I don't know if any of you saw this article but its a fucking goldmine.
Why Trump's Whole Election Strategy Relies On Internet Nazis
Other urls found in this thread:
disregard, I didn't see the other thread
Love how alex jonesberg and others are trying to say they're part of this shit.
we need to get them to all bring up the JQ and admit white superiority
nah, how about we just keep them at an arms length and let them help get Trump elected in their own way, perhaps covering our ass while we remain just as "racist" in the background. These fags can be our shield for a while.
I have no problem with this. I spent the longest time shitting on the faggot kike for his interference, but it's turning out this softening of our image is going to help Trump get elected.
At this point in time, this is absolutely nothing other than the left yelling racist at the right, which they already do all the time anyway. This isn't actually anything new.
Oh fuck I remember some of those posts from yesterday.
Lets see:
Didn't his ex wife jew him hard or something? He could be secretly plotting a revenge. As much of a disinfo shill he is, he can get redpilled.
Will they ever understand how imageboards work?
this genius thinks that propaganda machine message has something to do with understanding, how silly of him
Propaganda would be shilled around like no tomorrow, not posted on a barely viewed website. This is probably just a bluepilled retard being a bluepilled retard.
Holy shit they used one of my posts
Reading that article gave me cancer.
I wish these faggot kikes would leave us alone. I liked it better when Holla Forums was unknown.
Holla Forums was never unknown. Milo and Ben Garrison used to post here.
Also, because I know kike journalists are now lurking here, I just want to ask: why don't you dickless faggots write articles about the hatred and racism coming from jews in powerful positions in society? Why is it not noteworthy when a kike harvard professor says that it is desirable for white men to commit suicide and for white women to be raped en masse? It's only newsworthy when anonymous NEETs on the internet have a reaction? Fuck off.
lol i was in that thread
this is getting weird
Fuck um. 4chan's alexa rank is 716 and cracked.com is 1137. They won't change anything.
Checked! Praise Kek.
Implying any one with a brain turns to those faggots for facts/news
I remember when I could get a chuckle out of cracked. They used to have some rather entertaining articles on there. Then five/six years ago they started making the shift towards the marxist crap of SJWìsm.
I hope they burn.
Dat form. Too bad they weren't tossing him a jew
The Trump campaign will go down in history as the most decentralized grassroots campaign ever in American politics.
Also this is the first time that an imageboard have become election issue.
Is this a sign of things to come, or will it turn out to be a fluke? Will we be an issue again in 4 or 8 years? Will our influence survive that long? Will the elite permit us to become a political mainstay?
Only if there will be a candidate that we can back.
Stop being just an observer.
I'm europoor there isn't much that I can do.
Me too. Its a surreal feeling. Oh well, nobody reads cracked anyway.
Yeah, that confused me too. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Actually reading the article. He thinks images are "picture avatars" and is still running with the sheriff star tweet originating from h8chan, even though it was posted to twitter first.
So what cool new imageboards are you guys using?
We should do more of these.
It means that cuckchan and plebbit have generally cucked userbases, and only a minority of users, "the dregs" are the problem like us, while our ENTIRE userbase is "problematic".
I guess he means we are all dregs in here
This place maybe full of literal nazis but Im just here for the bantz.
Overall, this is the first article I've read that accurately describes things. Here the alarmism is warranted, as he accurately describes the motive and potential effect.
One problem for him though, he learned too much. He admits it himself in there. He was catching the speculative bug. We'll be seeing more of him around, just 'keeping tabs' he'll say to himself.
One day he'll be glad he found us, as he'll be one of us.
Frankly I'm surprised Cracked even bothered. There's no money in this! They should stick to anti-fa clickbait and tranny love.
You wanna know how I know this is fake or a false flag?
Holy shit this poor idiot reads like he was on the verge of tears while typing this whole mess. All this inane projection, unwarranted ad-hom and just blatant lies make me picture nothing but a incredibly red-faced sweat-covered loser desperately trying to prove he isn't a completely meaningless cunt on the internet
BTW when did Holla Forums become so main stream. cracked, TIME article wtf is going on?
Does shit really change that much in just a couple of months?
I really hope "journalists" don't discover how too see who posted with our pseudonyms. One step away from getting my email I use to log onto the chan.
Thanks Holla Forums
We brain worms now!
We brain worms now!
We brain worms now!
I am pretty sure that a leftard after browsing Holla Forums would mistake the blood bumping into his brain for crawling parasites.
did you see Ender's game? If you read the book or better yet the series by Orson Scott Card you'd know it is.
It looks like a bright future for internet democracy driven by heated anonymous debate
hi brit/pol
He's a kike himself, so it wouldn't be easy to get him to admit that he needs to kill himself.
Kek has blessed this thread. Those dub dubs with a rare Pepe foretell the genocide.
My body is ready.
My mind is ready.
My anus is ready.
Can leftists say the same?
Not even that, its whatcha doin Tyrone shit
Ok are they calling Holla Forums the Alt-Right to trigger us
Ok that is defiantly a CIA op
oy vey those nazi frogs again
3 miles in 18 minutes or die nigger
Why would a jewish controled media outlet talk bad about themselves
I saw it in the other thread
Dude, wtf, don't talk about the login shit where normies can see.
If you keep that up, you're gonna get REEEEEEEEEEE'd by the Über-Führer and wind up on hack-leak parsing duty.
Praise Kek and CSTT.
What… didnt you get the memo. Nazi's are soft core pron version of kike hate. We transcended that a long time ago. Even the Nazi's didn't want our kind of hate.
Glad to see other fellow military guys on Holla Forums. We need people in these positions, with this training. I feel sorry for all the fat bodies during the race war
Checked and keked!
hahaha. Truly, when will White women ever learn?
I heard recently that moot choked on a dildo and died.
lol, what a sweet fellow. I'm sure he's "With Her" 2016
How long until these retards catch onto Kek and start screaming about internet Nazi choas god cultists covertly controlling the Western world via Holla Forums?
Only White Lives Matter but not yours Anna Podge!
They're a mess
They have known about us the moment old Holla Forums was destroyed, and have been keeping tabs on us since then.
Only know have we gotten so dangerous as to makr them beleive that exposing us is less risky than letting us remain in the shadow.
They have never been scared before.
Trans Nazis working for Jews yet again. Better hope to God Trumps wins or we'll know who's to blame.
Hey, haven't heard from you in a while, you off your meds again?
The your 'mentally ill" is a Jewish tactic.
too bad we can't delete
Yes. I think Zyklon Ben had a post about it, but it seems to have been removed.
I'm pretty sure it's a Steven Universe reference.