Right now we are on the last chapter of the brazilian impeachment proceedings.

We're on the final day of the trial, tomorrow we have the vote, and once it passes, we will be free of 20 years of socialist rule.

Leftist candidates are already in full damage control washing away any red from their campaign material.

Brazilian stock markets going up super hard.

Join the celebrations!

Other urls found in this thread:

The parasites aren't going for scorched Earth before being kicked out?

fuck hues, worst south american shithole of all

Do you happen to have any archives or a little short hand for some one who has not been keeping up with this?
I would like to back up the timeline for offline storage.

Hue hue hue when are you guys going to have a violent revolution and reinstate the monarchy?

Get back to us when buildings are burning and tanks are deployed.

As much as I dislike Dilma, you shouldn't forget Temer, just like the majority of the Brazillian right, is a zionist.

We are never getting another Dom Pedro II so there is no point.

Well, it's kinda hard to find non-pozzed sources on the whole thing, so I guess I'll just break it down in a few posts.

It all started in 2002 with Lula, a big commie who lost one of his pinkies in a factory accident and then went into politics. Lula was the head of the Worker's Party (PT) and had been trying for the presidency for around 3 elections already. On his 2002 run however, he dialed down a bit on the red and started presenting himself as a more normal person, running a campaign championing transparency and the fight against corruption, which managed to get him elected.

One thing you must know about brazilian elections is that the turnout is near 90%, due to the fact that voting is compulsory. You are not obliged to vote for any candidate as you can cast a null vote, but you have to go to the polling station, otherwise there is a bunch of shit you can't do, such as get a passport or go to a federal university.

What this means is that to get elected in Brazil, big, retarded and outrageous populist campaign promises tend to pay off for the big government posts, while a funny campaign can go a long way towards getting a lower post (Pic related is our most voted federal congressman for the last election). You can also get reelected easily on apathy votes from people who don't know shit about the political situation, but will vote for the guy who's already there with chants of "Eh, how worse can it get?"

Once Lula was elected, he started doing the socialism thing with the big welfare programs and affirmative action. At the time, there was a big commodities boom going about and we managed to make a lot of money selling shit to China, which would be injected into the welfare machine, which made Lula a very popular leader.

During Lula's first two terms, Dilma Rousseff was Minister of Energy, Chief of Staff and head of Petrobras. Dilma was a member of the communist guerrilla during the 60s, where we lived under a light military dictatorship which brought us our period of biggest economic growth in history, with a couple of consecutive years with growth over 10% per year.

Dilma's guerrilla group was involved with activities such as robbing armored trucks, kidnapping an american diplomat and other assorted terrorist activities. Her first husband hijacked an airplane and fled to Cuba.

Dilma was eventually arrested and allegedly tortured for being a commie rat, but once the military dictatorship ended, there was a huge blanket amnesty given to both the military and the subversive elements.

Go on

We then reach 2010. Lula has served two terms, so he is not eligible for another one. He handpicks Dilma as his successor and her campaign's only selling point is being endorsed by the guy.

While Lula's two terms were rife with corruption scandals and politicians stealing from the public coffers, the country was still riding the high of the chinese commodities boom, the poor people were happy with the gibsmedat and the middle class was enjoying a strong currency (we got to an exchange rate of 1.5:1 to the dollar at one point I believe).

So, Lula's endorsement was enough, and Dilma was elected president in 2010. Once she was in office, she started turning the welfare machine up to 11, along with affirmative action programs. This was after the commodities boom had ended, so the state started burning even more money, even though the chinese well had dried up. At this point we also had a bunch of World Cup and Olympics shit to build.

As expected, the economy started to crumble, and people started getting pissed. When they raised the bus fares in São Paulo and other state capitals in 2013, waves of protests started cropping up all across the country, initially about the bus fares, they soon morphed into catch all protests of pissed off people who were angry about bus fares, inflation, corruption and the government in general.

This made the reelection for Dilma in 2014 a much harder prospect. Our choices were between Dilma and Aécio Neves, known cuckservative, but much better than the alternative.

Dilma's campaign was focused on scaring the unwashed masses with tales of Aécio taking away their gibs, while Aécio's campaign was about taking the economy out of the shit and destroying her on debates, since Dilma can't open her mouth without sounding like a complete retard.

On the election day itself, shit started getting very shady. On Brazil we use electronic urns, there is no physical registry of who you voted for. The urns were handled by Smartmatic, same company that handled the urns in Venezuela when Maduro was elected.

On every election, once the polling stations are closed, the electoral tribunal starts releasing partial results as they come in. This last presidential election however, it was an exception: we only got to see the final results. Partial results were only known by the electoral tribunal, which was headed by a guy appointed by the PT.

Dilma had won her second term on a tiny margin. Electronic votes meant no possibility of a recount.

Once Dilma was reelected, shit started hitting the fan hard. A corruption probe called the Car Wash Operation had been unfolding for a while now. It started by investigating an actual car wash, and it kept arresting people until it uncovered a massive graft scheme involving Petrobras.

Dilma was head of Petrobras appointed by Lula during the time this scheme was going on, with that much money going missing, she was either involved or criminally stupid. She choose to claim ignorance of any wrongdoing.

Another thing which was uncovered in another investigation were the so-called "pedaladas fiscais". Those were accounting tricks Dilma used by borrowing a shitton of money and making the government accounts not look as shitty as they really were. This happened just before the fiscal year before the elections, so she went into the elections pretending the country was not in deep shit, but it was. Naturally, everyone was pissed.

Another thing you have to understand about Brazil is that it is extremely hard to pin anything on a politician. If you are a politician in Brazil, you can only be tried by our supreme court, which always has a huge backlog of cases, so everything takes forever. Additionally, the president can't be impeached due to crimes committed before the election.

While Judge Moro (pic related, head of the Car Wash operation) could not touch Dilma because of her special legal standing, he did come across some tax evasion charges he could pin on Lula, which was retired at this point. He owned two undeclared, very expensive properties, and Moro was on the warpath. At one point, he had Lula brought in by the federal police for an interrogation, which was cool as shit.

With Lula almost in jail, Dilma had a very obvious, shameless and stupid move she could make, and the madwoman actually did it.

The only thing that makes it less awful is that they're Brazilian children and their deaths all but prove the complete lack of humanity present in huehueniggers.

the only true way that brazil could be fixed is pic related

Question: Are BOPE based like in the movies or are they controlled by ((them))?

You'll never be saved until you get that 'white' population back up past 60%.

Dilma made Lula chief minister of her cabinet. This way she could shield him from prosecution from Moro, since as a politician he would have special legal status again, and hand off the reins of the government to him on the downlow to try and stabilize the political and economic situation, since unlike her, he's not a complete retard, and still had some pull as a popular leader who was not hated by most of the rest of the government.

Moro however, had Lula's phone bugged, and recorded and leaked a conversation between him and Dilma, in which Dilma says she well send him the minister paperwork "in case he needs it". Her sending him a literal get out of jail free card made the real reasons for the appointment even more obvious, so within a day it was blocked, unblocked and reblocked by a series of judges.

Lula was in a limbo of minister-yet-not-minister with special legal status but not really. Moro was chastised for releasing the phone leaks since there were some questions about the legality of the wiretap. Lula was safe from Moro for now.

Eventually people got around to it and filed a couple of impeachment processes. Dilma was now fighting on two fronts, both with the impeachment process and an investigation on her campaign funds by the electoral tribunal, which could lead to the elections being voided.

Dilma's allied base started abandoning her, including PSDB, one of the biggest parties in the country, and the party of her vice president, Michel Temer (which is married to qt related).

The impeachment process that went forward cited the accounting tricks as the reason for the impeachment, that was pretty tame as far as what she did, but it is what we could make stick.

Our impeachment process has 3 votes: first we need a 2/3 majority in the chamber of deputies to send the impeachment proposal to the senate, this vote passed in the 17th of april with 367 to 137 votes.

The proposal was then sent to the senate, which needed a simple majority vote to start the trial process, this vote was won with 55 to 22 votes. As a result, Dilma was suspended from her duties, and Temer assumed as interim president for up to 6 months or until the trial is over.

We then reach today, day of the final vote. The senate has to decide with a 2/3 majority to impeach Dilma for good or to cancel the whole thing. According to all the speeches given by the senators during the trial, current projections are 59 to 21 votes for the impeachment

Dilma's defense was based on denial, crying about muh soggy knees and denouncing the impeachment as a coup. There were talks about the PT mobilizing their party thugs and slogans being thrown around saying "There will be no coup, there will be fighting". Maduro was also throwing a bitchfit about the whole thing, but I don't think fucking Venezuela is in position to do anything right now. In short, happening is possible, but unlikely.

PT is also pushing for new elections this year, which could be disastrous with the electronic urns (we have a solution for them, but it will only be ready for the 2018 elections) and the dazed masses having to pick a candidate in two months time.

The next few days should be good.

Good luck Brazil bros

Wow… Thats alot to take in. Thank you very much for this. The one time not a single person shits on OP for not posting links because OP delivered a much better summery over along course of time then any "news" article would ever give.

Full house checked.
Lets hope the "full house" votes to dumpster the twat.

So are you going to get a based guy in now that this hag is getting locked up or are you going to get another gommie or a Neocon or something else that's shit

They are, but it's a though job. They have been able to keep the most dangerous stuff inside the slums, but there are small leaks they can't really avoid.
But the people from the favelas know very well they are not supposed to cross them. If it happen, there is no second chance.

You mean, became the new Europe to be colonized by Islam? Thanks, but no thanks.

Frankly, we are about to have an ex-president in jail for corruption, and the current one is catholic, but his family is from Lebanon. He is a really smart man, had a career outside of politics as a lawyer. Frankly I think it's too soon to know what is going to happen but Brazil is having a very interesting moment now.
But I must say, people from USA must be really pissed that Brazil are taken out a crazy lady as Dilma and breaking apart the most powerful leftist party, and they are struggling to not get someone like Shillary, a traitor, into the White House.
But we do have a dangerous enemy to all of this: Our Supreme Court is doing some weird stuff lately, and they might be a real thorn in changing things for the better more effectively.

Aécio is just as bad as Dilma. Typical cuckservative. He wants to grant more "independence" to our (((central bank))) among other things.

We basically have to choose between a fucked up wannabe commie government filled with cultural marxism and all of the same cancer the left has inflicted over the world or instant economic slavery with 12 hour/day work-journey and no retirement until 70.

Our vice-president which will be totally in charge after this is a neocon freemason. He and our own lungenpress keep telling us our
Social Security is broken, when it actually would be just fine if they didn't took something close to half the money to pay the interests of our unplayable national debt to the jude.

Temer is a sellout to kikes. But he's smart and politically savvy. He knows he can't fuck it up when everything in the country is so shitty. He's the perfect replacement for someone who fucks shit up, but a very bad option for a 4-year candidacy.

fuck yes trips

congratulations. turn your country around everyone country is doing we're saving the world

Dude, tell me ONE western leader that is not "sleeping with kikes"?
Be with the kikes is important, but for western politicians is like air, not a single one of them is clear, but some can deal with it better. Temer is a well educated dude that was smart enough to keep his name clean, at least until this moment. That is more than most ever done.


Yeah dude, in the biggest public universities and in the big cities might be the case. But this is not at all how things are in most of the country.
This is cherry picking if you are trying to say this applies to the whole.

Just a quick-fix.

Michel Temer's (current interim president) party is PMDB (Democrat Movement of Brazil Party), which was part of Dilma's allied base.

PSDB (Social-Democrat Party) is Aecio Neves' party, who lead the opposition against her.

Check thi huezilian a e s o t h e r i c master piece.

Hungary's Guy perhaps

dude what

Great rundown of the events, OP.

I'm disapponted. Also I'm surprised that Foro de Sao Paulo, a collective of left-winged latin american organizations and political parties which brazilian Worker's Party, colombian FARCs and both venezuelan and cuban dictatorships are part of, isn't mentioned here at all.

That's idiotic thinking and makes no sense. Brazil needs to be purged of the barbaric races.

It's amazing to me how politics in the major parts of the world are all going nationalist/far-right.

The failure of leftism/socialism in South America is very interesting, much more than French Socialists because you have Venezuela and Brasil to look at for its disastrous failures.

Then double down. Due to its constituency Holla Forums is sometimes quite ignorant on Latin America, despite the great implication of the region for the future of humanity. If you have interesting stuff to share, by all means do so.

I'm happy for you, BRo. I hope you guys don't relapse.

How likely is a civil war in Brazil?

Is it? Why? I mean, do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Brazil is not a country as USA or Europe. This country history was always about different races from the start. The not whites are a huge part of the population here. The Holla Forums logic cannot be applied everywhere every time.
The country already have largely black, largely native and largely white regions that don't really mess up with each other.

Never happening. Military forces in Brazil are a joke right now. There's no huge incentive for a country referendum to separate itself. So the South/Southeast will have to economically drag the Northeast/North on it's back like it always did.

Just so you know: most of the left-leaning politicians are in the poor states/cities. Notice a trend here with USA, Holla Forums?

Brazil is not a disastrous failure as Venezuela because democracy still work here. If you compare the as the same, or even closely the same situation is a huge exaggeration. The country is not lacking products, the government still functions and there is not a police state in Brazil.

It's an interesting question. For quite some time, the government thought it was just impossible. Then, 2013 happened, and shit got really real around here. Right now the population is not really armed, but people usually have the stupid idea that Brazilians are pacific people. This country is a mix of very angry races that are also a bit lazy, but with the right push they can make a mob that would take an army to tackle. As in fact was the case back in 2013.

Civil war is not happening mostly because the government, while quite corrupt, still have some competent people in there and the country still "works": There is food, electricity, water, healthcare, oil, and so on. But after 2013 many people started to get really pissed at their local governments and there are positive changes. Politics became a heated topic everywhere, the media is always showing happenings in the three powers, of course they bend the narrative, but they can't avoid the topics, at least.

I would not ask for burgers to really care about what's happening around here, mostly because they do have a huge situation at their hands. But if you people think the happenings are only over the Equator, you really need to lurk moar.

This. Multi-racialism was a natural start point for the country, not something government pushed and inflated for their own interests. This by itself greatly reduces racial tensions, and to the degree of miscigenation that Brazil has, lefties can't call others racists, since everyone has a black/mulatto parent somewhere in their geneline.

LOLno. That was a mob taking the streets to protest against everyone. There was no clear sign nor political stance to separate X from Y.

You didn't read it.

You're right, I didn't.

It goes unnoticed by a lot of brazilians, but when hearing the names of high tier politicians, there is a lot of jewishness

Politics here are very superficially ideologic conflict, it's mostly a war between those who want gibs and those who don't want to pay for it

That's really not an exclusive from any country. Hell, this kind of stuff happens even in dictatorships. It's a consequence of the hunger for power.

I doubt it.
Impeachment is pretty much certain. The left has threatened to pick up on arms before (mainly some 'movements' and unions connected to PT), but they never do it - this week, for instance, they already said they have no money left to send people to pro-Dilma rallies (yes, they were paid - in sandwiches - to attend).

There's also UNASUR, based on the EU model, but it didn't seem to take off. Supposedly, it should reach the same level of influence the EU has on its countries around 2019.

Except they do. Where were you when they kept yelling that the pro-Impeachment protests were filled with the "white elite" that hates that poor, black people can now sit next to them on a plane or get in college?

The left doesn't care about genetics. If you look white enough for them, it's good enough.
Considering that the racial census is based on self-identification, no one should be gullible enough to believe Brazil has as much as 40% of whites comprising its population, or 7% blacks and 53% "pardos" (which, obviously, if it fits them, they consider them black too).

Eh, that depends. Specially in the Southern region countryside. I have relatives who barely speak Portuguese and communicate mainly in German and Italian, who were, since our ancestors set foot here, pretty much isolated from the rest of the country.
European migrants were brought to the South to build it and protect its borders. African slaves were mainly brought to the Southeast and Northeast, where there was larger need for them because of, mainly, the coffee and sugar cane plantations.

Brazil had the biggest branch of the NSDAP outside of Germany, state of Santa Catarina specially.
There was, yes, a campaign for 'brazilification' during Vargas' govt IIRC. I remember my grandmother telling me she was forbidden of speaking German for a time.
A lot of people in such small towns and the general countryside, specially elders, are still pretty racist. I hope it remains that way.

Is there any country in South America that isn't a corrupt socialist shithole?

Fucking mestizos smh


You know what is the core argument behind Bolsonaro, the right-wing nightmare of the left?

He has black relatives.

This instantly dismisses any racism claim, because he is partially black himself. It's like instant chemo to cancer arguments.

Southern Brazil, just like Argentina and Uruguay, are different in that they have huge amounts of migrants from Europe. They, obviously, are tribalistic, and even between whites they have some sort of rivalry (Italians and German-descent people), which is not racism but just bantering.

Poor countries like socialism. South America is a 3rd world shithole. Just not as bad as Africa. But still worse than, say, eastern europe.

Well, you know those people, they will either ignore it and continue to call him racist or complain about him for something else.
Hell, they have a term for blacks who refuse to be their pets.

And, yes, being half Italian/half German, the bantz are always nice.

Kinda hard to burn down something that was made ashes a long time ago.

Worse than PARTS of eastern europe, not all of it.
Why this idea that SA is a shithole still exists exactly? Every huge country as Brazil have trash zones and godlike zones. If you are Brazilian you know that damn well. USA is full of shitholes, most europe is full of shitholes now.

Yeah, there are the extreme leftists who took lessons from the ones in USA or Europe and tried to push the racist narrative around here. But this country is too far from progressives. There are laws in place that some blacks in the media have been using to silence jokes and stuff like that, but the populations is pretty much immune to that in general because this is still a basic part of the culture. Not saying they can't change it, but it sure would not be that easy as it was in europe.

And about the groups, indeed there are the groups as you said, the ones LARPing as Germans, Italians, Japanese I think some people from the Netherlands too. They are born here but want to believe they are from something else. Even when the south already have a very specific culture, they need that extra layer too. I have no problem with that. But I really wonder, if the country ever happen to be in need, will these people deflect or defend their real country?

Who gives a shit? Fucking monkeys.

You take the shit. And you take the best.

On average, Brazil is a shit country compared to other countries in the 1st world. I give you that compared to other shit places like Africa, Paraguay or Vietnam/India it's much better off, even with the economical crisis.

It's almost impossible to find anything about Foro de Sao Paulo in english, besides its article on Kikepedia. The basics about Foro de Sao Paulo are here, in portuguese:

Also, there's some rumors about mr. George "Bond villain" Soros giving money to Foro de Sao Paulo through his NGOs, but we didn't found a connection. We know that he purchased a good amount of land on Uruguay a few years ago, and lefties on South America see Uruguay, a Foro de Sao Paulo member, as a model for drugs legalization.

Can we meme this bitch in connection with Hillary somehow?
Brazil also voted for a utterly corrupt person for president, just because it had a vagina.
Your turn, America..

Who do they benefit in Brazil? niggers? I never think of other countries, outside of white countries, having these sorts of laws

Niggers and indians. Also poor people.

lula, cristina, hillary
i see a trend here…

Interesting thread.

I'm a Brit currently in Colombia, but since the country is electing FARC to government in a referendum next month, I'll be leaving soon. I'll keep an eye on Brazil, as I think it'll be my next destination.

If you go to São Paulo hit me up so we can go for a cheeky pint.

You know, not related, but there is a britbong who came here a long time ago and made quite a career as a singer. Seems like he is from Beckenham.

That's because even though niggers and other muds are a majority in society they are still a minority on universities, since until before quotas, you actually had to have a high IQ to get in.






Jewma is out, mr. Freemason is in.

I just wish we could do things the right way and remove the jude puppets completely.

This one will be harder to fall.

I guess we need Trump to destabilize the kikes further to have a chance of truly breaking free.

Typical really, you would think a place that encourages curiosity and investigation over politics wouldn`t have shit for brains as their members

Voces sao tudo otario sulista que acreditam no "PT comunista" meme

Oh, of course not. Keep being sheep.
You clearly have no idea of the connections of PT government and George Soros, UNASUL, etc.
Exactly the same situation as USA rigged elections.


Yes, but Bolso tell heavyly shit about fags and that's what fuck his shit up.

You need to start promoting the "Brazilian Integralist" movement, that is the only way.

Dilma is "out" but they have opened a precedent to free any corrupt POS, they basically condemn her a thief and but let her keep the gun, it's a joking joke. If Killary wins the USA will become just like this shithole.

kill yourself commie trash

Yeah, they have European, or Japanese in that case, blood in them. I see no problem in preserving their ancestors culture. It's certainly better than to give up your identity.

And we did fight in Italy during WWII. I guess it depends on how strong the national identity actually is. See Integralism, for instance, while promoting that yes, Brazil is comprised of many different ethnic groups, each of them is responsible for keeping the country on the right path.

And Dilma "fought for democracy", right?

Kikes on Twitter are supremely butthurt about this, calling it a coup and an insult to (((democracy))).


Speaking of kikes, here's what what renowned con artist and cuck Bernie had to say about the impeachment.

native brazilians is the correct term

the portuguese fucked up and now we call them the wrong thing.
'native' in huehue is 'indio', which is the same word for 'indian' (as in, people born in india), since the portuguese are dumb

very good post

it's irrelevant to current events, afaik.

never been so proud of being Catarinense as today

shhh, don't tell them, Desterro is full

Except few guys at the top, every Special Operations here are based.

Brazillians knowlodge on geopolitical chess and global events are borderline pathetic, no wonder you imbeciles have the society at the stage you have. Just so you guys have an idea.

Civil war right now ? Lowest % possible, we might get Left sponsored riots here and there, some Left movements organazing riots to supress logistics and affect price of, well, everything, but war, not possible. Brazillians in the majority are aphatic, they care only for thenselves, must be true what that research says, diversity breeds only lack of trust on one another and such.

What the government is trying to avoid at ALL costs, all politicians of the right and many on the left, is what they call " venezuelation ", becoming an failed, chaotic state that has no acess to the majority of basic needs.

Which will become a reality in 5 years by the way geopolitical events are unfolding.

And brazillians southerns are seem as less than a jew by german nazis.

I like it for the ideals, not for "muh nazi papa adolf lieks me"


This is one of the biggest problems i find here. I wish to make people trust each other, do something together, but there is no way. You really can't count with pure niggers, and the cultural defeatism which plagues the country does the rest to create the "everyone for themselves" environment.

The main difference between here and the USA, besides demographics, is the lack of the feeling of actually believing in the nation. If no ones believes in something bigger, no ones does nothing but look to himself. It's true degeneracy.

I wonder what should we do now. I'm thinking about going with leftists for once to take the Mason out too, but them what?
We only have Bolsonaro, and even him was invited by kikes to Israel. Our only minor hope is because he's a loose cannon like Trump and might actually have the balls to tell them to GTFO if the moment is right.

He has previously stated or insinuated to closing the congress and starting a new military dictatorship if he ever gets elected. Which I approve of, since the military is the only people who actually believe in the country



Anecdotal evidence here. Couple months back I was in the super market nearby my mother's house buying groceries. As usual here in Brazil lines as far as you can see, I got on the elderly line that was borderline empty and kept going. Reaching turn, there was already 5 elders behind me.
I did what anyone with common sense and decency would do, gave the turn to all 5, they all looked at me strange. The last elder, a woman said thanks a dozen times and asked" You or your family are not from Brazil, where did you came from ? " I got dozens of shit like this, being a decent human being here is seem as being a retard or something.

As much as I fucking hate the nazi narrative, the only way to fix here is my racial hegemony or indoctrination under a system like the South Korean or the Chinese did, but here will take longer, 3 to 5 generations.

I don't see short or even middle term correction for the country, the problem here is the people, the mentality, the lack of culture and the diversity. I could go on, but it is already a long post.

Make no mistake, the government here are more in the hands of the likes, plutocrats and corporations than the US. No election can save us, we need an Renascence of some sort.

The military here are completely, absolute and animal garbage. I would burn my wealth to fight it.

Daily reminder


What do you think largely inhabits favelas?

I'd say only democrats would be pissed. I love watching a leftist get their shit pushed in.

You could tell me slugs from The Puppet Masters were controlling the DNC and I would believe it.

You missed the part that in general, the population of every single country the size of Brazil does not have knowledge of the "geoplitical chess". USA burgers still find viable to bomb Russia for an example.

Patriotism is something hard to achieve for most of the population probably because there is "nothing at stake". The biggest friend of the patriotic feeling is the idea of an enemy. Hell, just look at how powerful it can be with the riots of 2013, when each side created an entity to hate.

The problem with dictatorships is how they usually fail when the country needs them the most. Usually they are not able to really keep the economy sustainable, that is not the job of the military. But worse is what happen in the amnesty, when the army accepted to bring back the trash that is here today in order to avoid some years in jail. They themselves helped to create this mess.

Corrupt government, yes, more kiked than USA? I can't imagine how you build that sentence.

Probably germans hate SA germans because they were nazis. So many of them run away to SA after the war that it might be a reason.

Dude, preserving yes, but that's the catch: Let's say you live in one of those countries. You think they would like the idea that you are not even willing to use the language? You think Japan would not care if you decided to create whole cities there were most of the people talk portuguese? They would not. The same for the USA or even Germany before it was so cucked. They should not expect people to not find it disrespectful and annoying. It is. And yes, WW 2 was a very important moment for immigration for the whole continent, and there are many stories about the problems immigrants from these countries had in here. But we also must remember the case of the Shindo Renmei, a group of japanese fanatics that killed other japanese that tried to accept the brazilian culture and also believed in the truth about the japanese surrender.

This thread really mirrors many average American concerns, a woman taking charge then using illegal or immoral means to ensure a lack of real governmental recourse within the legal system.

The right's entire moral justification is based on legalism, once that is shown conclusively toothless and impossible to enforce consistently and fairly (something we know already) there's a confusing next step of actually finding a new foundation.

The USA is already Brazil in everything but name.

why no sticky?

He is a fucking commie, his party joined the cultural marxist shitfest (…well,
after the elections) and has close ties with the US (personally that shit is a
red flag), also responsible for the deindustrialization of the country during
the 90s (for being fucking incompetent with handling trafficking from paraguay).
We really had no fucking choice. While debatable, Temer and PMDB is superior to
this insidious politician and his party.

parties in the country, and the party of her vice president, Michel Temer (which
is married to qt related).
For clarification, Temer's party is PMDB (democracy)

(US embassy)
for shame, US. In other words we aren't russia's bitch anymore, but we are back to being your puppet. I will remain salty about this until you get your shit together and stump your jewish friends.