Are you aware that all what you are and stand for is against what Holla Forums stands for? You are the antithesis of Holla Forums, regardless of what you think you are. Why are you here?

Im a 8pol newfag, but 4pol has a decent amount of israelis, also

Fucking brilliant. It's shadow-echoes, naming the jew for the goyim, while triggering a self-destructive holiness spiral among the chosen.

but not all. Most simply want to deport them all to Israel and then back Iran

You can watch and think whatever you want, but you'll still never understand Holla Forums beyond superficial skin that is memes and NatSoc. You'll read about it, think about it, but it's doubtful you'll comprehend it. Your people have done so much damage to the white race and white nations it's going to take hundreds of years of continuous effort to fix our cultures and demographics. Your people introduced such cancerous measures in science and economics, that it's going to take complete restructuring to fix.

Holla Forums is a WN or at least NatSoc board focused on preservation of white race and white nations, cultures. Why are you here? You did not answer that question. It seems like it's a phase for you. I assume it's like fags and trannies going here and being apologist for their degeneracy, trying to find sympathy among people who want to burn them at stakes. You can't be redpilled about your own race, because your race's actions benefit you, a member of jewish race, in greater or lower sense. For whites it's a fight against you to survive and thrive. If you say you would betray your own race for the sake of white race, then you are a race traitor and not right-wing at all. You'd just be some wanna-be, influenced by works beyond your understanding. If you'd support your own kin against white race, then you are just another jew and anti-Holla Forums to begin with. Let me ask you again, why are you here?

Yes, but threats like this are like malaria. You either eliminate it entirely, or it will come crawling back one day and becoming the same cancer as it has been before. If you deport all jews to Israel, who is to say that in 50, 100 or even 500 years, someone won't let them back? You know, to begin another period of Weimar Germany and repeat of modern times. Real world is not a fable or a video game, where all ends well in the end. Good endings to situations like that take a lot of effort and sacrifice, a lot of blood, sweat and tears. You can either end a problem permanently or let it continue, fighting it piecemeal every time.

Jew-status is passed by the mother, so that child will be gentile.

The scheming elite, not me in particular.
I can't give you a striaght answer, but pol isnt only about the jews, it's about political events in general and truths like IQ of races, crime, terrorism, etc.

I wouldn't betray anyone, I don't really care. but I want to move to another country and probably won't marry a jew (so my kids aren't full jews), it doesn't have to be so deep.

maybe, but I prefer the western world to survive

And we'll probably be in confrontation with the chinks eventually, too. Does that mean we should have a nuclear exchange with China? Everything has a proper time and manner of execution, and we have neither the means nor the mandate to kill all the Jews.

user that's gay as hell. pass me the lotion so i can rub them on your hands

Arab muslims have a problem with NEETs too. Fortunately the Americans being around means that the NEETs are now prime suicide bomber material

Don't laugh yet, faggot. It's only funny if they don't bring us down with them.

Despite Israel being a Jewish nationalist ethno-state, the population is very diverse and full of non-Jews, and as we know, diversity always fails.

honestly, it might not look like it but rabbis are one of the biggest reasons why israel is such a shit and kikes are such assholes to other people.

tel aviv as the world's gaping asshole would be much less of a problem.

inb4 Israel is the newest country from which Jews get historically booted out of for shitting everything up


Oy vey, it's like the destruction of the Second Temple all over again!

I wouldn't be surprised.

Isnt it kind of a big deal too that he would admit this?

Sumerian language is related to Finno-Ugric ones (so one could claim that the ability to code/write is in our genes/culture/language..). I really fail to see the connection to jews, though. They seem to be closer to automatons or tombs.

Is this because of the ultra orthodox pacifist fucks?

I have managed to learn the moonrunes to enjoy my siamese cave paintings, I may as well learn the kikerunes to help save my race from extinction. Meet me a few years down the road when my rune power level reaches usable levels.


Does anybody know some good Hebrew ero-doujins for use as learning material?
Serious question.

You know, they say they are God's chosen… chosen for what? Chosen to be cursed for the rest of their miserable existance?

Maybe they really really pissed of God somewhere along the line, the Jesus incident possibly?

if you read the bible they fucked up plenty of times, badly.
ironically, i'd say that it's this "we are the chosen people" idea that makes them commit the same mistakes over and over again.

Don't worry. It's like watching discovery channel about freaks of nature.

>Does anybody know some good Hebrew ero-doujins for use as learning material?
You could start by checking the sources here:

Read about the destruction of the first and second temple. The yids were busy jewing each other when the babylonians and romans invaded and trashed it.

should be noted the current israeli government is reliant on the ultra orthodox for votes, they are one of, if not the, most important voting blocks. this is causing problems because as other posters have pointed out they don't participate in conscription, and don't work.

they've backed themselves into a corner over this. they need their votes to stay in power but the more concessions they give them, the weaker israel becomes from an ever growing chunk of the population not being productive

an israeli civil war would be cosy to watch

The generations of inbreeding is obvious when you look at a crowd like that.

I had a dream when I was young, like really young, 5-6 years old or so, where I was a special operations scout/recon/hunter or something. We went to this completely deserted desert city, and there were horrifying bio weapons walking around that we had to avoid while we looked for our target.

I want to say we were extracting somebody but we might have been trying to kill him, but the point was that I had never seen anything like it in any movie, so I wonder today how a little kid had such a vivid dream.
