Fat acceptance propaganda & Nu-males

Mainstream media
Anyone else have a feeling Fat acceptance among male feminists will be the next big SJW push? Seems like the next feminist step of pussifying natural masculinity.

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Not a chance. The whole idea of SJWism is about female superiority. Even the most hardcore feminists still only fuck alpha Chads.

Guys have to be handsome, athletic, 6'5+ or else they are creeps who should die virgins.

If you won't have sex with a wymyn who's a flat chested 500 pound manatee with HIV, you're a misogynist who is also literally committing rape.

That or they bang extremely manipulative sociopaths who just ooze the dark triad from every pore.

Male fat acceptances has nothing to do with equality. It's too underminds masculinity even more in the west.

The end goal is to have the 10-20% of chads as sex providers and the rest of men as hyper effeminate, moob having income providers.

You forget that feminists don't give a shit about what males want. They don't care if 'male feminists' are fat or thin, as long as they're bowing down to females and accepting of their second-grade citizenship.
Feminists will go fuck some Chad who only wants to dump his load, she'll complain that all men are the same and only want one thing and the circle repeats. Those males who accept modern feminism and adhere to it don't even have any position in the feminism hierarchy - ironically, chads who don't give a fuck about women have more power over feminists than actually feminists do.

*Than actual feminists do

I don't think that feminists and the school of feminism are even coherent at this point. Feminism and feminists have totally succumbed to playing their role as a an anti-intellectual and anti civilizational weapon against… well, civilization. In other words, they'll do and say whatever uncle George wants them to.

They never were. Feminism is female hyper gamy unleashed as a sexual weapon against civilization. It is nothing but a wedge against the traditional family unit.

Fat acceptance is is way to brainwash men that being obese is ok to keep them out the gene pool.

Also, I hate this fucking bullshit about "height maketh the man".
I'm 5 foot 7 and have done Thai Boxing for 8 years, fit for my age and any paki or nigger tries it will get a hopping teep to the face.

just saying.

They still don't get any pussy along with the praise though.

it's every jewish trick holding them back.

just a joke

Will they ever learn?

There is nothing wrong with being fat.
It's being fat and lazy that is wrong You can be a strong bear carrying fucking heavy boxes around or you can be a fat guy that works in an office and wants to kill himself. Massive difference.

Fat acceptance is being promoted on a major American TV network.


Holy shit fucking niggerlets.

Well, here is a simple question for you that will be sure to answer the "Why" part of that one:

Are fat people less likely to breed?

I'm surprised there isn't a flood of anime girls and claims that it's totally masculine and NatSoc in this thread yet.

Man, I come from a German colony. We eat cakes and sweets every day.

my fatass super obese friend is getting sick of this shit too, he always bitches about those fuckers that are calling themselves healthy at 300lb+ or whatever

I know he's gonna wake up one of these days and have the switch flicked in his mind and go full weight loss mode I hope, his tone when he talks about it has gone serious lately.

The fatter a person gets, the more androgynous they look.

Obese men and Obese women have similar if not the same body shapes.

All "sane" fat people (including myself) want to go full loss mode, but it's hard for two reasons:

1. Time - Fat people tend to be smarter and more intellectual, not to much time doing sports but being autistic

2. Procrastination - Combined with the previous point, we tend to do things very good, but at the last time possible. Laziness or ADHD I guess.

I've hear stories about women preferring tall obese mem over fit manlets.

Just restrict your calorie intake to 1500 a day and cut off the carbs and you'll lose three pounds a week without having to jog.

180cm and 105kg, I'll try m8.

I was fat (about 230 pounds at 5'9", making me both fat AND a manlet) and I managed to lose around 65-70 pounds over the course of a year by eating less and going for runs at 3AM basically every day. The weight loss was mainly from just eating less, but the running probably kicked my metabolism back to life. Along the way I started lifting again, and though the progress has been slow, there have been noticeable changes in my body shape and posture thanks to the new (albeit not very impressive) muscle. I even had a woman at work comment on my arms.

If there's one thing to remember, it's that physical fitness won't make you happy. In my case, it didn't even give me more confidence. I'm still a self-loathing depressive, but I hear for most people their self-confidence skyrockets when they lose weight.

Yeah. Fat acceptance is being pushed in our movement too. Many people here think bear mode/being chubby and strong is manly and masculine. You're just as bad as the fat acceptance people.

This is a dangerous meme. Fruit and (whole) grains are healthy and a requirement for an active life style. . Cut out the saturated fat if you actually want to get fit and unclog your heart.

Fat people are are easier to control

It really depends on the natural build of the person, and what you're ready to define as bear mode. Pic related would be much more useful in a racewar than some faggot chasing hypertrophy.

I do agree that bear mode is being used as a cover for a fatso, as is curvy for women.

They are a drain on resources though.

How masculine are you? I really don't see why anyone who's not fat and has a well built body should care about this. Better choice bitches for you, since fat people are naturally unatractive

I want fedor on my side when shit hits the fan. I loved watching his fights.

After posting that I had to go and watch some of his highlights. For me, he's the standard bearer *intended* of bear mode.

I don't know why this meme gets thrown around but you will find by far the most fat people among the lower classes of society. Most intellectuals are smart enough to realize too much weight doesn't do any good or they know how to keep a proper diet

Mens sana in corpore sano

Curvy is attractive though, but now not fat-curvy. When i define curvy i look at things like hips, thighs, not if they girl is >70 kg and has fat rolls

Checking those dubs with a suggestion: end each shower you take by turning it to as cold as can go and build up your tolerance to cold showers. I've struggled with depression my whole life and nothing has helped as much as cold showers.

You're missing my point. Bear mode should mean strong, but is often used by fat men to describe themselves.

Just as curvy should be attractive, but it is used by fat women to describe themselves.

Cold shower guy ?

I think its worse with landwhales tbh. I've never met a fat guy who thought he was bear mode whereas most fat women will think they are destined to get all the handsome dudes while showering "less curvy" women with hate. Most fat men tend to be more accepting of their condition, often laughing about it yet doing nothing to change it

I'm not him, but if he endorses cold showers, then I share his sentiment

come on OP. spoiler that shit!

I don't think so, at least from the feminine is perspective. Nothing they have done has been to make men feel better about themselves. Estrogen in water, constant propaganda, etc they are destroying masculinity without having to give men an inch already.


Nice try MGTOW-cuck but it's about breaking down gender roles, ie making men more feminine and women more masculine. A massive part about feminism is to stop "toxic masculinity" from forcing men to act like men. They want it to be okay for men to cry, be pussies, not be shamed for being unable to attract women etc etc

The (((elites))) like when people are a drain on resources. They make money selling them medicine, etc., and they drive up health care costs which screws over the middle class.

Other ways (((they))) create people who are a drain on resources: importing illegals and letting them get on welfare, giving single moms more welfare bux when they have more kids, encouraging everyone to get college degrees (and not telling them to avoid useless degrees).

also, nice dubs

fuck Holla Forums niggers and kikes


ban me, mod!

haha it amazes me that a person can get so fat

the human body is crazy

The corporate ties to fat acceptance to me seem to be too obvious. Obviously the "man" and all the Kosher Bosher foodtrucks will want you to be a happy customer. I mean maybe secret societies want to poison us, but its also fair to admit humans aren't perfect and don't know 100% about plastics and xenoestrogens and since we have consolidation of power, corporations wont fund research to debunk their own industry (plastics and cellphones are two huge health threats to society, and nobody will want to publish much about it for simple job market reasons, let alone any real nefarious or intentionally dysgenic reasons).

So ironically, if you got socialists to "Activate" over this kind of issue, they will just be perpetuating the "status quo" in fatal irony.

It may be easy to see the health threats of obesity, but you may be surprised:

Another example is in Gay Rights, where with it follows a hyper-sexuality that allows the pharmaceutical industry to dominate, further polluting the water, further causing more deviations in socio-sexual norms, further keeping the snake bound to the rod $

hmm doesn't obesity also foster in it a pharmaceutical dependence?

So you think you are being free and liberal, but you are actually allowing corporations to tyrannize the medical industry and take advantage of the mentally ill, increase suicide rates, making more problems and in a Hegelian sense, requiring more intervention.

That is why its called "Activism" you are being activated like a good little Manchurian candidate. Sleeper Code? 2016.

Welfare state… dependence fostering…. man… I could go on all day. Fucking depressing.

There are no absolutes. There will always be a group of specimens who will be universally desired no matter how much shit gets pushed, because ultimately the propaganda is transient.

What I don't like seeing out of my Holla Forums is this unrealistic /r9k/ chad/stacy paradigm.

You can't have it both ways were both Stacies and crazy fat bitches are the same problem.

Something closer to the truth is that all you have to worry about is the Elite, and then uggos who have bureaucrat jobs, and since the system benefits Stacies and nobody will ever hurt them, they become more like harmless sheep.

So really hardcore feminists go home to their dildo and all of the bystanders go home and have sex.

What the chans typically think of as chads and stacies are something more akin to the "Eloi".

Simply put: people who actually get laid aren't part of the problem. (notwithstanding all eugenic and racial factors)

Last Emperor meets God Emperor


In his dialogue The Symposium, Plato has Aristophanes present a story about soulmates. Aristophanes states that humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces. He continues that there were three genders: man, woman and the "Androgynous". Each with two sets of genitalia with the Androgynous having both male and female genitalia. The men were children of the sun, the women were children of the earth and the Androgynous were children of the moon, which was born of the sun and earth. It is said that humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the gods. The gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with lightning as they had done with the Titans but then they would lose the tributes given to the gods by humans. Zeus developed a creative solution by splitting humans in half as punishment for humanity's pride and doubling the number of humans who would give tribute to the gods. These split humans were in utter misery to the point where they would not eat and would perish so Apollo had sewn them up and reconstituted their bodies with the navel being the only remnant harkening back to their original form. Each human would then only have one set of genitalia and would forever long for his/her other half; the other half of his/her soul. It is said that when the two find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lie with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.[3]

Plato checkmated feminism a million years ago.

Ultimately its about depriving humanity from its original state in order to control them easier. To make it about dependence, a male feminized and a woman masculinized are inauthentic, and can't operate in "reality" so they need a man made "social construct" to exist in, thus then they need a Pantokrator to babysit them.

Interesting story, I should read up on my mythology

OP, they're not pushing male fat acceptance unless you're some flavor of LGTBQQIAAA+#%$^$#@%ZIR

straight, relatively normal fat dudes are still Literally Fuhrers..


This is a great primer on directions you can get pointed towards. Very useful to understand the deeper means we are controlled by all faiths.

Feels pretty good getting /fit/, tbh.
For example, i started doing the Saitama routine and began with ten push ups, squats and sit ups and i am now at a point where i can do 45 each, no problem, hopefully i will get to 100 each one day, not to mention that i went from a holohoax survivor body type to something that looks like a normal man now.

I weighed 213lb and i lost about 70lb just by no longer eating fast food,sugary foods like having any soda or candy,jello etc. And on top of that making my own food like eggs, steak,fish that sort of easy stuff rather than rely on easy bake stuff. Best thing to drink is Water and Orange Juice or Milk. Trust me when i say this i lost a ton of weight even by not working out.

I have actually been doing this for quite some time now, and it hasn't helped my general depression. At best it gives me a burst of energy in the morning.

How long do you spend under the cold water? I assume on the coldest setting?

Started at 20 seconds, now about 2 minutes. My showers are only 4 minutes total, keep in mind. Sometimes I just lose track of time and stand there in the cold water.

I will say that it helped my acne issues a lot, if nothing else.

Well, it is unfortunate that you have no found relief for you depression. I should say that I spend a minimum of 2 minutes in the cold, average somewhere between 3-4. I don't know that there is a specific amount of time required, but ideally you should achieve a state after the initial rush that is deeply relaxing; a state where you feel like you can and almost want to stay in the cold forever.

You know how SJW shit was something you didn't really hear about prior to about 10 years ago and then all of a sudden it is everywhere? Expect the same with fat acceptance and fat people.

Obesity is a fucking epidemic so much so that business has had no choice but to change their marketing to attract fat people because the fat kid is no longer a minority, he's the majority. I half expect a normal weight kid to get teased by a class full of fatties very soon.

Obesity continues to sky rocket so expect more of it.

There's never been a better time to be/get /fit/.

Seems like we're in an age where you're seeing more extreme splits
While we see more and more people becoming obese you also see more and more people getting fit
While similarly you see more and more hardline gommies but also more of us

Fucking manlets

They are smarter when it comes to inventing new ways to wipe their ass I give them that

bring it



I don't think you understand what MGTOW or cuck means (hint: they're mutually exclusive, spouting buzzwords make you look like a dick).
I'm FOR strong gender roles and male lead families. Fat acceptance for males won't be normalised, as feminists don't fucking breed with fat guys - they want ripped men who accept them for weighing 200+ pounds and don't care that they'll drop dead at 40 from heart problems.
Feminists hate masculinity so much because they fucking crave it, no self respecting fit guy is going to go for a fatty who is so mentally disturbed she can't tell the difference between healthy and obese.

If you don't believe me, go ask a fat male who identifies as a feminist when the last time he got his dick wet was.


male fat acceptance will never become something real, because women won't fuck tubs of lard. no matter how "brave" they claim the tubs of lard to be.

Where are you guys getting your theories on women? From MGTOW? Because SJW always sleep with pussy boys. Hipster chicks always sleep with pussy boys. Chads never enter their radar.
Chads only get the Bettys and the chicks who would fuck niggers.

Why aren't you learning MMA and getting tough faggot?

No MGTOW = cuck anti-white Leftist defeatest

I'm not laughing at you. I just think it's a mix of sweet and weird that a grown man can be inspired by a cartoon.
After I played MGR, Raiden was my inspiration.

I did Muay Thai for a while, didn't get me laid, don't see your point, kill yourself.

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way - which means men who don't want anything to do with women at all.

Cuck = Man who willing allows his female partner (hence why MGTOW and cuck are mutually exclusive) to fuck other men and raise other men's offspring.

One is cancer, one is AIDS, but they are not the same thing. You dumb down everyone on Holla Forums with buzzword bullshit.

I get my theories on women from firsthand experience and observation through media. We're not talking hipster chicks here, the question is about feminism. As for SJWs sleeping habits, they'll fuck chads when chads are desperate enough, and fuck other normal sized SJWs as a last resort. Obese men like in the OPs pic do not get laid unless they pay for it.

Pic related.

It's hysteria.

In times before civilization, most women got laid, whether or not they had input was irrelevant. Then civilization came, man gave order to the D via courtship ritual, and women still got laid.

Now we are in post-civilization, where rape nor courting is an option. The men who aren't socially manipulative enough to thrive in this environment can still occupy themselves because men are far better equipped to do it. However, since sex for women is based on equality, and there are no men who are strong enough to overcome society by force or guile because it is overdeveloped are starting to become stir-crazy. They sense civilization is retarding access to the genepool, encouraging dysgenic selection.

Feminism is the flailing response to remove the chains that are holding back the D. It is blind and lashing as a wounded animal, as is the unattended female psyche.

Maybe we should go up to the jigglypuff types and offer miles of cock to keep them from self destructing?

Then cuck them at the last minute lel

How very fucking greek of them.

Though I did enjoy their non response when I said "wait, she has something to be ashamed about in the first place? :^)

That's not, that's bearmode.

livin' the life…

It's called enjoying yourself at work. Besides, she has lost over 30 pounds since I encouraged her to lose some damn weight.

Good job.

Gas yourself.

She'll lose weight, become moderately attractive and then fuck Chad.

Yep, plays right into ((their)) prophecy of being the chosen people and having the strongest of goyims as slaves, both sexually and functionally.

since when? all i've seen are fat women, with dyejobs and stupid glasses, pushing this shit

it is, like all feminist subtheories, self-delusion and rejection of the reality of sexual selection and its biological basis.

tl;dr- dysgenics

Besides, she stopped listening to the leftycucks after they made her feel bad about losing weight. If anything she might have a sensible head on her shoulders before I left that job.

Unless she ends up with a good husband, no. She will become fat again when she doesn't find a man to stay with here, even though she's now thinner and more attractive.

What we need to start doing is to slutshame both men and women.

don't worry tallfags are almost entirely normie tier intelligence, all the great movers of history and intellectuals have been manlets. tallfags are only good as bullet sponges, they don't even make useful warriors anymore since they can't fit into AIFV and have a harder time finding cover and concealment

I actually lost 60 pounds eating saturated fats and cutting out carbs.

Heil dubs!

Why not split up a couple sets over the course of the day so you get 100 of each done?