Women Would Rather Be Raped by Invaders Than Stuck With Beta Males

She is dying for you to put her in her place, beneath you. A woman wants to be conquered, she wants to submit to power, she wants to give up control, but first she has to test to see if “it” exists within you. To submit to a lesser man is rape, to submit to a superior man is harmony. Feminism and other female SJW endeavors are societal shit tests. If you fail, they’ll push the boundary again, and again, and again… If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.

The female imperative was never supposed to be 100% successful, though. Eventually, some man somewhere is supposed to not put up with her shit and put her in her proper place: beneath him and one half-step back. A woman’s job is to see you fail. For if you fail, you were never “worthy” in the first place. Western culture is now embracing that very failure.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Beta That Broke The Western Cultures’ Back

Betas occur naturally in the wild, but over the past several decades, governments, corporations, media, and academia have attempted to artificially manufacture them en masse beyond natural levels with the assistance of female nature (stated earlier). They’ve indoctrinated man into believing blue pill sexual strategy that women despise. They’ve stripped fathers from the home and had females infiltrate male spaces containing masculine role models. And they’ve legally restrained a man’s ability to discipline and properly set boundaries in the home, the very same discipline and boundaries that women instinctively seek. All with the proud help of women.

So what’s left? A whole generation of men raised by women and the state, taught to be pussies and supplicate to females and authority.

Now, the feminization of man has hit critical mass and women’s amygdalas notice. Women are unknowingly witnessing their own creation and are left disgusted, wondering, “Where have all the ‘good men’ gone?” Now women are seeking another tribe…

The Invaders

Europe is currently witnessing female nature being expressed freely on a societal level without a civilized, masculine balancing factor. The truth of the matter is, women have no in-group loyalties. Whoever the powerful are in that moment, women drift their way with their asses bent over, knees quivering, and legs dripping with tingle juice. They want to be conquered, but they don’t care by who. Whether it’s daddy government, her father, a boyfriend, Chad Thundercock, violent criminals, or a horde of rapefugees doesn’t matter.

In times of war, women are constants. Men and boys are killed off, but women are simply transferred and assimilated into the new tribe to be the sperm receptacles of the victors.

Observing the weakness of many European men, women want a different set of male suitors. They call this initiative “diversity” or “multiculturalism.” In plain terms, women want to import men they perceive to be powerful and masculine to replace the weaklings they are stuck with. Women LOVE playing multiple men against each other to battle for her vaginal affections. It’s basically the plot of a every rom-com and romance novel.

Thanks to the 1984 police state, politicians and social media titans like Angela Merkel and Mark Zuckerburg, that new tribe so happens to be the biggest group in history to never reform itself to Western society: Muslims (over 2 billion of them). They give absolutely zero fucks about Western Civilization and their inhabitants. They never back down. These people are not just willing to die and be imprisoned to defend their beliefs, but kill: “There is no law, but that of Allah.”

This is attractive to women. Women LOVE violent males. Women love their conviction. It’s extremely arousing to them. The fact that it’s backed by a mental illness (Islam) doesn’t matter. These Muslim immigrants are violent, they don’t break frame, and are becoming powerful. That’s seen as masculine. That’s sexy.

Most modern Western man doesn’t stand a chance. They look like meek faggots in comparison. Rape and sexual assault has skyrocketed since immigrants have been allowed to settle into Europe, yet women and feminists were silent on the subject. Why? Because they would rather live under the threat of rape by invaders than settle with skinny beta manginas protesting at slut walks and minoring in gender studies. There are even instances where European girls refused to report their immigrant sexual assailants in the name of multiculturalism and fighting Islamophobia or just because they felt bad for them (EVEN MEN). But that’s bullshit. The power of the rapists gave her tingles and then she tried to rationalize it.



You see that, betas of Europe? That’s your future.

The only thing saving North America from being Cologne, Sweden, or Britain is that there are two oceans separating us from Africa and the Middle East. But Obama seeks to change that by importing thousands of Syrians into small traditional family towns (view: Roosh’s video). Not to mention the education system, specifically the colleges here, are getting brainwashed to the max with anti-white “diversity.”

Betas of the United States and Canada? Keep it up, and women will encourage the same thing to happen here, embracing the enemy with open legs.

source: redpilldoctor.com/women-rather-raped-invaders-by-invader-than-be-stuck-beta-males/

visit the site, it has some other good videos and links

;tldr women are clinically insane.


We saw this phenomenon in WW2. Legions of European women were running to the allies and hopping on their cocks. It happened when Nazis invaded France. Shitload of French women begging young German soldiers for sex.

Strong horse > weak horse


Problem is that the invaders are not alpha. They are a protected class and roam in large groups. An individual shitskin is still far inferior to a beta. The Beta's spirit is broken, but his genes still code for a healthier and smarter baby. That beta also holds down an actual job.

It should be a wake up call.


Indeed. They got balls only when in groups (example Cologne). Get an invader alone and even a native beta would be able to cuck him, that if the beta breaks his programming first or else he would just be the cuck doing virtue signalling.

Sticky this

it doesnt matter how good his genes are if he makes no effort whatsoever to look more attractive to females

in OP's case, unfortunately, the invader is actually superior simply because he's willing to do what other beta cucks aren't (read: be more aggressive/selfish)


Yeah pretty much
I can even see it in person, when I hang around fraternity chads the girls act so much more receptive towards me, want to interact with me and stuff, I can see the way they look at me

Its because when I am around those guys the girls view me as being one of them, just by association

When girls find out I go to parties fairly often (sue me I do it for social gains), when they see me greeting random people (relative to them) and being greeted by people, it makes them so much more interested

Its because women don't give a fuck who you are as a person, all they care about is social status and dominance

Shit tier women care about those things, but thats what cucks want :^)

Women who don't care about these things just can't afford to care because their looks/status fall short in comparison to others.

>board is made up of mostly autistic betas
What's the fucking point? It's not like any of you plans to even leave the basement. You're just rationalizing your own unnattractiveness at this point.

Fixed it for you. All stems from that.
Even if you don't go out often and you act like a manly man, they'll be falling all over you.
IF you show you don't give a shit about her care for social status, she'll be even moister.

Women are like dogs in a way. The way where you have to keep them in line so they don't bite around and shit on your carpet.

Yeah I don't even do that much right now, only like a week and a half into the semester and I'm still trying to get organized with clubs and fraternities

But as long as I dress "fashionably", do my hair into an undercut, and act all confident, they view me leagues better than ever before in my life

Even just acting like I know people gets results

Intelligence is the true value in our society everything else falls short on it, but it's ok to be an animal too if you are nigger or something similar

sage slide threads
sage demoralization threads


Women would prefer a low IQ baby with good looking genes to a high IQ gollum because they know exactly how much that shit is worth out there.

Women cause conflict between men to sort out who is the better mate. In some ways, the impulse is eugenic.

That plays well with woemens instant gratification logic. Almost perplexing how it overrides there greed instincts of "Git dat gud mhan wiff duh gud jurb n duh bennys to leech off um", or maybe its there greed that causes that as well so "deh bahbah aint dun tak'n vantage ub bi nah hoe" when there older.

Yeah but who dominates those women through intelligence is another matter, all you seem to be able to think is that why there's not any women intrested in you :^)

That's the point. Do something!

Was just thinking that earlier. This place is full of betas who try to intellectualise a life collection of failures. Like nogs, their failings are always someone else's fault. And if someone scores they didn't, they must've cheated or got there through some (((privilege))).
It isn't helping, bros, and it doesn't make you improve either.

Nice projection

tits or gtfo

Two of my friends did tours with the marine corps, came back home and got married.

Both of them had their wives cheat on them and accuse them of various sexual abuse / domestic violence horseshit. I let one of them live in my basement until he can afford to rent a tiny ass apartment after his divorce-rape and endless court dates to get the false abuse accusations straightened out.

"Just be more alpha" doesn't work.

Why is it relevant whether you can dominate her through intelligence if deep inside she's just longing for a pretty mulatto's sperm because she wants a cute, brown hip-hop baby? Are you going to be an alpha-cuck?

Enjoying your options yet?

I just want a 1950s style wife to have a family with. Is that too much to ask for?

You don't seem to be a very intelligent individual, I'd rather not waste time arguing with you.

I'll continue being a roughneck alpha asshole and take my chances.

And the point is also that you can be intelligent and attractive at the same time fucking dungus.

Adultery should be illegal again tbh

Thanks for tuning in.

This is what Trumpcucks believe.

Just don't let any bullshit bind you in any way or form. Like your nerd friends will talk bullshit behind your back as soon as you start working out. Don't let it bother you let them just be.

This. If you cheat you should not be entitled to ANYTHING in a divorce settlement. Also, There should be a good reason required for a divorce. These two changes could help fix things

they are wired to make you stronger and more alpha. if women were wired to desire cucks, we'd be extinct. not insane, necessary.

He's probably wasn't even here before Trump announced his candidacy

If this is true then why even care about all of this? Having such knowledge about human nature means it will be misery even if natsoc utopia would become a real thing because you know that its not genuine in most peoples minds.

I study human nature for years be it biologically or psychologically and sometimes when I feel rage about how the elites are trying to destroy us all I find comfort in that humans are really shitty no matter in which system they live in. Sure there are shittier cultures and races but ultimately the whole life is just a programmed code to you once you have enough knowledge to see it in everyday life.

You could have utopia and women would still be women ctrl c and v in most cases strongly controlled by such instincts. It just wouldnt be so visible to us as now when they are trying to destroy this civilization.

It was always men who controlled the world and it will be always men until we reprogram out biology drastically.

I think I would be miserable even if we win. Life is shit when you are too idealistic. I had partners I saw and studied a lot about relationship now and in history even in cultural and racial difference and its all the same shit. Some are visibly primitive like niggers and some are more sophisticated and very complicated like western civ was in the past.

Thank god there is death and end to this shitty game called life. The programmer must be retarded and should be fired for such a shitty product with no balancing and no difference in gameplay.

Kill yourself

Another change we need is that when a person accuses another person of rape or any kind of abuse or violence, nothing can be done without physical evidence or surveillance footage.

No removing the man from the home, no arresting the man, no jailing the main. No evidence, no crime.

I agree, although I think witness testimony if credible should be considered

Idle hands, you dumb cunt. How do you think bra-burners came to be, in the first place?


Let me be the first to tell you that a lot of Holla Forumsacks are out slaying pussy, but we don't blogpost about it like some faggot, because this behavior is inherently degenerate.

Well they apparently weren't alpha in their relationships.


This. You're in inherent beta if you're willing o have a long distance "relationship"

yep, it's why the strongest supporters of Islamic immigration after the Juden are Women.

Shame feminism has been pushed on us until we have been forced as a group to be subservient then isn't it?

Is this thread still up?

Can you enjoy women when you know how their biology works?

Also what is nihilistic about how humans operate? You are just using leftist logic of its negative so I will shame you.

Maybe to some extent. We're still observant people that can make accurate judgements about the current state of women, though. Sometimes I think it gets a tad too negative, but we're never that far off.

Ibn Khaldun uses the term Asabiyyah to describe the bond of cohesion among humans in a group forming community. The bond, Asabiyyah, exists at any level of civilization, from nomadic society to states and empires.[3] Asabiyyah is most strong in the nomadic phase, and decreases as civilization advances.[3] As this Asabiyyah declines, another more compelling Asabiyyah may take its place; thus, civilizations rise and fall, and history describes these cycles of Asabiyyah as they play out.[3]

Ibn Khaldun argues that each dynasty (or civilization) has within itself the seeds of its own downfall. He explains that ruling houses tend to emerge on the peripheries of great empires and use the much stronger `asabiyya present in those areas to their advantage, in order to bring about a change in leadership. This implies that the new rulers are at first considered "barbarians" by comparison to the old ones. As they establish themselves at the center of their empire, they become increasingly lax, less coordinated, disciplined and watchful, and more concerned with maintaining their new power and lifestyle at the centre of the empire—i.e, their internal cohesion and ties to the original peripheral group, the `asabiyya, dissolves into factionalism and individualism, diminishing their capacity as a political unit. Thus, conditions are created wherein a new dynasty can emerge at the periphery of their control, grow strong, and effect a change in leadership, beginning the cycle anew.

Nomadic invaders have on many occasions ended up adopting the religion and culture of the civilizations they conquered, which was true for various Circassians, Berber, some of the Crusades and Mongol invaders that invaded the medieval Islamic world and ended up adopting Islamic religion and culture.

According to Khaldun, the Asabiyyah cycle was also true for every other pre-modern civilization, whether in China whose dynastic cycles resemble the Asabiyyah cycles described by Ibn Khaldun, in Europe where waves of barbarian invaders adopted Christianity and Greco-Roman culture, or in India or Persia where nomadic invaders assimilated into those civilizations.'


Roman families were god tier

i think youre subconsciously implying that you are indeed a cuck, which is why being the alpha that women desire seems like a broken concept to you.

In a psychological sense, yes.

I know this isn't the right board for this, but seems a suitable thread, so a few questions

Be attractive, intelligent, and successful

Just get over it.


Did you even read anything?

Responses like yours just make me not care about west at all. You are just demonstrating no reason at all the same way as left shows none. Labeling everything and implying things from void.

If you truly believe you can restore nationalistic white countries by selecting only a few particular individuals and win you are just deluded the same way as some anglos who think they are superior believe they can win on their own.

Go on and deny reality. Get buff. Good career/social status and pussy.

First/second image kills me every time…
; ;

Yes. This is natural selection.

No its called being intellectually inferior or having no abstract logic.

by fucking her

did they make you weak?

Hillary will give you another well earned nickle if you suck her dick.

Not true. I was in Germany staying at the airport a few hours. The native germans are just beta as fuck. With alpha body posture, the krauts just look down as they walk past me, even though I'm only 5'8. Only the sandniggers (that make up probably 70% of the people I saw) could look me in the eye.

Krauts are blue-pilled on women and very non-confrontational.

youre just mad you were plagued with shit tier genetics. you are trying way too hard to be philosophical. the world is broken for broken people. you are broken so kill yourself.

Maybe you're neurologically feminized and only attracted to men? A girl can be beautiful and warm and fun, but she's attracted to men, not streams of binary data.


I don't know what shithole you live in, but in burgerland you can only be arrested for actual assault, rape, theft, etc. The only real recourse for being a shitlord is typical SJW tactics like trying to ruin your reputation or livelihood with malicious use of numale social capital. And if you see that as a real threat to begin with instead of exerting your own influence and developing your own social capital to leverage you have the wrong mentality and strategy to begin with.

Haven't you lurked enough to do that? You know why it is bullshit, and there is literally no reason whatsoever to internalize the poz, I am not sure I really understand the question. If you are talking about social contexts with others when typical numale/faggot/poz talking points come up in conversation just try to be less autistic and use humor to ridicule them. If you suck at conversation/humor/social skills the only thing that can really fix that is practice, and practice will inevitably involve failure such as awkwardness, don't be afraid of this and just get over it, fear is the mind killer and should not be entertained under any circumstances, I mean that. Even when there is a legitimate threat or problem you can deal with it in a calm manner without getting your nerves/rationality all fucked out from fear.

Get out of the fucking house, meet people, do things, doesn't matter what, just do it you nigger.

Don't worry, CRISPR will make anime real.

Women are shitty by nature because the ones that didn't submit to the new tribe and become their fucktoy would just get killed along with the men. A modern NatSoc government would be redpilled on women and seek to fix this flaw in their genes.

oh damn nigger. stop with these white knight threads. Everytime I see one I cringe so hard my balls are crawling up my anus to hide.

Female hyperconformism isn't a flaw; the society where they conform to mindpoison is a flaw.

Society is shit, therefore women are shit.

Seriously, the amount of standards it takes to just hold a normal relationship is absolutely astounding. For a white male you have to be some kind of superman and still on the edge, always focused to keep the domination, to entertain the precious little snowflake who gets everything her way, she get's "treated right" by just having a cunt.

Are some of you anons for real? Or just dumb fucking shills?

you and I are of the same kind, user. I know your thoughts.

Don't try to explain shit like that to stormfags. They will never get a grasp on it. Explaining biology and technology to right wing amish fucks is like trying to explain races to an average SJW school dropout.

Don't even bother.

Enjoy the fact that we both are so awesome that we are destined to die alone, because no wimminz can match the qualities we are looking for. Because subjugating and controlling a woman takes away that feeling of authenticity. Only average normies (Holla Forums included) can still feel as if the relationship is something more than a result of of lose actions.

Don't despair, user. We are closer to the singularity than you think. One day we might wake up, as different and better entities and watch skynet orbital cannon the subhumans from the surface.

If women weren't hyper emotional children with political power, things would have never gotten this bad.


That's all you will do, complain?


Maybe, but our great-grandfathers voted to give the vote to hyper-emotional children, so let's man up and find solutions.

Is this another thread where Amerilards seriously think muslims are "alpha males" and not /r9k/ tier manlets?

Rape, as in, non-meme rape, is pretty fuckin' beta brah

Nah, they are Jewish cancer meant to destroy the western society.

China will be ground zero. Compared to the west they don't have any sicence ethics. Recently china has allowed to mix human genomes with animal ones for various purposes:

- create humans with ape brains and harvest organs, because technically they are not human
- create animals with human brains for biological experimentation
- alter genetic sequences to modify human genes beyond what we would call human (in a positive way)

meanwhile countries in the west are afraid to throw in some fetuses into the mixer.

I have the money already. comes times, I will fly over to china and clone myself and get a bonus waifu for the remainder of my lifetime. Win/Win, while stormcucks are busy trying to find a virgin who has never seen a black dick, never watched tv and can barely operate household appliances.

Best thing about CRISPR wives - if the tech works - will be how many you can have.

As demoralizing as this is, it's the reality that must be faced head on. While the world events are overwhelming, the only way to change them is to change your life and with that, one at a time, bigger change is built.

The "women want big strong invaders" is an extrapolation and a vast exagarration of the natural selection bro science that for various reasons continues to make rounds around the internet - it's nothing more than baseless propaganda and if you fall for it, then you really end up being the cause of the fall.

Stand up against this bullshit and change the world, one person at a time. Strike at the fear-mongers, refuse to feed the false propaganda, revolt against the disempowering and negative information that forces you to submit and obey the current events.

If there ever was time to say "NO", it is now. Hardly any women want ot have anything to deal with these subhumans, the leftists are exaggerating everything for effect and the only real impact they have is in riling up more and more of moderate people into acting and thinking nationalistically.

They conform but they have no fidelity. This is the flaw. Without fidelity there is no honour and they are certainly not honourable creatures anymore. Most of the best western women were killed off by the Church and by the outcome of wars. Most of the best men were also lost but at least some of us still understand honour, although good men are also dwindling away. What's different is that we still have fragments of memories of a time when the feminine was actually represented here on this Earth with greater clarity and in far greater abundance. That's why we need to make it real.


If a girl can't have a family with the first man who takes her, she'll never be psychologically healthy.

Interesting point, but more an explanation for the differences between Southern Europe and Northern than anything else.

Should'a listened to Sgt. Popp.
He explains here how to set up a lawyer on retainer to switch your chequing accounts on a minute's notice so your lying whore of a wife don't screw you out of everything by blowing all your pay as it comes in, and how to set up all protections against (((Family courts)))
His vid on Administrative Violence or waging war with paperwork is great too.

Why don't Jewish women put their men through these types of tests?

Do Jews even bully each other as children?

Just how genetically diverged are we hapless goyim from the Jews by now?

Kikes interbreed with whites to make them appear more like native europeans. A jew stays a jew for them. No matter if the father or the mother is jewish.

Ill tell you this now; being or acting alpha will help you get girls, but unless you completely psychologically terrorize and abuse your partner, there is next to no chance that she will not shit test you.

I never let it escalate this last time.
I won every single test.
But they never fucking stopped coming.

And they continued to become more extreme.

Eventually I feared I would murder her eventually so I left.

Getting pussy is easy, but noone knows how to make love stay.

I guess it really is just mutual need and (if people are moral) children that kept us together.

Such is just the truth, and im not going to stop trying to find a decent girl, but goddamn I just wish they could stop being cunts for 5 seconds.
check em

yes, women love packs of pencil-necked cigarette-armed brown people who have pubic hair on their faces and reek of body odor
what are you, stupid? whites are the beautiful people. even kebab women are desperate for white men

Jewish women are bred for the sole purpose of enticing rich Goy Men. (((Monica Lewinsky))) and (((Esther))) come to mind. (((Esther))) was a strategic marriage to subvert a king, (((Monica))) was pure blackmail.
The thing is, as with all things Kike, these whores are a bait-and-switch, they rapidly uglify after 25, and turn into the worst harpies next to chink vagoo that exists, and all of them are fucking psycho bitches.

these are only used by women that are already damaged goods.

to add to that
european colleges are the most effeminate colleges i've ever seen. the men are hardly fucking men.

gotta call bullshit. germans are very friendly and will say hello as you walk past them.
sandniggers won't look at you unless they think you're not looking at them. they are also total pussies unless they're with five of their friends.



Not for women, dumbass.

Jokes on said Women.

The "invaders" are men too weak and afraid to fight in the War to protect the women in their land, or to even have women in the first place.

However this is nothing like the Rape of the Sabines, because when Roman went to kidnap women they were highly accomplished soldiers.

The invaders that come here are Betas. They ran away from the War, and abandoned their female family members to be gangraped to death while they went to collect welfare.

It's dysgenics. If there is any sandnigger genetics worth of it, it's in the ones who stayed there protecting their Volk.

What we have here is genetic trash.

Pick one. Marines are betas who get sent by real alphas to die for Israel. They are the ultimate cucks.

Those /r9k/ tier manlets are doing something you are not capable of, and that is multiplying at a very high speed., to the point of making Europe a islamic state.

I'm sure as hell won't accept a rigged game.

What kinda cuck are you? You play at Casinos aswell?

Read the bible. You might learn something faggot.

Nah, the shitskins are beta as fuck (even compared the average Eurofag). Without government to protect them they wouldn't last long.

It's not quite as hard to red pill women as some of you may think… especially if she's interested in you

Well, the invaders ARE so much more masculine, that they require the assistance of our women in order to survive.

if you've ever met one you'll know they'll fucking lick your boot unless they outnumber you

These threads are always hilarious, though it forever makes me view Holla Forums as a meaningless group of beta virgins beating off to Hitler's speeches. I've been saving a few gems I've seen in threads like this…

Even in times of old, women were not seen as the dogs that OP seems to view them as, the property akin to furniture with no right to speak. Even in times of old, battle hardened shield-maidens were able to take up arms, work, and defend the home and family. Even in times of old, women were our equals… at least, in our white heritage. The shit pits all around the world are another story. But people like OP make threads like this, and they not only ensure that no woman glancing curiously at Holla Forums or like places will ever consider the red pill, they prove much of Holla Forums to truly be misogynistic, and fuck you for making me use that word in an unironic manner.

So, OP, keep making threads like this. While you're at it, keep posting those images of beautiful, blonde haired blue eyed goddess women against sunny backdrops of rolling fields of green. Do so while crying and hugging your cum stained body pillow over the fact that there are "no red pilled women" and how "all women are sluts" because you try to pick up women in seedy bars or some shit. You are the reason nobody outside of Holla Forums takes us seriously, you are the reason "so few women are red pilled", and you are the reason you are alone.

In b4 that one guy, and there's ALWAYS one guy, who comes here and claims that he laid down the law with his wife and demanded his word as The Male me final, and they're both so much happier for it. There's always that one guy, and to that guy, nobody believes you and we can smell your fleshlight from here.

This thread is a joke, OP is a joke, fucking sage.

In b4 "triggered". So predictable.


Well, the rest of your post is pretty much presumptive, bitter shit; but this part stood out as the peanut in the shit pile.

Everyone takes Holla Forums seriously, after all, that's why you get paid to post here, right?