/leftpol/ is right about economics and Holla Forums is right about race. You know this to be true

/leftpol/ is right about economics and Holla Forums is right about race. You know this to be true.

Other urls found in this thread:

humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Fuerst, John. "The nature of race." Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.pdf
humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Sailer, Steve. "The Reality of Race." VDare, May 25, 2000.pdf

Define white.

People of obvious European ancestry.



Prove me wrong. Only productive and intelligent races like whites and east Asians can achieve social democracy yet alone full socialism.

So, is Andalusia, europian ancestry?



Japanese are white…

Are 'Muricans European? Why are they not in Europa then?

How about Argentina?

So all albinos are white?

Well not but they have proven to be roughly equal to whites
If they have two parents of European descendant then yes.
Opportunity, religious conflicts at the time, economics reason, etc

If Andalusians are White, are Morrocans white too? If Morrocans are white, are Egyptians?


But Andalusians are?

Can you peole tell the same to Holla Forums and come back with the answers?


Moroccans aren't Andalusian.

Morrocans are only slightly more arab than Andalusians are. Indeed, their genetic make-up is fairly close.

also cancerous thread.

And the clear proof that it was material conditions and political economy that drove history can just be thrown out of the window.

Historical materialism? Who needs it? We have Holla Forums vulgar genetic determinist pseudoscience.

No. I really, really don't.

Both are right but for the wrong reasons. There will be no global glorious communist revolution nor will there be a Nazi masturbation fantasy. The races of the world will meld and be enslaved by a white/Jewish elite and that will be the end of history as we know it. Think Brazil but on a global scale. Surveillance and drones will make any kind of rebellion impossible.

*tips tabula rasa*

Good job Holla Forums, keep responding to the crypto-fash bait

this thread needs chemo! Get Dr. Piccolo, stat!

Ever since Varg made these recent videos, more people from Holla Forums are coming here lol

And no, Holla Forums (and Varg) are wrong about race

I'm only here because I got tired with the Alt-Right/pol/ echo chamber. Haven't seen Varg's new video.

Ye, ok, let's trust you for a moment…

"Race" is not a scientificly stable concept.
It's based on 19th century BS and poisoned as fuck by Nazism.

Genes have been mixing for thousands of years. The concept of "pure" race is long gone. We even have neanderthal in us. So, the "medical" reasons are not as simple as presented.

So, acording to Nazis, Greeks are lesser than Germans and Slavs are just not as shit as Jews.

Let alone that "jew" is not by itself a race and not all semites are jews.

So, when you think about it… Pol is just full of shit.


Holla Forums is actually less wrong regarding economics then they are regarding race – I mean, at least they're against big corporations, whereas they're completely fucking wrong about race.

thinking of race in terms of a set number of categories as Holla Forums does is a very archaic notion that no modern science supports. a "white" person can have more in common with a "black" person genetically than with another "white person.

humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Fuerst, John. "The nature of race." Open Behavioral Genetics, June, 2015.pdf
humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Sailer, Steve. "The Reality of Race." VDare, May 25, 2000.pdf

wow nice unbiased sources you got there
Protip: Single articles are meaningless; scientific consensus is what matters.

Also, IQ is mostly environmental. Also, humans differ genetically by at most 0.1%, far less than, say, chimps. Also, you're nearly just as likely to be similar to a white person as you are to a black person.

Go die in a hole.

You're an idiot. Races _are_ socially constructed because they come from well before any knowledge about genetics or heredity was formulated. Even if humans differed so much as to warrant races, these biological races would not coincide with what is usually called "the white race" or "the black race".


Then the only rebellious act left will be suicide. Finally a good excuse!

following your reasoning, white race is just another garbage race, compared to chinese and jews, as thei're much more intelligent than you.

checkmate,damn redneck


Did I imply the white race was the master race? No.

Fun-fact: In Brazil, Arab (Syrian/Lebanese) descendant families are traditionally much more wealthy and influential than the Brazilian Jews.

Humans are 98% similar to chimps and we've built skyscrapers and rockets.

You're right.
All Carbon-based scum must die.


Doesn't change the fact that two people form different races are nearly equally as different as two people from the same race.

Also, 2% is still 20 times as much as 0.1%.

Humans do have genetic markers that place ancestral people to assorted geographic locales. HOWEVER, these markers are averages rather than absolutes, which even almost all credible "ancestry tests" will explicitly tell you.

Additionally, racial categorization is almost never founded on any objective measures of genetic markers or even universally shared physical characteristics. For example, what many would consider "black" includes a vast variety of genetically different people of African descent that often will genetically have less in common with eachother than with an out-group. That's not even taking into consideration the degree by which the genes of populations spread and intermingle, creating "hybrid" populations that could either be framed as simply "mixed" or "distinct" depending on the historical frame of reference.

tl;dr Genetic variation exists, but racial categorization and assertions based on those genetic differences don't stand up when held to the scrutiny of scientific objectivity and standard deviation among any given population.

of course, im implying you're white

to add more to why IQ tests are bs, most of them have been proven to be culturally biased since westerners are more familiar with the types of questions on the tests
also, IQ isn't the best indicator of intelligence because it only really measures raw ability of solving logical problems/equations and pattern recognition which obviously are far from covering all the types of intelligence out there

of course

no they are not, jews are the actual master race

Did you just pull "look at my charts"? That's hilarious.

U wot

never thought id see pol in public

Yup. I'm glad someone is finally saying it. We need a nationalistic left that embraces both of these ideals.

He can't prove you wrong. Marxhead is the most cancerous poster here. The only thing he knows how to do is post memes.

Stalin was a racial minority and supported the creation of isreal

I'd say anarcho-commie poster(s) might be even worse.

If two arabs move to Europe, and have a child, are they white?

They're pretty bad too actually. Tankies are OK. Mutualists are cool. Obviously, I have no problem with Yugoposters or Nazbols either. Although I haven't seen any Yugoposters in a long time.

All of those are fucking awful.

Well, what are you user? An anarchokiddy? Or just a run of the mill Marxist?

I meme because after having been on this board for nearly two years, I've come to terms with the fact that debating Holla Forumsack shitposters is pointless.

You might as well be arguing with a brick wall.

I've been here just as long. I'm the same guy who created /third.positionist/ and tried to pull a bunch of users away from this board and towards a more nationalistic version of Holla Forums.
So obviously we have very different interests. I disagree with pretty much everything you stand for. With that said, if you're going to meme post, at least post something different for a change. It becomes way too predictable when you post the same memes all the time. I'm actually saying this as a genuine piece of advice.

Left Communist. So, an actual Marxists.

I see.

Not an argument.

Oh, you're that autistic retard that made a dead board because no one liked your spooks.

I use the same images because I assume the shitposters are Holla Forumsyp newfriends, so it's basically a new person everytime I post it, so there's no reason to find fresh new ways to tell shitposters to fuck off and kill themselves.

Better than being a dogmatic faggot who constantly has his lips wrapped around Marx's dick.

Says the guy who bases his whole ideology around absolute loyalty to an arbitrary plot of land.

Nope. The fact is, you're confusing the nation with the country. The nation consists of the people. I couldn't give two shits about people halfway across the world. I'll put my people above them any day of the week and I'm definitely not going to lower my people's standard of living just to slightly raise the standard of living of parasitic migrants who act as economic scabs.

Nationalism leads to imperialism. kys

So Finland is not Europe :DDDDDD

kek. Nice job talking out of your ass. The fact is, nationalism is the only thing left that effectively be used as a tool to curtail global capital. Also, I could give two shits about "imperialism". Imperialism only bothers me when it's used as a tool to line the pockets of the bourgeois. As far as I'm concerned people from other countries are of no interest to me. I frankly do not care what happens to them.


Now that's a quality spook. Just populist enough to tug on the heartstrings of the average political illiterate, but just vague enough that it could practically mean anything.

Citizens of the nation. It's not that hard to understand.

And there you have it comrades: Nationalists are confirmed crypto-fascists.

not gonna make it comrade.

So you find kinship, not with the people under the grip of the same oppressive economic system, but people who have a piece of paper saying they're legal citizens.

You must be spooked solid, m8.

And don't act like you actually care about overthrowing the bourgeoisie, the very name of your shitty ideology betrays the fact that you've already given up socialist ideals for the narrative of national struggle.

You can be a citizen and still be a traitor.

The bourgeois are parasites. They are the people who are responsible for the erosion of national sovereignty. The TPP, NAFTA, the European Union are all evidence of this fact. Your cosmopolitanism plays right into their hands. It essentially makes you a bourgeois puppet.

What makes you think I take this as an insult?

Get over yourself. I'm not trying to insult you, I just want others to see why your ideology is bullshit and not even socialist.

meh, I don't feel that world communism can work anyway. The idea of a gift/resource based economy is silly and will only lead to shortages. Not to mention, there's no mechanism to prevent communes from establishing borders.

For fuck's sake. There is no such thing as left-wing fascism.
Fascism != nationalism.
Historical fascism had the private sector merged with the state. There was a system of corporatism .That isn't left-wing. That's capitalism. Go fucking read. Nationalism is a component of fascism but they're not the same.

That flag is oh so ironic for you to be using.


You can make the same argument about communism. Almost all attempts at communism have lead to nothing more than a state run bureaucracy in which the bourgeois are replaced with the party elites.

You don't judge an ideology by the actions of it's leaders. You judge an ideology by the theories themselves.

With that said, some forms of fascism are (even in theory) completely capitalist but the one thing that unites all forms of fascism is the belief in nationalism.

Doesn't matter. Marxists and Anarchists have the same overall goals, just different autistic ways of achieving them.


Strasser wasn't a fascist. He was a nationalist. Communism was never achieved. The Soviet Union was shit.
That's exactly my fucking point. Fascism cannot be left-wing. Nationalism, in theory, is up to debate but not fascism.

It doesn't matter. Marxists of the authoritarian sort, in my eyes, aren't capable of achieving the common goal we allegedly share. Which is why they're not my comrades.

And yes, that's exactly what I'm implying. Because they aren't.

t. "anarchist"

No. I implied that the question of whether in THEORY a nationalist society where workers owned the means of production could be considered leftist is up to debate. I'm not talking about possible practical-based consequential about it leading to capitalism. Nationalists really ought to be lynched.

Oh, hai guys, what's going on in this thread?

tbh, if that kind of society could be considered leftist, it'd just be proof that there's something very wrong with leftism.

Literally not an argument.

I'm not trying to convince a nationalist of the error of their ways. I'm just drawing out the obvious reasons why nationalism is fucking terrible so that others can see it.

"Leftism" is very broad. Just because a school of leftist thought sucks, doesn't mean all leftism sucks or that that school isn't leftist. In theory, wouldn't a nationalist socialist society be considered socialist despite its shittiness? I'm not saying its possible or cool. It's shit.

It is an argument, though.
There is only that which impedes the individual and that which does not. This is why most anarchist expunge internationalism rather than nationalism. Nationalism is a social glue that always the reproduction of hierarchies in an attempt to mask social contradictions.

allows* :^)

Prove nationalism leads to imperialism.

Holla Forums couldn't be more scientifically illiterate if they tried. While they may occasionally stumble near to the truth by accident, anyone with any understanding of anthropology would laugh at most of they shit they say about race.

And thus the retardation of nationalism is revealed.

It isn't the flawed logic of our system that is to blame, it's a corrupting foreign Other disrupting an otherwise harmonious natural order. The bourgeoisie aren't aren't just another set of actors within the capitalist edifice, they're intentionally malicious conspirators trying to foul the sanctity of the nation.

There is no such thing as natural order, fam. Capitalism is just the latest iteration of class society, and one that is arguably better than the class societies that preceded it. Show me any historical society with a written history and I'll show you a society rife with conflict and inequity. You're solution is "restoring" something that never existed in the first place.

I never said it does. All I said was it allows for the reproduction of hierarchies in an attempt to mask social contradictions. Contradictions like the ruling class imposing its will on the individual.


Are you talking about political scientist like Bill Nye who's "science" always seem to fall directly in line with their beliefs or the ones who are afraid of losing their jobs and respect by hoards of angry shitlibs enough to the point that TYTs make a retarded buttmad video about it?


They're idiotic; those from the Middle East are considered caucasians. Same for those in Northern africa. Mexicans, for example, are mixed with asians, but most have stronger caucasian traits present.


Idiot. Slavs aren't white.Neither are roma.

Holla Forums is right about degeneracy, globalism and big goverment


plz, read wikipedia

No, they're obviously fucking purple.

But isn't that what Imperialism is all about?

The rest of the world doesnt subscribe to your shitty "race science", american.

The slavs are not at all similar to the germanic tribes, the celtic tribes or the baltic tribes.

Your country created this shitty excuse for ethnic history to justify slavery back in the day, learn2history.

what about cuba, a country where everyone is a mulatto


Look at greeks, people who many don't consider white. They took phoenician civilisation and made it 10 times better, made the bases of Roman and modern civilisation.
And people today call them lazy and turkish while in ottoman years, if a turk/greek man was caught having relationships with a greek/turkish woman, he was either put to death or the non-muslim one needed to become a muslim. All muslims in greece except a small minority in the greek turkish borders, were moved to Turkey.
So no, modern greeks are not turkish at all.
The only racial mixing that was made was with Slavs.
Modern greeks are 30% slavic and 65% classical greek. A 5% is Arabic and African from the many years of good relationships with Egypt.

i was once a soviet and will forever remain a soviet. not a stirner fan, yes agreed.

what you are sayings is valid.

race is a material condition, genetics is a material condition.

without proper material conditions you cannot have communism

Good thing economics is the only thing relevant to society then.

What race is "better" than others is completely fucking irrelevant if those races don't intermingle. You're assuming that this idea of superiority is used as a JUSTIFICATION of imperialism/colonialism/conquest but this isn't true. What actually happens is that there is no justification done in the first place.
It's simply a case of "X is stronger than Y so he steals his shit".

Not that I'm in favour of exploiting other races, I think Africans have a right to be left alone just as much as we have.

I bet you dont even live in your ancestral land.

Hahaha Iberian Here
I laughted

There's two marxposters if I recall. Although I see the good one much less now.


Can we never work together to build a better world? Will we forever be fighting over the color of our skin?

I just want to be brothers with everyone, work hard, and build a better world without having everything stolen from me.

Is this really impossible?

Like what, harsh winters while People in Africa had an abundance of game and no winters to kill crops.

Ha he thinks everyone's going to sit down and play nice. Twit

Actual polack here
The idea that the subhuman races must be treated as equals and given free rights due to their high opression points is the absurd one.
The claim that they are "exactly the same" is the one that should demand evidence and scrutiny, because in every aspect they have shown us the opposite. In fact every study and statistic points to that.

Turd worlders are turd worlders for a reason. They commit much more crimes and have lower intelligence by orders of magnitude. Let alone that they are ugly and disgusting.
You can try to ignore those facts,, or you can shift the goal posts and try to justify it with colonialism or "privilige" or whatever but it doesnt change anything. Inventing entire new psuedoscientific fields that contradicgt biology just to force your agenda onto the young also does not change the facts.

If you were actual commies with coherent beliefs and realistic goals, you would be aware of these facts and focus your message on economy and workers right, rather than on literal propaganda issues like "racism". A term artificially created by the KGB and other anti-west interests, to be used as a weapon to weaken european nation states.

But most of you are not legit commies. You don't care that the turd world invasion is both economically and socially destroying lives of workers.

You just edgy liberals. You might see how stupid they are and you try to distance yourself from them, but at the same time you believe the same as them and use the same rhetoric as them,.

Do you live in a haunted house?

By that logic, Siberians and Inuits must be the master race.

Not to mention that Northern Europeans were little more than spear chucking tribalists before Rome and feudalism.



Kurds were descended from the Aryan peoples who migrated from Persia to Europe

Oh hi OP, did you create this thread because you were afraid that the thought experiment I posted would debunk your racial realism?

It's ok OP, I'm still patiently waiting for your response. I want to hear how it that the first world rich baby will perform identically on an IQ test as the Somalia baby since they're 100% identical clones of each other.


Watch "The Myth", it explains the white lineage pretty damn well in the first 30 minutes

Also this meme word you use is the same "social construct", you just changed the name cause you don't want people to notice youre a liberal.

Experiments like this have been done multiple times. The most accurate predictor of IQ is parental IQ, even when growing up away from them. It's close to 80% hereditary. Adopted kids always end up closer to their biological parents IQ than their adoptive parents.

Black kids adopted and raised in rich educated white families still score on average way below poor white kids.

Another deciding factor in intelligence is parental influence, and dumbass parents with low iq give the child not only their shit genes, but a shit role model and nutrition as well.