Why are the jews so untouchable in the minds of white normalfags? You can redpill them on any other topic, but speak ill of the jews and see how they recoil. How can this reflex be fought?
Why are the jews so untouchable
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They are untouchable because:
Also, normies don't automatically separate Jews from Goyim in their minds like they do with, say, Whites and Blacks. It's literally harder to see Jews jewing than it is to see nigs nigging.
Ask them why. Why do jews need your protection?
It's fear. The only way to get people to talk honestly about opinions for which there is great social stigma is to convince them they are safe to do so.
I'm betting something akin to 4-5, with TV open…
USA, Germany, UK, France, Sweden… Those are some of the worst. Yankees even get their dicks cut, which makes them more malleable- kikes do it to themselves too.
I truthfully think it all boils down to the holohoax. The line of reasoning goes something like this…
White normalfags may recognize jewish prominence in certain industries. They then conceptualize that prominence in comparison to the SiX MiLLiON KiLLED holocaust narrative that's been falsely shoved down everyone's throat. "Jews can't possibly be bad cuz anything they have is due to them for the holocaust," they think. For that reason, they can't begin to conceptualize the Jewpill until they cast doubts on the Holohaux, which is unfortunately illegal to question in some countries, and in western society will get you fired from your job, ostracized from (((academia))) and other social relationships for simply knowing the truth of the (((global order))) and an accurate depiction of WWII.
What a fucking time to be alive.
This place is lost
They appear to be a religious group when they are a racial one.
Also, unlike with blacks, Most people don't have experience with the jews.
Because they own the hearts and minds of the people; In other words, usury.
They are the beast that receives authority from the dragon. They practice the most destructive sin, usury. Their usury is on such a large scale that no man, woman, or child can buy or sell without participating.
We have been tricked into lusting after their usurious treasures and supporting it ourselves. The only thing keeping us their slaves is our own unwillingness to disobey.
i remember commenting on some video with another jew pretending to be white and talking about white guilt
the normies couldn't even differentiate jews from whites
It's to show them their appreciation for being the best goyim.
They lie. And also kabbalah magik.
Really? To me, getting people to be redpilled on kikes has been the easiest thing to redpill people on period. It's the rest of the stuff that takes more work.
Because Hitler failed.
Because as soon as the word jew is mentioned their mind goes through a clockwerk-orange style horror movie of MUH HOLOCAUST imagery that's been forced on htem since they were a small child?
Honestly this shit alone made me begin to despise the kikes, I want to see a real holocaust thanks to their constant winging.
Because it starts young, and most people don't end up observing or experiencing being slighted by jews(or at least they can't tell and just think they're white). Unlike all the whites being victim of negroid crimes for example.
Its like they have spent the last few generations training us on what to do if you decide you don't like jews. Maybe it will backfire on them soon.
The jew love, the egalitarianism is so deeply ingrained. Most of society is but a reflection of this jewish and r selected mind.
Its fucking insane to know how deep it goes. Downright scary even. I have seen people naturally revert to this state just by being in the presence of normies. They may not say it, or they may say "privately I have opinion X". but it smells like bullshit.
I think it may mostly has something to do with literal brainwashing happening because people have mirror neurons.
Because I for one am comfortable in hating these things and even being open about it.
Yet EVERYONE else always returns to this cuck mode of "no everyone is equal", even if a few days before they completely agreed with you on racial things.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person out here locally who has a soul.
Step into the mind of what a huge amount of American whites actually think and believe.
Make sure to "read sample".
Because whites don't care to attack them even when they know they should. Look at all the Trump cucks on this board doing anything they can in the name of le god emperor meme to stop any talk of Trump and the jew. Every time it counts our own fail us. This is why we'll forever be cursed by the jew until someone comes along that just says fuck-it.
I was taught that jews were always used as a scapegoat, that they dindu nuffin and are used for us troglodyte simpletons to take out the blame on something. Poisoned well? Blame the jews. Rome burned? Blame the jews. Treaty of Versaille got ya down? Blame the jews. It's presented in this ridiculous way that jews are basically blameless and hwitey is just a frustrated bigot. The funny thing is, though, that jews truly are to blame for the above things, and were removed because they did those things.
I have no idea how the average kid feels about the six trillion, though. I didn't really care either way when I learned it in school, I just thought the NatSocs looked badass. I'm also German, which I'm sure helps with the affinity. I also remember that first it was 300k kikes and 300k misc (fags, political prisoners, gypsies, etc). Then it was 3 million each. Now it's six million kikes. Supposedly they're working on making it The Twenty Million(tm) now.
You seriously couldn't figure this out with your own God-given intellect OP? Really?
Christianity has been subverted to become completely destructive to whites, and the institutions that exist today are counter in almost every possible way to the gospels.
We can thank John Calvin, originally Cohen, along with Manuel Lacunza, originally Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra, and Cyrus Scofield for selling the ideas of futurism and Christian Zionism, as reflected in those filthy Jack Chick comics you linked.
Before these yids played their games with the faith, Europeans largely understood jews to be Christ-killers and a personal manifestation of evil on the earth. They managed to shift the church to a place where all of the jews sins are embraced, they are placed on a pedestal as God's chosen, and we anticipate the dystopian future that the jews dream of as preordained by God.
Fucking kikes.
Steven Spielberg's holohoax movie… basicly.
I think its mandatory viewing for most western countries because "never again"…
The thing is, jews brainwash other jews too, so when you say "the jews do this", the other jews get scared because they have been brainwashed that any criticism towards jews must come from evil neonazi hitler genociding people etc etc.
Implicit logic shows they're an obvious protected class.
Women, children and Jews.
the kike aren't. normies are just really fucking whack.
Let me explain using principles from the book Influence by Cialdini. Fixed action patterns, commitment/consistency, social proof and authority all have an impact in solidifying the Jewish position of power.
An example of fixed action patterns - Mother turkey looks for “cheep-cheep” sounds to recognize babies. Anything making that sound (including a stuffed look-alike of enemy polecat) gets motherly treatment. A child look-alike not producing that sound will be treated with suspicion and sometimes even killed.
From the first time most kids even hear of the Jews, it's in association with the holocaust. There is a mental association between the Jews and the holocaust in almost every person. Mention the word Jew, and like clicking the play button on a tape, feelings of sadness, anger, and a feeling of support for victimised Jews are activated.
There is a commitment and consistency angle as well. When someone commits to something - even with seemingly innocent statements - personal and interpersonal pressure persuades them to be consistent to that commitment.
When a child writes or talks about the troubles faced by the Jews, their future actions around the Jews are almost guaranteed to be in support of them because they have subtly committed to the cause. This is why the holocaust is studied so often in school.
Social proof is another reason. Massacre of Jonestown – people followed each other to drink poison and committed a mass suicide. They were in a new place and they just followed what fellow members (like them) did.
When parents, teachers, (((the media))) and Mr. Goldstein from the synagogue all demonstrate through their words and emotions that the holocaust was bad, little Johnny, as a human being who wants to fit in, is likely to agree with this.
Authority is another reason. People listen to Prime Ministers, Presidents, teachers, famous actors, clergymen and the like condemn the holocaust. Who are they to question it if esteemed people are accepting it?
No, what keeps us as their slaves is the insurmountable quagmire we were born into. Any individual who disobeys has their life destroyed in a spectacular fashion as an example to others.
The disobedience would have to be simultaneous and globally unanimous. There would also have to be severe consequences for anyone who continues to obey, otherwise people conditioned from birth to worship this system would enthusiastically seek the comfort of the familiar and go back to following the old rules.
No one has the ability to magically make a simultaneous mass mind change like this occur. Only God could step in and directly implant the necessary thoughts into everyone's mind at the same time, and yet he doesn't.
I would add that every other group is treated as such, the good is blended with the bad so good examples, no matter how rare, are taken as reasons to follow the status quo.
We don't have the same luxury as almost every interaction with the wider world is treated as predatory or hostile. White privilege etc is a contextual shift to view everything we do as evil.
Everything we do is wrong and seeks to oppress while they can do no wrong.
Because Kike Hollywood has brainwashed White Americans to hate the ebil Nazis for the last 40 years.
btw fam, I know many Jews due to my job and, among the Baby Boomer Jews, all they talk about is the Holocaust.
Even worse, I work closely with an international publishing company based in Los Angeles, when international representatives arrive from Europe, specifically Germany and the UK, the Jews corner them and grill them about the Holocaust.
Even a Scottish gentlemen gets grilled with passive aggressive questions about "refugee ships that were turned away".
They even bitch about the English taking in refugee Jewish children, which is very generous, but not allowing any surviving parents to disrupt their lives by interfering with their adopted families postwar.
You seriously cannot help these people without them bitching about everything you did "wrong".
I fucking hate them but have to tolerate them.
Some of them can by cultured and polite, but among Jews there is a strange tendency where some feel it is good to be vulgar, rude and uncouth. They can be the biggest assholes but they somehow think they are being funny or lovable like the Larry David Character in Curb Your Enthusiasm.
In reality, people see them as repugnant.
They are so absorbed in the Holocaust, they basically role play every day of their lives as if they are in a "concentration camp". They see themselves as poor Jews in the camp, even though they are wealthy and successful people.
They also read all the Holocaust books and are up on all the latest stories.
because hitler.
i wouldn't know shit about jews if it weren't for the hitler atrocity propaganda.
most people don't live near jews/inner-city
Because they're so good at dispensing blue-pills. (pic related)
(If Jews really do hate Christianity–its because whites subverted their perfect blue pill dispensing tool (which they used to own)–unfortunately it hasnt been subverted nearly enough and still holds the same left wing messages!)
Fuck off demoralizing shill bitch.
It's the support of Christian leadership that protects them. The Christians won't go against the leftists/Jews because the left will take away their tax-exempt status. This is why the Church is manifestly impotent at protecting white Christian interests.
I really hate this too
You can explain something to some normie CUNT and they will agree, and you just know that they are either lying or they will ust forget this conversation in about 10 minutes.
They narrate the story, many people are enchanted by the magic imbued in their words. To break the spell requires equally powerful magic.
I have this problem with some family. Here's what I did.
I think I left impressions.
Then get them to explain it back to you, as their own opinion.
This is basically how I became redpilled on jews. I always knew things were fucked up, and the official narratives didn't make sense. I didn't understand why we we were against Germany in WW1 or how anyone justified the treaty of Versailles. It's obvious were all enslaved to debt, that psychopaths are running corporations, banks, nations, etc. It was just matter of noticing the pattern, connecting the dots and finally seeing the big crooked nose they outline.
it's not because the church fears losing tax-exempt status
NO. As said, Christianity has been subverted. Christians don't cuck themselves for the jews because they fear them, Christians do it because they fear going to hell if they don't blindly support "God's chosen people, the jews, and Israel". I've seen this so many fucking times.
My family isn't even legit religious, it's that cultural "we're Christian, as a cultural routine, but it's all fake" brand of Christianity. Just go through the motions but it's all fake at the end of the day. Yet even trying to give the lightest dose of redpill they'll recoil in anger. My mother
my father:
They're Christ-cucks. There's a reason that term was invented.
Isn't "Israel" supposed to mean the church, not jew land? Could a kind christcuck explain this to me? I have many christcuck friends and family that blow my mind with how kiked out they are.
>But Jews love Jesus, user!
It's painful to go to church with them and see them dancing around, waving Israeli flags, and blowing shofars.
Why don't you want to go to church, user?
Of course, it's well known amongst nationalistic people, that the kikes have in itself made the Holohoax into a religion where they literally believe it happened and they have nightmares and goes to their psychiatrist to speak about the fear of goyim doing it to them again.
Well, this time we are going to do it. So they should be afraid, very afraid.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize".
The jews are our enemies. That's what people has to understand. And therefore they do stuff, have been doing for a long time to keep ruling over us, without us just throwing them down wells en masse.
Because of the hall-of-cost meme.
People believe 666 gorrillion jews were gassed and burned, their heads shrunk and skin turned to lampshades, fat made into soap and flying torah scrolls and geysers of blood and escapable gas-chamber and EBUL NADSIS!
Because they control the media, they had enough control to establish the memes and to push them in hollywood movies. Some times overtly, and always subtly.
Funny thing about immigration is that dune coons have not been subjected to this brainwashing. I don't know how jews think they are going to stop an actual hall-of-cost once the dune coons chimp out and come for the jews. They're pretty much aware that jews are to blame for their relatives being blown to pieces.
If we whites lose, at least the muds will consume the jews.
It's simple, they have the US to protect them, Israel is our greatest ally in the ME!
fuck this gay earth
Because you're a coward
How did white/Western/Goyim circumcision even come about in the first place?
Did it start with Christians?
They are not. With my brother it was simply a matter of showing him the link between the kikes and things such as communism, cultural marxism, neo-conservatism, etc. I didn't even have to name the jew at first for the pattern to become evident to him or mention the holohoax. That came later. I pointed out how lenin, marx, trotsky, etc were all jewish, the creators of cultural marxism were jewish, the rothschilds, soros, the list is huge.
Many whites are simply unaware of why the jews would be hostile to them or behave the way they do. Therefore they fail to notice the patterns of behavior that are in plain sight or associate them with kikery. They don't understand the religious motivations involved or how tribal behavior never actually went away.
It is therefore important to explain to them what the kikes believe about themselves, how they believe they are the chosen and what goyim are to them and the pieces will fall in place. I also make a point to remind them to not simply look at Israel because the kikes have been doing what they do for millennia prior to that country ever existing.
Also explain that this how their small and weak tribe managed to survive in the middle east 2000 years ago and why they do not overtly fight their opponents like the muslims.
bump, good thread
Because Jewish people in America are pale skinned, thus are also "whites" in the shallow sense of the word.
Considering Zimmerman is also classified as white, Jews would be white in America.
Also America has more Jews than Israel, think about that for a moment.
ask if you can be critical of the nation of israel without being labeled anti semetic. if they say no, they're being dishonest. Show them evidence of israeli snipers targeting children. Show them pennning the israeli's in, then bombing civilian targets. Actually, don't show them. Convince them that they can find it if they seek it out themselves, and that it's important to hear what the other side has to say if you're honest.
No, Zimmerman was only white to the media, and only because they fucked up and launched the attack based on his name and agency. In America he's just a spic.
But Jews? Totally h'white. I had to see Jews tactically reject their whiteness, and see "fellow white" saboteurs like Tim Wise, before I could really accept the truth about them.
In a lot of major metropolitan cities
whites are not aware of the financial power of the jew until their 30s or late 20s
and by that time they have loans and are working for shekelberg aka they are shekelbergs slave
there is a reason why jews love illegal immigrants because it gives them very cheap labor
Because of the Holohoax.
My little brother's class is currently being taught about WW2 in school. The only thing they are told is that the natzees are the embodiment of evil, that they committed endless atrocities for the sake of evil, and that god's chosen Jewish people lost six quintillion lives in the worst genocide in history.
You see, they've forced the narrative so hard that many of the girls in the class broke down in tears. This is the first time they've ever been "taught" about the shoax and it still managed to kill them emotionally. Unless someone like us gives the girls a good redpilled dicking, and unless someone like us shoves the pills down the other guys throats, then these kids will be sucking on schlomo's schlong until they die.
my brother ended up skipping school for a while to avoid hearing about it, dropping redpills laced with humour works on every person every time
Gonna jump on my soapbox for a minute, user.
Learn to think for yourself. Reading and writing, math, chemistry, these are tools to help you think for yourself. Once you've learned to use them, move on to better, more complex, more nuanced concepts. Don't wait around for everyone to catch up to wherever your at, just keep moving and learning, lest you get bored.
this is probably one of my biggest fears - succumbing to the brainwashing. It really scares me when I feel myself and my ideas being eaten away on a daily basis from all the bombardment from kike propaganda channels. If I ever let my guard down and stopped internally reinforcing what I know, I am positive I would slip right back into the matrix.
This shit gives me serious fucking anxiety, because I feel it happening on a daily basis, even when I actively fight against it with mental reinforcement.
Anyone else feel the same way?
I've learned too much. I now KNOW that civil wars are upon us. There's no going back, only staying ahead of the curve, keep moving forward.
I have no fear of being re-indoctrinated. Even if it were possible, future circumstances won't provide the opportunity. From here on, the ride gets rough.
Preaching to the choir user, I dropped out of jewniversity to do exactly what you just said (I currently have open 3 pdfs on complex analysis, 1 on real analysis, 1 on linear algebra, and Goebbel's nazi sozi) because I know that I can not only teach my self better and more efficiently than anyone else, I can also do it for free.
In addition with all the extra time I've been able to get /fit/ and teach myself programming, various forms of speaking/persuasion, and I currently have a large stack of non-pozzed history books. To go a step further I'm doing some DIY with my dad before returning to playing the piano.
There is no limit to what we anons are capable of with our mindset, self improvement is the only thing that will never bore us.
This is another reason why I left university, what sticks out in my mind was that in statistics class every lecturer would say something along the lines of
It makes me sick that this filth is poured into people's minds, and it makes me even more sick that I went along with supporting such degeneracy in order to fit in with other students.
The fact is that their ideals are abhorrent abominations, and you should never accept them into your mind.
Make anti-Semitism funny.
Power of memes buddy.
Why do you think Holla Forums is so successful at redpilling people?
When I first went on, there were many humorous, tongue-in-cheek comics and images along with factual information.
A lot of people won't agree with me, but I am of the firm conviction after reading the bible through several times that white europeans are the scattered tribes of Israel and the jews are the bastard mongrel cousins that turned from god millenia ago, aka edomites or canaanites.
Whether or not that is true, what is beyond doubt is that the zionist bullshit found in churches today largely stems from the work of Cyrus Scofield, an adulterous conman that was hired by the (((usual suspects))) to spread a bunch of subversive ideas through U.S protestant churches around the turn of the 20th century. The Scofield Reference Bible is the standard annotated bible used by most protestant pastors today, and on many pages has more footnotes than actual text. It hammers home ideas like the Christian duty to grovel for the jews, various rapture theories, and a predestined future global government ruled over by a personal antichrist that declares himself god in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. Hint: none of that shit is in the bible.
Because we as white people have for the most part become a people of sayers not doers. Ever since the boomers we've slowly became more pussified.
I wouldn't go as far as to say all White Europeans were the scattered tribes, maybe those around the Mediterranean like Greece, Egypt, Rome would sound more legitimate. I used to into CI but I feel it's too far fetched. It would be great to use your claim to get Whites to tell kikes and arabs to fuck off and make the areas around the Mediterranean 100% White for lebensraum purposes.
Exactly, (((they))) infiltrate everything.
Polite sage.
Same reason WASPs were (and still are on the top) in United States: because this world is filled with bs (superstition and contradiction).
We seen that happened to wasp US, layers of bs were debunked… Personally I had no problem because it was bs, but then things keep going "left" ending in our current "white privilege", "micro aggressions", etc.
Funny thing is that some in other groups (in the context of OP's thread, racial) were either indifferent or celebrating: in the latter case, it has been white women and the cucks that want to impress them.
while there is a lot of "white" "conservative" butthurt over this, this is actually good: BECAUSE SOON THE BS OF OTHER GROUPS WILL COME TO BE QUESTIONED.
Christ-Cucks gave the jews all the power willingly, because of the RETARDED belief in the return of Jesus Christ.
The Jews have exploited this weakness and are receiving free protection from the USA superpower as well as 3 billion shekels yearly, not to mention the hearts and minds of Christ-Cucks who are still waiting (2000 years so far, nothing yet) for Jebus to return.
What a fucking scam. In the old days the Christians used to stretch Jews on racks.
Titus 1 KJV
Men who believe themselves to be followers of Christ listen to too many anecdotes and read too little scripture.
7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
Mix of MUH SIX TRILLION and "don't you goyim dare question the shoah".
“Whites” is a dumb American concept.
Not “whites“ are under attack, threat of extermination, but people of European heritage.
Jews are not of European heritage, they are from the middle east, like Arabs.
They are in power in the USA and the USA rules the “western world”. Next question?
Indoctrination, this is waning however. People have stopped caring about the holocaust and many people think of jews as white causing them not to care about them.
When ever the holocaust comes up, describe it as unimportant or no more important than any other genocide. Or that it is not relevant anymore, describe the holodomor as more relevant due to the rising communist movements
You have got it exactly backwards, the fact that they are pale skinned is loosening the grip they have on peoples minds. A lot of people see anti-semitism (meaning anti-jew) as fine, due to them being privilidged whites
jews have the privilege of being able to LARP as white Europeans & talk shit about white people without being criticized for racism, and simultaneously be able to pretend to be an oppressed non-white minority (muh six million, muh oppressed jews).