What the fuck do these faggots do all day that this is the best they can come up with? Not even sure how to describe it, shitstick humor? The only thing that impressed me with this 'comedy' piece was that was a bit rare for it not to have the usual passive-aggressive tone.
Comedy: My ‘Alt-Right’ Starter Kit Finally Came In The Mail!
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Why did they decide to color the Hakenkreuz in microjew windows colors?
Someone ought to shoop this into ISLAM STARTER KIT and spread it on his behalf :^)
wew that's especially bad, I was expecting some decent bants, but I guess they didn't want to offend anyone with a real swastika so they used 4 boomerangs? This shit is weaksauce
Low energy. Sad!
all that effort and he forgot the most important part of joining the alt right
your very own dragon dildo collection
it's getting very alty in here
I sort of want that bumper sticker.
Good, let them joke and make fun of us, the more they do the more damage we can as we will be dismissed as a joke and not a real threat, i mean who would be afraid of a bunch of people that worship a Frog god of chaos and talk about anime.
I like that the anti-Trump isn't because Ari is actually politically assmangled at Trump. It's because she still has a stick up her ass over Trump memeing on her.
Its such Orwellian language. If anybodys supremacist its the Jews.
that's even less funny than I thought was possible 1 minute ago
Oh wow. She got absolutely rekt'd.
To be honest, Ariana is a horrible creature like most champagne socialists but she is especially awful who wouldn't have gotten anywhere without her rich husband. She's such a cunt that she even cultivated an accent she herself admits is fake.
Box needs a "Manufactured by the Hillary Clinton campaign" fine print sized label on it along side her campaign symbol.
Holy fuck, he couldn't even bother to actually print the text onto cardboard; it's just lazily shooped into the picture.
What would an actual Alt-Right starter kit look like?
This guy is literally the biggest cuck I've ever seen in my life. Does anybody know if he's Jew? Anyway this attempt humor was painfully unfunny and cringy.
I think you mean a GIMP iso to promote free-as-in-freedom software, user.
That wasn't funny on any level. It came on so forced that I couldn't stop cringing.
>they like white people to exists, right? they must love the color white!
Add AR-15 and a copy of Mein Kampf, and you're pretty close to truth.
Why don't you let him know? twitter.com
He looks like a combination of fetal alcohol syndrome, botched abortion, and tryhard white knight nice guy
This is the saddest guy I have ever seen
Mein sides!! this fucking cuck is right on this.
Why does it look like he wears eye liner?
Because he does.
He deserves harassment
Get with the times grandpa.
All the cool kids use nuggets.
he's mixed-race
I wonder if he made the pics so exploitable on purpose
Wait, he's huffpo?!!
Look at what they posted yesterday!!!
he doesn't know what weapons he's given us.
Nah, that's the /k/ommando starter kit. The alt right has more refined tastes.
As if you need more evidence showing the alt-right is a kosher meme the Left is desperately trying to push so they have a controlled opposition party they can use to slow down or hurt American Nationalism.
I let his wife know while I was reaming her.
So what?
We are not (((alt-right))) here.
Go make your own board for this garbage.
Says the man using TRS-memes.
Completely pleb tier.
Saying we are alt-right it's the same as jews putting ((their names)) like this.
Being alt-right it's a way for people to identify you.
Holla Forums is strong because it has no identity people can truly strike at.
Holla Forums isn't left, right, up or down.
Holla Forums is about common sense and truth.
Were we the ((alt-right)) back in 4chan?
Holla Forums is just Holla Forums, it will always be Holla Forums and nothing else.
Gook bullshit, disgusting.
that faggot should have worn fleck BDUs or a harrington instead, do your homework faggot
Pretty sure the whole "X Starter Kit" was a facebook meme normies about a month or 2 ago, they were into for about a week then dropped it. Huffpo behind the game as always
I feel ashamed to admit that I actually grinned a little at pic related. The rest of it was utter garbage though, and that 'man' looks incredibly effeminate.
He hasn't even googled to make it look like he knows what he's talking about. It's his poor imagination.
Why no MAGA?
He's secretly cursing his life at how being undercover is making him numale, this travesty was orchestrated to keep his morale up with a healing hitler salute.
What do people even do with Large or XL? I refuse to believe that fits inside a person.
Shipped in a white box. Kek.
The funniest part is the fact that the actor is a grown adult who is wearing a star-wars t-shirt. What a loser.
What is with those goofy fucking faces? Are the evil bigoted skinheads of the mythical alt-right supposed to be offended?
He looks just like that toad-faced cunt who made the video about how women's razors are more expensive than men because of misogyny…like if they pull a face we find funny enough, we'll be able to look past their lack of attractiveness.
By comparison, Sam Hyde isn't a particularly handsome bloke, but he's confident enough not to give a shit, which is in itself attractive. If this boggle-eyed baldy could do the same, he wouldn't have anywhere near as much trouble getting his end in, which is clearly his endgame here.
The saddest part, is that he cucked himself for attention from AOL Jews. You get like a meal voucher at a chain restaurant when you 'write' for Huffo. It's not just Commie in it's rhetoric. The site is generated from out of work try hards like this faggot.
See how it's one big desk after another on both sides? That's because it's no ones desk. Don't like working for free? Don't want to cuck? GTFO and next. There's just an endless stream of unemployed English majors to exploit. This guy would literally suck your cock for a candy bar.
Buy me one and I'll try it.
lolololol Holla Forums btfo
sorry no webm i'm an idiot
I thought that was part of the joke when I was skimming, but I guess the actual unironic him is a bigger loser than his alt-right straw character.
You make me laugh. Have a webm.
Trump glasses tell the truth.
nothing wrong with that
Remember, when a jew says they're "offended", it means they are actually on the offensive and want to put you in the defensive.
Its talmudic, and they are spreading this kind of speaking into the non-jews.
I need someone to sign for this
Got a hearty chuckle at what, I assumed was, someone making fun of the pathetic stereotyping of >muh alt-right that Shillary had done. Boomerang swastika and "look at them fly" jokes were lulzy. Afterwords, realizing that this was another SJW attempting at memeing and that this is actually what they see millions of citizens as, I am left with a very bitter taste in my mouth. I remember hearing and thinking in my youth that "conservatives aren't funny," but goddamn the left's attempts at humor are just sad nowadays.
The Divide and Conquer has begun. (((THEY))) let us play our reindeer games boosting Trump and now its time to chop us at the knees. They did the same thing to the 2008/12 race with Ron Paul and the movement he created. The memes werent nearly as good nor the movement wasnt as large but suffice to say that our fun and games will end i do believe. And this isnt some kike from JIDF writing this, is an ardent supporter who has seen this movement from a birds eye view. The media machine has gone full force on us. Prepare for the happening boys.
"When you have many enimies; the public's objectivism is reawakened and their sense of who is right comes into question, but when you put all of your enemies together in one group - the public's fighting spirit becomes a righteous one" - adolf hitler, mein kampf (paraphrased)
We should reject the 'alt-right' label before it starts to have an affect.
best way to reject it is to declare war on it.
I was thinking more of a seperation like it was before. The alt-right aren't our enemies, so it makes more sense to just considerer their views something slightly different to our own and play on that difference.
"Great I needed a new oven!"
Why, "alt-right" is a label.
In reality, they are exactly like Holla Forums.. well except with faggots.
wait that is exactly like Holla Forums
you don't have to fight the terrorists to fight terrorism.
they also lack ovens.
No they don't.
Some are VERY anti-semetic.
It's basically just a term to allow people to connect with it better.
It evokes inferences of "alt" in the 90's sense.. when it was left.
90's was extreme less in fruition.
Now is extreme right.
Problem for them is, Holla Forums can handle attrition rather well. In fact their blitz can provide a sustainable source of memetic warfare material to use against them. Their methods to neutralize are outdated, especially after learning from GamerGate.
No wrong.
You're a weak piece of shit.
*after what we learned
That's what I meant.
One day it will revert left, then right, then left.
That's what Holla Forums is as a forum.
That being said, the right has alot of fixing to do, don't expect this place to go left anytime soon.
She could have gone for a better end tbh fam but that is a lack of extra rights not a wrong
fucking kek'd
use your imagination kiddo
the human body is extremely resilient
Don't want to live no more.
you mean all those anti-semitic jews that go against short term zionist policy in favor long term zionist positioning right?
no. it's a mark. a mark assigned by an enemy.
to accept it is to accept your enemies will.
you're still stuck on their seesaw.
thats nothing really you should see how faggots use them
According to websites.
Holla Forums is alt-right.
I think the jews will reconsider their allegence. Or begin to ask questions to why Jews are so """poorly""" treated here.
Then they might see how they themselves are exploited in their own little oath community.
Best holocaust is to get them to simply break the oath.
The oath is the biggest issue.
No I was assuming others still saw things that way.
I've been disconnected from the political spectrum before I found Holla Forums.
I certainly do NOT want to see that.
Though I already have thanks to the chans shitposting. What is seen.. cannot be unseen..
I want death now.
whar does his girlfriend change in to…..oh. that's right. he doesnt have an aryan qt. fucking manlet
please let this meme die
Fucking pleb tier taste smfh tbqh fam
tubby nu male with a "dad bod" cookie cutter cuck #ad infinitum. Another genetic dead end. I'm thankful for the little things.
What a fucking whore
I actually thought it was kind of funny, particularly for a leftist. leftists are normally incapable of anything even resembling humor. The pocket genetics test, white identity on the go, gave me a chuckle.
somebody should do the opposite of that (this is what life looks like through the eyes of a lefty/SJW/whatever) and flip the script to where the glasses go from having them get robbed to freestyling in a circle and the black dudes are patting them on the back. then they can have the modern muslim dude get shifted to the full-on robed/bearded muslim guys who look at them like kuffir scum…. hell they could even look at a big fat hair-hatted/weaved-out black chick and put on the glasses and see tyra banks or halle berry or something.
either way, the joke can go both ways (as everyone has their stereotypes/archetypes)
Looks like more encouragement to breed with other races, most likely jet-black Negroids.
You can't be an ardent supporter and see it from a bird's eye view, the two are mutually exclusive.
No, please tell me that tweet isn't real.
alt right is just another divide and conquer tactic by the left. why would we ever call ourself alt right? we are the fucking right
>a copy of The Homosexual and the Negro
an autism awareness bumpersticker
fuck the alt-right
go back to TRS you civic nationalist cucks.
He tried the exact same gag before.
Tough job.
"because getting awards for actual accomplishments is hard"
Must have gotten mixed up with the SJW box.
Most of the Right is just try to keep what they've already earned…you know, the monetary rewards from "actual accomplishments".
Why is the faggot in an office full of women dressed like he's at a baseball game?
CTR could have these cucks kneeling at the edge of a mass grave and they'd still blame the "Right"
why bother?
*dressed like an 8 year old at an amusement park
Is this what passes for office wear these days?
What the fuck does the alt-right even stand for?
Fucking stupid labels.
But let's use it. Let them shine the light on us, let's make the alt-right our thing, so they in turn, shine lights to our opinions like the morons they are going to do, if we were to troll them.
Young liberal shits these days all adopt a childish "Oh look at me, I'm so twee!" clown attitude. Because being a good old-fashioned honest asshole is too offensive for their delicate politically-correct sensibilities, and they never had a good old-fashioned honest asshole father figure to smack the bullshit out of them.
man anna kendrick is gonna look fuckin ugly as shit when she hits 45
their comedy is getting shaky because it reflects their knees. they are afraid.
Always thought that was an unusual model AKM.
Need to get Gunjesus on it.
The problem is that they think they are, but they're not. How does one even become the "good old-fashioned honest asshole" without sounding like a smarmy leftist asshole?
nobody posted this?
such potential for delicious exploitation.
what is the font and size?
Reminder that the alt-right starter kit he posted doesn't have dragon dildos.
It's simple: just stop acting like a smarmy leftist. There's no magical trick or gimmick to it. Just stop doing it.
Of course they won't stop, though, because they still want to be smarmy leftists, and there's no one around them to smack some sense into them.
Top kek.
this guy gets no pussy
Did you expected any better from someone wearing a Star wars t-shirt ?
oh snap someone already did this joke and they did it better
nice tiny little FAS eyes, faggot
I am a liberal and quit posting on Huffingtonpost because they made me an "UNPERSON" by simply never approving my posts.
The moment you leave Ariana's plantation you are made to not exist.
3/10 for effort
Keep reading.
> twitter.com
> huffingtonpost.com
> archive.is
> huffingtonpost.com
> archive.is
Don't forget terabytes of loli hentai
That's a pretty big difference, moishe.
the alrt-right is a corruption of our ideals that is designed to fail
We are just an idea, the alt-kike is the (((them)) trying to implement that idea in a controlled way before we implement the true idea.
Trump said it best:
How quickly we forget.
ok but how is the alt-right wrong?
Include a copy of "The Culture of Critique", a USB drive filled with reaction images and some weight training device and you're set.
Affirmative action bred the Participation Medal.
This meme makes me happy.
dear god, that was awful.
AK, 700+ rounds
Machete and rope
nope, but do have 200 Mb of rare merchants
less than 0.1% of this
Not bad for a non-burger.
still, can be changed to feminism, niggers, gays, any fucking accepted identity politics.
Sounds a lot like something Holla Forums would make
Fucking Texshits try to shill every chance they get. Worse than fucking Afghani street merchants. Get the fuck out of here 40%.
Then you are anti-white and deserve to hang for being a traitor to your people.
kill em all
George Carlin was a nigger lover
the swastika, now available as a multicult olympic logo.
or more correctly its just the conflict between two collective identities with different desires with how to realize reality historically, and they invariably end in conflict wherein one identity is destroyed. you know basic hegel shit tbh
Morrakiu being the only exception
I went there once. They're more retarded and insane that I could have ever imagined.
Do people on here actually have MAGA hats and waifu pillows? I assume it's just a meme.
the single finger in the air is the hand gesture of ISIS. Find some pictures of ISIS doing the finger thing next to a dead body, and shop him into it.
like this
I have a pillow but no hat because I'm not American.
I made better comedy in middle-school.