To those who say Hitler did not want war:
Explain the Gleiwitz incident:
To those who say Hitler did not want war:
Explain the Gleiwitz incident:
Propaganda created by the western allies. The polish genocide of Germans is well known and the actual reason for invasion, never mind poland's rejection of hitler's peace plan on the 31st
I though TGSNT was required viewing on this board
Well, there were thousands of Germans being killed or mistreated in Poland at the time, the same guys who were promoting hate against German populations in Poland flee when the war started.
On a side note, nobody is saying Germans were saints or could do no wrong, thats reserved for the jews.
What polish genocide on the Germans do you mean? The Blutsonntag happened AFTER the invasion of Poland, so it can't be a cause for the invasion.
And how is it propaganda? Alfred Naujocks did a testimony in which he claimed he did this.
At the current state of documentation this testimony is the most significant thing we have regarding this incident. Or do you have something that proves it's propaganda by the allies?
Why did Hitler invade Czechoslovakia even after he got what he wanted?
whats your source for the claim of thousands of Germans being killed and mistreated in Poland?
Please respond to this.
Coerced phony confessions
So soldiers carried around syringes, got up close and personal with the potentially armed "victims", killed them, stealthily transported them to a radio station, then shot up the corpses which would have left forensic evidence of having been dead prior to being shot. Nazi's have to be both evil geniuses and retards simultaneously according to the narrative.
Because that is more believable than a group of drunken pollacks getting smashed and deciding they're going to raid a radio station for shits and giggles.
Oh, and as for asking about sources…
You didn't choose yours very wisely.
At least I present any source at all whereas you make empty claims.
TGSNT is shit with shit sources
also video is a nigger tier medium of information dissemination
Hitler's War is an excellent account of the third reich.
Invading Poland was a preemptive strike against Russia dumbass.
Your source is no better than an empty claim - worse than, in fact.
Shitty thread.
Germany didnt want war. They wanted their territories back that had Germans in them. In the case of Poland, it was Danzig. Not only did Danzig have Germans in it, but it was the only way Germany could get supplies to East Prussia, as the allies kept blockades on German shipping up until 1920, and occasionally afterwards. It was necessary for Germany to go to war. They had their backs up against the wall and were being mugged by Britain and France
Hitler did have territorial ambitions in the east and Poland would become completely landlocked if it lost danzig.
This is the same stuff independent/alternative media pimp out because they're really conspiracy theory journalists and don't want to actually analyze events of WW2 from a truly subjective POV.
It's the same shit with the Reichstag fire, which I started to believe was a false flag. It always made me hesitant because even history books explain the fire in a very conspiratorial way, yet conspiracy theorists aren't supposed to jump to conclusion. They completely disregard everything Hitler and the party were saying previously about the 6 million fucking commies in the country.
When you realize who (((they))) are in most cases, or who they've been influenced by, it makes sense that they'd ignore such a thing as a bunch of Reds.
Because you don't want a spear poisoned by communism in your flank.If I remember correctly Slovakia wanted to separate and the Czech wouldn't let them so it was an occasion to make an ally and to remove a threat.
Explain the Gleiwitz incident.
Hitler wanted a small conflict first with czechoslovakia to strengthen his youth and bring more national pride. But that situation got solve without a conflict. he then turned to polen where more of germany's rightful territory lay. He wanted a smaller conflict with them too for the same reason he wanted a conflict with czechoslovakia and the thousands of Germans being killed serves and an excellent reason to start a conflict.
He didn't not want a large war with the west and east for that matter.
Source Hitler's war, David Irving.
The reasoning for all this can be found both in mein kampf and in his second book.
I'd also just like to add that Polen wasnt some kind of weak poor little nation that just wanted to be left alone. They were aggresive and a conflict with Polen could still be a possibility even if Hitler didnt want a conflict.
Well the he did want peace with the US and Britain, but the kikes in charge (FDR and Cuckhill) just (((had))) to denounce his actions for making Germany stronger than any one of their nations percapita.
The peace plan to have Danzig back proposed by Hitler would have left Poland access to Water so it wouldn't be landlocked.
They were playing host to Soviet bombers, which would have put them within 2 hours of Berlin.
I bet you don't score over 80% on your first attempt.
You'll never admit it either way, so that's just a little something to sit on your psyche.
Explain Churchill.
This. When they knew the Brit were guaranteeing their independence they started posturing like a paon and mobilized their troops.
No he didn't.
Yes he did want peace with the west, but not the east.
He wanted land in the east, it's understandable that Poland would seek out protection from this as any nation state would.
Just like Czechoslovakia? He says in the first few pages of Mein Kampf that once all the germans in germany then they can begin to expand eastward.
I support Hitler and National Socialism but this cuckoldry is at the same level with the le anti racist nazi maymay that gets spread around here once in a while.
There is nothing wrong with the weak being conquering the weak.
Hitler didn't want a war in the west, maybe against France but nothing more, he did want clay in the east.
What the hell? I thought he gave this quote after the WWII. Even now he's talking about the war in past tense even when it hasn't even begun yet.
Fuck my shit up
weak being conquered by the strong*
If Hitler knew about Poland's relationship with Britain and how powerful they were why did he attack first?
Let's also not forget about the German minorities that were massacred, as well as the territorial claims over danzig end Poland being in the way of lebensraum
This shit makes me sick.
Fucking kikes man.
I agree, that why i think it was an ok politicl goal to acquire lebensraum.
I can just add to that that by east i mean soviet and alost that he didnt want a war with them at that time (1941 that is)
Also, if we're being honest, he probably didn't think they were gonna do anything.
Keep in mind, World War I was only, what, 20 years back?
The notion that the Brits would choose to walk down that road again, for the sake of Poland, likely seemed rather dubious.
The Poles, however, likely took it seriously, and their behavior no doubt demonstrated this - which is unfortunate, because it really fucked them in the end… The British WEREN'T intending to actually back the Poles, or weren't that committed to it, they appear to have just wanted a reason to justify warring with Germany again.
… in the event of any action which clearly threatened Polish independence, and which the Polish Government accordingly considered it vital to resist with their national forces, His Majesty's Government would feel themselves bound at once to lend the Polish Government all support in their power. They have given the Polish Government an assurance to this effect.
I may add that the French Government have authorised me to make it plain that they stand in the same position in this matter as do His Majesty's Government.
He thought they would back down (and they were very close to do so) just like they did with czechoslovakia.
An alliance with England was one of Hitler's dreams so there is literally no reason for him to want a war with them. He knew that a war for england meant that they would lose their empire and that would mean that europe would lose power.
Don't know which version of the book you are talking about but in the stalag one he only talk about how the Russians have so much empty space and are wasting it.
Hitler had that Mentality of never backing down and the poles weren't going to accept any peace now with the Brit so they got blitzkrieg'd.
I see the CTR shills are going all out with bait in this thread.
Whatcha sliding?
That dream was never to be.
The British are terrified of a major power taking over the continent, even if it be an ally.
The fools… They could have created something wonderful, instead they bled the best of themselves for Jews and fell to (cultural) Marxism.
Who cares, it was 70 years ago
There's a kebab invasion of Europe and a repeat of the fall of Western Rome going on in America right now. Stop glorifying him and stop demonizing him; Hitler's legacy really isn't an issue right now. Expounding his virtues will not help to restore European Civilization (in fact it will almost certainly harm that cause *regardless if it should*), and squabbling with people that agree with you on the principle issues over some detail of history only wastes time and intellectual capital, all of your opinions on this will dissipate into the ether. Professional historians have already looked into this and can give you structured, well-thought-out, evidenced perspectives on it from people with all different types of sympathies if you're interested.
It's a sad story really.
The Foundations of the world in which you live are rooted in the 1940's more than in any other time.
Unless you - we - slay the demons lurking in those foundations, we will never topple them, and thus be trapped in this nightmare prison forever.
No you won't, move along.
We lost that one; now work on this one.
Dude…. God damn, it was so sad, so fucking sad.
We didn't have a reason to fight each other, not really, it was all spurred on by outsiders, enemies that could - did and do - walk among us in camouflage.
The European people shot ourselves in the foot - or rather, our 'leaders' did - and we've been hopping about trying to get our balance back ever since, which has proven an incredibly difficult task.
Again: The Foundation of the world in which you live rests in those times, are haunted by those demons.
You will win no fights in this structure, for it is designed as a prison - or worse, a tomb.
Only once it is torn down will we be able to truly achieve victories.
The Nazis are the new devil, and as long as they are vilified so, so shall those who espouse traits in common with them.
You will never win the people so long as they consider you a demon.
Okay, then don't say you're a demon retard.
"We have to convince brainwashed retards the nazis were actually good"
No we don't.
Then you'll never be more than an accusatory shout of "Nazi!" from being silenced and defeated.
You don't call yourself a demon, you fool, your enemies call you a demon, for espousing the traits they have associated with demons.
If you can't drive off the stigma upon the Nazis, then you will never achieve ethnocentric nationalistic pursuits without constant accusation in that vein, which is quite effective - and which, further, is likely why so little ground has been gained in that context.
Slavshit shit better than sourkrauts, as showcased by the purest expression of humanity, war.
Fuck off shill
It was the allies that won the war, if Hitler didn't have to have 100s of divisions in italy, france, north africa, etc then he would have delivered a devastating blow to international Bolshevism.
Even with all those constraints, he still nearly beat the slavshits
Except "Nazi" doesn't mean anything anymore unless you identify with it.
The majority of White people are supporting Trump.
The majority of White people are opposed to further immigration.
We have a political block with the capacity to hold total control over the society with enough agency
What we need is high turnout and to take back control of or create new institutions including governments, academia, education, arbitration, art, etc that serve our interests.
The rabble creates/contributes nothing to that. It's only exceptional people that make changes to society. What we need to do is convince people with status, power, and aptitude to get on our side or to infiltrate those institutions and take their positions.
How do you think the Marxists took control of our countries? Are able to influence society so rapidly in such an unpopular direction? By handing out leaflets?
No, they are true-believers who target cultural/economic/legal Schelling points and vie for positions of authority.
Read some Schmitt
You guys are making yourself seem ridiculous.
3 Responses to a more than clear question and not a single response is about the question.
Because the incident itself is not very interesting or relevant.
I'll answer.
Hitler and the Third Reich had a policy of reclaiming german territories lost from WW1. They reclaimed those territories except the danzig corridor.
Hitler had Goebells hold off on "polish incidents" in the german press until the Czech problem was solved. Then they began instigating and justifying war. Then they warred. Then Hitler made it clear to the Allies that he wanted peace. Then Hitler tried proposing peace. Then the allies denied it and tortured and kept the man he sent in prison until they had a nigger strangle him to death in his old age.
He didn't want war with France or Britain. Obviously lebensraum required war in the east.
Right "beat" which is why it was a literal rapestomp on the east front, and that nazis were just losing tot hem.
Stop being such a nigger and read it yourself.
You forgot the part with Leningrad under siege and cut off and being within 10km of Moscow kike with 70 or so full strength divisions (including precious panzer divisions), and huge parts of the luftwaffe being tied off in other parts of the world.
That which can not be recounted in summary is that which posses mind altering properties. I rather like my brain not to be manipulated.
And yet then it all get beats back with the simplest and most potent military of all. Oh and the fact that Nazis can't into logistics and prepare for the terrain they fight on.
Fun way to say overweight suspension breaking behemoth that can't even into slope armor. And gets taken out by illiterate peasent farmers who's first time in a vehicle is killing their asses.
Which is the funny part, but then shills aren't able to into logic at all.
Okay you're just shitposting
It's ok to say that you are just a nigger how cant read books.
Poland was slaughtering ethnic Germans in the Danzig Corridor after the region was given to them in the Treaty of Versailles..
Oh good I was just thinking about this a few hours ago.
Its far more fine to admit to be part of a cult than to pretend to be an intellectual
So you have no response to the magnificence that is holding an ally who lends no aid, and then joining him when he pisses off a giant?
Tell me, why did Hitler sanction Hirohito rather than ignore the IJE and focus on his little neck?
Might have saved him a little if the US hadn't mentioned that Japan had no intent of refacing Russia.
Shame they weren't in Germany where they could have guns to defend themselves. Of course the pretext is rather moot when you consider that the Soviets got to eat Poland as well and killed far more.
Hello, newfriend. You'll find a complete and thorough explanation in this video.