Regarding the Jews, what does 8ch/pol really think?
Are Jews a race of slime?
Or is Judaism just an anachronistic form of tribalism?
Inquiring investigative reporters want to know.
Regarding the Jews, what does 8ch/pol really think?
Are Jews a race of slime?
Or is Judaism just an anachronistic form of tribalism?
Inquiring investigative reporters want to know.
Other urls found in this thread:
If whites had the same camaraderie and in group preferences and out group treatment that Jews did, we would have exterminated every shitskin on the planet and colonized mars by now.
Check my digits, Mr. (((reporter))).
That sounds like an accurate assessment in my book, but it doesn't answer the question.
Step one - Get out of my nation with all your kike buds rich or poor
Step two - Sit in the desert sun
Step three - Tell them about what the kikes have been doing
Step four - make your kike organizations stop fighting european homogenity
Step five - Whitey sees that not all kike organizations push for multiculturalism in europe
Step six - wow just wow
Stop making multiple threads about yourself kike.
There are no good Jews.
The Jews hate each other as much as they hate anyone (and they do hate just about everyone).
There is no camaraderie amongst them.
They are a race of vermin, upholding a cult of corruption and death.
I think we only view Jews as slime because they are able to do what we should be doing if whites were in their place, aggressively infiltrating all nonwhite races and destabilizing them to destroy them so we can rule the planet. We simply hate them because they are a direct competitor to us, and they currently have the upper hand. No one likes losing.
You aren't a Holla Forumsack.
You're almost certainly a Jew.
I've never heard anyone make the 'its just envy!' argument aside from Jews, either honorary or by blood.
Whatever you say, kike.
You don't fool me chaim.
Go back to your nest and tell your hook-nosed masters that you failed.
Nope you're the kike go back to your desert
I just want a homogenous nation sandsniffer.
N-no u jew
You just did that charm, can't pull that card now without seeming the fool you obviously are.
You failed kikel, back to the void from whence you came.
There are no good Jews.
what kind of kike are you russian jew?
N-no you jew
Yes, you are a Jew.
And there are no good Jews.
N-no you jew
The Jew's days in the US are numbered. The (young) general public knows how far Zionist tentacles reach into their daily lives. It is common knowledge that msm, the federal reserve, our politicians, and half the supreme court are controlled by Juden. The jig is up on Israel's habitual false flagging and their involvement in 9-11. People are getting tired of having to pay the jew for everything. Look in your fridge - every product has a kosher tax.
I welcome the coming spotlight that will be shown on these vampiric rats. And I hope for bloody vengeance.
Checked for only helping me.
You are a Jew.
There are no good Jews.
N-no you jew
go away
N-no you jew
Do you have any blonde animus girls?
They're my fav.
Oh, also, you are a Jew.
And there are no good Jews.
Nah, u jew
None of this pointless banter has answered the question.
Are Jews a race? Or instead, is the Judaic coterie arbitrary?
I'm inclined to think the latter, by virtue of being able JOIN the Jews, or to RENOUNCE the Jews.
I think 'Jewishness' is arbitrary.
(((Inquiring investigative reporters)))
There you go kike.
Checked for further evidence of there being no good Jews.
There are no good Jews.
Your questions were already answered.
There are no good Jews.
It's not a kike. It's a run of the mill Holla Forums faggot. Spamming anime is a tactic they tried last year to falseflag our weebs.
Yes, that is correct.
There are no good Jews.
There are no good Jews.
No good Jews by blood, no good honorary Jews.
There are no good Jews.
Fuck off back to Reddit
Do not trust this hread. Information mongering!
The opposite of good is not evil, but Jew.
There are no good Jews.
So then, what are the people (of any race…) who convert to Judaism? Are they Jews? What are their mixed-race children? Are they Jews? Of course they are.
Jews target their marriage prospects, and then work together to entice their targets into marriage. The tribe strategically marries for money. This race-mixing thing with the Jews has been going on for a very long time, mostly with the richest families. So then, Jews are rich people, who magically genetically different from other people? Come on, let's keep it real.
Judaism is a tribalistic coterie with religious undertones, and the people who adopt it's tenets irrationally believe that they are distinct species of human…
but science and simple logic expose that idea as just another irrational myth.
You're really coming across as quite desperate.
Whether honorary (in the form of espousal of religious Judaism or the many pseudo-religious Jewish ideologies), or by blood, a Jew is a Jew.
And there are no good Jews.
They are distinct species of human.
I am a scientist, in the life sciences, and there no shortage of evidence to the effect that there exists a distinct subracial category known as 'Jews'.
The term 'Jews' can also be applied to anyone, of any race, who espouses the religious or ideological manifestations of Judaism, a cult (in many masks) of death and corruption, created and pushed by a race of parasitic vermin.
As such:
There are no good Jews.
Kill yourself for posting that shit.
Kill yourself for bumping this thread.
There are no good Jews.
They seem to think there "holy land" is in the dunes.
Kike prophet leads kikes out of dunes.
Kikes nail some other kike to some wood in the dunes.
Kikes are actively trying to take over duneland
Seems there dunecoons to me, just bleached from living away from the dunes for so long.
As a Grand Master of Holla Forums , i must say that Jews are the greatest people in the world, and our greatest allies. We wouldn't come this far without them, and they have our eternal gratitude.
You do not have me convinced.
I think the state of Jewishness is arbitrary, as in something that can be adopted or disavowed at a whim.
It seems to me that a Jew can change it's spots.
I'd also like to add, that we have nothing in common with the "alt-right" movement, because they are anti-semitic, unlike us.
I have no need to convince you of anything - you do not matter nearly so much as the audience - and, further, the post to which you are responding contains the proof you requested.
This suggests you are either low-cog and thus unable to recognize that fact, or engaging in devious underhandedness.
Neither would be surprising, given your rhetorical stylings.
An honorary Jew might potentially 'change its spots', though likely to exhibit residual effects as a result of exposure to the corruptive taint of Jewry; but a Jew by blood is and will always be a Jew, even if raised outside the context of a religiously Jewish household.
I suspect you are a moderator.
I counter your argument with this … exhibit A!
Although it might have been a dog. Who knows.
Its still not good.
That carbon could be in a tree, or a dog, or an actual person.
Instead, its nothing but verminous ashes used as propaganda.
There are no good Jews, not even those reduced to ashes and memory.
… Of course, I'm quite alright with being 'framed' as anti-Semitic.
Because the alt-right is anti-Semitic.
Because there are no good Jews.
So its not so much 'framing' as much as 'revealing'.
I'll ask my rabbi
This thread is shit, but one must consider this:
We must be against policies, not the individual. We oppose policies, we oppose the (((them))). We impose our policies, we oppose (((them))). We build our world, then we deal with (((them))).
Hitler didn't remove the kike then built the Reich, he built the Reich then removed the kike.
Forgot this.
So… if a person is born Jewish, they can never be free of the sins of their tribe? That's sounds an awful lot like original sin to me.
If someone wants to stop being Jewish, why can't you let them. 'Jew' is not a distinct species, no matter what their religion tells them.
It's a tribal religion.
We must be against the Jew.
Be it in the form of an individual, policy or ideology.
Because there are no good Jews.
Which is why Hitler sought to remove the Jew from Europe.
Not 'some of the Jews'.
All of the Jews.
Because there are no good Jews.
That's probably why you brought up the concept of sin, which I never did.
They can never be free of the GENES and CULTURE of their tribe, which is derivative from their twisted genome, the resultant and similarly twisted psychology, and the likewise twisted cult of corruption and death which they created (in its many masks) and continue to promote to this day.
In the case of Jews by blood: The same reason you can't let someone stop being a nigger.
In the case of honorary Jews: These can, potentially, cease being a Jew, but as aforementioned, they are liable to exhibit consequential maladjutments as a result of exposure to the corruption of Jewry, regardless of the form of Jewry to which the subject in question was exposed.
Semite is a distinct species, or race.
The Jews are Semites.
They are a sub-species, of sorts (for I can assure you, as a scientist, that the whole 'species' terminology is highly flawed/variable), of the Semitic race, and a truly foul one at that.
To put it simply: Lurk moar faggot.
You do not have the requisite background to engage me, nor any other informed individual, as regards this subject matter.
Until you do, it will merely be a repetition of what you've done in this thread thus far, which is either A) shill, poorly, or B) warble on like a prat because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Stick around, keep your mouth shut and your fingers off the keyboard, look, listen and learn.
Give it three months, and you won't have any doubt as to the truth of my words, but to achieve this understanding is a process which takes time, and which cannot be effectively achieved in a single thread, wherein the OP is so obviously clueless about that which they seek to speak.
The religion of Judaism?
But we aren't talking about the religion of Judaism.
We're talking about Jews.
And there are no good Jews.
tell you what mr. reporter….why don't you investigate the (((turks)))…..uh sorry jews and see what history actually tells you about them
-They own and control the worlds wealth through the Rothschilds
-They use the religion of the Judeans whom they met, but are not the historic Israel…DNA testing says they are Turkish
-They own or control most media companies, the press and hollywood…..just try to tell the truth and watch what happens to your career
-Governments bow to their will including Arab governments
-Christians and the world have believed the lie that they are Israel and empower them further
-Hitler actually helped them to inherit Israel and helped them transition their wealth….if he actually had a final solution there would be no hollywood today and almost zero jews
-They have a hatred of the white race which is "noble" and supported by the press, but when whites try to get together based on their race they are quick to destroy them and any organization they support. BLM = oppressed freedom fighters while white lives matters was just labelled a "hate" group. So any race on the planet can keep their culture, support each other and form groups to empower each other…..except whites. All their actions are "evil".
How about instead of sifting through dialogue to find a morsel of hate you remove the scales from your eyes and search the treasure troves of wealth and power at their disposal?
Your heart is in the right place, but your mind is inflexible and almost equal to that of a mad man. You speak like a cultist.
Your rhetoric is weak and unimposing, and I would remind you that geniuses are often considered mad by low-cogs - not that anything I've said is demonstrable of anything approximating justifiable claims of my being a 'mad man'.
I speak like a scientist, having to deal with someone trying to have a discussion in the context of subject matter they know little-to-nothing about, yet still want to have an opinion about.
As a biological scientist, in the modern age, I am used to such experience.
That said: You speak like a Jew.
And you know what they say about Jews?
I'll tell ya:
There are no good Jews.
There are blond Jews, red-headed Jews, Chinese Jews, and negro Jews. Jews come in all shapes, sizes, and races. And they race-mix, incessantly. How can they just be Semites? Answer: they can't.
Just like with Islam and it's Muslims, Judaism is a racist religion, and the people who follow that religion are Jews.
Not new fag, I just rarely post.
Also, minimum 1 proofs is required for me to confirm that you're actual scientist. Consider posting a censored degree or license with a time stamp (on paper + handwriting, including "kek wills it"). If I'm convinced, expect further questions where a professional's answer is required.
Answer: Jews by blood are all Semitic in origin.
Again, you demonstrate your low-cog-induced inability to differentiate between concepts.
Jews by blood are Semites, regardless of admixture; just as niggers are niggers, regardless of admixture.
Honorary Jews can come in all shapes and sizes.
In the case of religious Judaism, this is correct.
But not all Jews are religious.
The Jews are an ethnic group.
The disgusting ratkin cult of corrupt and death they created, known as Judaism, is ascribants known as Jews (nice camouflage!).
This cult comes in many masks, wears many faces, and the ascribants of all are honorary Jews, if not Jews by blood.
And there are no good Jews.
I didn't call you a Jew.
I said you speak like a Jew, though really, I should have said you type like a Jew. Minor details.
You do type like a Jew, in any case.
I don't give a shit if you believe me or not, faggot.
Welcome to Holla Forums.
Stick around and you will learn, in time, that
There are no good Jews.
Are they religious Jews or Jews by blood?
I don't know - nor particularly care - but you didn't address the issue at hand.
Suggesting you still aren't able to wrap your mind around that issue, or else, are being purposefully disingenuous in your approach.
Glad to be here, Dr. Scientist user *tips* :D :DD
Boi I sure love LARP-ing.
I believe those would be considered honorary, though they may well be Semite admixtures.
Couldn't say, don't particularly care - they are, in any case, Jews.
And, again
There are no good Jews.
Just like
There are no good niggers.
Of that I have little doubt.
you are claiming that marrying a jew and converting to judaism changes your race, thus, DNA
kill yourself kike.
fucking ignorant idiots keep calling jews a race so that not only jews can use the race card, but also makes sure that no one will ever suspect a white convert to be a jew (see trump daughter).
There are no good jews
But that does not change that being jew is certainly a cultural thing, and MAYBE in some cases, racial
If they got into Israel, that means they passed the genetics test, meaning they were - and/or are - Jews by blood.
Still struggling with the very basic concept, I see…
Its very easy user, just remember this simple phrase:
Whether Jew by blood, or by choice, there are no good Jews.
yes, that's correct.
no, that's wrong.
You can't pass a culture through DNA, you might pass down instincts, but they are never complex as cultures
Since you're still struggling with this concept, I'll help you out.
Barbarous niggers who converted to Judaism.
Honorary Jews.
And we can go on from there, al day long if you want. There's lots and lots of people who consider themselves Jewish, who follow Jewish ceremonies and beliefs, and who trace their lineage back to Israel.
In Africa alone, from the Southern Cape to the North Coast, there's more Jews than you can shake a stick at, of all different races and species. Jews mix.
Oh yeah, btw, I am a ultra science mega scientist, you are ages below my level, so ALL I say is right, and you should just accept that
just listen and believe :^)
Niggers LARPing as Jews
Honorary Jews.
More barbarous niggers that converted to Judaism, seemingly as a result of actual Jews entering the region.
Honorary Jews
certainly, but potentially also
Jews by Blood
Descendants of Cochin Jews have had their DNA analyzed. A 2009 DNA report states that "Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) and Indian Jews (Bene Israel and Cochini) [maternally] cluster with neighbouring autochthonous populations in Ethiopia and western India, respectively, despite a clear paternal link between the Bene Israel and the Levant."[18][19]
If they aren't a race, hows that work?
Jews by Blood.
Their religion is ethnically based. Jews are a people. Orthodox and such do not willingly help or accept conversion. And like Islam, they are based around undermining everyone and everything that isn't themselves. Jews are just quiet about it.
Jews by Blood
No, its not.
What is epigenetics.
Epigenetics explains what Adolf Hitler termed 'the Jewish soul', namely, that even outside the contexts of a religiously Jewish environment, Jewish people exhibit the same traits and predispositions, physiologically, psychologically, and culturally.
In this sense, of course, we are discussing Jews by blood, as honorary Jews can come from any background, and are merely 'Jews' in that they espouse the ideologies and concepts derivative from the Jews by blood, thus granting them the title of 'honorary Jews'.
You're really buttflustered about the fact that I made a claim about my abilities and won't prove it to you.
Its okay though, I enjoy your salt.
Stay buttflustered.
Also, reminder:
There are no good Jews.
no, if you get a baby from a pharaoh and put it in today's environment and teach him architecture, he will NOT start building pyramids, nor enslaving others to do so.
Simple behaviors only, no culture.
They can inherit self-prosecution and greed, but not jewish rituals
You shouldn't bother replying to the ultra high school level scientist
I mean no disrespect, sincerely. You could be a world-class genetic scientist posting on pol (actually, the thought make me wet), and who would know. But…
Adopting a religion is still an arbitrary act, no matter who you are. No matter if you are black, or white, or yellow, or pink and blue polka dotted with zebra stripes, adopting a religion is still an exercise in irrationality.
By all means, keep going - all that you've done thus far is demonstrate my point.
There are Jews by blood, and there are honorary Jews - all of which are Jews.
And there are no good Jews.
All of whom are honorary Jews UNLESS they
Or however else you want to define the exemplification of Jewish genes.
Sounds like a bunch of niggers who're honorary Jews, mixed in with Jews by blood (Jewish admixture with niggers).
None of which inhibits my argumentation, in any fashion, that primary foundation of which being that
There are no good Jews.
If 'the pharoahs' were an ethno-cultural group which engaged in selective breeding/adxmiture for literally thousands of years, in the context of their ethno-cultural context, it is entirely possible to create a condition that would predispose such a child in such a condition toward behavioral patterns such as the building of structures and/or enslavement of others, if such is the behavioral predispositions which were (purposefully or without) selected for.
Then you get into epigenetics and it gets into a whole other area of crazy potential.
Apples and oranges, in any case.
Genetics -> Physiology -> Psychology -> Behavior -> Culture -> Society -> Civilization
If a genetic condition has arisen such as to select for traits and behaviors which fit the mold for a given culture (which is often the case, culture being derivative from genetically-selected factors in combination with environmental conditions).
Jews by blood have been selecting, for thousands of years, for the combined traits and behaviors that exemplify Jewry.
Depends on the context, though I'm inclined to agree with you, in this specific context and as varies by interpretion of the meaning therein.
Why not?
Its fun.
I like to remind people that
There are no god Jews.
Especially when we're having an influx of new-comers, many of whom are Jews attempting to push the 'Good Jews exist' maymay, as this thread is almost-certainly indicative of.
And if adopting a religion is arbitrary, it can be un-adopted just as easily.
I will say this for the last time, if you can't comprehend it due to your low-cog state, I cannot help you: Being religiously Jewish is not a requisite, in any fashion, for being a Jew.
One can be a Jew by blood, in which case they are a member of an ethno-cultural group of Semite-derivatives widely-known as 'Jews', called such for the religion they spawned - Judaism - which non-Jews by blood can convert to, thus becoming 'Honorary jews'.
That's neat.
In any case, it says nothing of the matter at hand.
A nigger, European, Asiatic or spic who converts to Judaism is an honorary Jew, as is anyone who espouses the Jew-derived ideologies which are, at their core, little more than derivations of the Judaic religion/culture.
And, whether by blood or by choice,
There are no good Jews.
nice attempt to shape oppinions of what the 'alt-right' is supposed to believe
if youre genuinely this naive, lurk moar newfag
Okay, now, come on. Epigenetics implies more than just this. The implications of epigenetics is that there is a feedback loop between behavior/beliefs/culture and genetics. And since genes are malleable, they can even be altered over the course of a single extant lifetime, by just holding (religiously…) to certain behaviors/beliefs/thought processes/culture.
Indeed, as I already stated, one who is an honorary Jew can be turned from the side of evil - see: Jewry - with effort and time, though most continue to demonstrate ailments of mind as a result of exposure to such foulness as the verminfolk have generated.
But a Jew by blood - one of those who serve as the source of Judaism, in its many masks - cannot help but be a Jew, anymore than a nigger can help being nigger.
A nigger can't stop being a nigger, I cannot 'let' a nigger stop being a nigger, for it is not matter of choice, nor of nurture - it is a matter of nature.
Jews by blood are Jews in their very nature, whereas honorary Jews are Jews by, effectively, choice.
One can change, the other cannot.
And, in any case
There are no good Jews.
If an honorary Jew ceases to espouse the traits of Jewry, they cease to be a Jew - something Jews by blood can never hope to achieve, the verminous wretches.
Even if you remove them from the context of religious Judaism, they continue to behave as Jews - and in fact, have spawned whole movements which are, at their core, little more than expressions of this Jewish nature in the form of a pseudo-religious equivalent to religious Judaism.
You can take the religious Judaism out of the Jew by blood, but you can't take the Jew out of the Jew by blood.
I never suggested it did not.
And there is much which might be drawn from examination of epigenetic factors in the 'Jewish spirit' (as Hitler termed it) or 'Jewish nature' (as I termed it above).
All of which brings us to the conclusive statement that
There are no good Jews.
… Something you've utterly failed to dispute in any meaningful sense, despite your clumsy attempts along several fronts.
One of the fundamental beliefs of the Jews is not a belief in God. They dispense with God whenever the Big Man on Campus is inconvenient. Instead, the central-most binding belief of Judaism is in their tribal distinction, as determined by lineage. It's a Jewish twist on the one-drop rule.
However, the one-drop rule just does not correspond with science in determining race.
In other words, Judaism (the religion) is a race-based religion. That's why whenever they are losing an argument, they can shout "Racist!", when if fact race has nothing to do with it.
Jews 'BELIEVE' in their race. It's the most fundamental element of adopting the Jewish religion.
Hello, mr. reporter. We here at 8ch have a bigoted lust for Jewish blood that's difficult to explain. It's something monstrously primal and savagely inhuman that most folks couldn't possibly understand. Do you want to know all the lurid details about our burning seething animosity for the Jews? Well, just check the video.
Pedo GTFO.
You wanna drink Jew-blood? Do it in your own thread.
Seconding the user, you speak like a Jew. You argue and think like a Jew. Slippery and insincere.
Lurk 2 years, not 3 months, shill.