Shillary cunton haxed by guccifer 2.0

shillary cunton haxed by guccifer 2.0
list of donors and strategies against trump
wew laddies see ya at Trump rallies

Any dirt on them repressing bernie

Voting fraud from a lawsuit as much as I can remember
Look it up yourself faggot
stop waiting to be spoonfed you fucking commie

unless these prove Shillery is somehow worse than a fumblefuck mussolini impersonator, no you won't.

Fuck off MillionDollarExtreme

go suck some BLM cock you commie fagget

you'd like that wouldn't you faggot?

I don't want to be a "one person represents an entire board" fag, but please don't tell me Hillary actually has a following on this board, because if she seriously does then the modern Left is more fucked than I thought

I don't give a shit what some scrawny libcuck does

If you are the real Sam Hyde, you are an unfunny attention whoring faggot.

Also enjoy never getting into Adult Swim after going full Holla Forumstard and sperging out about the jewish conspiracy

Now fuck and never come back here to shill beta bitch.

*fuck off

Also sage

I already have a show on there
you dumb bernie cuck

We're not liberals you fucking retard.

Not for long you won't ;)

All the antisemitic stuff is all on the web. Enjoy when the SJW's discover your shit and take you down.

You really shot yourself in the foot there Sammy, I liked you I really did, but you went full /po/ retard, never go full Holla Forums retard.

When's it airing? Right after King Star King?


can someone remake this thread without spamming/shitting it up. there could actually be stuff worth discussing.

Board owner you should email Hotwheels to fix the banner, this shit is disgraceful and is making us look bad.

It needs to be done ASAP

eyy limmo

I read some of the transcripts there doesn't seem to be anything of note other than a list of donors and a very general general election action plan.

I'l take it to the election general, but maybe we should wait for the Wikileaks release before an organised plan of action.


you motherfuckers need to check your head if you're thinking of voting in that fucking hosebeast