Is the ‘Alt-Right’ Reaching Out to Jews — and Why?

Is the ‘Alt-Right’ Reaching Out to Jews — and Why?

The term “alt-right” is everywhere right now. Donald Trump has been tied to it. Hillary Clinton made a speech about it. On August 25, when Clinton gave her speech, the phrase “altrightmeans” trended on Twitter all day, precisely because most people didn’t know how to complete that sentence. Turns out, the “alt-right” is a loose affiliation of racists and others haters including, but not limited to, white supremacists and anti-Semites.

You’d think such people would not want Jews around.

You’d be wrong.

The so-called “alt-right” is a sophisticated political movement, a far cry from the clumsy, costumed Ku Klux Klan of yesteryear.

The very fact that Clinton had to make such a speech shows how effective they can be, said Peter Montgomery, who monitors right-wing politics at People for the American Way, a progressive advocacy group.

Some of its leaders are even making tactical, token overtures to the groups that white supremacists have hated for so long: Jews, people in the LGBT community and even people of color.

“You have parts of this movement that are rabidly anti-Semitic, fringe-y, Hitlerian,” Montgomery said. “And others are using it to build political power.” Different leaders have different end games, he said. Some, for example, are separatists who want to carve up the United States and assign different groups to different territories. But in the meantime, they are all working to take advantage of Trump’s candidacy. His attacks on political correctness, immigrants and the media have given them permission to build their own organizations.

It is a fractious movement, to be sure. It flows from the offices of Washington think tanks and racist internet forums. But its various groups, publications, websites and conferences have some things in common..

The movement is very media-savvy, and that’s a big strength, said Heidi Beirich, the director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“They’re making slick cartoons and videos,” she said. “They’re pushing memes. They’re trolling twitter. They’re doing things these other folks [in politics] know how to do.”

The basic tenets combine white supremacy and white victimhood. In the former category fall bloggers like Steve Sailer, who lends the “alt-right” a pseudoscientific vibe with “human biodiversity,” a benign-sounding neologism that uses the language of genetics to explain perceived racial differences. Likewise, the anti-establishment conservative movement adopted the epithet “cuckservative” to call into question the toughness or strength of any conservative who makes concessions to the left.

At the same time, members and fellow travelers of the movement consider whites to be under attack and even facing extinction in an ongoing “white genocide,” which refers to the supposed conspiracy to destroy the white race through multiculturalism,.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some leaders see Jewish and other out-group allies as a way to protect whites. Richard Spencer is one of them. The chairman of the innocuously-named National Policy Institute (NPI), a white supremacist think tank begun in 2005, he created Radix Journal, one of the movement’s primary publications, in 2012. Since 2011, the NPI has held multiple conferences in Washington, as well as an aborted conference in Hungary, which resulted in Spencer being banned from 26 European countries, according to Radix.

But before his tenure as chairman of the NPI, Spencer helped run the H. L. Mencken Club, founded by Paul Gottfried, a Jewish academic who coined the term “alternative right.” Its conferences have become a gathering place for white nationalists who, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, use it to “legitimize racism under the glossy veneer of academia.”

Gottfried and Spencer could not be reached for comment.

“I don’t think directly associating ourselves with movements of the past like Nazism is the best way to go about changing the culture,” Richard Spencer wrote online in an “Ask Me Anything” session, or AMA, on Reddit. “We need to be a new cultural movement … Historical reenactment is not good politics.”

At the October 2015 NPI conference, Spencer made sure that at least one major anti-LGBT voice — Matthew Heimbach — was disinvited, and Jack Donovan, the openly gay “masculinist” writer, was a keynote speaker.

Jared Taylor, another figurehead of the “alt-right,” has been running the racist American Renaissance magazine since 1990, which has published articles by Jewish writers and hosted Jewish speakers at its conferences, drawing the ire of die-hard anti-Semites like former KKK leader David Duke, who is running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana.

Spencer and Taylor say the ends justify the means when explaining the inclusion of Jewish and LGBT voices — and even the voices of so-called alt-righties of color.


Who would've guessed that the Alt-right is controlled opposition? What a coincidence :^)

“I don’t think it is a good idea to drive away potential allies by declaring war on all Jews,” Taylor wrote in a July 26 Reddit AMA to defend Jewish inclusion in his response to a long anti-Semitic post by the user “Lothar_von_Trotha.”. “To be sure, there are many elite Jews who work against the interests of whites, but other Jews see themselves as men of the West who will fight to preserve European civilization.”

To Taylor, white is white is white.

“White Jews are white,” he said in a phone interview. Even white Muslims are welcome.

“I suppose if you had a Bosnian European Muslim who had a consciousness as a white person and wanted to defend Western civilization, then yes such a person would be hypothetically welcome in the ‘alt-right.’ But I’ve never met such a person.”

For Taylor, the endgame of the alt-right is create an “ethno-state” for people of European heritage.

“If there is no territory that white Americans can call their own, we will ultimately be shoved aside,” he said. “If that is not done, are what point are white Americans allowed to say it has gone too far? When we’re 20 percent of the population? When we’re five percent of the population?”

He feels that this goal has been misrepresented by the media - and that it is a peaceful movement. He said it is a fundamentally different ethos than white supremacy.

“I’m not even sure what white supremacy means,” he said. “If it means anything it means whites are supposed to be ruling over other races. I don’t think anyone in the ‘alt-right’ wants that.”

“It’s really the equivalent of the N-word in how you could refer to a white person,” he said of the term ‘white supremacist.’

But though people like Jared Taylor are willing to welcome white people of all background - at least for now - for many in the “alt-right” their hatred of Jews remains stubbornly common.

Anti-Semites like Kevin MacDonald — who has written books about the invention of anti-Semitism by Jews — are still regular guests at NPI conferences. And though he sometimes praises Israel for being an “ethno-state,” Spencer harbors deep anti-Semitism as well. He tends to pass it off as an intellectual interest in the racial and cultural distinction of Jews from white people.

“I think someone like Kevin MacDonald, he has covered the question of Jews very carefully,” Jared Taylor said. “I think he is correct on the activity of many elite Jews.”

“Overall I would not say that Jews are welcome in these circles at all,” said Marilyn Mayo, a research fellow for the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. “There’s a general anti-Semitism that emanates from the alt-right and those kinds of groups.”

Mayo said that the occasional appearance of Jews in this milieu reflects the burgeoning “intellectualism” of the “alt-right” — a move in direct tension to the populism of a leader like David Duke.

This “intellectual” sheen attracts young people, said Heidi Beirich of the SPLC.

“It’s a lot less crude and a lot more intellectual than someone who’s into ‘The Turner Diaries,’” she said, referring to an apocalyptic novel that the ADL called “probably the most widely-read book among far-right extremists.” “It’s kind of like a college kid talking about [Friedrich Nietzche’s] ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra.’”

At Spencer’s last NPI conference, in October 2015, he estimated that “a third to a half” of the attendants were under thirty. The discounted “Millennial Registration” tickets to the upcoming November 2016 conference are sold out, according to the form on

Breitbart, the conservative news organization accused of providing a more centrist incubator for far-right conspiracy theories and ideas, likes to refer to Europe’s ultranationalist Generation Identity, as the “hipster-right.”

And that’s where Jews and other groups with their own identities come in handy. The “alt-right” white supremacists, unlike European movements like Generation Identity, aren’t so interested in reducing whiteness to distinct European heritages or ethnicities. Many of the American figureheads assume a broader view of us-versus-them — un updated version of Duke’s “sacred white gene pool.”

“Dissident whites benefit from the efforts of all — Jew or gentile — who understand the crisis we face,” Taylor wrote in his Reddit AMA. “Anyone who tries to chase Jews out of a white consciousness movement is chasing away valuable allies and also raising doubts in the minds of gentiles about the legitimacy of white racial consciousness.”

go back to cuckchan kike.

Spencer really destroyed everything with his fag-defending tweet he later walked back and said was a typo.

fucking this, "alt right" was a jewish meme from the start

We are hungry!

Gas the kikes.

t. alt-right

Fuck off faggot, we aren't the alt-right.

There are still anons who don't believe the term "alt right" has jewish origins

Not to mention his Phalanx scheme

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Yes we are!!!

Embrace the alt-right user!


No faggot, the second they put a label on something they try to change into something else. The only ones who get to decide what to call ourselves is us not some faggot media stream or faggots like you and Milo. Kindly go fuck off.

It's a way to secure jews's future. White people are not the jews's insurance so (((media))) can get lost somewhere.

Blatant coopting attempt.

Anti-Semitism is a core foundational principle of the assembled movements which have, in an attempt at controlled opposition, been titled 'the alt-right'.

If you are not anti-Semitic, you are not a part of the movements known now as 'the alt-right'.

There is no debate on this matter - any Jew, by blood or ideology, or any person who does not willfully oppose Semitic influence, you are not, cannot be, a part of 'the alt-right'.

Any individual, factíon or source which claims otherwise is attempting to coopt the movements in question.

That is why WE should try and change the alt-right!

I've always held a certain distrust for people like Spencer or Taylor who try to throw out the "not all jews" meme. It's good to see that my trust was not misplaced.

you spelled kike wrong, just wanted to correct that record for ya

No, I would rather hijack the meme and turn it around against the jews. jews invented the golem which is known to go out of control and go on raging forever.

Milo isn't alt-right you fucking retards. He's just some opportunistic entertainer who loves to piss off feminists. He holds views that NOBODY on the alt-right does such as reparations for niggers.

A bit early for them to start such overt co-option now isn't it? Hillary's speech wasn't that long ago. You'd think they would have let it build naturally a bit longer and worked with a slower transition.

You still aren't getting it, fuck off fag.

You would know, fag.

I don't think any self respecting user could be a part of the alt-right. even the "alt" prefix implies that we are "the other guys" to the cuckservatives. Not one of us would be okay with being "the other right", because we are the only right.

This bears repeating, so I will repeat it:

This piece, amongst others, is part of a blatant coopting attempt.

Anti-Semitism is a core foundational principle of the assembled movements which have, in an attempt at controlled opposition, been titled 'the alt-right'.

If you are not anti-Semitic, you are not a part of the movements known now as 'the alt-right'.

There is no debate on this matter - any Jew, by blood or ideology, or any person who does not willfully oppose Semitic influence, you are not, cannot be, a part of 'the alt-right'.

Any individual, faction or source which claims otherwise is attempting to coopt the movements in question.

The time is running out faster then they thought so that is why they are pushing it hard.

I didn't spell it, I found it on the Daily Stormer, the hottest alt-right site their is!!

Well, the alt-right will welcome my sexual persuasian!!

All according to plan. Now that they gave a name for something that isn't defined by one specific group, the media can shape its course anyway they want. The only solution is to stay as far away from the name as possible and refuse to identify as alt-right.

It's like a Juden playing chess with himself whereby the pawns are unaware off who is making the decisions.

Gee, it's almost like the alt-right was invented with that very thing in mind. But (((who))) would do such a thing?

They only have a couple months left before elections, they need an enemy to take down now.

I think we should just follow Trump and make it so the official stance on the alt right is that no one knows what the fuck the alt right is. That would kill their attempt at controlled opposition out right and make anyone who attacks it look like a tin foil hatter.

The 'alt-right' is defined by anti-Semitism.

If you are not an anti-Semite, you are not 'alt-right'.

Its really not that difficult to combat this copying attempt.

Just keep repeating thru truth:
If you aren't an anti-Semite, you are not 'alt-right'.

Yes, we should allow the Jews to decide what alt-right means, who cares about our ideas going mainstream, phistt!

Which paradoxically only helps to accelerate their loss of control if they're too clumsy.

It also might hint that Holla Forums is having a greater impact than expected. So they figure if they can't co-opt all of the people, they'll slice away a suggestible portion quickly to try and diminish that influence. It won't work though, way too late for that.

Oh geez! jews can't help themselves to keep their dirty fingers in and on everything.

Jewish people love Holla Forums

The kikes decide what the "alt-right" means and there's nothing you can do about it, you stupid nigger. That's why they came up with it in the first place.

Won't work buddy. Look at OP's article. They are making it seem like the "leaders", whoever they may be, are trying to include jews. Eventually the "leaders", most likely that fag milo and such, will say that they are totally against the evil alt-right and change the movement.

Suddenly it becomes another cuckservative talking peice and no matter how much you try to take it back, the media will only use it to say that the original racists habe lost hold of the movement and are trying to take it back. Give it up, tell people that there is no alt-right and that its controlled opposition.

I can tell you right now what the alt-right means. Jew controlled opposition designed to lose. The idea of gassing the jew is still the idea of gassing the jew, no matter what it's name is.

That is true goy, you can't beat the Jews, best you don't try and stay on your mongolian fingerpainting board making dank meme's!!



Jews are trying to coopt these movements, which appear to lack lack specific definition.

But there is one common trend in all things truly 'alt-right' - anti-Semitism.

If you are not an anti-Semite, you are not a part of 'the alt-right'.

It wraps up the loose ends quite nicely, and inhibits attempt at coopting.

Come one people!

This is the time to go to meetings, to increase our social circle and to move away from the internet.

The autiste's who don't want to can stay in their little hugbox, people like me, we are going to the outside world!

They don't think of the long term consequences. They created golems and all of them went out of control so I am not surprised.

There are no leaders. Kikes can set up as many as they want, but there's no old malinformed cuckservative faggots to subvert like there were in the tea party.

Weird, because that's exactly what you where advocating in the previous post.

Yes, it will.

So just keep repeating, "If you aren't an anti-Semite, you aren't part of 'the alt-right'."

These 'leaders' can deal with the flak - and when they expose that they are not anti-Semites, its easy enough to point out that such means they are not part of the alt-right.

Except they don't lead anything, and aren't anti-Semites, thus they are not alt-right and have no power whatsoever.

But there is an alt-right, which is a group of movements which share the common trend of anti-Semitism.
This is why controlled opposition are attempting to coopt the movement, but they will fail, because they are not part of the alt-right movements, as demonstrated by the fact that they are not anti-Semites.


And then the leaders of the alt-right embrace kikes and faggots with open arms. Then what?

Holla Forums not alt-right. There is no alt-right.

Alt Right movement is so anti-semitic, that even literal Nazis appear pale in comparison.


Uhm, we keep meming the opposite, or are you saying Trump is an antisemitic homophobe?


-the thread

Nice, so you basically do not deny that you want to hand the alt-right over to the kikes, just because you don't like being mainstream.

I think a large part of it is old fucks like soros are going to die soon and their children fell for their degeneracy meme so they want to see their plans finished before the end.

The best part is the final thing they'll see is all their plans crashing down around them.

This. The alt-right doesn't actually exist. Labels are very powerful tools to these people, don't fall for their tricks.

They can't be leaders of the alt-right, cannot even be 'alt-right', if they are not anti-Semites.

Holla Forums always and forever.
Yes, there is - a series of movements which share the common thread of anti-Semitism.

If you aren't an anti-Semite, you aren't 'alt-right'.
And nothing will change that.

Really, why?

If you don't sage this thread, your daughter will marry a nigger.

Go into oven because there's a dollar in there.

We fucking knew that Kikes would try to co-opt it.

Guess we're right again.

Holla Forums is always right.

So don't let (((them))) determine the definition of the label.

What is the label?

What does it mean?

If you are not an anti-Semite, you cannot, by definition, be alt-right.

The movements determine what they are, not talking head 'leaders' - and if the movement identifies itself as 'alt-right = anti-semite', there's really nothing the kike journalists or the controlled-op 'leaders' can do about it.

If you aren't an anti-Semite, you are not 'alt-right'.


delet ur account

I think I scared a kikel.

Your fear doesn't change the fact that
If you aren't an anti-Semite, you are not 'alt-right'.

Yes, antisemitism and racialism are kike memes.


Then tell us how to not let the kikes define us with the word alt-right. They want people to take up the word so they can set up a crash when the "movement" changes.
Tell that to the (((media))). They already set up milo as a leader of the alt-right, how are you going to stop them? Anything you do in the name of the alt-right will be used to paint a picture that it has failed and that there is a rift. Even if you manage to show that there is a clear difference between jew lovers and anti-semites in this "movement", then there will be two alt-rights and the anti-semites will be a fringe moment that has gone chaotic against the """larger""" movement. So how are you going to use the alt-right name, but prevent the jews/media from using that to their advantage? Simply remaining anti-semetic will not change anything.

They literally are.

Unfortunately that likely means billions of deaths in the process.

That's all I got from your post.

Which doesn't change the FACT that
If you are not an anti-Semite, you are not 'alt-right'.

The question is how do we stop this?

Attack (((Ari Feldman))) and (((Helen Chernikoff)))?

I don't think there reaching out too, I think there created by jews in the first place… LBGTQ+XYZA3P and BLdM ring any bells?

The same way we used Trump, by giving the name our own definition.

Wotan, what a defeatism!

You people really are just on Holla Forums to be egy.

Sure thing!


However Trump didn't care what defintion we gave him, unlike this where the kikes want the alt-right tl mean us.

I wish you the best of luck though in changing tje meaning of the alt-right as it is currently. However I will refuse to be considered alt-right and consider anyone who uses the name to be of the semetic kind.

user, it's time to stop posting

I see, in other words you don't really care for our future and you are on Holla Forums not for the truth, or to try and change society, but so you can be edgy and against normies.

I already did.
Refuse to engage any questioning of the notion that 'alt-right = anti-Semite'.
To be 'alt-right', is to be an anti-Semite.
No debate, no argumentation, it is simply a fact.

People have already taken up the word lad.
Now, its merely a matter of whether you want to allow it to be coopted without any resistance.

Alt-Right = Anti-Semite
If the movements internalize this, there's basically nothing they can do about it.
Its really not that hard.

Yes, exactly.

A gay Jew as the 'leader' of the myriad movements of the 'alt-right'?
Because the gay Jew is not an anti-Semite, therefore, he is not alt-right.
Via this route, you can demonstrate that these talking heads are, in fact, NOT part of the movement, but, as you imply, meant as subversive entry points.

You've already walked into the trap.
The 'alt-right' is not A movement, it is MANY movements, all sharing the common trend of anti-Semitism.

If an individual, faction or source claims to be alt-right, but is not anti-Semitic, then they are clearly NOT alt-right, and can be discarded as an attempt to coopt.

Just keep repeating that to be alt-right is to be an anti-Semite.
Again, no debate, no questioning, it is not opinion or hypothesis, it is a fact.

Alt-Right = Anti-Semite
Not Anti-Semite = Not Alt-Right

Change is what you're worried about, but if you just keep pushing that to be alt-right is to be an anti-Semite, there's nowhere to go with that.
The coopting is being done, clearly, on behalf of people who claim to be 'alt-right' but are not anti-Semitic, which demonstrates that these people are not alt-right, and are merely extant for coopting purposes.

No, attack Taylor, Spencer, and anyone else who's friendly with kikes.

Take your own advice son.


No matter how apparently-entrenched, no matter how supported by the media, its very simple:

Then you aren't part of the alt-right.

Then you may be a part of the alt-right.

All these 'leaders' the (((media))) keeps holding up?
Are they anti-Semites?
Then they aren't alt-right.

Media coopting attempt exposed, 'leaders' discredited and exposed, movement solidifies its anti-Semitic stance as a core principle of the assembled movements.

Done and done.

Seed doubt into any "leadership" calling for it. Remind people that the real problem to begin with was leaders who placated to the establishment. Remind them political correctness is a muzzle to prevent people from truly identifying problems in society. Remind them that true change comes from willingness to not be afraid to take a hard stance on an issue. That such thoughts are not as taboo as they think they should be. Encourage questioning into things that are seen as unquestionable in history or politics. You get the idea.

I have a feeling that Holla Forums will slowly become like stormfront, irrelevant and outdates, because they refuse to move on.

You cannot abide Muslims and preserve western civilization. Muslims are the diametric opposite of everything western civilization strives for. That is non-negotiable. The furthest I am willing to negotiate on with Jews is to boot out the Talmudic Jews. But I would demand concession in return for sheltering bloodline Jews.

Do you mean move on from being full on anti-Semitic?


Don't gas me bro

I have a feeling you're a Jew who doesn't like that the idea proposed circumvents your long-standing attempt to coopt a series of movements whose core principle is anti-Semitism.

Alt-Right = Anti-Semite

Anyone who disagrees is attempting a coopt.

Orthodox and practicing Jews are as bad as Muslims. Did you happen to glance over the word 'concessions'? Even the Nazis had exceptions and rules Jews had to adhere to.

Then kill yourself, vermin.

All jews are worse than Muslims.



Spam the authors with anti-semitism until the co-opting stops

the alt who?

It's only genetics though.

Really, what gave you that idea.

Kikes are trying to subvert it. They are trying to use Holla Forums to d&c al parties who could be considerd 'alt right'.

Right-wing Jews are bro-tier.

The true enemy is the left.

You're exactly as stupid as the Goyimgators.

If you accept their label, they can define that label as they please. Do not consider yourself part of the alt-right, do not define yourself. Let yourself be amorphous and vague so that they cannot strike at you.

You can't be Jewish and right-wing, because only White people can be right-wing.

Not just spam, it must be a foundational pillar, it must BECOME a foundational pillar, if those in the 'alt-right' movements wish to avoid coopting.

The Jews cannot, or not with nearly as much ease, coopt a series of movements whose primary shared foundational pillar is anti-Semitism.

Primary Points for Pushing and Internalization:
1. The 'alt-right' is not A movement, but a series of interconnected movements.
2. The common trend across such movements is anti-Semitism.
3. One who is not an anti-Semite is, by definition, not part of the 'alt-right' movements.

Done and done.

No he's not - Natt is the leader of the alt-right movements.
Milo isn't even part of the alt-right movements, as demonstrated by the fact that he is not an anti-Semite.

Then what?

What would we achieve with that, do you think the goal has always been making dank memes on the interwebz?

Älso name race and family.

Ramzsaul pls go.

No, its not.

Its epigenetics, what Hitler called 'the Jewish spirit'.

Your very soul is contaminated, nevermind your disgusting kikel genes.
You can not be saved, and will not.

Do you need a label to vote? Do you need a label to seek out like-minded individuals? Do you need a label to infiltrate the establishment?


Goobers were infected by Reddit from the start.

This is different. Holla Forums has controlled the flow of memes since the election cycle began. Holla Forums is going mainstream.

Does anyone else think that it might be a good idea to co-opt the alt-right Golem while distinctly separating ourselves from it? It's extremely important that we retain our independence.

However this golem could be making a large group of young goys open to the JQ.

That's correct, black, white, yellow, whatever the hell you are it's just important we unite to destroy the enemy out to dilute, subvert and kill us all. That might be a little too softcore for Holla Forums though.

Take that shit to reddit, chaim.

The Alt-Right is primarily a reddit movement.

You're primarily a kike.

Yes, we do, you people are only in it for the memes, the moment you are asked to really organise you retreat, because autism.

I am right, aren't I, dozens of people have been organising and forming groups, if we break through, what would be the point of Holla Forums exactly?

Making memes while acting like autists?

Seeing all this craze over the fringe that is alt-right, I've come to the conclusion that Molyneux was indeed right.

It is not coincidence that this whole thing comes just after Trump's nignog outreach.

Do you really wonder why so many of us want to gas all of you?



Inherent limitations.

That which has no face, no voice, is effectively nothing - and while nothing, this amorphous mass, can achieve some things, it is inherently limited in its potential.

If everytime your movement puts on a face, you allow your enemy to snatch it away and put it on a monster, then you will forever be fleeing the monsters you've created.

The media does not determine the definition of a label, the movements do.

Goymergate fell, because the people defined themselves according to a flawed principle - they were cucks from the start, it was inevitable.

This is another matter entirely, and barely worth comparison to goymergate, as goymergate was a bunch of vidya-playing liberal manchildren - their subversion was inevitable.

These are movements sharing an anti-Semitic trend, composed of people far removed from the goymergate crowd.

Its very simple:
Alt-Right = Anti-Semite

Anyone who says otherwise isn't 'alt-right'.

Done, and done.

Alright, but what gave you the idea I am not an antisemite?

"organize" being kike-code for opening yourself to being co-opted by semite approved leaderfags.

Why do you insist on pretending that mass propaganda is ineffective when we all know better?

So, if the Jews have perpetuated this grand conspiracy across the millennia, why would we gas'em? Shouldn't we intern (imprison) and exploit them to our advantage instead?

Your behavior and rhetoric.

Hey, I'm not subverting anything, you're free to believe what you want to believe. But do you honestly think killing someone (not just anyone, a human life) over factors that they can't possibly control is right?

In other words, you are afraid to take a risk.

Then what has been the point of Holla Forums all these years, forming a small cabal and feeling good about ourselves?

I came to Holla Forums because I wanted to change society, now I am finding out you really are nothing but a bunch of scared autistes

what is /r/the_donald

holy fuck have you never posted on an imageboard before

are you so new you don't understand how anonymity works?

So you don't know about TRS's meetups? Or the daily stormer's book clubs? Go ahead and try to explain how accepting a kike-created label helped with either of those.

k now prove Holla Forums doesn't have either of those and is therefore nothing


But Jews aren't human.

They are vermin, like rats.


Both identify as alt-right!

It is weak-mindedness and wasteful to kill human capital that can simply be controlled.

If a nigger chimps out over being called a nigger, he deserves none of my respect. Same for any race that gets uppity over names. The niggers that remain calm will attain the rank of real human bean.

We don't change who we are because of PR shit. We aren't goobergate.

A Holla Forums beachhead. You must be new.

still waiting

Who the fuck are you responding to?

Do you deny that anonymity limits potential in this context?

It's not a kike created label.

PS. Holla Forums was created by a kike.

No, because we are growing and their needs to be a point that we try and get genuine political power.

I am not. I want alt right gone because like the anons said it's ridiculous. It is clearly controlled.


Many serial killers and child rapists can't help themselves either, does that mean we should give them a pass too?

Of course, there are more humane ways to deal with your kind (like internment and sterilization), but the bottom line is that you can't be allowed to go on as you are.

No, it's pure cancer.

MUCH has been contributed by Jews. This is why we should keep them. In zoos.


Yes, and how does that connect to my post?

It was created by a Holla Forumsack. Confirmed new.

Your posting style reminds me of that portuguese pro-holohoax poster on halfchan

Not an argument.

If your not going to move towards something genuinely political in the next two years, all of you are going to be left behind.

Your becoming irrelevant!

Perhaps you should explain what purpose you had in even saying such if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Why do you think that? I don't believe that the actions of scumbag globalists get to dictate what an entire diverse race/region with plenty of differing personalities and opinions that they're apart of act like.

How are you so cold and unfeeling?

Oh really, so that thing that would completely drown out the front page if not for the downvote brigades due to the sheer number of people in that subreddit, isn't reddit? Every one of those users are Holla Forums?

Nice job giving any reason to accept the label. Sure convinced me! I'm an #altrightmissile now.

Evading my argument, nice, I'm sure you're 100% sincere about convincing people to accept the label and have absolutely no underlying motives! Your behavior just screams it.

You are not an anti-Semite?
That makes sense, given you are not alt-right.

In any case, the only 'controlled' aspect of the alt-right movements, that I can see at least, are the supposed 'leaders' which the (((media))) attempts to push to the forefront.

But none of them are anti-Semites.

And you know what that means.

Your lack of posting inhibits my ability to recognize anything from your style.

Whats the true goal of the alt-right? I can at least understand the other user who wants to stop the kikes from using it against us, but what does the alt-right actually do?

You didn't ask for a reason, you made a claim, you autistic weeb.

I think it's not so much that we are anti-Semitic as much as Semitics are against us, and so of course we are enemies and peace cannot be achieved because these kikes would stab us in the back at the first opportunity

It will allow us to finally push towards political reforms and create a mainstream culture, unlike meming frogs.

I am neither cold nor unfeeling, homie-kun. I love animals, and treat them very well. A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast.

Holla Forums has successfully invaded Reddit and gone mainstream, which is what I've already said.

The "alt-right" are jews.

Are you just pretending doesn't exist and I never said "Go ahead and try to explain how accepting a kike-created label helped with either of those" to try to convince people you have argument or do you actually have brain damage?

It is looking from Clinton's standpoint. I very much doubt that they are legitimately afraid of us.
It would follow that they would cry racism in new form after Trump tries to get nignog votes.

Which brings us to your post, what does that have to do with your moderate stance of when you think nigger is a nigger or not and changing ourselves.

I awnser with, it's not a kike-created label, you rephrase your question, you weeb autiste!


you guys aren't arguing retard, he is explaining hsi perception
fucking outgroup faggot

To do that we would have to accept leaders, who are all kikes to be used.

That is exactly what I was alluding to, you utter moron.

Sage for muh alt-right shilling.

Holla Forums is about anonymity, it was never and will never be part of muh Alt-Right created by Kikebart and other kikes.

Pic related.

Lauren Southern isn't Jewish


We are anti-Semitic.

If you are not, you are not alt-right.

Deal with it.

They're really intent on turning the alt-right into some sort of boogeyman, aren't they? The fact that the media picked this shit up as soon as Hillary says it without any fact checking has to show how hand in hand her and the media are working to the average person, doesn't it? Fucking hell.

Your an autistic, clear.

Well you sure are callous when it comes to human life.

Yes user, all leaders are Jews, makes perfect sense.


Using a Jewish definition for alt-right.

I'm not alt-rgiht
I'm pro white
I want to preserve my race and those of my white volk
fuck your identity I want mine

and mine is is the natural enemy of the devious genocidal kike

not an argument :^)

So Holla Forums's opinions are being repeated by redditors? Wow, I guess you're right, that means we DEFINITELY don't have any easily-subverted redditors in our midst!

Guess the answer to my question WAS brain damage. But fine, fine, I'll play along: change the phrasing of that question that you still haven't come with an answer to, from "kike-created" to "kike-promoted."

Now do you have an answer? Or do you need to go lie down for a bit? I'd understand if you do. Brain damage is pretty awful to try to heal from.

Nope, a fact.

You spelled "pragmatic" wrong. Don't worry, the JewZoos will be better then Detroit.

none of them is alt-right

1 Cuckservative
2 fucks niggers
3 Libertarian

meant for>>7307434

There is no reason for you to join the alt-right, because we need people with a minimal amount of people skills who could run a local group or even a political party.

Clever bantz kike, I could learn a thing or two from you

Are you saying the alt-right isn't filled with jewish leaders right now? Go ahead and tell me how your wonderful vision is going to work out.
Pot calling the kettle black, keep racking up your post count.

No, I have been paying attention. I have seen what happens when "movements" "organize".

Production of mass propaganda. Thanks for proving my point.

I never implied we didn't, faggot, but to not expect them and suddenly disavow previous stances because of kikes is a coward's play. Most of them are concentrated on cuckchan, anyway.

Yes, bantz is now jewish, for no reason.

Are you saying Holla Forums isn't full of jewish shills?

I mean, what is your argument, Jews try to coopt it, therefor hur dur let them do it?

ya got me good with that one

HI mewfriend

Yes, they win, like Hitler took over Germany.

What mass-propaganda, do you think that you can continue on with memes and it will somehow ensnare the entire world.

Don't you think you have to eventually make feature films and videogames, 'which requires working in the open.

alt-right is pretty much nu-males
not sure why anyone would want to be a part of it

Tell me how the alt-right will suddenly become a political movement that gets into power and turns into something it is not.

World War 2

At the end of the day, people are going to take over our culture and get used to it and we will lose our power, THAT is why we need to move into the open.


Me too.
Same here.
My identity is your identity.
The alt-right is a group of movements, some of which are very-much in the vein of that identity.
But you have to be an anti-Semite to be alt-right.
Are you an anti-Semite?

Well, you sound pretty alt-right to me m80.

Put simply: If every time your 'identity' gives itself a face/voice, it is subverted, how long will it last?
If everytime your - our - enemies rear their hooked noses and try to subvert, you throw up your hands and walk away, how long will your identity last?

The alt-right was made to be subverted, but it can easily be inhibited, if not stopped outright, via a simple process, as I have already described.

Think on it.

Right, that's Jewish propaganda isn't it?

Tricky kike, never used that word.

Hmmm looks like we need to do some monitoring of the monitors.
Thats actually the most charitable definition I've seen from the luggenpresse. It's still not correct but at least a lot closer than "hur dur it's about black guys, raycis" etc.

Yeah I guess you could say slaughtering a bunch of people based on your "objectively correct" view is pragmatic.

Which someone also won….

There you go, being a kike again… This is why you're going to end up in the gas chamber chaim.

Ooh, resorting to an ad-hom instead of answering it. Is that all you have? Is that the best reason to accept the label? Well, let me stoop down to your level and offer a counterpoint:

You're overweight, ugly, and nobody will ever truly love you. Your shitty, run-down car and tiny apartment aren't unfair or cruel, they're exactly equal to how much you're worth.

See? That's a much better reason to reject the label.

So when you said "Goobers were infected by Reddit from the start. This is different." you didn't mean to say we're not infected with reddit?
Oh, is that what labels are now? Stances? Political viewpoints? So if a SJW called themselves a nazi, they'd be gassing kikes?

Well, I think I've made my point. If you embrace the label 'alt-right,' you aren't Holla Forums.

I don't want you to accept the label, because your clearly an autist, like I stated already.

I don't want everyone to join, because the alt-right needs people who are social.

You spam anime, you are autistic, you are not of use, you belong on anime board.

So I am a kike because I point out that the alt-right is nothing right now? Only after Shillary and her media cronies start shilling the word so we suddenly habe to become a movement. Now that it is a thing, its currently being taken over by kikes, since they created it. Are you saying the alt-right doesn't need to be cleansed before it can be used? As you are saying we should join it and use it for political power.

Stop being such a pedantic nigger and fuck off back to Holla Forums.

I'm not alt-right
I don't want to associate with most of them
I'm a fucking white male, I don't have an option
I don't think that correlation works fam, one can be anti-semitic without begin right wing
I don't parade it around user, though it's hard to take my white nationalist identity and subvert it, aside from prompting genocide
fair point fam

just saying what I see

wasn't centralized anti kike forces

The label has been used by sites like TRS and DS for more then a year now.

Clearly, you aren't with it, grandpa.

I am saying we should go mainstream.

I say that because nobody has answered what I said here yet, so until someone actually does and I reevaluate my judgment I'm going to keep thinking like that.

All these fucking christcucks ITT. holy shit…

point them out chaim

Fuck off vargshit

Trouble seeing, problem glasses to thick?

meaning of phrase?

Yes. Because anti-communism and anti-socialism are easy ways to get white supremacists to support immigration and feminism.

Fuck off back to our autistic virgin board and fucking stay there, christcucks


Literally nothing to do with the alt-right, but alright!


No shit I don't like the alt-right.
Ok, them i am trying to understand how you will do that, but you rather call me a kike them answer. So if I take away the kike word will you answer? Tell me how the alt-right will turn into a politcal movement that gets into power.

Well, if you where to joing up with a group, you could work together and create the future, it's that simple, unless your autistic.

ebin bait, my (((white))) friend
Kill yourself

e-celebs sure as fuck look jewish and nu-male

germany became a target when it became public they weren't playing the kike game any more by deproting jews and taking back the central bank

it became a target with a name and identity

kinda like how the jews got kicked out of 110 countries because it was easy to pick out jews with their stupid hats and jew features

Nice DNC shill, good job you get another sheckle

Yes, cowardice is better, less risk.

I am out, so much autism and cowardice, Holla Forums will be left behind, you people are useless.

This is why.

We needed.

To fucking organize you fucking retards.

Guerilla warfare works fam

Are you forgetting the part where he was made into a monster by the kikes and used to poison the well against every nationalist movement since?

Oh. And the whole getting the reich's shit pushed in bit.

Nice circle, Levi. If you want to argue the effectiveness of Holla Forums propaganda you should probably move beyond hand waving.

Because history tells us otherwise. What with senators and presidential candidates pooing themselves over Holla Forums content and all.

Organizing is good satan, but we need to set up some sort of format to make it easier

This isn't goobergate, Satan. Go back to cuckchan.

sargon fans came with us during the exodus user, his cryptokikeness was revealed after the exodus

We are large enough now that we can be public.

Yeah well the rest of the world views him as our mouthpiece you fucking retard.

Holla Forums has been rendered useless now because of the blanket organization that (((THEY))) created called the alt right.

You're not fit to play this game.

we are public, how much more public do we need to be?

little defeatist there fam

And will never depart our memories. (((Moot))) point.

sarcuck was never good.

Not a useful idiot and proud of it, faggot.

I have to wonder who, exactly, you would pick to be the leader of this grorious crusade…

They want us behind our monitors instead of out on the streets open about our political leanings.

If we stay in groups in large numbers even niggers can't fuck with us.

No that is exactly what you're good for. You don't have the eyes for the real game at play.

Thats pretty vague and says nothing. Thats like assuming everyone you talk to will become redpill because you want the, redpilled. How? You cannot simply get together and suddenly you have power. Which definition of the alt-right do you subscribe to? Is it more then one group with a common purpose, or one group fighting for an idea? How do you kick out the fakes, and how do you become a serious group when the whole purpose of the alt-right is to be a scapegoat? Its easier to create your own group then try to co-opt a group whose sole purpose is to be co-opted.

didn't say he was

sorry fam but you did say go back to 4chan, and all the fags worth a damn already left it

sounds like a setup fam
all it would take is one infiltrator fag with a gun to fuck a group like that up

So who will you chose lead you into the light?

Who will you let speak and act in your name?

Fucking moron.


You've not made much of a point at all tbh fam.

That's not what I said, now is it?
I never suggested otherwise.
False. Do you think the 'fucking white male' who coined that phrase is an anti-Semite?
I rather doubt it.
I never suggested otherwise - you seem to have a real problem in that vein.
You told me about yourself. I told you what conclusions I came to via those statements.
Nothing more.
That's the problem.
You need to parade it around.
The alt-right is a series of movements, some - arguably most - of which are directly in the vein of parading it around. That and anti-Semitism.
That's why I made it.

like a squid that is oily we will evade all tries by the leftists to try to grab us

Alt right I might help to get them elected and moving forward….but we must never be associated with it, and you yourself must not associate yourself with alt-right

And then in 500 years they'll just be kvetching about how everyone hates them for being God's chosen and demand repararions for our actions like they've always done. Better to eliminate them and remove any possibility of them regaining power.

So you goyim have finally noticed the david horowitz kikes have had you as shabbos goyim for so long

I said go back because it's common practice to bait everyone there saying that he's a "redpilled jewtuber" along with other goobergate early adopters, like coalburning shoeonhead.. Go watch one of those threads there, there's one there probably every hour, see how many people tell OP to kill himself.

Here's the deal. We are at our peak. Well we were at our peak before the media has begun putting a blanket party with their own centralized leadership for us.

We aren't BLM. So if we do get wasted that would be the spark for white people give a shit when they see a government entity massacre their own. Especially young men.

Not you kid. Fuck off.

Lurk more.

So the movement is doomed from the outset. And since 4a8806 fucked off right when you appeared, I can only assume you are one and the same. Trying to break the shill posting record but too scared to admit it?

splitting hairs user, you keep tellign me to embrace alt-right, they're kinda gay compared to traditionalists and white nationalists
well, I'm also not suicidal but I concede you the point
live in a college town, I do what I can get away with
pretty much my point

take your word for it fam, I don't really waste time on e-celebbs after they shit everythign up

won't even make the news fam, you gotta remember who has the media right now

also nice job suggesting I get myself killed

Oh so I'm the shill for not naming names?

You reek of federal subversion.

hey kids, you can both be fags in my book

Good, I don't want to speak for you and have no idea why you might think I would. Aside from your own proclivities and projection, that is.

You gonna answer the question, faggot? Who is the Glorious Leader that you would have us leashed to?


Just keep racking up the posts. You reek of the other poster. I'll come back and add the total amd see if you broke the recrod. Good luck.

That's not true.

Never suggested that either. You suggested that.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Says the terrified child afraid to die for his nation.

lead by example

The altright is already cucked to shit. It's hard not to see this, especially with all the fag apologists and degenerates trying to fit in.

So pretty much function as an intelligence agency who coordinates with/influences groups with undercover anons to further Holla Forums's general interest.

You mean the one that called you a faggot as well? I guess everyone who thinks you're a cuckboi must be a shill!

Never you. Put down the thesaurus kid the way you use it is painfully obvious.

so lets talk turkey fam, what would you ahve us doing, that would get us wasted

Oh, well then, let me help you with that, Jew.

Because its the truth, Jew.

Nobody cares what you believe, Jew, nor would any sensible person trust your claims as to what you believe - because you're a Jew.

Who said anything about globalists?

I'm talking about Jews, which are not human - mere vermin like rats and turkroaches, and deserving the same treatment.

It is not the actions of the minute proportion of the Jewish population which suitable fit the title 'globalist' that I am referring to in my commentary on Jews, but rather, the entirety of the Jewish people, their history, their genome, their culture, everything about them.

They are parasitic vermin.
You are parasitic vermin.


I'm not afraid of organizing publicly. I'm not afraid of the repercussions. I'm not afraid of death.

Perhaps you are because you have too many friends on kikebook. Or too many followers on instagram.

You're just a coward. It's okay. There's many like you here.


Insignificant and irrelevant. Fags, transfags, and feminists are already eating each other alive. AIDS will get the ones that survive. Shun the degenerates like we always have. We own the memes.

This thread smells like lox and bagels.

Good, I don't want to speak for you and have no idea why you might think I would. Aside from your own proclivities and projection, that is.

You gonna answer the question, faggot?

Or will you keep dodging it like your ancestors dodged the oven?

great, we'll put it on your tombstone kid

yeah ok, so what would you have us DO that DOESN'T REQUIRE DYING AND THINNING OUT THE WHITE RACE

First you should get your handler and both share a bottle of bleach over a meal of matzo and Gefilte fish. Then we'll talk.

e4f5b6 bringing the top-tier bantz

You're the one that said we would die.

So you tell me coward.

nice one fam, avoiding actual discussion and talking a big game about organizing

but when push comes to shove you dodge the subject like a fucking kike

good fucking job chaim

You should have stayed on 4cuck.


Fucking summer

I want to hear him make one fuckign suggestion, one instead of non stop meanignless platitudes about romantic notions of dying for a good cause

You don't need capslock for that.

jokes on oyu I held shift the entire time

All these Jews and christcucks ITT


Remember, this board is USAian.

so… easy fishing?

Jew-Niggers thinking they're white and breathing heavily through their mouth while typing in capital letters half of the time.

looks like
was spot on, good show

537995 was a kike afterall

good bantz

We have the media exposure and the support from middle america to be able to show up to town hall meetings.

To show up to sjw marches and counter them. To show up to hillary rallies and meme her till she strokes or we all get dragged out.

We have the capabilities now to force the nation to see us and to see what our ideals are. Not what the media is going to portray us as. Not what the media is going to infect us with as they prop up kikes and claim that they are our mouth pieces.

People like this

Who can't see this or want us not to see it would be kicked out of the organization once they tried to pull such D&C bullshit.

But here?

They can kike around all they want and drive us off point.

It has become safer for our momentum to be organized off computers now. And that is fucked up I know. But it is true.

I'm serious.

I jsut assumed you were taking a shot at me

How would you organize

The Alt-Right has been infected long before it got any popularity. The fact that it calls itself "Right" is enough proof of this.

How do you recognize a kike or a newfag (you) or a real Holla Forumsack or /new/sman is simple.

Fucking lurk maor kiddo.

damn straight

they looked like fags from the get go

that's not organizing (((user)))
that's a wink and a nod
that's recognizing members

How would you organize

Now that is something I would reserve for someone else.

I wouldn't want a person like you there. Nor would I want someone to share how it would happen with someone like you or on such a public forum such as this.


With jews you lose.




kek approves fam

Fun fact: the followers of Moses aren't the ones you know as 'jews' today.

The offspring of one of their tribes would later start to mix with other races, God would warn them again and again, they would ignore God again and again, until finally God decided 'fuck it' and they were forsaken.

This is why jews don't acknowledge the Bible, from OT to NT, because it says that they are bastardized mongrels and God hates them. This is why jews hate Jesus and Christians.

This is also why jews keep pushing race-mixing and multiculturalism.

Really, fedoras should do their homework. The above isn't even on the level of the study of archaïc languages.

Same goes for subverted cuck 'Christians'. Nay, even more so for them.

very nice

care to share some supporting passages user?

But anons, how can the Jews co-opt something that is Jewish to begin with?


el oh el

I've never seen this play before, be it about Christianity, America or any of our shared values.

No its not.
No I don't.
And they've accomplished more than the two combined in far less time.
Do more.
That's not an argument m80.

I don't give a fuck if you embrace the alt-right movements.

I am merely pointing out that the best way to circumvent the presently attempted coopting of these movements is not that complex: avoid allowance of them being considered as a single movement, unwaveringly and unceasingly note that anti-Semitism is the foundational aspect which is shared amongst these movements, and further note in similar fashion that to be alt-right is to be an anti-Semite.

I don't follow user but I like where your digits are going

Why do they think writting some articles will coopt the alt-right? Everyone knows they are doing this. it doesn't change the minds of anyone. Everyone has their coincidence detector installed

then I wouldn't get away with it fam
but I could probably chalk some places up
never was first m8
alright user, I'll try to keep it in mind







Jesus Christ user, Heiled

Probably because they've already co-opted it?

It doens't have to be strick imperialism, global white supremacist confederacy is fine as well.


How can genetics and evolution exist alongside a humanity with no racial differences? Is anyone seriously believing that the only genetic traits that differ between populations of humans are superficial ones? Given that all the differences in skin color, bone structure, hair structure, voice, etc. are genetic, and linked to (at least) hundreds of genes, are we supposed to believe that magically ==only those hundreds of genes== underwent mutations are those governing physical appearance, while all others remained immune to mutation?

Fuck, anyone who has taken 7th grade biology in the states should be able to understand this. Journalists and think tanks can call it pseudoscience, and universities/schools can browbeat bio profs and teachers into staying quiet about it with implicit threats to their careers, but seriously? Anyone who knows anything about genetics should understand that this is bullshit.

Jeremiah is always relevant when considering the jewish question. Anyone with eyes can see how it still holds true and it is from their own holy text.

Now, this is what the Lord God of Armies, the God of Israel, says: Why do you bring this terrible disaster on yourselves? Why do you keep destroying men, women, children, and babies from Judah until none are left? Why do you make me angry by burning incense to other gods in Egypt, where you have come to live. You will destroy yourselves and be cursed and ridiculed by all the nations on earth. Have you forgotten the wicked things done by your ancestors, by the kings of Judah and their wives, and by you and your wives in Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem? You have not humbled yourselves even to this day. You haven’t feared me or lived your lives by my teachings or by my decrees that I gave your ancestors.

my main problem with this is the attempt to fold Holla Forumslacks into the "alt-right" as if the user base here is a collective.

The fact that they cant even explain what they mean when they say "organize" (how? under what banner? What policies? etc…) only makes it worse. It reeks of someone trying to take control of the propaganda machine.

This, basically.

nice passage user, I'll try to look it up and remember it

just so you know is chaim

Fucking lol a Bosnian Muslim will never defend the Western civilization he is a fucking Muhammadan. And a Jew is a Judeaite, period.


All muslims must be eradicated regardless of their race. All kikes must be eradicated for obvious reasons. Whites do not defend whites for the sake of whiteness alone. We have no interest in preserving the degenerate filth that infests our race today. Our standards are high, and we expect our race to meet this standard.


The "alt-right" was rejected because it was obvious dnc. Like damn, it was obviously "how do you do fellow nazis?" The values the alt-right claims to extol are simply traditional right wing views. They seem extreme, since the cuckservatives wanted to bend over and compromise constantly.

It really took off when ramzpaul called 1488ers larpers in an attempt to control the pr.

It's funny because the language is unnecessarily complicated in an attempt to sound smart, so it comes off as pretentious

Der Stormer is forming activist groups in the style of National Action, while TRS is being used to covertly set up IE chapters. IE is the youth group of NPI, and wants to be the American Generation Identaire.

All Jews are AS WORSE than Muslims.

Fixed that for you!

Implying secularist International Jews are not as toxic (and even more). Re-read The International Jew by H. Ford you fucking plebe.

Didn't worked well according to History.

I don't trust DS. Anglin looks like a quarternigger and they've had some shady-as-fuck "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW GOYIM" people writing for them.

Their memes are good, though.


We should really start memes against the fag right.
Maybe after november.

Becouse if we don't act these retards might highjack the movement.

sounds like politio speak to me

bretty gud


gonna go since I'm done shutting down 485677

was supposed to be at the skate rink like an hour ago and I don't want to miss out

have a nice day fams

That's not alt-right, that's natsoc.

We are NOT Alt-Right! Jews are trying to co-opt it so they can keep their own asses safe. We are on to them so they are doing this to throw up a smoke screen that will hide what they are doing while putting themselves in a position of power. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS

The term alt-right is eeeeerywhere.
Yeah because you keep shilling it faggots.

That's not even natsoc - that's common sense.



==WE ARE NOT ALT-RIGHT! WE ARE NATIONAL SOCIALISTS!== well most of us are anyways

I'm not a natsoc, nor have I ever been and I've been on Holla Forums for 4 years. Scream cuck at the top of your lungs, user. That isn't alt-right, and that's a good way to get every race to combine forces and slaughter whites.

How about you actually read the Bible so i don't have to spoonfeed every single fucking uneducated nigger on this board. It would be nice if we all knew what we're talking about.

Imagine what it must be like arguing with people who believe the Earth is flat and they don't fucking care to find out themselves. Or just anything that requires you to do your homework.

Protip: the best parts of the Bible are where situations and problems are described that we still experience today, and then you get to read how the people of those times approached it and fixed it.

It's what the Alt-Right has become since 2014. A mimicry of high school communists plotting a revolution and perverting their original ideology while playing into the establishment's hands.

That's not NatSoc.

And also not in the spirit of the White Man; his endeavor is to make for the stars and leave his shackles on Earth.

The White Man exists for the pursuit of greatness.

“They’re pushing memes. They’re trolling twitter. They’re doing things these other folks [in politics] know how to do.”


Molyneux even has a new vid up on this topic.

The Alt-cuck is just Cuckservatism repacked.

A good rule of thumb is; "If it's PC, that's where i won't be".

jews claim to not be jews by saying they don't follow the "religion"

My take from reading this article is, Jews still don't get it because they equate intellectualism with being pro Jew


I don't give a shit. I guess NatSoc is flawed then
What a faggot. Since when was the White man a pacifist cuckold who shied away form annihilating his enemies? Whites are the greatest killers humanity has ever produced. We are an alpha predator. It is our duty to our posterity to eradicate our racial enemies and competitors before we leave Earth for the stars. There will be no place for shitskins in the Imperium.

I am. (You) are not all of Holla Forums. Red text some more, you autist.

Holla Forums is not alt-right, you fucking Reddit transplant. Go back to /r/theodonald and suck off your "based nigger" cock, you moderate twat. Holla Forums has rejected the "alt-right" label form the beginning.


fuck the alt-right

Were you even here for the first exodus? You act like a LARPing snownigger that came in on the second one.

anyone promoting we take part in the 'alt-right', even to use it is either
a. retarded
b. a shill

this entire 'movement' has been coopted (or even created) by kike-loving controlled op people, it only serves to steer normies away from the ==ACTUAL PROBLEM== and keep them good goys

ofcourse they're a problem, but not the root of it all

this was the 'alt right' of last year, but it didnt pick up, so they switched terms

You are either a shill or a purity fag. The last category is for losers

No, b-

I've been here since the first exodus, you fucking cuck, and I can tell you with certainty that Holla Forums has rejected the "alt-right" label from the start. The very fact you identify yourself as alt-right should be enough proof you're new here.

Can't you faggots come up with actual arguments instead of just using gay buzzwords?

Call me a "1488er", I know you want to.

Holy fuck what is wrong with you?

You're a snownigger that will amount to nothing. Scream to your heart's content, autist. Go LARP with your friends on /asatru/.

Do you know where you are?

I actually am user, little bits at a time
like the parable of the good samaratin but it's nice when you make a claim to share some supporting data


Yes, you must be new here.

You make yourself too fucking obvious. Go back to /r/thedonald with the rest of your nigger-loving friends.

First exodus fag here, 4chon a shit

will you fags please not use being part of the first exodus as cred

also alt-right was only partially accepted pol/ was never fully behind it/pol

Fucking mobile




Annihilation of other races merely detracts from our pursuit to greatness.

If it's about others attacking us, then i fully agree. Total annihilation upon those who wish to see our demise.

Alt-cuck is just an attempt to run away with the disenfranchised and turn them back into the PC fold.

Milo and Ramzcuck should be a big hint. Notice how they only openly attacked feminism after it fell out of grace due to the GG bombshell.

My God, people are still arguing about this long after the matter was settled? Well, let me try to lay it out for the genetic dead ends in this thread.

Some newfag googles the alt-right, to try to see what all the fuss is about. They agree with most of the ideas they find, and consider themselves part of it. When they hear anti-semitic remarks, they're shocked! Milo, one of the leaders of the alt-right, clearly labeled these people as not part of the 'true' alt-right. These people are 1488ers. Horrible, backwards people that nobody likes.

So, the newfag tries to get the 1488er to leave. After all, that's what Milo would do, and he's heralded as a leader of the alt-right by virtually everyone! Clearly, Milo is to be trusted.

Eventually, those nasty old 1488ers are forced out, and, oh golly gee, would you look at that? The various groups that have aligned themselves against the Jews that accepted the alt-right label have been turned into part of a kosher conservative movement! There's nobody left to push back against the Jews, and, whew, what a relief! They can continue their plans without anything to worry about.

Honestly, if you're too dumb to recognize that this is exactly what they're planning, then the Jews really do deserve to rule over you. Only cattle would fall for a trick so obvious.


What was one of the first things I learned when I found Holla Forums?



What a sad day it is when clear thought must come from a weeb.

Perhaps there truly is no hope.

Alright probably but I didn't research any of this shit before gamergate

just don't fag it up with the I'm an olderfag bullshit

Well you must hate me then because i come straight from the core of the Matrix; 4cuck /n/.

Nah, were still good fam

smug anime pictures get top tier salt

this guy is probably pretty Holla Forums

until he starts gay posting anyway, then he's just a quality shitposter

Just don't be an attention slut user

I don't know if they were doing that initially, but the current gambit is to say all anti-jew is just bants so that newfags disregard as not serious.

I agree with you completely.

Have a real-life version of your gif.



Yes new friends you can trust me, I'm an oldfag
be a good guy like me andMoshe moshee

The only way you're gonna attentionwhore on an anonymous image board is with a trip.

Do you see me tripfagging?

Sorry user, no more time to argue, only a half hour left for skating and I've arrived

Maybe shitpost with you later tho

She didn't say that though


These fucking kikes man.

"Can we be in your alt-right club, goyim? We promise we won't subvert it this time. Please don't shoah us."

That's a JIDF edit.

You can tell because it's not 'cumskin'.

Holla Forums is not alt-right

Sure, they comment here all the time and still comes back each and everytime even though they gets BTFO on a daily basis.

I dont think you get it.

It has already happened. the alt-right is already a thing, complete with faggots and kikes. It was a shit label anyway.

Despite the fact that the alt right was a jewish coop from the start, the media has cemented the fact. Normies are exposed to the term alt right and what it "means" so they will believe it.

As long as Holla Forums makes it clear we are NOT a part of the alt right, then thats fine. alt right can keep sucking nigger dicks and baby dicks, and we will keep on hating and shinging light on jews.

Even IF we somehow successfully "took back" the mantel of alt-right, it would be meaningless. Then we would be defined, we would be labeled in a manner not of our choosing.

The most powerful move you can make in an ideological battle is to frame your enemy in the manner that you want. We will be putting ourselves in a box if we let ourselves be lumped in with the altright, with no room to navigate.

And to loose our nimble navigation would take more than a few arrows out of our quiver

(68) is it? Guess he gave up trying after so long.

I like to think I got him pretty good by just staying on point and hammering it home

And then the divide and clear and noticeable and thus all further co-opting is impossible.

Whatever. The alt-right is rainbow haired faggots who want to #standwithbahar.

8/pol/ is not the alt right. We are Hitler's wizards and some of us are getting younger.

To the contrary. It will remove our enemies and competitors, which will allow us to reach our full potentital unhindered.
Why would you wait until our enemies are strong enough to pose such an existential threat. This sounds like lolbertardianism "NAP"-tier shit. We should be proactive and strike first. No enemy would be stupid enough to attack us in a time of strength, but the moment we falter and are unable to fight back, they will swarm.

underrated post.
There's some blatant dnc in here.

((alt right))) antisemite squads?



I guess we really do have to do it for kek and hitler now. Pic3 related.

Weebs are the lifeblood of white nationalism.

Kill yourself faggot, this is a willful lie you are participating in

movements. There is a pattern in such tactics which constructive forces will do well to study. The first
tactic is suppression and determined non-recognition of the rebel and his works. The press will
unanimously give the well-known “silent treatment.” Even at this early stage, if the movement gives
promise of becoming significant, assassination is considered and carried out if possible. The murder of
young Newton Armstrong, Jr., in San Diego, on the night of March 31, 1962, is a case in point. Quoting
from Che Guevara’s book on guerrilla warfare and the question of when to resort to assassination:
“It is generally against the policy of the Communist Party to resort to assassination… However,
it requires two criteria and a high-level policy decision… The criteria for the individual in
question are that he must be highly effective and it mast serve some sort of example— some sort
of a highly effective example.”
The next tactic is the Smear through libel, distortion, misrepresentation and the sowing of confusion
wherever possible. This may be a negative smear with the purpose of destroying the effectiveness of an
enemy or a positive smear for the purpose of building a haze around the truth to enable a disintegrative
movement to develop. The falsification of the truth about Castro, which was indulged in by virtually all
of the press and, of course, the State Department, is a classic example of this. The Smear is usually
started as an underground whispering campaign that viciously builds up to an outright and overt
campaign, with the “free press” called into play. The object is to isolate enemies of the present regime
and discredit them. The third tactic is infiltration into the movement and/or the building up of false
Page v
leadership in order to sabotage the movement at the optimum time, meanwhile diverting patriot energies
into harmless or controlled activities. The fourth and final stage is called upon only as a last resort, after
the movement or philosophy has become institutionalized and is immune to grosser tactics. This is to
“interpret” it so as to bring it as closely as possible into conformity with approved patterns.
(Characteristically, the conflicting philosophies of both Jesus Christ and Friedrich Nietzsche have
suffered this deadening interpretation.) Two or more of the above maneuvers are usually used
simultaneously. For instance, in addition to the suppression of his Imperium,Yockey was also victimized
by the Smear; and he was also in danger of assassination— and his enigmatic end settled the problem.

We are in stage 4 right now, which means (((they))) are legitimately scared and trying to co-opt preemptively to avoid the rope. The bonus is, like gamergate, literally everything we do can be blamed on this nebulous "alt-right" and we can blame it on Jewish alt-right members also, perfect D+C opportunity, backs our enemies into a corner that they cannot rationalize without seeming absurd or resorting to infighting

"oy vey, these Jewish alt-righters are shoahing our Open Society to death by posting all of these anti-semitic frogs!"

The limited Jew support and co-opt attempt of this "alt-right" be completely turned on them and is a Golden D+C opportunity which we need to take advantage of.
God fucking damn I love 2016.

The obvious thing to do is to double down on D+C, especially now that Jews are "embracing" this completely undefined movement we can blame them for all the anti-semitic frogs and horrible racism of these evil Alt-righters.


always be wary when the (((media))) tries to label you

the sudden attention when people are used to being ignored is always suspect

Holla Forums saw this low energy linguistic weapon coming from a mile away and had already rejected and pissed on "alt right" at least a year before you decided to drop it into normie consciousness.

For any anons who are slow on the uptake, this thread, and every one of these zero content, zero effort, zero interest threads with "ALT RIGHT" conspicuously slapped in the title is just an attempt to get Holla Forums to adopt the term so that the media has a target to aim it's big, clunky, steam powered, 18th century cutting edge technology, 2d propaganda cannon at.

Sage and/or ignore this retard level social engineering.


When will people understand that all media is owned by CIA and all content is fiction? We're a collection of memelords and trolls with no real world presence. They talk about Holla Forums like it's a thing. That's how insignificant alt-right is. The yids are crafting this narrative before our eyes and most do not see.

It's just the progression of pic related.

goyim, you are sophisticated and savvy alt-right™ not like those anti-semitic stormfags

Alr-Right doesn't even exist and the Jews want to co-op anyway

Spencer, Taylor, Milo and the rest of the alt-kike fags should get called on their bullshit. I think it's a good idea to push anti-semitism in order to normalise it in the alt-right.
These people are worse than our enemy because they pretend they're Nationalists, hijacking the movement in the process.

I know, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't steer it in the direction we want.

Just to be fair. I know a dude whos mom cucked his Jewish dad, and he was born. He was raised a Jew and practices but they never told him he was a bastard, so he thinks he is Jewish, but genetically is white.

Does he get the oven?

thats the joke.

Alt right trans nazis helping the Jews win yet again.

Gas them all.


Speaking of crypto-jews amongst us, what does Holla Forums think of webster tarpley?

he turned into a straight up commie

alt right = anti-luciferian


Jesus fucking christ look at this fucking kike. He admits he's one, claims he's a "good one" and then immediately goes right back to subversion. Mods should ban anyone who admits to being semite just like anyone who admits to being underage.

Because it is in your nature to lie, cheat, steal and murder to advance you and your insane tribe's own interests as you've proven here. Nothing good will come out of tolerance. To expel and not exterminate you will only cause you parasites to feed on other victims, eventually growing strong enough to come back here.

We have fallen for your kike tricks playing on our white altruism time and time again: it's not fair to persecute the individual for what his tribe does! you should practice tolerance and forgiveness! this time is different!
and here you are, back spewing the same ancient crap. The Jew is genetically programmed to be a parasitical virus, you're the same everywhere. You are the enemy, every last one of you. The holocaust will come, whether it's tomorrow or in a century, it is inevitable.


I don't understand, why make ourselves look like dumbasses by spamming anti-semitic remarks and memes to members of the "alt-right" when we've never really accepted that term in the first place? How can something that doesn't define us in the first place be co-opted? Does anyone here really think of themselves as "alt-right", because I certainly don't. It's just a name that's been assigned to a wide swathe of people by outsiders, and we're one tiny speck of what they're talking about.

From the the perspective of not really identifying with the "alt-right" and not being the sole constituent of the "alt-right", there is no reason to try to "defend" ourselves from being co-opted. There is frankly no reason for us to give a shit, so I don't know what you're on about. Why expend any energy trying to defend a 'movement' whose figurehead is a homosexual jew that exclusively copulates with negroids from being turned away from anti-semitism? It just doesn't make any sense, even if it was possible.

100% shabbos goy


No. It is about fucking time we made it clear to many of our so called "allies" that we are not friends to the kikes, and we never will be.

I'm a big fan of kike subversion. They got it down to an artform. btw, this is just entry-level shit. Main strat is to buy off the figure heads.

this is a psyop meant to make it appear racial
it is not

Out-jewing the jews:

Seriously, PC is the main barrier. If we can discuss Islamic beliefs and black violence statistics, that's only a nudge away from redpilling the entire world

Why is Holla Forums this retarded? Do you read the MSM like a protestant fundamentalist reads the gospel?

That has never been true and will never be true.

You are all dumb as bricks. Holla Forums and the alternative right phenomenon do the same thing, have roughly the same goal and they read the same news, link to the same jewtube videos, podcasts and watch the same happenigns and even post the same memes. But somehow Holla Forums swallowed the Jewish load and now thinks Ben Shapiro is alt-right. Next you're going to tell me George Soros is actually a Hungarian nationalist?

I've noticed this as well. Especially on kikebook. I was invited to this group that that said it was pro european and anti-islam with a pagan slant. The users were definitely anti-islam, but their other favourite topic of discussion was pro Israel, christian and anti-nazi.

S-seriously guys, we're not nazis. Look at how much we support Israel and how we make the people (i.e.) Merkel look like Hitler. Because we don't like her. And we obviously don't like Hitler since we're going to great lengths to draw comparisons between the two. We also bang on about how great the brits AND Americans were for killing Nazis, so yeah, if you compare us to nazis, you're going to look pretty foolish. Because we're not.

Zionism and anti-semitism are both necessary political philosophies, the former of course necessitating keeping a balance of power in the region so that Israel can't establish an energy monopoly and do through trade what they've historically done through infiltration and banking.

This is very common amongst the anti-immigration-parties in Europe.

They were all subverted in the Muh PR way, as in if they attack islam and not immigrants they aren't as "dangerous" in the medias eyes. If they talk about economics instead of the nature of the beast and the future of the people it's going to look better.

If we stand by the jews, because Islam hates jews, let's be for Israel and the kikes.

It's a subversion of our ideas and movements to once again become the puppet and force of the kike.

none of those are part of the alt-right, you d&c kike.

kek, wut?


Where was the first (((place))) to start copy pasting the term alt-right? We need to find it's source and the (((think tanks))) are scheming behind it.

h-hehehe ye-yeah YEAH!

Hello Moshe!

In the off-chance that you are not a slimy Jew, you should know that what is commonly named as "the alt-right" has done more to redpill normies on the JQ than Holla Forums could hope for in a thousand years. The REAL core of the ones who are called "alt-right" are anti-Jew to the core and growing fast.

A lot of people "overlap" with those who are "alt-right" too, as that is an American label for it, but there are a lot of influential accounts that are Europeans too.

If you goyim prefer to sit and whine in the echochamber called Holla Forums about the fucking Jews, fine, I like that too. I have been around for ages, and I will continue too. However, I recognize that this will NEVER be a place for normies, and we are running out of time. Seeking normie-platforms is working, and it is one of few things you can do that can actually have an impact.

The alt-right is anti-Semitic. Neither Shapiro nor Milo is part of the alt-right; Shapiro has made clear he's against it. Southern is not a Jew.

That's why organizations like the EDL and PEGIDA are not normally recognized as part of the alt-right: they're cowed by Jews or trying to avoid going to jail and as such are unable to distance themselves from Jews, which forces them to be at least implicitly "civic nationalists."

It's the obvious antisemitism that makes these hooknoses freak out and try dumb stunts like the OP article.

Spencer is routinely mocked by most of the rank and file alt-right of twitter and Taylor is seen as a kosher nationalist just like he is on here.

Grandstanders like Spencer and Taylor aren't leaders outside their own heads, user shitlords like Rick Vaughn are more leaders of the alt-right than anyone who uses their real identity

By ignoring them, since the media can't actually control who or what we follow, also mocking their every attempt to define us can't hurt.

None of them are alt-right and I don't think Laura Southern is a Jewess, but she is a libertardian and a woman meddling in political matters.

No. People watch shit that's barely 21 minutes of content and 9 minutes of commercials and play shitty half-assed phone games with microtransactions and give millions of dollars to e-beggars for shit that never materializes. You don't need much to capture the simple-minds of today.

We've been calling this shit from the start. This is how (((they've))) been controlling democracies for centuries now.

Alt right confirmed for faggotry, again. It's just a buzzword that faggots can use when someone triggers them. "Wow that guy supports Trump? He must be Alt right and must share the exact same beliefs that buzzed told me about Alt right."

The fact that they're getting labelled pro jew now is hilarious.

Basically this, AltRight is just the new GamerGate. And any "AltRighters" who want to play the PR game will find themselves in the same boat GG-faggots were in, but Holla Forums-fags who want to distance themselves from Alt-Right will also find themselves lumped in just like we were with GG.

You have to go back.

Are you that faggot who says that we should keep blacks as slaves despite them being useless

Replaces Ben Shapiro with Richard Spencer and it's accurate

They're trying to coopt it, retard.

It's from the Kikeward though, they could be wishful thinking.


He is a faggot and (((movement modernizer))) but not a Jew.

True. I can smell the gefilte fish from many of the posts here. You can be damned sure Morris Dees has a room full of JIDF.

Lauren's been coopted, sadly. Noticed a huge change in her total presentation over the past few weeks. That kike Levant she works for doesn't help either.

Regarding that Nixon quote… it's been jews like DWS that have kept it illegal.



This is her boss.

You might think we are all small and soft but that is where you are wrong.

We are ready and waiting for the opportunity to bring back our homelands into the rightful hands of leaders that can look out for homogeneity futures.

See gaymergoy. Same shit, different day.

For the ashes and echoes retard going on about muh anti-semitism, I present to you "Ethics in games journalism", the oppositional meme that retards swallowed, then used to bury any meaningful discussion.

Fucking THIS. Goddamn cult lib bullshit.

Probably a few Correcting the Record, but most are just retards that didn't learn from GG and other such movements that have already been subverted. You know what they say about people trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…

Again, restating the obvious, see GG.

Have fun fucking with them, but don't take the label for yourself. Instead, do what you want to pursue your objectives, and let the cucks take the blame regardless.

They do not, and you proclaiming it does demonstrates your own ignorance newfag.

enough with the shitposting!
let them have their imaginary front, it exists as much as isis & al quaeda, not at all!

let the (((media))) run it's propaganda, who cares?? ban the digital jew and stop reading garbage, the less bs you keep feeding your mind, the more space you free up for important things. (((their))) reality is the matrix. when the plug is pulled, it's fucking nothing.

sage for the xth time this bs is getting posted here


How am I able to believe this?
Because every time Jews live in a country they nepotisticly advance one another until the media and government are filled with them and these Jews quickly engage in experiments on the native populace (ie communism) or failing that they oppress it and usurp conitrile via banks.

Even though most Jews are not engaging in these sins personally they give aid and comfort and shelter to these criminal Jews by shielding them and allowing them to blend in with the innocent.

Thus the only way to remove the problem is to remove it's source.

Not only that but if you keep the good ones their children and grandchildren will inevitably start believing the same things in ever increasing numbers


Will interbreeding so thoroughly that theyes may well become Jews themselves.

All of these are unacceptable outcomes