Get in here niggers, Vox Day dropping mad redpills left, right and center.
Vox Day - Alt Right
Other urls found in this thread:
Shieeet, they're stuck on Jews
That sounds about right.
Finally, Molyneux broached the topic of white genocide.
This is yuge.
He's been talking about this stuff for the last six months at least, nigger
They're going about Jews on this one, around 20 minutes onward.
This Vox Day write-up is essential reading for any WN
When did he use the term "white genocide" before this interview?
Link or GTFO.
Yes…I'll immediately comb through the hundreds of hours of Molyneux videos to produce some sauce for you.
fuck off with your e-celeb shit
no one cares
No sauce = bullshit
this isn't your blog you spic
e-celebs are fucking cancer
here have a bump, faggot
We got IDs, newfag
Just report the thread if you don't like it m80.
You're either a kike shill or honest to god retard. Kill yourself you cunt
Vox Day is a mongrel who publishes this oven-worthy kike's books. He's not an ally.
Wait are they actually shitting on the Jews this time?
Isn't that illegal in Canada?
Vox Day is fucking based. Props to Moly for sharing this stuff.
I think it's anti-free speech laws tilt more towards protecting muslims than Jews but I could be wrong.
They aren't really saying anything anti-kike. Cux Day (who is a Zionist) mentioned Israel Zangwill, but just saying that he was an "outsider", ignoring the fact that he did what he did as part of a jewish agenda.
sounds good to me
Shut up fag.
Watch his other interview with Molyneux in which he calls out race mixing propaganda and the over representation of Jews and homosexuals in media.
He's absolutely our ally.
That's a pretty roundabout way of saying you still accept the presence of non-Whites.
Sounds bad to me.
you should probably watch more of it
No allies who side with kikes.
just watched it. definitely worth your time.
Lets confuse it even more. Lets call ourselves Ecohumanists now instead.
Do it for the keks.
Try it: "I'm an ecohumanist!".
See!? It works!
Kill yourself, you D+C fucker
Nice try. He's explicitly pro-Israel and anti-Dual Nationality. Makes him a Haavara agreement Zionist.
That would solve all of Europe's problems. There would be the unforgivable destruction and loss of landmarks and works of art, but they are all the concentrations of shitskins we need to be rid of.
Molyneux = Edeljude
The Haavara Agreement was scrapped for a reason, and the past 70 years proved that Israel can't be allowed to exist.
Stop fucking pushing your degenerate opportunistic e-celebs here
Ok, fuck you. At the LEAST you can give it to Stefan that he was trying to educate people on philosophy while you were jerking off to trap porn on Holla Forums.
I hate e-celeb worship as much as the next, but e-celeb hating and bashing is almost nearly as bad.
Plus, not an argument.
Someone get an mp4 of the first 20:00-to 20:00
20:00 to 21:00
Fucking e-celeb alt-right shills for israel, everywhere.
Even the catalog has been sliding down the shitter faster than a Mexican foetus.
Wake me up in November.
says the melting pot meme was popularized by a Jew, that he swallowed the narrative back in the days
Molly has become required viewing in 2016, I have become fond of him.
21:00+ explaining (((coincidence)))
The vast majority of us enjoy his program, deal with it.
Subtle red pill there. A great way of naming the Juden without scaring off the normalfags.
re: African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Jewish Americans, etc.
If we want to survive, White Americans are beginning to learn that we have to play a racial game like everybody else.
thank you
Opens the whole "our ancestors weren't native to these lands either, so what does make you more native than Abderrahim over there?"-pandora's box
How terrible!
Smug Molyneux 4u
Solid analysis.
Native America is white.
Indians have their own proud Nations
Brings up how preferences for one's own race is natural, normal, except for 'evil white supremacists', and that this judgement constitutes a double standard designed to denigrate white people.
Good god, I hear this one all the freakin time. Now whenever I hear this manipulative mis-association, I think to myself, "Enemy. Kill. Kill. KILL."
SJW's put on notice.
can you do hour long webms?
if not fuck off moneyjew
Good conversation so far, bumpan with molymemes
White genocide is a legitimate issue, backed with ample substantiation.
Around 48 minutes, Molyjew tries to push some egalitarianism shut, ala 'no superiority', and that's just bogus.
Haven't heard Vox's reply in full yet, but I wager he's gonna cuck.
Avenge the Holocaust by murdering the people that stopped the "Holocaust?"
Uhm, ok?
Just listened to it. Was pleasantly suprised
Haven't watch the whole thing but its certainty something to see Vox openly name the Jew on a Molyneux video, while Steph at least calls out the hypocrisy in allowing Israel to have a strict nationalist style government while not allowing the same for western nations.
Vox Day mentions the hidden hand.
Molyneux just nods, knowingly.
For peeks at this 'neo-Babylon-ism', consider Bohemian Grove popularized by Alex Jones, Ted Gunderson's 'Boys Town' and 'The Finders', etc.
I call their gods Bafath, who are all gone now, no longer responding. Worshiping those psychopaths is now as pointless and fruitless as worshiping Yahweh. It's become a dead religion, though the priests have yet to give up their appearance of magical power.
Finally our points of view are going mainstream.
Nice find OP.
Or, you know, the Babylonian Talmud.
There's only one group that has been conditioned to ignore this reality.
abit more blood-thirsty than that
The Bafath felt that people are just animals, to be used in any way that they wanted.
Okay, okay, like the Babylonian Talmud.
Our views have always been mainstream and in the majority, the only thing different now is people have been pushed into a situation where they have to say it out loud. Being inches away from your own race's genocide will tend to do that.
im sure he has made boatloads off of the 200 or so pol users when he has always had a fan base larger then this board
shut up LARPer
There's only 3,000 people here, his videos often get >100K and >200K views.
So these e-celebs are recycling 30-year-old WN slogans for shekels.
Molyneux jumped on the WN ship because it's currently profitable, in the same way as he jumped on the MRA/MGTOW a couple of years back.
He's an ideological prostitute.
He isn't to the right, you retard. He supports kikes, so he is to our left, and thus the enemy.
Molyneux talks about what other people are talking about. Insult him if you want, but at least insult him with a valid argument.
I already did, you're too stupid to realize it.
I thought it was 2500 B-blocks.
Hi Scalzi.
Just finished it. Bretty decent.
I'm waiting for the moment Polyneux goes full 1488.
Everything I've ever read from Vox is that kikes better get out of the West and go back to Israel before they get gassed. Lately he's been bringing up how they're eyeing the East, particularly China, and that the results will be amusing because they can't appear as Chinese there like they can appear as (((white))) here.
D&C implies either of these men are our allies.
They aren't.
Don't be disingenuous. It's not about how many people browse Holla Forums. Molyneux sees a chance to get mainstream media mentions. Hilary and outlets left, right and centre are talking about the "alt-right" and 8ch. Suddenly Molyneux broaches "White genocide". It's obvious that he considers this his chance to break into the mainstream using 8ch as a vehicle.
"And today we interview Holla Forums's official alt-right spokesman (self-appointed), Stefan Molyneux."
wtf I hate people who are critical of jews now
They're spreading truths to their audience and their audience is at least 10X bigger than this board. You seem to have a problem with that for some reason.
Loving how little fight mollyjew is giving against white nationalism and naming the Jew. It almost feels more like he is putting up a light defense to softly draw some of his less redpilled followers in to then have the truth drilled into them.
I know it comes as a shock but some people say whatever gets them noticed/popular.
As for Molyneux being critical of Jews, you know he is one, I hope.
Since you've established the irrelevance of Holla Forums then why do we need his shows shilled all over the board?
lol Molyneux has been discussing "Alt-Right" topics for at least one year. The so called "Alt-Right" has only received MSM attention in the past week or so.
You snide purity spiraling faggots are the worst type of subversive agent.
Time to start chucking lefties out of helicopters Pinochet style.
And? Don't try to imply that I said he only started using the "alt-right" in the last week, because that isn't what I wrote.
He's a Jew. Don't come crying to us when he stabs you in the back, and he will.
His mother's father was Jewish, and he fucking hates his mother because she was abusive. Molyneux is clearly on our side, even with his funny-duddy lolbertarianism. He's doing more for the white cause than pretty much anyone of his milieu and he deserves credit and respect for that.
No enemies to the Right you fucking D&C faggot.
Reminder that Tim Wise is only 1/4 yid.
>he considers this his chance to break into the mainstream using 8ch as a vehicle.
Thanks for confirming you're a cluess recluse who isn't aware Molyneux's audience is at least 10X bigger than this board with its 3,000 people who come here regularly.
And he's already mainstream, look at the recent list of guests he had on his show. The Bernie Sanders fan who has launched a class action lawsuit against the DNC was on his show last week because Molyneux's interviews reach a lot of people.
You're just full o' shit, aren't ya?
From one end twart t' other.
Yeah you did.
You said:
This conservation was in no way unusual as he's been having similar conservations for at least one year.
Just what does Stefan Molyneux stabbing me in the back entail? Please go into detail.
I have not given the man one red cent. I live thousands of miles away from him. He can't vote in my country. He doesn't even know I exist.
Please Chaim, explain how he will ultimately stab me in the back. Is he going to broadcast a brown note over his podcast to get me to shit my pants in the middle of a long car ride? What the fuck planet are you operating on?
You kikes project your neurosis everywhere, even in your ham fisted shill attempts.
His youtube channel receives more than one million views per week. Far more than 10X our user base.
I would desist from stating that Holla Forums or 8ch is irrelevant, user. I like Molyneux for the most part (his anti-spanking arguments are shit, though).
Try again.
His mother is a Jew.
He's doing the same thing Lew Rockwell did when he ghostwrote Ron Paul's newsletter: saying things that WNs want to hear in the hope that he can turn them into lolbergs.
Pics related. Compare them to the AnCop bullshit Rockwell currently publishes.
Except for the fact that Molyneux has repeatedly:
- Advocated for white interests.
- Promoted and logically defended nationalism.
- Argued for considering racial differences and in-group
- Debunked politically correct myths and lies.
- Hosted podcasts with nationalists, Rightists and race-realists from Vox Day to Jared Taylor.
- etc.
The man has put hundreds of hours into justifying nationalism and defending the success of Western civilisation. You can see clearly how his thought has evolved over time and he admits freely that his opinions have changed.
Molyneux might not be perfect, but attacking him is counter-productive if not outright fucking retarded at this point.
Stefan please.
are you paid extra for derailing Molyneux threads?
post moly videos
I'm not going to repeatedly go back, pasting previous posts to show that you've taken my comments out of context. If you can't debate honestly, don't expect an answer.
In the past week he has taken up the "white genocide" meme, that's the fucking difference.
And how much jewish blood again? 1/8? You know the Nazis wouldn't have considered him a jew, I hope.
When's he going to have someone who's jew-wise on?
you pretend a sudden shift in Stefan's topics, views, opinions, and arguments. Anyone who watch Stefan's videos for the past several years have seen the slow and steady changes in his thought process.
Claiming he is only doing it for the sheckels and that the shift is recent is disingenuous at best, and D&C attempt at worse.
because even assuming you were 100% right and that it was only a money grab, it in no way is an argument against the validity and veracity of his arguments,
He, like many of us, has gradually shifted to the right and blasting someone for either not being right enough despite the clear current transit from lolbertarian to racial nationalism, or being right but for the "wrong reasons" (and please explain to me how him trying to make money in a capitalist sense of offering products in exchange for donations from people liking it is somehow bad)
Ah, as I suspected. You have nothing, you filthy yid. No rebuttal to my points. Nothing of value. Just talking points and scripted dogshit.
Not an argument
Interesting, word-for-word this line is being posted in every Molyneux thread.
Not sure where you're getting the "1/8th Jew" bullshit from. His mother is a Jew, therefore he is a Jew.
Molyneux is a disingenuous, subversive kike who similar to Milo, self-appointed himself a spokesman of the "alt-right". Notice how he's trying to suppress anti-semitic sentiment
(won't let me embed)
you are a shill faggot. Counterpoint?
There was nothing to answer. I recognize the Jewish faeces-obsession when I see it.
If you can't debate in a civilized manner, don't expect an answer and if you're too stupid to answer such an obvious question yourself (how he will stab his supporters in the back) then you probably should stick to simpler subjects.
No he has not.
He was having a conversation with Vox about Hillary's so called "Alt-Right speech". In that speech Hillary mentioned the term "white genocide".
As I said this is not unusual for his channel. If he wasn't discussing "Alt-Right" topics with prominent "Alt-Right" figured for the last year you'd have an argument.
Are you saying Molyneux promotes a collective suicide for whites just like Tim Wise does? That's news to me.
Still not an argument.
They're not and this thread will probably be bumplocked tomorrow. So stop whining.
I'm saying that being 1/4 yid is enough to make someone act like a full-blooded kike.
can't rebut the claim? not surprising.
And? I already stated that he switched to that topic when it became profitable, i.e around the beginning of this year.
Prior to that he flirted with MGTOW/MRA but obviously there wasn't money in it.
No question. Jewish genes are even more toxic than those of niggers.
Dodge, deflect, dodge, deflect, bullshit, belittle, dodge, deflect. Straight out of the kike handbook.
You claimed Stefan would stab me in the back, Chaim.
You won't, because you don't have one.
cuz he live in Canada and not fond of doing jail time for hate speech?
So he's even bigger than I thought. I just download the MP3s, I don't watch the videos on Youtube. I should probably send him a donation.
Probably because some anons constantly bring up his small amount of Jewish ancestry in order to discredit him.
I don't feel like it because I don't like your attitude.
You actually expect that to work?
Well Molyneux is a literal Chaim, he even admits it himself. He's trying to get people to stray away from the JQ i.e. he's a subversive.
You want me to prove my hypothetical example of how he might use press attention gained through riding 8ch?
Please be less stupid.
Someone link the vid where he interviews a kike and shows their hypocrisy for immigration to the West vs Israel, assuming it hasn't been linked already.
It was a longer process than just 2016 but how are you determining "Alt-Right" topics became profitable in the beginning of this year if the MSM only started to pay attention in the past week or so?
Are you fucking retarded? The video in the op is enough
so the answer is ya can't
can I laugh now?
That's an absurd statement and in no way is it supported by genetics or history.
You are oozing pathetic Jewish faggotry at this point, Chaim.
Thank you for making it so obvious to everyone that you are a forsaken being that God turned his back on thousands of years ago.
Have some more memes gentlemen
The cult of personality is amazing.
Can you believe that people are freaking out and demanding we should trust a Jew?
You can see that they have by reading Patreon pages/bitblock of prominent alt-right shills. There's a lot more money in it than there was two years ago, hence why it has become such a popular topic for new channels.
Keep going, you're providing great examples of shill behavior for others to learn from.
Can you believe that people are freaking out and demanding we should trust a Jew?
Amazing how not even we can have goyim leaders. brb I'm just about to give up and go full hedonism
"But this Jew is different!"
He's yet to say he self identifies with the ideology. He hasn't proclaimed himself to be a leader of any movement.
I called you on your BS and you claim it was just a "hypothetical example".
Yes everyone knows about Molyneux and his vast army of paid shills who infest the chans to argue on his behalf.
I love when shills use shills as a buzzword.
here is the difference, i can call you a shill because I explained why I think you are see>>7311439
you, on the other hard, go straight to the scary words with no argument to back it up.
I, an argument,
you, no argument.
but please, do try, I'm sure if you try enough ya can form a semi-coherent one
see *
He's not Jewish.
Don't you see how ridiculous it is that you have stricter rules as what constitutes a Jew than the NSDAP?
Maybe that's because you're the one in every Molyneux thread calling him a jew and that's the best reply to your accusations?
Similar to Milo, he's a high profile kike who's defining the "alt-right". Check out the op video for more!
The way you're trying to damage control so hard just proves you're a shill. His mother was a full jew.
He often makes videos to talk about the latest news, that's one of the reason his channel gets so many views. He figured out deconstructing the mainstream media narrative will bring him more views than just talking about philosophy and doing call-in shows.
Hillary talks about the 'alt-right'? Of course he'll have a guest to talk about that a few days later. Duh. That's what he's been doing for at least a year.
Not that guy, but he is a jew, and he is not ashamed to admit it himself. This is not up for debate.
So are you going to conveniently ignore this?
Sounds like you have a kike somewhere in your family tree.
Seems like tag-team kike shilling is the chosen tactic except they both have been BTFO'd… funny how that works.
What interests me is that the shills are attacking Molyneux instead of Vox Day, whom as OP states is dropping red pills and naming the global jew in this vid.
They must think it's better to try to distract people by discrediting the host than to go after a man who uses people like them for chew- toys on his blog.
I forgot about that. He does live in Canada so he's not under the protection of the First Amendment
He defoo'd that joo
WEW, you really just outed yourself as a little shill there, friendo. Bump for Molyneux redpills
You blew it Goldberg, no shekels for you.
>how he might use press attention gained through riding 8ch?
Are you the same recluse autist who was attacking Varg the musician-farmer for being a philosemite (LOL) and who wrote that the Chicago anti-Trump riot happened in Detroit in a long screed posted back in March? Because you sound just like that guy. Pure coincidence?
You need to get out of your cave and spend a little time outside away from the computer.
God dammit stop saying that
I've noticed a huge increase in purity-spiraling faggots this past week, and they've reared their tiny niglet-sized heads here as well. They attack anyone and anything that isn't 100% Grade-A NEETsoc, and their arguments almost exclusively boil down to "dude just wait for hitler", or "U THINK UR FUN-Y INTERNET VIDEOS WILL SAVE THE WHYTE RACE HURR DURR".
Honestly they're so impossibly stupid, they must be shills.
I can't upload it in this thread because it's already posted here
Stefan Molyneux asks jew why the hypocrisy on immigration
Unfortunately it works, they wreck entire threads this way. People waste time cutting through a blizzard of bullshit instead of discussing the topic.
Should we remove the echoes on Molyneux? I don't think he counts as a Jew, except for genetics. He even told her mother to fuck off and never talked to her again.
>There's a lot more money in it than there was two years ago, hence why it has become such a popular topic for new channels.
And what makes you think it wasn't Molyneux who made it profitable for them by upgrading his positions and openly talking about it on his already popular channel / podcast and therefore changing the opinions of his audience on these topics?
I don't know when he started making videos instead of just podcasts but he's been doing this for years now, he's not a newbie.
They are insanely transparent. They do shit up the thread with extraneous bullshit which makes it harder for lurkers and newfags who don't have the sense to just filter by ID/ID+.
Which is why I like to incite them to the point of being overt with their bullshit.
Cool it, Champ. The echoes never get removed. They are there to ensure awareness. As you can see from this thread, I have hope for Poly, but the echoes are permanent.
You can stop arguing with the shills brother. They seem to have fucked right off.
he's been making youtube videos for like ten years AFAIK
I didn't even know. I just listen to MP3s on my MP3 player either in my car or at work.
Both Ron Paul and Larry McDonald came to mind when I heard that. We need to have an ideological litmus test for politicians like the anti-communists used to have.
We'll call ourselves anti-globalists.
Here it is. Right here.
This, this, this!
Posted elsewhere, cause someone else noticed it too.
Globalists are commies by a different name.
It's the same (((enemy))) and the same fight that has been fought since the 20s.
>>>/oven/ :^)
so what is the argument then?
Pure coincidence.
but ID:151c98 reminds me of the turbo autist who posted a lloonngg paranoid screed back in March after the riot in Chicago:
in which he tried to tie everything together and link all the e-celebrities he didn't link to George Soros. If it's not him it's the same type of personality.
I meant link all the e-celebrities he didn't like to George Soros
Oh shut up silly woman!
seattle crowd goes wild
wew lad
this is more proof that this board is compromised
am i the only one bored to tears everytime stefan talks?
You are not alone user, I'm just listening to hear Vox Day.
sage for double post
The Jews fear Mollyjews reach now I see, he's doling out nationalist theory in plain language and telling you why it is relevant, makes sense both theoretically and in society, and does it in a way that can't be snarked away as a virginal loser mothers basement blah blah blah.
We are nothing to him either, he isn't courting 2500 people on a frog meme site, he wants actual normalfags to be reached.
Now you see why the Jewish tantrums arise more and more about him, he's a red pill fucking terminator.
Oh good our kike mods have bump locked this saving us from ourselves
Which mod locked this?
Huh? What kind of "anti-semite" respects jewish laws about who's a full jew or not according to their stupid cultural/religious customs? If his mother is considered a full jew because her mother was considered a full jew because her mother was considered a full jew, etc. then you can have a guy at the end of the line with only a fraction of jewish blood. That doesn't make him a jew unless he was also raised in the ethnocentric jewish culture.
You sound like you actually believe jewish blood is special and magical when it's transfered through the mother but not the father. It's as if you believe in all that jewish mystical bullshit yourself for some curious reason.
It is, and that's only those who post