I see surprisingly many people supporting Johnson or Stein, usually because "Trump and Shillary are both bad". Which arguments to use against them?
t. non-burger
Reasons against third party candidates
call them stupid for wasting their vote on someone that has zero chance of getting over 10% votes nation-wide
Encourage them to do so if they would be voting for Shrillary.
I saw a car with Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, and Bernie Sanders bumper stickers yesterday.
Of course, but that's not the point. I need reasons to not vote for them based on policies or evidence that they won't adhere to what they say.
seems to be a new shill tactic, i see it increasingly in comment sections
There are some people who I see as possible converts towards Trump and then nationalism. They're not retarded, just naive; I need them to see how their third position is really just jumping into the rabbi trap again.
It's a democracy, faggot. Maybe they're tired of choosing between the red spiked dildo or the blue spiked dildo. You're the type of defeatist faggot that would be too scared to vote for Ron Paul because it would "split the vote". Decent citizens should refuse to kowtow to either of these pandering shills. Your vote is a rare chance to directly influence your country's leadership, DO NOT WASTE IT on some hack that shares maybe two or three of your policy positions.
Every year around election time, the same old shit. "Fall in line and vote for xyz or else abc will win! Vote for a shill that you share nothing with and views you with a cold clinical contempt!"
Only 9% of Americans voted for Hillary or Trump. If the other 91% were not mentally trapped in the two party system we would not be stuck with these two shitpiles and all the vote rigging would be a mere drop in the sea of legitimate votes from good, stand-up citizens. 91 percent! That is a lot of fucking votes, people.
the founding fathers declared nigh-unanimously that a two party system would be the destruction of our democracy.
op, suck a dick.
Don't say anything. They'd be voting Democrat if the Dems nominated someone other than Shillary.
"Johnson and Stein are both bad."
Reported for shilling.
Not here.
Another slide thread
No, not here.
Fuck you.
reported for reporting.
go back to newsplus faggot
You go back to the oven, kike.
I like your pic and the point you are making
but the point would be better made in a previous election year
and calling Trump a shitpile labels you as outgroup
Don't know much about Jill Stein OP, but Gary Johnson is a shitty excuse for a libertarian. Off the top of my head he is
I'm sure you could find more if you looked. He is no Ron Paul, that's for damn sure.
It's not a mental trap, it's the natural result of First Past the Post voting. I'd love to vote third party, but blocking voting reform is one of the many thing the Republicans and Dems agree on. The illusion of choice.
Vid related. Dude seems like a bit of a fag but he explains the issue very well.
The fundamental structure of winner take all politics is a two-party system. Game theory bears this out, there will always be two juggernaut groups and a smattering of smaller ones. This is in the same way that parliamentary politics are proportional representation and are thus more open to more than two parties.
The framework we have only allows two major parties since any third party will only act as a spoiler for whichever party whose membership goes to the third party in the largest amounts.