TRUMP TIED IN NEW REUTERS POLL EVEN THOUGHT THEY RIGGED AGAINST HIM!poll/TM651Y15_DS_13/filters/LIKELY:1/type/smallest/dates/20160710-20160830/collapsed/true/spotlight/1

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Considering Reuters' shit methodology, this means he is actually leading by 5%-6%.

is…is that a dragon dildo?

Of course




Wonder how much of the "refused" is voting for trump

at least a quarter.

And that's in an already biased poll!

I guess half, maybe more.

More than for Sick Hillary

LA time gave him a 3 point lead today

Good stuff if these recent polls are accurate. If his new team keeps the dumbass strictly on teleprompter and confiscates his phone it should be smooth sailing till the debates.

Did they filter it to 50% dems and 35% republicans again? Did they then give the remaining 'independents' over to the Dems?

It's 43% Democrat, 34 Republican, 11 Independent and 10 other.

2% missing for some reason.


Oy vey, our filtering doesn't work! Shift it farther!

By Kek, that's obscene.

Soros must be shifting his money towards not getting poloniumed and can't afford to bribe the polls this month.

And the real spread is still 30-26-44.

How do they keep getting away with it?

That depends on what your definition of "is" is

islamic state

Funny thing is just today I was seeing a new narrative pushed by commenters in the NYT that the upcoming debates really don't matter and aren't that important anyways.

They're fucking scared shitless.

Hillary will be, too.

An "unscientific" poll released today from the Kansas City Star Editorial Board.

Monday Poll results: Donald Trump gains edge over Hillary Clinton this time

Oldfag here, I remember the press BURYING Ross Perot in 92 because his debate skills were shit as it being the most important thing in the world.

Now it "won't matter", too bad that now a shitty debate can become a meme (like Rubio's famous ass whooping by Krispy Kreme) and decimate her.

She was never a good debater, I remember both Obama and Edwards beating her behind the shed in 08, the only reason Reddit kiddies may think she's okay because Bernie Glassberg always held back from actually attacking her.

It's going to be a bloodbath.

Please don't put "unscientific" in quotes, it makes us look like retards.

There's a term in statistics called scientific polling.




Made me laugh out loud.

Thank you from a grateful bong.

Anglo nations together!

Which means that Trump is actually like 20 points ahead so they don't feel like they could get away with under-reporting his numbers so blatantly anymore.

Two guesses as to who those would vote for but are afraid to say.

top fucking kek mate

That's good, but the sooner people stop referencing Reuters, as if their data matters, the better.

I don't try to extract any meaning from their dogshit numbers.

Holy shit, 43% Dems and Trump is winning?

I guess Cruz was right when he said that Trump is a "New York liberal"… You've just convinced me to vote for Hillary.

This happens every election cycle, so don't your hopes up too much in this regard.

They're doing this so that later they can make use of it.
I get the impression this is likely going to play into some kind of ploy down the line, though I'm not sure exactly what sort.

wtf i'm a cruzmissle now

I'm sure the moderators will do everything possible to cover for her as she delivers her memorized applaue lines in response to every question. I'm hoping Trump has learned from Christie how to go for the throat when that happens.

I wouldn't get carried away. I think if Trump is going to win this election, it will be a "landslide" only by it being 10 points ahead at most. He'll probably win by around 2-3 points. Don't forget how stupid niggers are, and how they loyally vote Democrat for no good reason. Trump will likely win by swinging enough of the black vote, but he'll still be getting a minority of the black vote.

My bet is that Trump and Clinton will narrow in the polls leading up to the first debate. If Trump is able to destroy Hilary in the first debate, then he'll enjoy a steady lead. Bear in mind, this is including the bias towards Hilary in the polls. If Trump can carry that lead to the end, he'll win the election, maybe in a landslide.

If Hilary is able to pull the right dirty tricks, he could lose. Currently, I'd say there's about a 75% chance of Trump winning the election. Ann Coulter is less optimistic and things it's 60%. I'd wait until the first debate to get a better picture of that.

I forgot to check and respect those Hitler dubs. Nice going.


Did we start the Führer?

I guess folks are getting tired of getting shit on by Clinton and her (((Friends))


While i don't believe in them, these polls are always biased to downvote Trump. So we get a global picture of Trump winning actually by 5%, maybe 10%.

However, given that ((( they ))) are rigging the election by an amount of 5% aproximately, this poll is near accurate in some sense.

Pretty huge numbers for 3rd parties, there sure are a lot of people who hate both.

And yet despite the rigged polls, more and more are asking for Trump.

The media and a lot of others believed that after the Travon acquittal it would be mass riots across the land. Actual humans (whites) seemed to be prepped for it and eager for it. Niggers as stupid as they are, 'got it' and understood they go out to grab some free gibmedats they would be facing off against whites tired of their shit. Self preservation seems to have won over the medias blatant race baiting and attempted ape enragement.

Considering the increasingly OPEN angry comments by the general white population about what is going on, and how vehemently the more dangerous whites are against shillary, I would not at this point ignore how redpilled most blacks are. They know if shillary wins they likely know some really fucked shit is about to go down one way or another. Whitey is pissed. The cucked media and political elites don't matter, it is the angry white gun owning male whom matters, and that guy is going to be looking for some 'retribution' after years of disrespect. Niggers get what that means. Democrats are wack, and Trump isn't that bad in a niggers eye. And maybe some white boy cleanup in the worst places wont be so bad considering even blacks don't want to live near niggers.

Like Travon, we may see an very different response to their pandering and race baiting than the media and elites think they are going to get. Even the most lowly of niggers do understand whom holds the whip, even if he acts like a bitch most of the time. And going against masta, isn't exactly a good move for a nigga just wanting to smoke a blunt and get his dick wet while getting some respect. Aint no reason to go poking the hornets nest, white people are dangerous, you don't make those niggas made man, they go fucking crazy when they get pissed and are way wack. Just let em do their thing and don't get in the way. All good right?


hive mind

I wonder where are all the defeatists go?

this they over sample dems by 7-8% and under sample indies

dems are 2-4% more by most estimates not a solid 4%

Even with that Trump gains a lead and less everyday people with tout the banner with more pride.

Those don't even look like the same girl.

Sometimes "quotes" are used to quote.

next year is year of the fire cock.

9%: Political affiliation: Other Party

How can this be considered even remotely realistic? The last presidential elections other parties totaled less than 3% of the votes…

It always happens in polling but never on election day.

What's the deal with LA Times? Why does Trump come out routinely higher than other polls?

A bizarre level of honestly.

2nd and 3rd are the same for sure.

Has the same due to the same facial expressions as the other 2, only difference is dyed hair.

Because they use a scoring system of how likely out of a hundred you are to vote (25 out of a hundred gives you 25% of a vote for example), Trump preforms better in these polls because his supporters are more likely to actually go to the polls in November.



their parent company has been independent since 2014.

nogs are going to vote shillary because she promised to keep up the gibs and had one of their cultural leaders play them a lil' diddy on the saxomophone

Nah, they know the gibs are going to the spics and the dune coons.

Repent ye weak in the spirit of Kek! Repent!

god damn carlos too good





Statistically they really don't matter. Most are concentrated in the south which is red anyways.
Sure they fester in the cities but that's not the real problem, the real problem is suburban whites who vote lib.

The problem is their were a lot blue collar whites who lived the good life, until their jobs get shipped to mexico through NAFTA.
These blue collar whites (BCW) aren't stupid, they realize this.
And to add insult to injury here are a bunch of illegals who border hoped to try and sniff out what ever jobs were left, and gibs.
Oh, and the democrats really want to allow them to vote (don't worry goyim, foreigners= freinds).
These BCW's used to vote dem because their unions told them to (Because Jew=Union Bosses).
Now they're out of a job and smelling the stench of the whole system for the first time.
Trump's wall is a powerful antidote that he's offering to the (BCW).

If Trump can successfully signal to suburbanite college-indoctrinated whites, that he is fighting for THE working class of America while standing next to Hillary on one of these debates…
it's all ogre.
She'll never get the suburban vote.

Bonus points if he low key red-pills on they Dem's plans to get rid of white people. Any kvetching they do will just amplify the truth within his words. White America would never be the same again.

Think about how much in the lead he is. They get the data that says Trump 60%+ Hillary 40% and already that's conservative because they don't know how to poll this election so their data is off already.

Then they rig it against Trump with some kike formula they whipped up that takes ~ 20 points off each time, probably retuned it a buncha times too since Trump beats their little rigging and then they make a new rig that's even stronger in favor of Hillary.

Trump's real turnout before rigging is probably in the 90% if you think about.

they won't vote for either in any significant numbers. you won't see turnout like Obama did with white candidates.

It's real…mostly. It hasn't happened yet, but they are eying it. Stay worried.

I can't wait for the debates. Fucking phoned in that one press discussion, tons of shit flying about the Clinton Foundation, and a growing tide of green thats going to shred the Dems. good times.

Whats the matter goy? Afraid of a little coincidence?

Is this why on the news tonight all they showed was the pennsylvania poll where cunton is ahead of trump by 8?

It's going to look like ejaculation when Trump's leading

Sorry but what press conference was this?

shit, meme magic

just phones it in.

She had that one where only spics and niggers were allowed in.


Jesus Christ, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and John McCain both got re-elected.

What the fuck is wrong with the voter?

I was in Sanford the day after the ruling, went in 3 different gas stations. None of the nigs I saw looked they gave a shit. Definitely none looking aggressive. The rent-a-crowd was gone.

"Cui bono?" (who benefits?) Something else that has not been addressed in this thread is the media's need to present the race as a close contest. If all the news outlets were to provide accurate polls, and those accurate polls presented Trump creaming Hillary by a double digit margin, then no one would read their articles or watch their "news" shows. If you are discussing this topic with someone who is not inclined to believe that the media would skew their polls, please bring this point up with them.

Trump is going to get a lot more of the black vote than any poll shows but that's still only 14%


You're a fucking idiot. It's dumbasses like you who give normies an excuse to not take people like us seriously.

The average person is normalfag scum who doesn't like to rock the boat. This is what worries me about Trump v. Clinton. It's possible these idiots will vote for Hillary because they don't want anything to change.


Actually 62% of people want change

Looks like we need to make another
to the polling methods.

Whats next? Over sampling non-whites even more?

fuck Holla Forums niggers and kikes

ban me, mod!


I see what you did there.

With all the leaks and shit I'm susprised even a third of the population still supports her.


hilldog is running a 'no platform i'm just not trump' compaign


tbh that wouldn't even surprise me anymore