Idpols crash an Orlando vigil. Pure autism ensues.
Idpols crash an Orlando vigil. Pure autism ensues.
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That is pretty cancerous.
Didn't they specifically instruct white people to stay at the edges of the protest and not to try and take and active role?
And now they're mad because white people stayed at the edges of the BLM protests and didn't take an active role?
You can't have your cake and eat it too, BLM.
She's espousing the exact behavior she claims to be against.
I'm no psych expert, but I believe there's a Freudian term for this phenomenon. It's the same mechanism that causes abused children to grow into abusive parents. Or the same mechanism that causes Aeneas to barely escape the ruthless slaughter of the Greeks at Troy, only to go on and ruthlessly slaughter the Latins in Italy.
That first fucking statement, I didn't know I could cringe so hard.
More proof black people hate whites and when given the chance will self segregate.
These people are fucked in the head. And yes, this is a white person that tweeted this.
Hmmm I wonder why?
Why don't we just let them self-segregate? It's obviously what they want.
Stop it Holla Forums
Not Holla Forums. It's a genuine question. I'm not talking about all PoC, but the authoritarian idpol element among them. They are lost causes. Let them have their circlejerk of hatred.
If you mean BLM, they are the end of the day will be our friends in the fight against the elites. No in America knows being pushed to the fringes like PoC's. If we can unite them all in solidarity with us, we can succeed.
But you are an obvious Holla Forums shill. A real leftist would never say to send hate their way and let them create a dichotomy in their ethnic group.
That divisive bitch.
I'm an obvious Holla Forums shill because identity politics is fucking cancer?
BLM are not our allies. They're an undialectical regressive element that are a cancerous byproduct of neoliberalism.
Not that guy but blm are definitely not our allies at the end of the day. They're just trying to carve out their own niche in the system not subvert it. Also as a non-white, I don't appreciate you lumping me into some brown mass that's inherently has some kind of revolutionary potential. It implies that us "POC" are a hive mind with the same goals and ambitions. It's incredibly dehumanizing and patronizing. "POC" is one of the most racist terms I've ever heard in my entire life.
To be fair, it's a term/acronym that they refer to themselves as.
PoC can be our allies. BLM are not.
This video is a wonderful reminder as to why Gulags are an absolute necessity.
PoC is such a retarded term. Whites are absent from color?
BLM are reactionaries. I have no desire to "unite" with a bunch of black supremacists.
Perhaps you'd be more comfortable with people who agree with your idpol ideas.
BLM are cancer, and definitely not our allies. They are Soros funded Clinton shills.
Don't even for a second think idpolers can be our allies.
This. Whites are the most coloured people of all. They turn red when embarrassed, green when they're sick, blue when they're sad, purple when they choke, you get the idea. They're not even white, really. They're pink.
depends if you're looking at it from an aesthetic or physical point of view.
Idpol can literally block the colors that you look at by your own goddamn eyes
i mean you guys call Asians yellow
they are fucking white
the whitest whites ever they are whiter than Europeans
*East Asians
Southeast Asians are pretty dark, for example.
whatever race is a spook
You see, if they just taught fucking simple logic and critical thinking in colleges we wouldn't have to deal with these twits.
I dont think this girl is black, i think she is mixed
you're the one that should go back to reddit, BLM is not a black supremacist group, at all.
They're Soros funded idiots that have no interest in fighting capitalism.
and? they're not a black supremacist groups, this 'any black group is a black supremacist group' meme needs to end.
this is true
Not the leaders but the people they bring under their cause.
I'm mixed sand people. I don't think you are a "hive mind", but I think by and large non-whites have been discriminated against by the elite in every western culture they were denizens of. My other 3/4 is Euro jew, who Holla Forums would gladly gas. So when I come and say we should unite in solidarity with the PEOPLE of BLM(not the leaders), I mean to say they can be drawn into our cause if they are shown they could be welcome.
That being said, I worded that horribly and deserve to get shit on.
I don't care if they are black supremacists or not. That's not why I don't consider them allies. I don't consider them allies because they represent peak neoliberalism.
speechless tbqh
Yes. Yes it is. I am south europa and I think Nigger is less racist than PoC, cause at list the nazi saying niggerz is more honest about his racism.
Well, houseslaves were fine being houseslaves. That didn't make slavery right.
The fact that some people are fine with "PoC", doesn't make them or the term right. It just makes them idiots.
Yeah but whites aren't solid white. We kind of have pinkish hue.
lol. Reddit literally defends BLM on a daily basis you ignorant faggot.
They don't care about overthrowing capitalism they just care about bringing diversity to the bourgeois.
Now get the fuck off of our board.
you're generalizing just like the woman in the video. stop always thinking in terms of race.
Lmao, I read about this earlier on Infowars (don't hate, it's a very entertaining site).
I'm not a tinfoilfag but at this point I'm nearly 100 percent convinced that SJWs and idpol are a Soros-funded conspiracy meant to completely destroy whatever remains of the left in the US.
two types of BLM people: racist radicals like the woman in the video and well-meaning but misguided people who have fallen for the liberal narrative. the former will never care about class struggle, but there's potential with the latter. overall, though, BLM is cancer and a disgrace to leftism.
no, they don't. Like most liberals they're extremely hostile to the group and have been hostile to the groups since it was just a hashtag. Do something for me, in a few hours this video will probably be on the top of r/videos, please take a screen shot of the comment section and post it here.
I was banned from /r/socialism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM for critiquing identity politics and BLM.
thank you tankie scientist, your comments will take us to space
I think it's not intentional, and much of the sjw idpol is not even related to Soros. Most people think in terms of the ideology, and the ideology doesn't give them the tools to think outside of it so that they only know how to revolt against the system in hegemonic terms.
People who speak in public with a vocal fry should have things thrown at them.
Fucking This.
Whatte fuck is with people assuming that race or color or with wich hand you jerk off with has a hivemind.
what bothers me about this is that almost no one in the crowd even objects to what she's saying.
Just read the article and beside the black supremacist most of the tweets aren't really bad.
OoGa BoOgA
KiLl WhItEy
oh fuck off, those subreddits are both pretty small and do not represent most of reddit you dishonest cunt
i hate white people. isn't it awful how racist they are?
that's why it's hilarious. What was that quote about how nationalists are pathetic because they draw pride from one of the most broad and arbitrary aspects? This is that, times 5. I can't believe some people actually thought that reducing billions of individuals to a fucking acronym would be liberating.
LITERALLY (not figuratively) defending plebbit
honestly reddit is just shit because you never hear any dissenting views because of the upvote system. it's an actual hive mind. also the communism/socialism boards are full of idpol.
and what does this have to do with reddit being anti-BLM and not pro-BLM like you claimed?
all of reddit is full of idpol, except it's pro-white so you dont hear as much whining about that.
/r/socialism: 60,000 users
/r/communism: 17,000 users
and that isn't even counting all of their affiliated/influenced boards
im not the person who was talking about reddit's stance on BLM. they are clearly against it for the most part, though.
cool, now let's look at the top 300 subreddits.
even when combined, r/socialism and are /communism dont even break 100k subs, so yes they are small you stupid faggot.
Same. I expected more people to be angry about the vigil getting hijacked.
oh okay, im sorry.
/r/socialism is 807th out of 5000 when including NSFW boards.
It's an average sized board and if you're comparing it to the default subs with their inflated millions or the total number of users then only stupid faggot here is you.
Thanks for this link though it's helping me find some good porn subs. I'll think about you when I'm getting off tonight.
oh yeah this is already paying off
no, it's a small board, even when you remove the default subs like ask reddit. And using it to represent the opinions of reddit is very very dishonest.
I was banned for criticizing BLM. I don't even frequent reddit but I wanted to see what they're reaction would be. Long story short, they failed the test.
meant to write:
if you say so you stupid faggot
Where did you get that?
Well, it used to be Rams country anyway.
Well, at the end of the day, we can say that American is a true shithole when it comes to fighting the bourgeoisie/Capital/etc.
I really hope that one day we get rid that country.
You've never been to ireland or scandanavia have you?
Thats why i say im a communist you silly goose.