ayyy lmao, they are still THIS mad that we exist
Holla Forums is excluded from the top bar
Ror i didn't even notice. Love how fucking /ck/ is there but not us. Hey at least they didn't put gghq.
inb4 default subreddits
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fucking cripple little shit.
that's pretty funny. I'm one of the few who "frequents" ck. it gets only a handful of new posts per day. I'll regularly return there a day or two later and still see my last post on the first page.
Literally you can't get more cucked like that.
Hey, so am I!
kek, which board is that from?
Here's a list of boards that are up there but have a lower PPH, with their percentage of our PPH.
>/art/ 2.5%
>/ck/ 6.0%
>/dir/ 0.89%
>/his/ 3.6%
>/lit/ 4.2%
>/p/ 0.22%
>/sp/ 4.0%
>/u/ 7.6%
>/vx/ 4.2
For fuck's sake, /freedu/ and /leftyb/ have more PPH than some of these.
You expect the cripple kike to fix anything around here? He's a piece of shit. I'm the owner of a different board and I haven't been able to log in for like 4 months. I even emailed the cripplekike personally and didn't get a response.
Probably Holla Forums
Libarating /ck/ when?
what board do you own ?
Hotwheels likes our traffic but not our ideas, huh?
He probably doesn't want to bother re-coding the board list. The top bar was a previously existing feature. He probably just commented it out before and put it back in now. I would bet the list from the top bar is hardcoded.
cripplepaste no longer cares about the site, it is now developed by some guy called "codemonkey", and this is a bug, not a feature.
So is cripplecuck a confirmed Holla Forumsack or is he still in the closet about it?
It's there. They just added a new bar.
How much restraint do you think Jim or crippletits needs to not delete our board and pretend it was to protect free speech from the "SJWs"?
lol being so mad that you try to unperson a board.
I for one welcome this prospect.
We'd then have to go to Bunker and there it would even have a point to have specialized boards.
dont the nazis want to purge cripples along with jews and degenerates? he'd have to be self hating or a watered down fascist.
hotwheels died dude
He wrote a stormfront article about how he supports eugenics lmao
for real or just the eppan pig farmer meem?
Supposedly he only wrote it on Stromfront because nobody else would publish it. TBH he raises important points. It's really shitty to bring kids into the world with a very high chance they'll have a degenerative disease.
top fucking consonant-e-consonant
That's bullshit, Dailystormer wanted him to write something for them and he made threads on Holla Forums letting them decide what to write about.
It's always shitty to bring kids into the world.
No shit, but it's worse when you know you are a carrier for a congenital degenerative disease.
for realsies
We were on the top bar all the time before they brought it back. What changed?
Hotwheels must have realized this website only survives because of alt-right stormcucks. Putting Holla Forums on the top bar would violate their fee-fees.
Comrade Brennan, guardian of the leftist fifth column in Holla Forums, was deposed in a viscous coup by Jim and Ron.
This is a bug, you are not supposed to see the top bar.
What is his e-mail?
It's best not to be born anyway
delet this
who's doing that? wrong thread?
No, you misunderstood. If you don't want every thread to be an anti-natalism thread, you are a natalist.
Eugenics is a shit theory of 19th century that spawned nazism.
Not giving birth to criples or down syndrom kids is an entirely different moral question.
Then if what hotwheels is advocating is not actually eugenics, what is the issue with it?
If you call it communism, but it's not communism…
And this is how the left is what it now is.
There is nothing wrong with eugenics or genetic engineering.
Retards and people with hereditary diseases should be forcefully sterilized until a cure is found for their affliction.
And then pol said "being black is a disease"…
Again, Eugenics does not mean what you think it means.
If eugenics is stupid and bad, why is it a problem for the same thing to happen to it as what happened to communism?
Whats this about?
Board Owner. Add this to CSS.
Board Owner. Add this to CSS.
Board Owner. Add this to CSS.
Board Owner. Add this to CSS.
Board Owner. Add this to CSS.
Board Owner. Add this to CSS.
/* Hide Codemonkey's recommended boards */div.boardlist [data-description="1"] {display:none;}
Eugenics IS a euphemism. Actually describing in detail its social and political implications will turn most people off.
Fucking hypocrites.
How do you commies feel about the fact that the owner of the website you're using right now exploits the cheap labour of unskilled 3rd world proles on a daily basis?
Also after you've cleansed the land of his blood-sucking class can I keep his pillow for memories?
Jim you murderous bastard
Bitch! I'm at work right now. I'm already being exploited. Alienation is my daily life.
You think this will "trigger" me?
pay denbts
If it wasn't him being a deformed freak, I'd say he is living a pretty comfy life,he is actually a sucess story for all cripples in the world.
someone needs to make an edit of this with the gun firing on auto and him wearing a soviet union cap
wouldnt that fucking destroy his arm?
Sounds tasty
I prefer my coups flambeed
Send an email to bitch about it assuming this isn't a bug.
Nah just post in this thread:
I really don't give a shit about Holla Forums being on the bar or not, but I think pointing out the hypocrisy of this site's community and admins (>MUH FREE SPEECH GAISE) is hilarious.
get in here faggets
I wonder how long it's gonna take until COINTEL/pol/ find this thread and starts shitposting in that thread and everywhere else about the the ebin Jewish communist conspiracy against Holla Forums.
These Holla Forumsacks really don't care about free speach. Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
No shit, and the mods probably aren't going to add Holla Forums to the bar, but I do oh so love to point out the contradictions in Holla Forums's fragile worldview.
Swarm the thread and let them know we ain't taking that shit lightly.
First is the banner then who knows what else.
Yeah, but stop shitposting about politics and trying to defend Holla Forums to the fascists because
This is pure hypocrisy. That's all you need to say. If they don't remove Holla Forums from the bar or add us, the site has given itself a political stance and is going to only be biased towards anything that isn't right-wing politics.
It'll be a while, they're busy bumping their pedo thread and the other idpol cancer so they can screencap it and wring their hands about muh gommunisd degeneracy. Also I think they're hoping this thread will have more salt in it than it does, like theirs would have if they were denied something like this.
But not before promoting outright lies about the board >>>/sudo/1645
Holla Forums is shitty, but they're just sticking with the false narrative that it's an Holla Forums conspiracy.
smh why are there not more people in the thread. Stop responding to bait for like one fucking minute and defend this board if you give a shit about it.
I don't give a fuck about Holla Forums and I'm in the thread on /sudo/ defending its right to be on the bar as much as any of the others. You all ought to realize that this is actually a lot more important than it might seem to be. If the mods are actively being biased against Holla Forums, then even this site's shallow statements about free speech are meaningless. If that's the case, this is really just a sham - a smaller version of haflchan with even more fascists.
This site has always shat on us.
It isn't gonna change.
They've always been hypocrites.
They're not gonna change.
I've always been of the opinion that Holla Forums is a piece of shit and a fucking sham, but we need to draw out the contradictions of this site's administration. We've basically been given hard proof, staring at us right in the fucking face, that Holla Forums is an absolutely worthless place for us to be at.
Holla Forums was in many ways a mistake, the idea to migrate to bunkerchan doesn't seem to bad now.
I've been saying that for awhile now, but I doubt that even this on top of every other problem with Holla Forums's administration and community will be enough to catch the attention span of Holla Forums long enough for people to realize that there's just no good reason for us to stay attached to this godawful imageboard.
Holla Forums is retarded, more at eleven
Advertise that we are moving to bunkerchan for a month.
boom problem solved, Holla Forums also has a bad reputation that's unlikely to attract new users seeing how it's traffic is steadily declining.
Of course i'ts up to the board owner to decide this, and maybe we should put on a poll.
Just went there for the first time.
There's only 3 posts on the left board.. Though the idea doesn't sound bad.
Are you retarded?
That's fine, I just want Holla Forums's moderation and community to finally admit that Holla Forums isn't a bastion of free speech or politically neutral. It is basically stormchan in everything but name.
Just stop being pussies hiding behind free speech when it's convenient for you.
tbh, Bunkerchan isn't much better. But it's still a hell of a lot better than Holla Forums.
And you're right that the association with Holla Forums isn't really helping us. Holla Forums is pretty much universally considered to be a rabid alt-right echo chamber anyways. The BO had been talking about Hoxha about moving to Bunkerchan, though. I don't remember what came out of that.
I would like the BO to make some kind of statement in this thread tbh.
If the BO wants to do that I can use Bunkermag and the DCMFCP fb page to shill for it. The lack of association with Holla Forums might be able to bring in more normies who follow us there.
Why is bunkerchan better?
it's not at all. It's a totalitarian shithole almost worse than Holla Forums.
It doesn't have the constant technical issues of Holla Forums and it isn't overrun by Holla Forums.
Bunkerchan can add more admins to keep things fair.
Imo anything other than spam, off topic and Holla Forums shitposting should be tolerated.
There's also that. It would be far better for us to have our own space with total control over that isn't associated with Holla Forums. It would just all around be better for us, from a numbers standpoint, from a standpoint of control over content and free speech, and from a standpoint of not having to deal with Holla Forums
But the BO needs to make a statement on this, tbh
Give me a break. It's at least marginally better than Holla Forums.
even though personally I am more in favor of /anarcho/ or an anarchist imageboardw
is it possible to make our own top bar with gambling and/or hookers?
I would also request adding howard scott to that list
I'm just saying the "free speech" argument is not going to convince people and it'd be more logical to ask why are boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums in there, since they're already big and have enough exposure
It's possible to remove it with CSS. Surely it's possible to change it. I mean before /leftyweebpol/ got back under control it had flashing colors and spinning posts and shit.
I don't expect it to. I'm one of the few posters here who doesn't dogmatically support "muh free speech" as though it is some sacred and inviolable law.
The point is to draw out the contradictions of Holla Forums. The mods need to make a statement on this. If they don't decide to add us, then we'll know that Holla Forums no longer is even a semblance of a politically-neutral website. It's for a long time now in the community at least been nothing more than a reactionary stronghold, but the site has yet to officially take a stance.
Yeah, Holla Forums moving would also compromise this whole sites political neutrality.
It is already a Fed honeypot, I don't see why the Holla Forums admins want us out so bad, it would only mean less users.
I don't really know, but I'm prepared to leave this site.
The only thing keeping me here other than my compulsive shitposting on Holla Forums is /anarcho/, and I'd rather build up an anarchist community on Bunkerchan than Holla Forums anyways.
Speaking of /leftyweebpol/..
Everyone post on the fucking board. I didn't bother getting it back after all that whining just for it to die again.
Well, I mean, there's also /grim/ - but I've pretty much given up on that board ever getting any kind of community.
they hide it from there like the left hides from reality?
More like Holla Forums engages in crypto-kike tactics and is called out on it.
Reminder to get in the thread:
Though it's pointless to argue with these Holla Forumsyps, as always, what we need is an official statement from the mods.
bumping this shit for Board Owner to see.
Holla Forums has always had boards of the week.
chill out everyone
My work is done.
Then remove Holla Forums you useless hotpocket
If this is what you want just say so we can leave this shithole of a site.
But frigidwheels needs traffic so he can afford his tendies.
Why do you even care? It's clear they wouldn't want a leftist board in the featured boards because channers in general (not just Holla Forumsyps) are reactionaries.
Just keep posting and making the board big out of spite – we can already see how angry they are about having a leftist board in 8ch.
because you are an idiot if you think this is not important.
What they are effectively doing is hiding our presence from Holla Forums. The only advantage we have on Holla Forums is that we can sometimes get posters from other boards who are somewhat interested in leftist politics. Furthermore someone from 4chan is not going to look at the board list and will jump straight into the legacy boards.
But in any case it is annoying and infuriating to see this from those who pride themselves for the "freedom of speech" sixths board provides.
This. Make extra sure to engage with curious people to attract new posters.
I thought it was supposed to be edgy and apolitical, not edgy and reactionary?
I don't think people on imageboards were that reactionary before Holla Forums brought stormfront and alt-right refugees from reddit. /lit/ was pretty leftists and leftists used to be welcome in /gsg/. I actually knew a couple commies on /a/ too.
You're thinking of the pre-stormfag chans
I can't speak for anyone but 4chan, but 4chan was only ironically reactionary. It's the whole "If you all act like idiots, you will attract actual idiots" thing, but with Nazis. On old 4chan, calling people niggers and faggots was a way to say that we're all nobodies, and none of that idpol shit matters. Nazis are too fucking stupid to understand nuance though and thought we were like them.
Let's start talking about this, vote here so we have a general idea where we stand on this.
Exactly. I remember 4chan when it was mostly libertarians and liberals. Raids from Holla Forums usually had swastikas or racism thrown in because it was easy to offend people with that stuff a decade ago.
It's even easier to do it today.
Nah, now days people are fairly desensitized to that crap.
It's always been a bunch of narrowminded rhetoric from idealist fucks. It turns out that free speech doesn't matter if your community is overrun by Nazis and the site gets bought out.
I still hope it's not fully gone and it's just becuase of the elections and trumptards being as loud as horsefuckers were five years ago, unlike leftists on imageboards (I'm pretty sure you guys aren't spamming zizek all day every day on non-political boards), and when you try to refute them they always go nuclear, so it's kinda hard to paint the full picture.
I can't believe I am unironically missing 2011/2012 4chan, but I do.
People have talked about moving over to bunkerchan over and over.
This makes sense to me
Fucking this. It was a joke, really, at first. It was a small community of disaffected centre leftists with a slightly twisted sense of humour, people weren't as politically polarized pre2008. People were largely apolitical, verging to the left of they had a few braincells. As more idiots arrived, traffic increased, and the real material situation changed following the latest crisis of capitalism. Far right ideas always gain traction in these periods, as the ruling class tries to divide the working class. People forgot that it had all been ironic to begin with.
100% correct, sir. I left 4chan for good because it became obvious that the genuine idiots mistakenly believed they were in good company and wrecked the website. I could no longer use slurs for kicks because they took the fun out of it. If I tried telling them that posting their jew meme on every board was unwelcome they would recite every meme they had as if that won the argument.
Are a few of the winning rebuttals that drove everyone with a shred of sanity away from that website. I visit the archives and it's gotten worse since I left.
As for this thread's discussion, I feel moving the userbase to an isolated website would hurt the board. New people are needed to keep discussions fresh, and there won't be as much traffic if people can't stumble onto a section of a larger website.
Also, let's be the opposite of Holla Forums and treat newcomers with kindness so they are encouraged to contribute. Making everyone the enemy shrinks followings, treating everyone as a potential recruit grows it.
Don't forget the epic strawmans "you're a white male" guy and cuck Carl
Your friendly neighbour hood Bunkerchan admin is here lads :^)
Agreed. I also agree we should use a poll.
Whats wrong with bunkerchan other then the spam. (which can be solved if hoxha installs lynx's addon). All I know about BO is the fact she has a Admin account on Bunkerchan.
There's no harm in shilling tbh.
No techinical issues and admin's that care :3
Its not that hard to create a lynxchan instance, n1x
8ch is far worse than 4chan on this regard tbh.
This is the only board here with a bit a sanity left but even this board isn't entirely free of genuine idiots.
Sort out the fucking colour scheme.
No posters other than those retarded IRC fags
Start posting then
We have a infinitynow theme btw.
Well, not only is this offensive to me personally and most people here. Not only is this a direct admission that you're an outsider. It's also, first of all, blatantly untrue.
Just an anecdote, but I was on /sp/ (4chan's functional one, that is) a day or two ago and some Holla Forumsack made a thread about a black Austrian football player. "Why is he allowed to play" or "lol Austrians" or some such thing, don't remember, doesn't matter.
He was immediately dogpiled. It wasn't even close, he was alone against dozens of posters asking why does his skin color even fucking matter and telling him how stupid his prejudices are. My favorite part was someone calling him a Racial Justice Warrior, which is beautifully offensive label.
If anything, *chans became less "right-wing" in recent years because Holla Forums killed everyone's patience with edgy alt-right bullshit.
No need to be offended, but I think this guy has a point. Leftypol has only grown recently.
That's a meaningless statement unless you assume everyone but radical leftists is a reactionary.
That will only be true AFTER the revolution. At present time, we need to compare to the contemporary political climate and, on average, *chans are to the left of it.
I'm pretty sure the reactionaries are just the loudest and whiniest, like how people think all of tumblard is SJWs because they attract the most attention due to being lolcows. Also it's a reaction the Holla Forumsyps like to cultivate, they smear their feces all over everything so they can claim 'x board has always been a shitsoc board, gtfo islamogommie finkelsteingoldberg' and hope everybody else keeps quiet until this becomes a regular thing. Like that thing they say le eppan Muslim hivemind does with countries.
Taking this into consideration I think I'm going to challenge Holla Forums on their bullshit more. I avoided it before so threads wouldn't get derailed, but I don't want their narrative to take over.
I agree 100%. If we're too big of pussies to deal with the bullshit on a website, how would we ever accomplish a revolution? As for treating newcomers with respect, this is the proper leftist thing to do - treat everyone equally and with respect. It's how to win people over in the right way so that they get what leftism is about. People who make their politics and theory some kind of elitist accomplishment are really shitty leftists. The entire point of the ideology is to liberate the common people.
Eh, 4chan is pretty liberal now afaik. When mootles left it got a lot more PC.
Wishful thinking
I don't see it. But I don't read most boards, so perhaps it did in other people's bubbles.
The way I see it, they simply got rid of persistent spammers in recent years, a process that started when moot was still in charge. Unsurprisingly, it also cleaned the air a lot, since people whose life joy consists of flooding an internet discussion site with shit tend to be overall horrible.
I've seen a lot more overt hostility to Holla Forums in the last year.
In particular it seems to have stepped up significantly after all the cuck/tbh/smh/fam spam
I think that's because spamming nigger dicks or the merchant and either felating Trump or shouting cuck annoys people.
Thanks for replying, and on that note, I dare say those that claim to be liberal and talk about idpol all day aren't really liberals. True progressives make it a point to ignore someone's race and sex and sexual orientation in order to stick to the issues, unless those are specifically about race and sex and sexual orientation. Demonizing white, straight men and excusing anyone different is just counterproductive.
When literally every thread can be derailed at the drop of a hat with jew memes and screaming "cuck", people tend to get annoyed with members of the containment board it's supposed to stay in.
Well, either they put us there, or they would have double standards.
Another victory for the people.
I think that's your bookmarked board list. You can add and remove boards from it by clicking the yellow star next to the board name at the top of the page.
Reminder: If confronted by an angry Holla Forumsack, ignore idpol issues and go straight into economics. They usually get surprised that they're buzzwords don't work anymore and they'll fuck off instead
It's not my bookmarked boards.
It's the "old" top boards per PPH - you can verify this yourself on the frontpage.
Kudos on actually reading the thread, though.
That's kind of stupid since /lit/ is between them.
Well we are on the bar now, wow.
And the quality of our posts has miraculously improved
I think that's due to something else..
And lefyb too.
Now that's what I call victory.
has it?
go choke on a hotpocket
Holla Forumsyp is triggered.
Apparently the algorithm changes the boards every 5 minutes or so.
Fucking /lit/ is up there/ lmao
It's because their bullshit is what killed gamergate and you can't go one thread talking about television and film or video games on a television and film or video game board without those obnoxious faggots bringing up politics.
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0wned,p0wned an laid the fuckout by RADICAL YUGOSLAVIA. dam your a fag.. have double the dose of flippum birdums 0_o,,