Now, Donald Trump doesn't know what Pepe is. But when he retweeted this bizarre channer meme, you can bet he understood the message of whoever made it:
We, trolls of the internet, are adopting you, Donald Trump.
And he welcomed their support, because Donald Trump believes in hiring the very best, most knowledgeable people to help him accomplish his goals. No one knows more about fighting on the internet than the dregs of 4chan and Reddit, and the "everyone" of Holla Forums. So Trump turned to them for meme advice:
Now, Donald Trump doesn't know what Pepe is. But when he retweeted this bizarre channer meme...
Other urls found in this thread:
Very good read. THanks for posting OP
what's the point of this post?
The monster. Hitler also used paper, it was made of jews! Literally Hitler!
It's not a bad article, and one of the guy's screencapped post was right :
The nazis are on the march and the media is trying to warn everybody but nobody is listening.
what is this nigger talking about?
He's talking about the faglord with a mudshark daughter who said all we wanted was hotpockets and a holocaust.
It may just be that hours of reading Holla Forums's Nazi conspiracy theories has me in a conspiratorial mindset myself, in the same way that if you hang out with plague victims long enough you're more likely to catch the plague. But the more I crawled down that rabbit hole of ultra-modern memes and ol'-fashioned racism, the more intentional their courting of Donald Trump started to look. Here's one of them talking about memes – like the Pepe meme that marked Donald's introduction to the internet's fetid under-crotch – as Sirens of Nazism.
1. Dox the author
2. Throw him a pizza party
3. Invite a SWAT team
Almost sounds like he was actually starting to think after reading what was posted on Holla Forums, but quickly backed away because his programming kicked back in. Might have said it in a negative context, but this was a veiled admission he started to agree on something.
So it was the guy that came here requesting infos on the alt-right ?
this guy ?
Remember guys, give them nothing otherwise they learn to blend in.
das right
>My name is Robert Evans. I'm an editorial manager at Cracked and I run the personal experience article team. I can be reached at [email protected]/* */
I wonder what this cuck is playing, probably watches his wife's son play with his daughter.
I love the current year.
We should have a thread about a good friend Robert Evans and see how long it takes him to have a meltdown on twitter
honestly, I'm surprised still exists.
you can imagine all Hillary dogs lurk around for some bones to receive a good pat on the back from their master. They'll post anything.
This is what I notice about lefties. If they start to doubt a "sacred" part of the official narrative (i.e. holocaust), they go into an amygdala panic and "mind-kill" themselves to stop themselves going further down the heretical road.
Article claims Holla Forums made the Hillary juden/sheriff star picture that Trump tweeted, but I'm pretty sure that was OC from Trump.
Not that I really care. Nobody who would be swayed is going to take this article seriously. If anything, this just adds to the mythos, like the time I saw somebody thinking that Trump grabbed the flag after the corresponding pepe was made, when I made that pepe after seeing him grab the flag. Telling lies isn't effective use of memes, but avoiding correcting more grandiose but honestly mistaken accounts of events seems like good meme magic to me.
You're never getting those ten bucks back.
nah, it was from some guy from twitter that just put Trump's user in his tweet and then Trump retweeted it. Then it got on here, saved from twitter. If they attributed it to 8ch is because Hillary was planning all the alt-right bullshit for a long time, needed a way to tie them in with the "nazi 8ch"
Meme magic is real, and it's red pilling normies.
Nice dubs but I missed the post you're referencing.
fucking CGI
as a whole this article describe what it is, it doesn't label us on the alt-right, he quoted us defending why we are leaderless, I'm not sure the H1b visas paragraph was necessary though.
It's not anti-trump journalism, even though he takes positions, but it's more like "I'm confused, I'm about to get redpilled" journalism and explaining it to the normies.
I think this guy made as well a concise description of the power of memes. think of memes as pathogens
>that idea reaches out the normie sphere via vectors carrying out the messages
It's kind of hilarious to read an article written about a thread you were in. Hilarious how wrong he gets stuff even after clearly having done more research than most chucklefucks who write about Holla Forums. The "hitler profile picture" and not knowing for certain what echoes mean stood out to me.
The best part is that this article is doing exactly what we were saying couldn't work in that thread. Talking about us like we're a serious problem. He even uses actual quotes and screen captures from us and it just makes him look even more batshit.
It doesn't help his case that he's posting it on fucking cracked. Definitely an echo chamber where most people who still bother reading it will already be convinced Trump is literally Hitler before ever hearing of esoteric nazi frog poster rice pudding forums. Anyone else who reads this is just going to take this as one last reason to stop reading their articles.
I'm not sure if it would be more or less effective for a 'legitimate' news site to post a similar article. Probably would have about the same effect, considering how low media approval is. The only difference would probably be my dick getting twice as hard at the sad desperation and what fools the 'serious (((journalists)))' were making themselves look like.
their media is dying, the only thing that keeps them in business is jewish money pumped for propaganda
holy fuck
Honestly I find it funny how these journalists are starting to lurk the site and screenshot posts at an ever-increasing rate. In their attempts to show how evil and outrageous we are, they too will be sucked in and join us. This is how it started for all of us - lurking and reading. We didn't start off wanting to gas the kikes or cleanse the Earth of non-whites, in fact many of us used to be liberals ourselves. Think how many journalists we could be slowly eating away at with our ideas. How many posts or arguments do you think these journalists have looked at and thought to themselves "well, these people might have a point, but they're still ebil nadsis". This is all it takes to start the redpilling and begin ones trip to enlightenment. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these journos continue to come back to "laugh at the evil nazis" and then suddenly find themselves agreeing with us more and more as the truth is uncovered. When these people are finally exposed to the truth, there will be no way of stopping them from running into our ranks with open arms. Our ideas are contagious because they do not rely on subversion and lies. They are the raw, unbridled, distilled truth, and they will hook someone faster and harder than heroin.
I hope everyone sees this too. This is us winning. We are winning by not even lifting a single finger. We are winning because we are drawing our enemies unwittingly into our arms. In their attempts at attacking us, they tool will be absorbed by the ideas we espouse. The biggest defense normies and libshit journos ever had against our ideas was the fact that they stayed away from them and only commented on them as outsiders peering in. Now there is no such filter. They are in our midst. They are reading and absorbing our memes and ideas. They are being influenced by us. Our charm is irresistible - our ideas forbidden fruit. They will not be able to resist coming back here until they themselves are indistinguishable form the rest of. Exposure to our ideas is the biggest weapon we have against our enemies.
This line has never been truer than it is for these journos right now: ''Don't forget you're here forever"
So to any journalists lurking this thread, I say to you; enjoy your stay. It will be a fun ride. You will be one of us soon enough. There's no real need to fight it.
Comment section incoming, some look like chunks of them have been removed but I didn't remove anything from it it's just that my screen was too small to make a correct screencap of the post + username
I didn't know Cracked writers were into Esoteric Hitlerism.
Double dubs, checkem.
I think it happened to that guy from huffpo that was almost assassinated by Hillary
The alt-right is merely a controlled opposition title for a universally anti-Semitic position - if you aren't an anti-Semite, you're not alt-right.
nazi is what daeash is for islamic state
The point is you're gay
I'm pretty sure all that cuck did was question Hillary's health. Hardly GTKRWN
lol one of my posts actually ended up on that Cracked article. The very last one. I feel so special.
Thanks, Kek. That gave me a hearty laugh.
using unabomber
Of course there is.
Robert Evans, if you're reading this…
I think it's particularly funny that you're only beginning to see what we're truly capable of. Maybe if you cucks didn't spend so much time making vapid clickbait articles on things you and your other cuckbuddies deem "rayciss" and spent more time outside your comfy zone, you'd know about our existance earler. You might know as those kind, friendly folks who had to leave en masse when your beloved beachwhale Zoe Quinn decided to shit up the internet.
You'd also know that we don't settle into mainstream websites that require you to use an identity, such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, or any of that other shit. We're the people that made virtually all of the memes that you've fawned over, circlejerked, and beaten to death tirelessly. There's no such thing as "accounts" nor "avatars" on here, if you've noticed. We're the Umman Manda on the internet, and there's naught much you can do to stop us.
Why expect anything else?
I remember reading this exact post thinking "this sounds like its fucking planted for the purpose of being screencapped"
Wouldn't be surprised if the writer themselves posted that fucking reddit-tier RP of what a channer must be like.
yeah, it sounded like those anti trump cucks from reddit
Do not say anything otherwise they learn to blend in, and it's better if they underestimate us because it makes the whole job a lot more easy.
He looks like some guy who could be chelsea van valkenburg's ex boyfriend.
Uh, yea… just characterize me however you want, Jew, cause the media is your playing field. This is beginning to feel like a face-off between the 2500 and the entire mainstream media industry.
The author of this Cracked article, Robert Evans, thinks pictures on Holla Forums are avatars.
The author of this Cracked article, Robert Evans, thinks pictures on Holla Forums are avatars.
"Hitler profile picture."
Here, I signed it for you guy. Took me 12 hours in MS paint
This is hilarious, these motherfuckers are down teh rabbit hole and have no clue what's what, I actually WELCOME them to come here, and report everything as fucking factual, my only regret is that these retards didn't panhandle the BETA UPRISING as hard as some other losers did when it was a thing,
Still, this is complete garbage and I fucking thank you for reminding just how far Cracked has fallen since the time I actually read it.
This is the first time since late 2014 Holla Forums's been getting this much attention by the mainstream media.
LOL people r gonna think ur serious bro
We're going to have a wave of newfags.
Then get you shock images and triggering materials ready. That will be our way to vet those that come and if they can get over being triggered they can stay.
On second thought, good point. Hopefully we'd trigger them too much for them to stay here any longer than the brief few seconds they spend seeing us.
No, they actually have a very vague and incredibly misinformed clue which just makes it funnier. Whenever somebody writes an article about fullchan it's like a fucked up game of chinese telephone that's been passed down a line of 6 million people.
They're never realize we're actually hardcore leftists voting for Trump to accelerate the collapse of society and raise a glorious communist revolution from the ashes
I just hope they don't shit up the smaller boards, they have no fucking way of defending themselves.
It's one of the few places on the internet with less traffic than Holla Forums.
Sanpaku eyes, of course.
You seem to imply that they'll be going anywhere BUT the top 25 boards. They'll just see the directory on the front page and think that's it.
We'll kick them out of these boards, it's not too complicated. Also this
I laughed so fucking hard when he quoted me too ( ).
He cut out my smug animus though. Guess he has at least enough common sense not to print them.
Literally the only thing this chucklecuck seems to care about is drugs, sex and lefty signalling. Disgusting trash.
Did he pay Obongo and his trap wife for that cover?
Nothing but a cleansing will cure a society that considers that culture.
That's my post that was screenshotted in the article. They're scared and they should be. WE control the narrative now.
Shit, what if this retard is immortal now.
Of that I have no doubt.
This 'person' is allowed to vote.
Doped up, delusional, and a proud racial cuckold.
The Fall can't come fast enough.
Obviously, "nazis" is the giveaway. Everyone here says natsoc instead of nazi.
It's a pretty surreal feeling, some idle banter and it ends up in the press. I remember Fusion printing another of my posts in their Holla Forums expose, it's incredibly fun to watch.
Cow urine?
Why does Rich Robert Evans look like he has PTSD in that image?
If you say so Robert. What faggot screencaps their own posts?
mfw this robert cuck got on some of his drugs and started visiting Holla Forums, got redpilled as fuck and made the nazi posts himself
If you look in the article there's no (you) on the post so obviously I'm not the author.
is right
ikr? I put a lot of work into my user profile archive and I want people to see it.
If you say so.
Reading that made me feel all faggotty inside, and not in a fuzzy kind of way. Maby it's a cultural thing or something like that, my ppl tend to avoid romanticising things too much (at all tbh).
However, enjoy that feeling you might have had because of God Emperors reaction, I will not judge.
The thread is still up and I went there and took a screen capture of my own post after seeing the article.
PS: Why in the hell isn't ouroboros showing none of the pics posted on this thread?
He may have just been playing dumb for his audience, since only the normiest of normies still go to cracked.
Or maybe he just didn't do his research. Either way, keep up these "shocking exposes", (((journalists))). You think that shining a light into our shadowy corner will kill us? Top fucking kek.
all the mobile apps are fucked, not just ouroboros, so its probably a problem with Holla Forums.
Oh no now they're going after Jim.
God we make them so asshurt.
We're just getting started, pussies.
jesus fucking christ, nothing is sacred anymore for these monsters
It's cool that he defended our right to say what we want. Many other people would cuck out because pressure.
I'm like 99% sure the author is ID: 35b26c in this thread. He even got banned.
Insane how 8ch is getting more and more shout outs. Only strengthens my resolve that we are under professional attacks by shills. If these random rag sites are just now starting to mention us, it means they've known of our presence for much longer and our influence has just recently grown to the point where they must publicly acknowledge us or risk looking like they are behind the times.
He's still at it? He's got a bit of a hard-on for Holla Forums. First time was the Angry Birds infograph.
I think perhaps their new strategy is flooding us with newfags.
(nice dubs)
It's always the same, they appear to be serious, target an individual this time, and then
top fucking kek
This is comical. How the internet autists "LITERAL NUTZEES" change the fate of the world. Those fuckers don't even know, we're only getting started.
It's exactly that, then once the newfag concentration is high enough they plan to launch a massive co-option campaign to flush out the redpilling.
Our posts had precisely the intended effect. I honestly have no idea how powerful our memetic control network is, but we're certainly able to convince jumpy kikes that RWDS are out to get them. They've spent the past 70 years being brought up from birth being told
And then they come here and see us bantering about exactly that, and how we're in complete control of the political landscape be it reality or not and they flip the fuck out and through their kvetching MAKE it reality. There is no downside to this, since they still refuse to report on what we actually believe, they can't even drum up any resistance against us in the minds of normalfags. It just sounds too fucking stupid, once again nobody will believe them.
We have found a chink in their armour. There's parallels to early GG here, the anonymous leviathan being impossible to take down no matter what they threw at it. No matter the attack levelled, we always took zero fucking damage.
Something like Gamergate is happening again, only it's not anything stupid like 'ethics in video game journalism' anymore, and with luck we've learned enough to not cuck this one up. This time, we're going directly after the kikes and their puppets themselves. He's right to fear the coming nightmares, for their name is kek.
I can't stop laughing, this is great.
Why is it so common for people to always assume that anyone who disagrees with them is either stupid, ugly, evil, etc? Why do normies have such a high opinion of themselves that anyone who disagrees with their views is automatically deficient in some way shape or form.
I sometimes see people on Holla Forums do the same thing, when they get their panties in a twist that vegans exist, but aside from that people on here are more willing to admit that Jews are clever and that are enemies are capable.
Is this the sheep mentality of the normie? The fact that they can't imagine their enemies to be capable. Is it social engineering brought about by Disney films where the villains are weak and impotent?
Feels good m80s
This faggot's book
meh, copy paste after more notorious books
We'll just gorepost them out and the tough ones will stay and become redpilled.
That tactic never worked.
Honestly, it's a lot better if they underestimate us.
It's an attempt to 'other' their perceived enemies. Their dumb and guilty of wrongthink, so you must be smart and hold the correct opinions. In their case it's just reinforcement, because there really isn't anyone left to convince at Cracked.
Funny how they call us retards and with the same breath refer to us as the most feared force on the internet.
It's funny how the article sounds like one big conspiracy theory.
We are pretty much the internet illuminati at this point. No one understands our esoteric frog cult except us few in the inner circle. You know how people wrote about Jesuits ensuring the power of the Vatican? And Free Masons being a large part responsible for the liberal revolutions a few centuries ago. Even today those two groups aren't very well understood and there's a cloud of conspiracy surrounding them. They tackled subjects that most people simply couldn't understand and the average person would look at it and think it's Satan worship.
We're developing the same stigma. People look at us and the things we write and they have no clue about the post-irony and esoteric nature of our writing. People are pointing at us and accusing us of wizardry and witchcraft but to the average person it makes absolutely no sense. You have to go deep into our subjects to even have an inkling of an understanding and most people don't have the time or intellect for it. The people throwing accusations at us just look crazy by doing so.
We're just decent God fearing Nazis and people have it out for us to smear our good name by accusing us of being sinister conspirators.
feared because the faggot felt the power of being redpilled, all lies that were told to him started to come down, there is a big guilt in the article that he has.
Tactical anime deployed
The plan is actually working exactly as intended, this is great.
I posted in that thread
but what does it have to do with the article?
There's earlier articles by this guy too. Here's the one where they called us tinfoil because we were spreading the meme that M$ was going to rig the Iowa caucus for Lubio.
We were right.
I seriously doubt how anyone could keep their sides in this galaxy after reading that article. Current year +1 is indeed the greatest year.
I give that cracked poster 5 minutes before he starts inexorably humping a waifu pillow.
what is this guy's name/twitter info? i wanna send him memes
That's actually a pretty good article. For once it's accurate.
Seems like I have to fix my PC tomorrow then. Thanks bro.
think he died of aids
the faggot himself made the posts
What are you doing?
that's not a sage
sage bombing the thread he's the most active poster in.
just posted first, will make now a more interesting thread
The term you're looking for is 'crimestop'.
holy shit, I can't believe I used to read this garbage.
He definitely has potential.
They keep saying this, probably to convince themselves more than anything else. We've been over this, we're mostly in our mid 20s with some in their late 30s.
Double dubs confirm it
Cracked was awesome before Sargent and Wong got in there and fagged it up.
I fucking despise this term almost as much as 'literally'. 'Because reasons" and 'totes' should also reserve a noose and lamp post for someone.
of courhse
I thought the Don was doing terribly with young people
Trump is actually winning the majority of whites 18-26 by a small margin. But young is increasingly non white so he's losing in the young demographic.
I've always found it interesting how nu-males emulate women when they pose for photographs.
Wait so fully half of young whites are receptive to being uncucked?
Goddamn that surprises me.
We have the best avatars. Don't we, folks?
I saw that
it's a classic case of hanging out with us and becoming one of us
That's cheating user.
Avatar related
Your avatar a shit.
shut up we don't want them to know
Thank God I didn't used to be a leftist, unless you count 4th grade before I thought communism all the way through. RW Logic Squads ever since.
Avatars are our business.
Especially when they're smug.
but what about the hacker known as 4chan?
We're gettin famous, boys. I never dreamed we could've gotten here, yet here we are, and we're only getting started. It's hard to even imagine what kind of a world is possible, when almost everything you've known is shit.
I love you guys, you're my best friends
Holla Forums/old4chan was the father figure I never deserved. I owe you all my life.
being e-famous isn't good thing unless the details are all wrong and amusingly fucktarded, but even then the blame should always go to someone else to take the fall.
Someone is about to feel Kek's huge dick in his anus
posts: 5,384
This pretty much for me as well. I went from typical conservative at like age 12, (started thinking about politics during Bush vs. Kerry) then turned into radical libertarian when I was exposed to the libertarian platform by first encountering a gunshop owner who was one and so I was curious about it.
Then I read Nietzsche in my late teens which quickly coincided with having internet for the first time in my life and then discovering Holla Forums.
Check out my new avatar bro.
Sometimes I think that i'd be just another brainwashed faggot who just went along to get along if imageboards never existed.
they finally get it
NatSocs would be more apt tbh.
posts: 2,001
Wow, it's been a quick two years. I can't believe I already have 2,000 posts on this origami forum. Here's to another 2,000!
Posts: 2738
Congrats, Harold!
posts: 6,000,088
Try six million.
Libs are obsessed with being perceived as intelligent. You can easily control them by painting the things you want them to avoid as stupid. It will drive them off it like mosquito repellent.
Posts: 34,232
Harold you newfag.
Posts : 1939
Hey guys who has a premium account ?
I finally went and bought an account after this article, I don't want newfags to see what I have to say.
Posts: 2739
I still think that premium accounts cost too much on a per month basis.
Also: Buying Premium=/=oldfag
Sorry, lad.
@RareSmugPepe86 @Hitler_Fan_88
what is this meme
Robert Evans
Posts: 14
Anyone wanna hear about that time I drank piss for… some research?
This is true, however, if we can accomplish this much with mere shitposting, IRL organization will be infinitely more powerful, so long as it is decentralized enough to remain effective. I fully anticipate IRL organization to be 100 percent necessary in the near future, regardless of the outcome of this election, the current social/demographic trends are such that you should have organized happening supplies of silver, ammo, nonperishables, etc. and formed a unit of people you can trust yesterday. Get on that shit niggers.
Posts : 1939
I know it's expensive but I'm really worried about kikes finding our secret place
What do you mean meme, are you new ?
pay attention, lad. This meme was just born with 's shitpost
all part of the plan
Good call, that sure sounds like either a massive, absolute newfag, or a very solid troll.
Posts: 2739
That's a sweet ID.
posts: 6,000,089
Stop being such a newfag.
posts: 1
Say, my fellow snow white nazi brethren, I sure do hate niggers. Do you hate niggers too? Don't you just have an urge to go out and smash some of those ape-shaped coon skulls into the concrete? I know I do! What are you waiting for?
15/77 smash the jews ethnic war now, amiright?
Posts: 24
Hey, how do I choose my profile picture?
Robert Evans
Posts: 15
You have to verify your e-mail bro.
posts: 2
haha silly me. I forgot to upload an avatar. silly me :)
pic related. Its me. Killing niggers everyday for Hitler!
posts: 6,000,090
Can someone tell me what they said? I have users without avatars autofiltered.
'Posts: 14
Painting a Okinawan rice pudding board as the literal manifestation of evil that resides in the dank recesses of the internet has two effects. Their intended effect is to careen people away from these problematic forums but that which is forbidden is all the more enticing. That's what did it for me all those years ago. "Oh, it can't be all that bad!"
And before you know it, you're back again and again and again.
posts: 3
I was just explaining how much I hate niggers and want to smash their coon skulls into the concrete. Don't you hate niggers as much as I do? Don't you want to just hurt them really bad? And Jews too?
Haha kill them all, amiright?
Posts: 25
Thanks, I'll do that.
'''Posts: 845
Yes, race riot squads 4 ever.
Illegal pornography is also "epic."
The article is the clearest example of them losing and that we're gaining ground.
posts: 6,000,091
Now that I think about it your profile name reminds me of Totally_Not_CIA who was banned by The_Big_Guy for being a small guy government infiltrator.
So they finally released the report on 8chins, just as the chat logs predicted. Doesn't seem like it's very effective. However we do seems to be getting brigaded heavily by shills spouting obvious reddit tier opinions right now.
""Posts: 4987""
I always had so much faith in you guys. Glad you and me both are going to make it at the same time. Praise kek.
posts: 3
Hahaha. Really? I don't know why that would be. Why does my profile picture remind you of a government infiltrator? Haha. That is me. promise. I am just a nazi who hates niggers just like you and wants to SMASH THE JEWS ETHNIC WAR NOW 15/77 just like you ;). Trust me. Why would I be a government infiltrator? That's just a wacko conspiracy theory.
I'm a big aryan guy myself and totally not FBI. HAIL HITLER amiright?
But you didn't add the meme to the registry.
This is a shill, leftists are going to fucking screenshot this and say "the alt-right/nazi is/are tied to trump!!"
Yep, that's journalism for you.
posts: 1889
I don't know guys; it seems like they did a little bit more research than most of the """journalists""" who report on us.
Posts: 23,838
Dont steal my avatar lad
Congrats on the 2001st post man :)
I and pretty much everyone else I know only have one account.
Posts: 22,425
Sup guys! You won't believe what a day it was for me today, cause it wus unbelievable xDDDD
Hey guys! What do y'all think of my new avatar? Only the best!
Do tell my friend. My days been a bit slow and I'm a bit bored.
i've doxxed Ethan Chiel just for fun
Ethan Chiel
Age: 25
97 Rd Old Post
NY, Croton On Hudson
Posts: 12,569
When is your next "Million Dollar Extreme" episode airing you faggot? BTW my dad just saw your first one and thought it was fucking hysterical tbh.
I suddenly have a hankering for some pizza. I think I may go place an order
Posts: 12,570
what's that?
Posts: 2
guys how do I upload my profile pic? I am using TOR is that a problem?
quite the endorsement. I love you goys
Posts: 12,570
Stick your dick in your mother's ass and twirl until satisfied.
Posts: 23,839
Thanks my man, we try our best here at MDE. Be sure to tune if for the next episode as I have an important announcement involving my Alt-Right movement.
Posts: 12,570
Will do my dude. My father looks forward to seeing the rest of your episodes once he has some time, probably not this weekend but the one after.
Posts: 2
Posts: 22,425
Oh it's nothing important, I just got catcalled on by some dirty looking spics this morning, they maybe criminals but I can't really blame them for it since I am so cute jk xDDDDDDD and couple of White brothers came and almost beat the shit out of them. It was like so 1488! xD
Posts: 911488
(((contact request pending)))
I can see your pic already, buddy. It takes a few minutes for the board fuhrer to authorize. Welcome!
Posts: 22,425
Kindly don't impersonate plz or I'll have to call the mods.
luv peace and global untermensch genocide xDDDD
Posts: 12,570
I already reported them to Jim for impersonation, was that wrong of me to do? :-/
The more I read about Jim, the more I like him.
He's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
Impersonating someone isn't cool. They definitely deserved it.
posts: 2,002
I'm glad there are based users like ShortUsername01 still on Cracked. I gave up that site almost half a decade ago.
This is actually very well made compared to other shill articles
😂😂😂 good shit
Posts: 22,428
Don't worry. I personally contacted Jim in IRC and told him to be lenient and just give a warning also told him to fix my post count, server is being funny again xD. There's no reason to escalate things if people agree to behave.
Thanks for your concern though, Eric. *many moochiees
x* x* x* ~♥
Why is such lewd filth with FORBIDDEN LOVE UNDERTONES nonetheless! even allowed in a public demonstration? I thought we were better than leftards.
Well I've got to go. Stay safe out there. I have to go to work and make some money. See yall tomorrow folks.
Posts: 1
How do you do, fellow Nazis?
Posts: 5,298
What is he, stupid?
Thanks for quoting my comment, Robert. You've stared at the abyss, now you've got to let the abyss stare back. It's common courtesy.
Zyklon Ben
Posts: 3,434,546
premium account
Harold, you old fart. Isn't it past your bedtime?
We own both like a badge of honor.
Posts: 1
premium account
Hi Ben (1488 brother hail victory!) long time admirer of your work. I'm an Iraqi veteran who worked in a WMD squad. Anyways I run a small medical supply company that would be perfect for storing any radioactive materials you might have. PM me. Sieg Heil!
My experience is that they're still pretty cucked. They like faggots and think racism is bad, they just realize Trump agrees with that and Clinton is evil.
Posts: 22,428
Well look who's here!
lotsa moochies for mein Fuhrer!
x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*
Zyklon Ben
Posts: 3,434,547
premium account
That's sweet, but I don't bother with that shit. I just keep my radioactive waste in the kitchen sink.
Boy oh boy am I smug right now.
He did join info wars, so there's that. I mean we all know how compromised Alex Jones is, but still, it will be interesting to see what level of cuck the guy is at in the near future. A bit of a canary in the natsoc mine.
Jesus, pretty much pure degeneracy the entire lot of them. That's impressive, even for Jews. Terrible, but impressive.
There's something kind of magical about seeing some tool shitposting irl with a meme you drew.
You think current year +1 is good, wait until next year. This is the year of the fire monkey. Next year is the year of the fire cock. Prepare for maximum triggering. Literal rape.
Great Idea! I'll make a list of all our names and addresses, as well as a hit list that we sign to show we consent to planning murders!
We should probably all post our nudes with faces, while were at it.
He keeps his salt contained until the last paragraph, then it all gushes out.
they're boycott lists, user
I may not give political enemies a bullet, but I sure as fuck won't give them a dollar.
I know he was referencing Star Wars, but kek. Even this faggot can't escape the memes.
So new. Lurk more, faggot.
Actually, we like to be called National Socialists.
Mirin them digits tbh.
Trump is a quick study.
Trump is a quick study.
Hey rabbi, watcha doing?
These guys forget that the smartest guys of the 20th century were literally nazis.
eventually these retards will realize the false flagging "whatcha doin Rabbi?" potential but I've read plenty of objective assessment posts like that over the years. Think about it, the media has been calling Trump a Nazi this whole election cycle and, hell, the libs were even saying Romney was one back in 2012. No sweat.
Smartest philosopher: Heidegger, literal nazi
Smartest political philosopher: Carl Schmitt, literal nazi
Smartest physicist: Werner Heisenberg, literal nazi
Smartest rocket scientist: Wernher von Braun, literal nazi
Genius mathematician: Oswald Teichmüller, literal nazi
Smartest politician: Adolf Hitler
Posts: 21,801
When I first came to 4chan /n/ I thought it was hilarious and clever to post interracial porn to troll the dumb racists. I was 17.
As we are, soon they shall be.
Yes, just sit there with your thumb up your ass after being attacked; don't do anything about it.
It's obvious that it's you Robert. Please stay, Onii-chan!
Cracked, Maxim, MAD- they all have the same beta losers
More like the history that destroys civilization.
its against the law to boycott israel why are you trying so hard to get us to commit a crime?
Robert, when Cracked inevitably shuts down, we will still be there for you!
I don't think any larger version exists, unfortunately.
I think we can all appreciate what you guys are doing, but let's not put René Descartes before the horse. Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
I want non-whites to go the back to their own fucking country's, not kill them.
Then you are a cuck who still has libshit ideals of egalitarianism guiding your morality. It is our imperative as a stronger race to stamp our weaker competitor races for the purpose of colonisation. Simply sending them back will result in this very scenario repeating centuries down the line when the race-traitors gain power once again. If the tools which are used to harm us are no longer available, then our survival can not be jeopardised.
faggot's probably got tetanus and hepatitis now
Why do you guys even buy Nazi-Memorabilia? German National Socialism is a dead lion that lost. We are the future. We are the men of tomorrow Hitler spoke of. We have no real flag or symbol to stand for us. It doesn't matter who we are what matters is our plan. National Socialism isn't on our body's or our possessions but on our hearts, minds, and souls. I need no Memorabilia, I need our ideals.
point and laugh now
get this nigger's posting history.
Its Hilarious how they will never mention the NatSoc .
Fascist Check
Nazi Check
Literally Hitler Check
Neo nazi - Skinhead Check
But God forbid the political ideology behind the NSDAP , a single policy or even sympathetic idea that could be related to the NSDAP plataform sees public limelight .
70 years later and the kikes still shivers.
welp, I formatted that so retarded, not my posting history, the leugenpresse agent at
and yes I know we have ID's I am not that new.
Done, fampai.
Stop talking like a fucking NIGGER. You could at least say kazoku.
smh tbh :^)
oyyy gevalt this isn't the first time he's harassed us autists :^)
Thank you for the OC idea.
Not sure if meme, or if you just don't know your Anglo paragons.
Implying we are pretending. Being a fucking genius is bullshit. Far better to be the laughing loon that enjoys it all. I have come to embrace my retarded self. Fuck self righteous fools, tools of the kikes is what they are.
Reddit? Fuck that stupid autistic bullshit.
And now they cant raise awareness with the kind of power they ince could. Derp
Essentially this. I remember exactly how I found Holla Forums. I was browsing /wg/ on halfchan, then when I started looking around at the other boards, I found "politically incorrect" and thought 'Oh, this might be cool.'
And it was.
I got a huge laugh out of how everyone called everyone faggots and niggers and how people talked about gassing the kikes. It was a side-splitter. But then, as you said, I hung around for the laughs I loved the Zimmerman trial so much. Those were truly golden days but soon I started actually reading and investigating what people posted. Over time, I went from a Green Party sympathizer to a GLR loving, Marxist hating, red-blooded American.
I never once thought these changes would occur, but they did. If you really do have an open mind, and you really do base your opinions on reality, then you're a few good threads away from tearing up at Pierce's Gift of Life speech and wondering whether National Socialism or Fascism will save the West. Stay a while and you too will notice the obvious jewish presence in the Western world, and how it is to the detriment of us all. Lurk, and join the undying.
Welcome to Holla Forums, enjoy your stay
It's hilarious that this guy has the audacity to claim that we're abnormal when he does shit like this. The Unabomber was completely accurate about leftists being self-loathing people who constantly abuse themselves while demanding society to be fixed.
Regardless of your view on CF, he was very correct about degenerates being in a higher position of power over us to erode the ideals that have made white society surface.
It takes injecting piss into yourself to have the delusion of believing that a stable white society is evil.
The Swastika is forever, user.
Fresh meat.
Vegans are an abomination to nature, just like faggots. And it is no coincidence that so many vegans are faggots, and so many faggots are vegans.
Feels pretty fucking good lad, despite the gross injustice of it!
This is exactly that.
When I was a kid, I was very Christian. I feared the shit out of God. I remember when I was very young I heard my pastor say that to question if god exists is an unforgivable, damning on the spot with no possibility of forgiveness. He cited Mark 3:28-29, Matthew 12:31-32, and Luke 12:10, and I was thoroughly convinced.
For the next twenty five years, I suffered extreme "mind-kill" whenever my mind wandered near the matter of gods existence. It was an overwhelming emotional reaction to the thought which shut it down instantly. My mind would just snap shut like a trap, and I would mentally recoil in horror. It felt like I was almost falling off a cliff.
This psychological phenomena can doubtlessly be induced by any sufficiently advanced memeplex, not just Christianity. It is probably this same psychological phenomena that keeps most people from seeing the Jews.
When I was very young, I was also very acrophobia. My parents broke me of that with exposure; they took me up lots of skyscrapers. I first came to /n/ to argue with the evil racists… Exposure cures phobias.
This. Also, that's an oversimplification. The actual goal is to protect our people and defeat our enemies, as we always did, G-d willing.
What the hell is the source of that vid?
My problem is that most of the time I can't even talk about what I have learned from what I've read. The horrifying nature of birth rates and genetic IQ means that even within a single ethnicity the percentage of the smartest people drops like a rock every generation. It's why fallen civilizations never rise again. No one is left.
It's as close as they will come to admitting an opponent has a legitimate grievance. But they follow up immediately with claims their adversaries are simply not properly educated and are misled by evil people.
Where has this nigger been for the past 20 years? He's just noticing?
Nothing a few months in a labor camp wouldn't cure.
That article is one of the best arguments for euthanasia I've ever seen.
great post
Not with young whites.
Posts: 1
Oy vey! You wouldn't even believe what kind of harassment the goys have been sending me since the emails! Hillary is a true American hero and a strong independent women!
who the fuck is taking the blame? we are fucking user dude. Nobody and everybody. Nothing there to even 'take' such a blame if there was one. It is like a roman legion trying to fight the mongol horde…. except their soldiers legs are tied together and they have nerfbats for swords. While our horses are rocket powered and we have 360 aim bot hax.
Let em point their finger. Before they know it, that thing is going to smell of shit and piss and people will be laughing at them for pointing at a mirror and being the derp tard spazzing out over nothing. We are winning. Unlike just over a year ago where we had a general feels of doom and gloom despair, with nothing but an happening to look forward to.
We have become the happening. And it is far more glorious than any of us could have imagined.
The appearance memes never fails.
I'll never forget the day I went to check in on the world at the BBC site and just found myself looking down the articles thinking "obvious propaganda, obvious propaganda, obvious propaganda…"
Good post my friend. Have a song.
Dubs confirm.
I came here for laughs, stayed here to gas the kikes. There's no going back for me now. I'm with you ebil nahtzees all the way.