
Posting so inspired OC

Does Holla Forums do this sort of thing?

Other urls found in this thread:



It's funny because it's all true. Painfully painfully true.




This is the perfect normalfag-level meme to perpetuate right now, where do we start Holla Forums?

I'm already about to spread it around on one site. Spread it to twitter and facebook. Maybe imgur too. Whatever normalfag sites you can think of.

Rebirth has little material. But the animation, movie, and live action show departments all have plenty of dirt to use. Then for comics we can always look back on New 52 and Convergence.

Everytime a new meme is "born" you always find a megapost of several examples of it there… We need a name for this meme.

Can I get a sauce for each?

We need one for DC as well.

Dan Didio is like a living fuck up.

Rucka chasing Chiang off Wonder Woman is pretty funny.

I don't think they reconned Cap being Cube'd. I think that was always the case since this shit is planned months ahead of release.

People just think they retconned it because they don't understand that mainstream comics run on constant drama.

Is there any kind of template for these? Like a version of the smiley that's easy to fill with a single color?

This is the original (pic related)

I'll make you a red one in a few minutes…



Also here's a template I found

Here's one with the Marvel logo…

What should the DC one look like?


You'll find 2 layers in this file, change the Hue of the first layer to whatever you like and save.

Blue, with the logo we all love.

Spic here, that meme comes from a spic page postboard kinda like tumblr, in that everyone makes posts blog style but is not a hug box since every post is public.
It was created when everyone in the community was intentionally trying to make the stupidest try hard meme.
I kid you not.

The gradients on the logo would conflict with the smiley itself, how about pic related?

Interesting… What's the website's URL, spic-user?

So it's a more literal mexican bootleg of polandball comics.


Slightly better version

Can you give me more details on what happened?

The page is located in Argentina but every spic can enter.
Is not pollandball, is kinda like what OP did, a happy smiley face who seems to be proud of a mayor fuck up.
Kinda like "Nice meme'd bro" to a shitty post.

The UI is kinda like tumblr but it's topical like imageboards with a main hub to see all the new posts
The communal thought is very similar to imageboards too. Everyone is an unashamed dick to everyone.

Its called Picardia on KnowYourMeme.

This font looks like shit tbh, why not use any of the ones in pic related?
I'm sure you can find them all in Paint.

Yeah as said.

Spic user here.
Yeah, is like; (Sarcastic) No, I didn't.

I like it because it makes people succinctly describe a fuck-up in an easily understood way.


Do you have one without the yellow circle?

Do you have one without the tripcode?

Point taken and fixed.

This pleases me.

Exactly like Polandball, except it's about ideologies and concepts rather than strictly nations or cultures.

This recent year has brought people together, in the face of an obvious evil that opposes all.

It's a great feeling.

What point is there in being a fan when they're all pissing in our faces

Less this

More this.

We don't do that here. That's a cuckchan thing. We're pretty much convinced comics all across the board are shit.


Wasn't he just a desk jockey at the CIA though?

On the first and third of
- One of the first things Ike Perlmutter did when he became Marvel CEO is try to get Stan Lee agree to a paycut to. Long story short, Marvel ended up paying him even more money (even Stan's wife got a fucking paycheck) because of the threat of a lawsuit. From Marvel: The Untold Story.
- Mark Waid writing Champions. 'Nuff said

The last one from is probably referencing that Marvel exercises very tight control over how employees use the company computers/internet, if GlassDoor reviews are to be believed.

Wasn't that Frank Cho over WW's variant covers?

Que cantidad de pelotudos en este hilo

And people wonder why spics are hated so much.
If there's something I've learned is that in Rome you speak Latin.
Pinche Carbon

Tacos seem to be the posterbois for the latino hate
Saltamuros pelotudo

The only boards here where you'll find anything resembling console war tier shitflinging is /k/ and Holla Forums.
Even then it's mostly ironic because Holla Forums anons know modern TV and film are entirely shit, and /k/ is practically /int/ with guns.


To be honest, Holla Forums does the same regarding the varying shades of leftist politics.
It's kind of amusing, until you realize they're dead serious about some of that shit.

Probably could've merged these posts, but I just had these two ideas.

The tankie bait on there is the best.

Die in a fire tripfag.


It was Cho, who quit over Rucka demanding to crop his covers to remove part of a but cheek or an edge of her underwear, even though none of the were risque at all.

Cho kind of sperged out and could have handled it better. He could possibly get away with covers that he wanted, if he turned in sexed-up versions of his initial idea first, and give originals when asked for toned down versions. Meanwhile, he possibly burned bridge with DC.



The second one is far more disturbing.

Seriously?! They did that?! Fucking why?!

Cho didn't sperg out or burn anything. It was clear that Rucka was against him from the start, especially considering Cho's outrage covers he's been doing. It was DC who hired Cho, and he really can't be blamed if the writer calls every single cover he turns in "vulgar", even if it's a variant cover over which Rucka should have no say.

By the way, this was the cover that met with such puritanical disgust from Rucka. Rucka's reaction to this was what caused Cho to walk off the book. DC has since put Cho to work doing other, non-Rucka related, covers.


Two words: DC Implosion.

Though that still doesn't excuse DC's redrawing of every single image Jack ever rendered of Superman in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen.

I would actually like to read the Rape of Wonder Woman if only out of curiosity for what DC would have actually done.

And so I can fap to it

There's never an excuse for making Superman look like anything else though. Kirby can draw fine action and such but his faces/characters can be really ugly. That Superman there looks like a fucking neanderthal.

Basically every Superman should look like Curt Swan's Superman.

Thank you for this new resource of fap material user.

I'm wondering why Kirby felt the need to draw the S like that

Apparently DC gave Rucka full editorial control of the WW relaunch. Neither Cho or senior art director Mark Chiarello were made aware of this until Rucka started sending memos and demanding changes to Cho's covers.

I posted most of these on a website I use. But a lot of people are asking for citations I don't have available. Anyone got good links I can show them? They probably want to know about the inner workings of the company like the African writer calling Marvel racist.

I can greentext it if you want:

spoilers bellow

Not much happens
Wonder Woman Gets raped
It sucks for her
Cause she got raped
That's the comic.
Like in the vagina

That's about what they planned.

Are you the user making them?

If not, just google key phrases. If you can't find a trustworthy source, do the classic shill move and just dump phoney shit anyways. Bonus points if it's a massive wall of text and half the links are shit; people won't bother checking them all out.

If you really want, post the website here and I might brigade it for you :^)

am i memeing right


Referencing Deadpool?

What did they change about that? It seemed relatively close to the source material to me.

I thought he meant Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Pretty sure it's Big Hero 6. They changed basically everything except for a couple of character names (Hiro and Baymax).

I even put it in the filename, Goddamn.

Nobody except Tumblr Faggot reads filenames.

Well, to be fair, the Big Hero 6 comics were really, really fucking bad.

+10, favoritos, bloqueado, baneado, desbloqueado y detenido por el FBI. Mejora tus posts , papusito. Yo sé que puedes, campeón



I like this video. Landis is crossing the thresh-hold between agingfag to oldfag in comics. You can see his discomfort as it's starting to dawn on him just how shit everything is.

Soon he'll fully appreciate just what a disaster the American comic book industry is.

Landis is quite frankly part of the problem. But if even he's losing it over what comics are becoming then you know something's really wrong.

The golem questions its existence.

Godspeed, and checked.


>inb4 Marvel Marble & DC Disc

Wrong template

Despite the fact he's part of the problem, the fact that he can call it out and still retain his status in the hipster crowd is great, and proves that they can reverse what's happened.

Also, he actually reads back issues, unlike a lot of people who just read Wikipedia and 3 issues of the current run and assume that's what they're all like.

I blame him for Power Rangers, even though he was kicked off writing.

They're not very good, I'll ponder some more.


I like this one… What do you think anons?

I always adore alliteration.


That blames the talent too much in my opinion. Bad writers and artists are the by-product of poor editorial and shit leadership.

It's because mainstream comics are, once again, choosing short terms sales over long term growth.

People bitch about Marvel's diversity, but that's not the real problem. It's HOW the diversity is being handled. Landis points it out himself. Many of these characters are being made for the internet buzz instead of what they can bring to the table. Anything good that comes from this seems like a happy accident instead of the intent.

Marvel is trying to mine this "diversity" fad as fast as it can and are cutting all the corners doing it.

Holy Shit. I want facebook to leave.


the only thing Cho had to do is one small change and presto

Took me a moment, well done


Big Advice from the Big Two is the best imo.

The biggest thing we got out from the Cucka/Cho incident is that we can still fantasize about WW going commando 24/7.


I wonder what the editors feel when they meet with him.
Be one room with someone like Bendis must be very painful.

wew lad, they're trying way too hard to appeal to 20-something hipster cuckolds who think they have life all figured out

who is this mohawk faggot and why does he keep appearing everywhere. even in red letter media he gets invited to their BotW all the time.

Millennials need to die


What's that third one referencing?

just a little factoid: the sunglasses smiley face originated on a latino "forum" for pirated content called "Taringa!". it is a well known forum in south america and spain which was really popular in the 00's where users uploaded cracked games and various cracked software. it was a precursor to reddit, as it had a draconian upvote/downvote system where as a user, you couldn't comment or give ratings until you had made posts yourself that were considered "good" by the rest of the community. it was a massive circlejerk of popularity, even with meetups to stir the boiling drama.

the smiley face of cancer was brought over anonymous imageboard community thanks to the popularity of /argentina/, which remains a top 20 board, and then it was taken by Holla Forums and Holla Forums as the AnCap face, until its status as meme was set in stone.

t. meem exbert

I'll give it till February till it dies.

i wish gilbert gottfried would read every single one of these meems

for some reason i imagine all of them with the voice of iago, it must be because they're all bright red



who understands you americans anymore

I'll slap you round the head with a ghoti in a moment if you don't stop disparaging the American language

it's due to the ridiculousness of the era.
Batman's back got broken
Superman died
Then they considered doing a rape of wonder woman book

Don't forget Hal Jordan going a rampage through the Green Lantern Corps.

This improved my opinion of Landis.

And Dr. Light raping Elastic Man's wife, and Kyle Rayner's girlfriend getting killed and fridged.

Better than Dr Light, and in the same miniseries, was The Atom's wife shrinking down to lobotomise her best friend so they could go on double dates.

how do you even pronounce that shit





Laugh, there's the f.
Women, there's the i.
Nation, there's the s.

I think the "gh = f" thing comes from Irish (Irish is seriously fucked up, "bh" is pronounced "v") or Old English and I know the "ti = s" comes from French. Don't be so quick to blame the burgers.