How **** ***** will help the #AltRight

>How Flat Earth will help the #AltRight:

In a geocentric universe humanity has a divine purpose, and materialism dies. A new golden age of philosophy emerges as people become interested in the truth, again.
Geocentrism is a part of most religions.

Redpilling people on other issues is a piece of cake. Since geocentrism has nothing to do with race or political affiliation, it can sometimes be an easy backdoor into conspiracy land for the uninitiated.
This thread is about discussing all the implications and the domino effect this truth will have on the political landscape, and the world as a whole.

youre obviously new. still, earth is flat.

back to /x/ with you

Actually I like this.
Associating the altistic right with the flat earth tards would be beneficial to Holla Forums as a whole.

Fuck off

what benefit? milo is not the alt right.

The flat Earth movement has more credibility than the aut-right tbh.

You have to understand; whatever cancer drove you from your usual website to here, you are that cancer to us.

Just filter the haters.

how fucking stupid can people get?

Hi Sinead,

Pic 1. Not an argument.
Pic 2. Photos without sources.
Pic 3. Comparing angles on a Mercator projection map with the angles on a Lambert projection map. This proves nothing.
Pic 4. Anyone can make a flight path wherever they want it to be on a map. Flight paths say anything more about the shape of the Earth than shipping lanes do.
Pic 5. Look up "Atmospheric Refraction"

Also, I'm not about to watch an hour long documentary without a tl;dw summary.

You flat earth retards are an embarrassment to the movement.

Slide thread is sliding.

Fuck off, Sinead

this is just the beginning

On the contrary, I think flat earth has been made an issue in an attempt to make conspiracy theorists, anti-elite types and white nationalists look bad by association. NASA is 100% bullshit and the flat earthers make some good points, but tying any belief system to the flat earth will guarantee easy dismissal.

Pretty clearly a psyop IMO, but either way it is best discussed separately from Holla Forums issues.

Go back to Twitter.
Borderline retarded, it's so fucking easy to disprove the Flat Earth "theory" that I'm shocked anybody still believes in it.

Even the fucking Greeks knew how to prove the Earth was round by using shadows and that was over 2000 years ago.

I kind of like this, associate them with altright and make altright seem even more retarded. Bonus points for getting people to conflate the faggot with that insanity and damage his reputation to the point that he doesn't get asked to do any more "dangerous faggot" tours.

another slide thread of a faggot trying to make us look like wackjobs. fuck off.

mods better lock this shit soon.

Milo isn't altright you retard

Why do you keep posting that picture with the sign that clearly isn't her?

flat earth is for Islam


media says he is and the best way to kill off this altright cancer and make sure he isn't taken seriously any longer is to get it associated with the flat earther lunacy.


Flat Earth shills are back. All Juden swine must go

Flat earth, lizard people etc are attempts to associate us with idiots and retards.


Eratosthenes says hello.

Fuck forgot my sage. I have failed you all.



anyone who didnt sage in this thread needs to kill themselves


I have a feeling this thread is mostly filled with stormfront sages. Way too triggered.

Wonder why, dipshit.

I didn't elect to bump this shit thread. Let's try this again.

I jus' wan to be lef alon.

Report the thread.

Don't fuck up, useless mods. I'm looking at you, moonman.

==Never forget, white people were the ones to discover the earth is round. The first man in space is white. The moon mission was only made possible thanks to Nazi scientists=

Have a nice day, shills.

Except I've been here since the first exodus.

(((Flat earth))) is laughable jewish disinfo mean to keep you away from the Hollow Earth redpill.

I wish I had never trolled with this so much on Holla Forums, now actual retards belief it.
Actually that was the entire idea, but I can't believe it worked

Same with meme magick.
>>>/magick/ and >>>/bmw/ were mistakes…

Quantum Memetics is the only "conspiracy" I believe in.

Stay skeptical, friend.

These threads have the best banter when they fly
But come on, apart from NASA pulling jew jobs with their renders, this theory is crazy
I do believe the earth's distance is somewhat strange, some optical phenomena cannot be explained with the current curvature


Here's your explanation: human perception is more fragile than you'd like to believe.


But how does that explain far away islands and buildings that should be impossible to see if the supposed curvature was true?

I'm not here to argue about what is or isn't true, I'm only saying that perception is fragile as suggested.

Stay skeptical, friend.

Hillary believes that nazi frogs came from the pond from the bottom level of the earth. They have come to take control of the internet and to secretly build their planes for world domination. The plan is to fill the world with racism and bigotry.

This is why she is very concerned with the Alt-Right. These racist frogs created the Alt-right to manipulate people into banning muslims and deporting mexicans. She believes that if she were elected she would stop these nazi frogs from destroying humanity from racism and bigotry.

Notice how no matter what…

…they only try to draw attention away from facts. Earth is obviously flat!!!

Is it more likely that experts are taking you for ye olde ruse cruise, or that your mind is simply not equipped to understand the scale involved here?

holy fuck stop trying to shill this shit
youre either a retard or trying to discredit the board
either way youre not welcome here with this nigger tier logic
everyone that believes this shit: go talk to a mariner, (or better yet, go work on a fucking ship or boat) its obvious as fuck that there's a horizon when you watch stuff pass over it all day

Yeah and her method will be nuclear annihilation. She'll destroy humanity the "correct" way. Can't let those pesky nazi frogs have their happening the way they want it. Selfish hag.

I'm not trying to draw attention to or from anything. You have full control over what you wish to believe.

not Holla Forums

Don't ignore it!
Don't let shills distract from obvious facts!


mods cant you police this shit? not Holla Forums and generally retarded
also obviously attracted posters who are bumping like crazy as non /x/ threads are sliding


It's not x if it's proven.

more proof. Buildings visible beyond SUPPOSED (((curve))).


I'm sorry that we wasted tax dollars trying to educate you, but you're a fucking lost cause.

It's not below horizon at all and doesn't tilt away, which it should. Basic geometry.

holy shit you're retarded
I'm a fucking sailor
the video is wrong, have you ever seen your reflection in ocean water? no, because you'd have to have a literally perfectly still water, which the ocean is not. you can actually see the break between the buildings and the water. what you're looking at in that break is the space where you often see mirage, where the building outline picks back up is where the building is within your line of sight again. additionally trying to make estimations of distance on open ocean is extremely hard, and this guy completely wrong
anyone with actual life experience in maritime field will tell you how full of shit you are. stop this retardation. go become a sailor or at least speak with one if you want an opinion much more valuable than your own

But it does

Buttblasted much? (((Your))) kind has now place in the new world we are rediscovering

Also, heat spot on clouds indicates a close sun.

No it wouldn't, you fucking niggerbrain untermensch piece of shit.
Here's a fun experiment: see if you can see things that are actually far away, like Australia. Try to see Europe from the east coast of America. I live on the west coast, but I can't see Japan. Can't even see Hawaii.
Fucking moron.

Notice how mountains in background are more greyish in appearance.
Atmosphere is not perfectly transparent.
The more atmosphere between the viewer and the viewed object, the harder it is to see something.
With a thick enough distance, the atmosphere completely blocks the viewed object.
It's called using 4G. It causes the IP to randomly switch

Meant ID, not IP

Then use a camera that can see through it.
Show me Australia in infrared from where you are. Shouldn't be hard if everything is flat.

But it's doesn't always happen.
Vid related

You can till haven't explained away:

So I won't waste my time.

Btw, Jews are subnigger tier

*A effect, not *same effect

That's 30 something miles, and you're treating it like it's 3000 miles. It hasn't been explained away because it's clear to anyone with two neurons to rub together that you're just talking out of your ass.
Flat earth confirmed for containment theory for people who can't into science.

No I'm not. At 30 miles it should be tilted away and partially(if not completely) below horizon.

You still have to explain:

And what's with all these inefficient flight paths that (((just happen to be))) very efficient when mapped onto the flat earth model? Why do they go out of their way to avoid oceans in the southern hemisphere?

Also flight paths that should take a little time, take a lot of time, and vice versa, in many cases.

Face it. The only "evidence" of a ball requires you to belief pretty pictures made by NASA subHollywood cgi

The Jew sticks us inside buildings away from the obvious truths in nature for most of our childhood, while shoving globe propaganda down our throats in every classroom.
Notice how not even the HoloHoax is indoctrinated into us as early as the globe.

Nobody likes you Kyle, and your wife looks like (((Ayn Rand)))
The only thing that is real…
is the Berenstein universe.
Have a shitty day.

Classic kikes with their anal fixations.

White nationalism can at least use science to make the argument that the white race is superior, and make the argument that diversity makes us worse on the hole.

The belief in a flat earth can be debunked in numerous ways, and white nationalists should not associate themselves with this kind of garbage.

he's the leader of the alt-right

and OP is a fag for this david icke /x/ tier flat earth topic.

Dude, seriously, would you give it a rest with the flat earth shit?